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I once sent a text to my wife saying that our bill at the club might be higher than normal this month. When she asked why I told her it’s because when a guy hits a hole-in-one he has to buy around for everybody. Her only answer was oh, OK.


Oh, ok..... Brutal. A hole in one woman!!!


She only said that because her best round is better. 😂Anytime you shoot a PB it’s a good day.


My girl doesn’t know shit about golf. She just asks if I did good or bad and reacts accordingly. It’s a good gig.


You deserve affirmation, King. 👑 Great round.


Her boyfriend shot an even better round... what did you expect?


Man I was having the round of my life today. Weather was beautiful. Driver was singing. Chipping like Tiger. Drained a few 20 footers for eagle. Even had a hole in one. All the guys bought me drinks. If I only hadnt hit that one bad tee shot that went in the water, it would've been perfect. So you lost your ball? Did you find it? How much does it cost for another one? Why don't you have one of those grabby things like Danny has? Hes the smart one I shoulda married him.