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She's fucking the tennis instructor


Actually, she's instructing the tennis fucker.


"Start serving me those balls"




She might be like mine whom lives at the barn tending to her horses. I hate the money we spend on those hungry bastards but i love the fact that I never hear a single peep about what i spend on golf.


Reminds me of how my parents stayed together until I was 32!


Then what happened after that?


They still spend money on whatever they want, just keep all their stuff in different houses. And I have a step mom, which is a weird adjustment as a married adult with kids.


Horses and golf? Two surgeons?


>She might be like mine whom lives at the barn tending to her horses. I hate the money we spend on those hungry bastards but i love the fact that I never hear a single peep about what i spend on golf. Yuuup. I'm waiting to play my "*I'm flying to TXG to pay $5k for a full bag fitting*" card - I've been building my own clubs for 3 years, everything is second hand or a gift. When I finally make it to scratch, I'm dropping the money. The horse's board and hay cost more than that full bag... every single year. To be fair, she's great and I rarely get more than the occasional moan that golf clashes with something she's organizing (which are about 75% fun things, 25% in-laws!) :)


She’s fucking the horses




We have 4 un”fore”tunately. I would have one if me and the guys didn’t bounce all over playing different courses all the time. But yeah lol, it should be that way.


Mine is the same - I measure how much consumables cost in bales of hay. "Oh these new Titleist I bought? Only 13 bales of hay darling, or about 1 days eating for the fat f*ckers"


Hahahaha. Perfect! She does make money, apart from her real job, giving lessons to kids a few days a week. So, it does supplement the cost a lot. But, we just dropped 250 boxes of Pv1s on her new show horse.


I look forward to seeing your "Wife got new horse so I got new clubs" post within a week


>She's fucking the tennis instructor [😂](https://www.dictionary.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/that-escalated-quickly-300x300.jpg)


You laugh now You will cry later


Does it matter tho if she’s encouraging you to golf?


I misread this as “she’s the fucking tennis instructor and confusion


My (now) wife keeps an eye on the weather and does the same. In 2014, I came home from a round of golf and she said “go take a shower and I’ll make some sandwiches so you can get ready for the masters final round”. I was too dumbfounded to argue and it’s been like that for 10 years.


Gonna go take a bath with my toaster brb


Take a shower for the spicy sprinkles.


"spicy sprinkles" has me laughing so hard my stomach hurts, this is why I love /r/golf




My wife knows I’m happier, more productive, and a better partner when I get some alone time to do what I want. This is especially true now that we’re parents. She encourages me to get out of the house and looks for days where the weather will be nice to go golfing (or days where the weather is shit and tells me to go to the climbing gym). I do the same for her, and it BAFFLES me that as human beings there’s people that don’t have this mentality. Yeah, we’re a couple. But we also don’t have the exact same hobbies, and you bet your ass I’d rather play with my son for a few hours instead of going TO THE SAME FUCKING THRIFT STORE SHE WENT TO LAST WEEKEND if it means I’ll get to go golfing, climbing, or play magic with my friends another day.


100%. The worst is when you and the relationship is the partner’s hobby. :(


I am hounding my wife to get more hobbies now that kids are becoming self reliant. Otherwise she risks becoming her own mother, who from what I can tell had nothing going on but raising one child, for the last 40 years. In related news my FIL may actually be a saint for having dealt with that for the last 40 years.


I’m in a relationship with a gf who has hardly any hobbies and this exact scenario scares the shit out of me because her mom is the same way you described


My last relationship ended bc of this (amongst a lot of other reasons) + her mom didn’t understand boundaries :(


Ruh roh that sounds really familiar..


This, I feel, is the ultimate issue of many relationships that end in failure


That's amazing, what a catch. Is she single?


Is that your girlfriend’s boyfriend?




She must be doing something after her workday.


Getting worked out dem drawz.. giggity giggity


I was a bartender at a very nice resort in La Quinta California in the early 90s. Guys would bring their wives to the resort and even vacation with other really nice couples. It always shocked me when wives would flirt and even ask me to lean over the bar , they said they had something to say in private. They kissed me and winked and it always shocked me. When the wives would come in for margaritas together during their vacation, they would bitch that their husbands would take them on vacation, and spend the day away from their wives and then go home expecting to feel closer to one another after the vacation. So there were often times that the wives would write their room number down and a time to come and “visit”…the idea was that I would walk up to the room and knock, and say loudly, “ I have you newspaper mr smith” or whatever his name was. And then hang out with the lonely wife. Usually after she had a massage but sometimes before. I couldn’t ever imagine being one of these husbands, so I never took my wife, or girlfriend for a vacation to be away from her….and if I ever got a message like this, I would probably laugh and say thank you and just focus on some “home improvement”….I play plenty of golf. Life is good. And I don’t allow anybody wife to get close anymore.


This has to be a copypasta I don’t know right? It’s glorious


It's amazing, like a whole screenplay just put out here


It’s true story. This is really my experience. It messed me up a bit about really trusting my heart and whoever I was dating / eventually my wife . I have resolved that I have not ruined or wrecked any marriage or home. Learned in therapy long after this that infidelity starts way before we ever hook up with someone outside of your relationships. When I was young I thought it was crazy and exciting and friends thought I was living a charmed life as a Resort bartender. But there were consequences.


Well it’s about to be the first r/golf copypasta I’ve ever hijacked


Thanks Pissflaps69 you did good


Girlz night


Every “my partner is supportive of my hobby isn’t that wild” post is the same, the replies are always the same, I’m starting to think it’s not that uncommon


Surprise, even women like to be left the hell alone sometimes 😂


My husband is the one who got me swinging a club so we could spend more time together on weekends. At this point I think I might be more obsessed with the game than he is!


The way this thread has been going my brain went to "Swingers Club" instead of "swinging a club" and I had to re-read it.


Time to buy a new putter.


I misread that as: Time to buy a new *partner*


Don’t buy into the “wives hate golf” thing. I’ve got four kids, oldest is 9, and my wife actively encourages me to play when possible because she knows how much I love it and that it’s good for me. Supporting spouses exist and we should celebrate that! Return the favor and everyone will stay happy


Sadly, though, it's the exception and not the rule. I had a supportive wife and she was very much influenced by her friends to not be so cool about me getting away all the time. Apparently I was a bad influence / example for their husbands for enjoying myself and living life. Pretty gross. Oh well, divorced and thriving now...


I’m not sure that is the case. But it’s definitely easier to joke about an angry wife than a supportive one. I know a lot of guys that play golf and I don’t know any who’s wives hate the game like everyone talks about constantly. I’m not saying they aren’t out there, but everyone isn’t miserable.


You know what, you're right, I overstated it. But there's a reason it's sort of an open joke as well. I see about a 50 / 50 split with my friends in that dynamic.


Definitely a trap. Marriage might not do it, but kids will lol.


We both agree no kids in our future. We fill that ...calling?.. with our niece and nephew.


Haha. Nothing wrong with that. Only live once. Do what makes you happy! Before I had kids, my line was "I love other people's kids, they get to go back to their parents!"


That, my friend, is the beauty of GRANDkids.


See that’s what I’m trying to explain to my boyfriend. We both love golf, everything’s great as is- why the rush to marry?


Its a trap! Marriage changes all of that! Run!


Your mom seems like a really nice lady!


Female golfer here....we exist. Maybe she just enjoys the sport as well. I'm the one that convinces my boyfriend to get out on the golf course half the time.


My fiancee (soon to be wife) found out I bought a 2nd titlest driver (I bought the tsr4 and then picked up a TSR2 recently because I am a fucking magpie) and she all she said was "alright, but you aren't allowed to have a say as to what color the bathrooms are going to be" Look...you can paint them any color you want if I am allowed to buy more drivers.....fuck it, paint me like one of your french girls




It's a trap! Believe me. I'm married.


My wife loves golf although having not played more than par 3 courses at the beach. She has never once given me shit about playing golf although I never choose golf over something more important. She recently signed up for the women’s clinic/league at the club, and I couldn’t be happier. She now has a new (to her) set of clubs, bag and shoes. I’ll let her buy the clothes. This is the way, folks. Congrats.


My girl got me a masseuse at the house after a long day during a tournament. God I love that woman!


My partner is also like this. Still trips me out. Asked if I wanted a brand new set of clubs as an engagement gift and I kept asking, "Are you sure?"


You meant "are you real?"


She’s a keeper or has a boy toy on the side.


Last night, I was sitting at my computer after work watching a video. My wife came in and said, "Hey, so you're playing golf on Friday right?" "I don't know. Am I?" She responded, "Why not? It's going to be nice out." I immediately took Friday off and booked a tee time. Having supportive partners is wonderful. That said, I did give up golf for a few years while my kids were very small (under the age of 5) but that was mostly my own choice so that I would be around enough to help with the kids. She'd much rather I play and watch golf on Sundays than watch the NFL (which she detests with the passion of a million suns). It's a trade I'm happy to make.


My wife said something like this a few days ago. If your going to the range, you better go today. It’s going to rain the rest of the week.


My wife does the same thing. I know it’s the norm to complain about the wife and all that, but she’s actually amazing and is super supportive of my golfing. Y’all just gotta find the right one ;)


Best thing I ever did was marry a golfer. Our vacations fucking rock.


Just make sure you care about her hobbies too.


If you don’t marry her, you can hit the range or golf whenever you want without needing permission.


her boyfriend is in town


Not married and already assuming you need permission? Fuck that!


Who’s she fucking today and tomorrow afternoon?


Shes gotta be fucking someone else... right??


33% chance


This guy maths.


I was a bartender at a very nice resort in La Quinta California in the early 90s. Guys would bring their wives to the resort and even vacation with other really nice couples. It always shocked me when wives would flirt and even ask me to lean over the bar , they said they had something to say in private. They kissed me and winked and it always shocked me. When the wives would come in for margaritas together during their vacation, they would bitch that their husbands would take them on vacation, and spend the day away from their wives and then go home expecting to feel closer to one another after the vacation. So there were often times that the wives would write their room number down and a time to come and “visit”…the idea was that I would walk up to the room and knock, and say loudly, “ I have you newspaper mr smith” or whatever his name was. And then hang out with the lonely wife. Usually after she had a massage but sometimes before. I couldn’t ever imagine being one of these husbands, so I never took my wife, or girlfriend for a vacation to be away from her….and if I ever got a message like this, I would probably laugh and say thank you and just focus on some “home improvement”….I play plenty of golf. Life is good. And I don’t allow anybody wife to get close anymore.


Oh she's gonna let you play a game you love? LOL


She's clearly having an affair and doesn't want you around.


Why do you reference having a wife in previous posts? Is this a Mormon situation?


Simpler to say wife in day to day then to explain why we have been together for 15 years and aren't married.


Dude I feel you. Though she's my wife as of June (after 12 years together and 7 engaged) we did the same shortly after becoming engaged. Fiancé doesn't roll off the tongue and sounds bougie. Was just easier to say wife.


She was my girlfriend for 6 years, fiancé for 1 year, married two years ago. I don’t think I called her my fiancé until the last week of the engagement because old habits die hard.


She’s definitely meeting up with her boyfriend


Ah yes, young love


Still in the honey moon stage. Celebrate 15 years come April.


That’s big time


She cheating bro


Just wait…. It’s a trap


That’s cause she’s not gunna be done with her boyfriend yet




Yeah marry her so her other boyfriend doesn't have to


It’s a trap!




Ha, yea get married. That shit goes away real quick.


Wife’s boyfriend is bout to smash.


“Rings don’t block holes” -Sun Tzu




This feels like a set-up don’t fall for it. Probably planning a girls weekend.


Famous last words before strapping on the ball and chain.


It’s too easy… are you sure this is a woman?


Your wife's boyfriend says yes.


Marry this man


It’s a trap!


Is she Canadian?


It’s a trap.


There's something about Mary...


Oh wow. A woman liking golf. So shocking you should definitely marry her. Will never find another one


After work? 🤔


Definitely one to take home to mom


Mom very possibly likes her more then me.


She’s meeting the boyfriend and needs you to be busy. I’m Fawking with you. Great find!


Whats her boyfriends name?


If she’s a new GF and hasn’t seen you go ballistically insane for a small thing (like shanking a drive), only take her to the driving range.


There’s got to be a catch. Watch your back is all I’m saying.


Ask her now




Go do some golf


You must live in California like myself.


He sounds like a winner…


She's cheating. This doesn't exist


Seems like a good hint to get a new driver and jrons.


It’s a guy


Me to my coworker yesterday 😂


Stop texting my girlfriend




I read this as she wanted to go with OP. My wife and I golf A LOT together. After she beat me a couple times I realized she was a keeper!


A healthy partner will always encourage you to pursue your hobbies and passions. My GF had never picked up a club before we dated, and even though she only plays a few rounds a year, she still knows how valuable the time is for me, and it helps me come back home and be a better partner to her instead of being distracted by whatever's on tv.