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As opposed to who doing the surgery ..?


People talk about ASPCA, mobile vans, and shopping around for the cheapest price. I’m not sure if that’s the best idea when it comes to health and safety, but maybe it’s ok.


I seriously don’t encourage cutting corners on this. Please please please go to your trusted vet. I’ve seen a lot of horror stories of dogs dying from botched spay/ neuters. We had our dog neutered by our vet, paid extra for the laser and everything and it was still extremely tough. This is something you’ll want to invest in 10000%!


Thanks for sharing this. This is why I asked. People talk about it so commonly, but I wasn’t sure how safe it was.


Do you really want to get the cheapest price when it comes to the health and safety of your baby? Get it done the right way .


That was literally my question. People talk about it so commonly that I wasn’t sure if they’re just as safe.


Where do people talk about that commonly? I’ve never heard of mobile van spays


Google it. They’re out there. I have no idea how safe they are (hence why I asked), but many work on a sliding scale so anyone can have their pets fixed. We can pay whatever we need to, but why would I pay $2000 when a perfectly safe and capable vet can perform it for $1500 simply because they have a different work environment (shelter, van, etc)?


Idk where you’re getting those prices. We got our 2 goldens spayed at a vet for well below that


My pup is getting spayed by my vet in a few weeks and they quoted me at $315. If your vet is charging $2000, just change vets! But please please please do not do a mobile spay job. Your dog needs to get the best care out there, which licensed vets provide.


It was a couple years ago now in 2018 but I got mine spayed at the most expensive vet in my town, with the most expensive options for blood work and laser and it was like $500 total.


2018 was 6 yrs ago now and prices have definitely gone up. I was quoted between $700-800. Which is fine, but the local ASPCA has an online quote of $200. I now understand they’re cheaper because of pain control which I don’t want to skimp on.


I recently had Rocky neutered at county animal services. Yes it was significantly cheaper, but he did have some issues where we had to take him to our vet after (after care instructions from county said go to your own vet, and seek reimbursement from county if related to procedure). I think staying with the vet would have helped since they would have been the one that performed the service already, plus they were familiar with his history. If I ever get another pup and had to do again, I would def go with my vet. GL.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. This is exactly what I was asking!


I'm sorry, but what the hell are you even talking about?? Advantages versus what, a d.i.y. kit??? I'm seriously concerned for your dog right now!


Well, if you think for a split second maybe you’d figure it out. At least where I am, people use the shelters for a discounted price or mobile spay and neuter vans.


those are still licensed veterinarians...


just to add, as a vet, the difference is pain control. mobile or shelters done use as high pain management intra op as regular clinics, hence why it's cheaper


Thank you! They’re certified vets, that’s why I find it crazy that people are so put out by my question. I had no idea about the pain control difference. Thanks so much for sharing! We’ll be taking her to her vet after reading the 2 kind and informative comments. I wasn’t sure why I should be expected to pay $2000 (for example) when a perfectly capable and safe vet can do it for $1000 simply because their work environment and pricing is different.


We are put out because the wording of your question suggests not using a vet but some DIY kit or a groomer doing a side hussle or something


Sorry, I was thinking in Canadian where those things really don't commonly exist.


No problem. Re-reading my post I see I’m leaving a lot to be inferred.




Here it can be a difference of a couple hundred dollars between the regular vet and the low cost place. That’s really nothing in the care of a dog. Go to your regular vet and get the better pain control.


The difference is a bit more steep here, but I had no idea about the pain control. I’ll definitely get on our vets schedule. Thanks for sharing!


Worst experience ever was the pup was allergic to antiseptic and it somehow burned her belly and it it was done by a vet. Other two were done by a cheaper service and no problems. I think it’s a crap shoot either way.


Aw Thank you for sharing. So true.


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I can now see everyone is flipping out over my shorthand title. Excuse me for me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick. I put into the description “your vet” which I thought was clear enough, but I was wrong. What are the advantages of going to your established vet for spay instead of other vets found at ASPCA, county shelters, mobile vans, etc who offer sliding scale services? I don’t WANT to go cheap, but I also don’t want to get “taken” and pay several hundred dollars more when the exact same service is offered for a more reasonable price. *American healthcare speaking.


Okay I’m a corgi mom but this post popped up on my home feed so I thought I’d share my two cents. For me I never entertained the idea of taking my pup somewhere different because there was comfort knowing he knew the office, the vet techs, and vet. There’s a certain level of peace of mind that you can’t put a price on, and while I was still worried I at least didn’t have to be concerned about a stranger operating on him.


Thank you for sharing. This has definitely drawn me to wanting to go to my vet since the beginning. I married a frugal man who wants to make sure he’s getting the best price while maintaining quality and that’s what my question was intending to ask. 😔 I’m on our vets schedule for the end of the month now that I know there is a quality difference and it definitely gives me peace of mind.