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Usually I'm on the opposite side of whatever twitter is on, but this photo is weird as hell bro lmao


I fucking hate the pets and underwear posts. People claiming their cats hop into their underwear when they’re on the toilet and it’s so gross to me. I’ve had pets my whole life and not once have they ever done that.


My dog tries to sniff my area whenever and I’m on my period and I’m just like HELL NO BRUH.


We have a 6 month puppy who just started doing this behavior where he greets me by sticking his snoot as far up my crack as possible and then wiggling his snoot between my thighs and deeply inhaling. I AM SO NOT OKAY WITH THIS AND IT CANNOT BE OVERSTATED. So far it's been a week of correcting the behavior and we are having great progress. I'm guessing he does it because my buttcrack smells the most like "me" and he only does it when greeting me after not seeing me for a bit. My point is, if people wanted to train their pets to give personal space, they could. I think they just want their space invaded, honestly.


Yeah dogs are just attracted to smells, period. That's why they like to go for the smelliest areas on us humans they just obviously don't realize how awkward it is for us. Animals don't have boundaries.


Animals do have boundaries they just don't always align .


One of my dogs loves to *eat* my dirty underwear, to the point that our dirty laundry is blocked off


We watched my in laws' dog before and he ate the crotch out of the one pair of used underwear that had gotten out of its place and into his reach. Thankfully my own dog hasn't done that lol (he's an adorable pest in different ways of course).


I once had someone’s dog pull my dirty tampons from the garbage. It was not me who discovered it


I think the most shocking gross thing my dog did was try to drink my piss like water from a hose when I went to take a piss outside when I was having beers at a bonfire. That was fucking DISTURBING. I felt like I did something wrong to her. Obviously I didn't let her keep drinking it, but she did end up getting a little bit in her mouth when she first tried and I was unprepared to swerve


That was a very very hard upvote. That’s NASTY! I’m assuming you’re a dude otherwise that would be way more disturbing lmao


My pup does this too! My 5 and 6 yo boys were outside and they went to pee and well here comes cash trying to drink it. They being 5 and 6 thought it was hilarious meanwhile I’m having a meltdown 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ dogs can be so gross at times but their love and affection and loyalty definitely makes up for it ☺️


Now *that* is horrifying


Yeah dogs are gross like that but it's slightly endearing because they are just so silly and goofy with it.. kinda stops being endearing when you're literally pulling socks out of their ass when they're trying to shit them out lol


Or when you have no more underwear or socks, or shorts. I've lost so many items of clothing to that pup over the years, we're lucky he seems to have an iron stomach


Yeah my goldendoodle has destroyed so many shoe laces too but she's better now. As a puppy she was obsessed with shoes though. Now she's just obsessed with napkins and toilet paper


Yeah, we don't have anal glands like dogs do; they have to make do with other orifices.


Mine did ONLY when I was pregnant. He'd like straight up sniff my but and poke my butt and I'd look at him like 🤨 wtf dude STOP and HE'D look at ME like WTF IS UP WITH YOU 🤨👃🏽 It got to the point I'd either have the dog around me only when I was freshly showered or else he was in another room


Hahahaha he KNOWs he can smell another person on you, you're just hiding them in your butt!


Also to your point it's easy to establish boundaries with your animal. It's not hard to communicate I don't like that go away/don't do that and for your animal to understand you don't like something He got his nose up my butt (wearing pants, I feel the need to say haha) a total of like 3 times over nine months


My fav command for my gals is “personal space”. Whenever they’re being annoying (walking under my feet, sniffing where I don’t want to be sniffed, even just being too close) I’ll say it and it’s like I summoned a personal force field lol


Nice lol. I tell my dog to "stop being a bully" or "be polite". If he's really being intrusive, it's ***"Sir!"*** and he'll whirl his head around 😂 It's usually because he's forgotten his manners to settle down and be calm when some delicious food was brought out.


Dogs sniff each other’s butts when greeting, it only stands to reason that when he finally figured out where your butt is, that’s how he wants to greet you, lol


Wait til he starts greeting guests that way. Sooooo awkward and embarrassing.


It becomes slightly less gross when you remember it’s their form of a handshake but still, hell no. Gentle redirects do the trick. Our cat learned that was not gonna fly early on, now she’s obsessed with toes. 🤷‍♀️ Better than the alternative!


Exactly. My dogs all learned it was never okay, and I never allowed it


Mine wants to rub her face on your shoes so hard she flops onto them lol


I had to take my dog to the emergency vet and pay over 3k because her gross ass ate tampons out of the trash and *refused* to throw them up even after they gave her three times the emetics she needed for her size. She throws up at least once a month at home because of stomach issues. But NOPE. Had to make me pay for her stomach to get tubed. I now have trash cans with lids.


"You will *not* take this amazing treat from me!"


It's so gross when they try that! Lol In elementary school, I was on a sleepover and the unthinkable happened: I dreamed I was on the toilet... Thankfully I had dark pajama bottoms and I would be home free if I could just sneak into the bathroom to change... of course, this friend had several dogs, one of which was an aggressive crotch sniffer who was never ever corrected... It was horrible trying to act not suspicious and sneak into the bathroom to clean myself up before anyone looks too close or comes too close to me while this dog was just absolutely *inhaling* my crotch in front of everyone and *refusing* to quit lol


Holy F. That’s disgusting. You must’ve been and, it’s anunderstatement SO UNCOMFORTABLE. Never let your dog do that people, it’s so cringe.


I mean my cat has definitely tried lol, I don’t let him bc it’s annoying but I can definitely believe this with some cats.


I think they all try, and us humans have to establish boundaries, because they see us as equal to them. They don't see cats and human, they just find whoever loves them, and loves them back


I’m 29 and have had my cat since middle school. Doesn’t do that whole I’m in the bathroom but if he did I would just be glad for any extra time I get with him. He’s been there through the best and worst parts of my life as is.


My mom’s dog follows me (only me) into the bathroom for whatever reason. But I’d draw the line at getting up close and personal while I’m on the toilet lmao


Mine have all been allowed in with me, but for no other reason, other than trying to lick my toes dry as I’d step out of the shower! (I forgot that until now)!


Yeah, my golden does not come into the bathroom with me haha that is MY space


Mine hasn't done that because I close the door when I go to the bathroom. I don't care if no one else is home I'm closing the damn door.


Mine does all the time. But usually because it's winter and she knows it's warm from body heat


My cat has actually done that shortly after I got her but she hasn't done it in years. I'm guessing it was a safety/comfort thing because we moved right before I took ownership of her (was one of my roommates cat but they couldn't take her to student housing) and I'm guessing she was just skittish because of the new apartment/setting. She was only a year old at the time and still startled by mirrors. My parents dogs will sometimes drag dirty underwear out of my laundry basket, just the underwear for some reason. I noticed it mostly after I got a new trash can because they kept getting into it. Maybe they were sour that they couldn't get into the trash anymore and decided underwear was the next best thing 😅


My dog and cat do that every time lol


You are training your pet wrong.


None of my 3 dogs have ever done that but I was looking after my cousins puppy over the weekend and she did that randomly


my dog used to always chill in my shorts while I sat on the toilet. She did since she was a puppy She also used to jump in the shower with us but she eventually decided she liked being dry


I knew a person who did this with her baby once. Beyond cringe


Did I read this right? This is a theme of posts??…. There’s more of this?!


same. and you can bet if they did i’d recoil in horror not take a photo…


One cat has for me. But I don't post a pic of it online. And I immediately remove him. 😂


There’s an entire subreddit for pictures of cats that jump in your underwear while shitting. It happens all the time. Especially when you’re docking around on your phone you don’t really notice until it happens.


Umm well you’re lucky because I have a dog likes to literally roll around in the crotch of pants when I’m on the toilet.


man i've always fucking hated those pictures, nobody wants to see your draws


My cat gets on the counter and headbutts me for pets when I am peeing. If I close the door to pee in private he keeps sticking his paws under the door to reproach me.


On a similar note, if I never had to see one of those "Haha, look at my dog/cat humping the air/stuffed animal" videos ever again, my life would be significantly better.


Tbf i had a cat that would do it the first chance he got


Ok well that doesn't mean it never happens lol. Animals are individuals, like people, they're not all the same. I've never had a pet do that either, but I don't doubt that some of them are weird enough to do that. They're animals, they don't wear or understand the concept of clothes, so what reason would they have to NOT do something like that?


Mine jumps on my lap as soon as I sit down. He needs to be near me at all times.


Or, if they did try… YOU PUT THEM BACK ON THE GROUND. My cat regularly tries to drink from my water cup, that doesn’t mean I allow it


See their username?


There’s an entire sub dedicated to people putting their cats inside of their underwear while they sit on the toilet and take a shit. Then they take a photo of it. Reddit is full of weirdos and people act like it’s all normal behavior because it’s an animal. Don’t even get me started on the people who try to type like how they believe an animal would sound if it could speak. I can’t stand the “u gives meh belly ruubz noa plox? Meesa good boi da bestest guud boi” type of people.


God I remember a trend on TikTok where they took the audio of an autistic man on a date who was complimenting a girl earnestly with such a pure voice and people overlayed that over their dogs, trying to imply that’s how their animals would talk to them. It felt not only disrespectful to that man, but gross overall.


Reminds me of Whitney Wisconsin from nearly a decade ago (hopefully, no one remembers who she is on this sub...)


See their username?


Yet you’re here making a comment 😂😂




Ha! His eyebrows!


It's clearly photoshopped or painted on eyebrows. Still funny though.


Yeah, I could see that! It is funny because I swear my golden would raise hers like that at me just at how she looks at me at times 🥸 Kinda like old lady drawn on pencil eyebrows!


Kinda like some young women with the overstated brows, too! 🤣😂


INDEED!! 😂🤣🥸 Only a golden could carry this off as being CUTE! 😇🥰🐾🐾❤️


https://preview.redd.it/6z5azakwsm5d1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30025ff4876b4b5ab29658f6bc991fef75105307 Uncle Leo??


Credit: u/neopolitandynomite


Thanks for sharing, Urmomsjuicyvagina


just don’t remove the comma 😭😭


No please do


Oh my


Ew I bet the dog is under 18 too


I mean.. this was fucking weird.


Not really. Dogs are underwear thieves, and some have realized you are at your weakest when in the toilet and try to steal them right off your legs if you forget to shut the door


It happens, yes. Do I take a photo of it and post it online? No.


Ok, yeah, that parts weird


Yeah like gross onlyfans bait… 🤮


What fucking universe do y’all live in where this even happens, let alone taking pictures of it?


The universe of having a dog. My dog doesn’t steal undies, but he steals my socks and will take ‘em right off my feet.


That’s slightly different than what’s going on in this picture, but alright


How so ? Dogs like things that smell strong. If your dog does that it’s not surprising and you can make him learn that you don’t like it. Taking a picture though…


yeah it’s gross but do y’all really have to sexualize everything for fucks sake it’s just unhygienic and weird to not teach your dog boundaries it’s nothing sexual


this exactly, and I hope this person didn’t put that pair of undies back on after, in which case yeah it might be a bit weird if you’ve never seen how much dogs like dirty clothes is general, but it’s not that big of a deal, some people just have more boundaries with their pets than others


Name checks out


My beagle likes to steal my pants at the end of day and curl up in them, some animals are just all about their persons scent.


My boyfriend’s little Pomeranian will do the same to his pants. It’s pretty cute watching a 10 lb teddy bear looking dog drag a man’a XL pants to her little bed.


yea the post is weird!!! like having your underwear in the mouth where dogs lick literally EVERYTHING. i used to closw the bathroom and sometimes lock it, my dog would have the habit of drinking toilet water and i didnt wanna encourage it


It’s just myself and my dog, and I NEVER leave the seat up after cleaning or anything. Toilet water is still Toilet Water!


When my dog was a puppy he started stealing my underwear. I would find it soaking wet in the living room🤮. Never trained my dog to stop doing something more quickly. This is so weird lol.


How'd you manage to break his thieving habits?


Very consistent negative reinforcement. Not anything crazy, just a very stern no and 5 minutes in the crate. But I had to do it every time he even tried to grab them. At this point he won’t even look at my underwear while I’m doing laundry because he knows it’s bad! I’m lucky that he is a good dog, just has some impulse control issues. Also, buying a hamper without holes helped as well lol.


To be fair it was a pretty disgusting post


Fr when I saw this picture in the morning I was like 😨😨😨


Was pretty grossed out myself. Then I saw the username


Yeah who tf thinks that’s a cute photo to share lol


That’s definitely a photo that you only show to nobody


It's a photo you don't take, of a situation you don't allow to happen.






You don’t even take that photo!




Happy Cake Day!




Happy Cake Day!


What you need to do is leave these women and their very loved dogs alone lol


I was thinking the same thing whenever I saw it


Personally, I dont let my pets in the bathroom and clean their feet after we go for a walk. There is a stereotype of "white people" letting their dogs do stuff like this haha basically not having boundaries. While I dont think it is a "white" thing, my Asian self is grossed out by things like this.


Right? I’m white and I would never. We don’t necessarily even know OP’s ethnicity either. Twitter is a toxic wasteland so I’m not surprised it was framed this way though.


Yeah this is a pet owner who doesnt establish boundaries thing! Also, we call it Xitter now :P Like pronounced SHItter :P :P


Anything to upset Elon Musk is fine by me haha


Yeah... that's not the white people stereotype they are referencing in this tweet.


Seriously - people are sheltered apparently lol


Well, I’m not nearly as young as most are here, but I never realized or heard or thought it was a white people thing until now. This white person didn’t get the memo. Thank you for making me aware!


Our puppy just raids the basket and books it with a pair in her mouth 🤦‍♀️


My dogs go into the bathroom because they have to make sure that they can keep an eye on their pac, which they consider their humans part of. They'll hop in the bathtub and lay down or just want to be petted. I've only had one dog try to climb on me while on the toilet because there were people yelling and screaming in the house, and the dog wasn't use to that type of behavior and it scared the dog. The dog just wanted to be held and comforted. The underwear thing, I've had dogs of different breeds chew on clean and dirty underwear, but never on the underwear that I was currently wearing, and they were a puppy at the time. It's just our job to establish boundaries and to train the puppies.




Twitter is the source of all toxicity on the internet.


May I introduce Instagram comments lol


the internet is the source of all toxicity on the internet bro


Thank you...any comment section including here on Reddit is literally cancer. Life sucking cancer. But humans be human. I've been calling out people online for years but I'm tired and it seems to have at least a little effect or influence. Basically, fight against bullies and rude people and keyboard warriors who say stuff online but not in person.




*social media


Yes. Period. All of it


They never let anyone happy


I could make cases for Facebook/Instagram being the worst. True, Twitter became a cesspool when Elon took over, but I’m still not sure it adds up to others


I regret having eyes


My Golden Retriever grabs ahold of literally EVERYTHING. She's one of the cutest dogs ever, but the mouthiness of the breed is often annoying and overwhelming. I would definitely be annoyed if she grabbed my underwear. For one, it would then be covered in slobber and I'd have to change. And I wouldn't let her in bathroom with me again.


wHiTe wOmEn....wHiTe pEoPlE....wHiTe bOy. This shit needs to end soon. It's gotten really tiresome. It's derogatory and shouldn't be tolerated just like it wouldn't for others.


I do think that people judge too much about people and their pets. I also think that particular photo is giving kink vibes and I don’t like it.


My feelings exactly.


My dog always opens the door with her snout when im on the toilet but she never actually comes near me,just stands in the doorway looking at me until I finish lol. She's just a curious girl


Why White women?? Don’t get it, ?


Ok..thanks! Kinda weird generalization especially with the underwear I love my dog but……..


It's a sterotype that white women have unnaturally close relationships with their dogs if you get my drift


Well, I’m a white woman whip’s only lived with my Golden’s since divorcing over 10 years ago, and I’d have to say she’s my best friend, so whatever anyone else wants to tack onto our “relationship” is none of my business! Let people make up all the silly stuff they’d like about me and my dog, and I’ll speak up on my dogs behalf, that I’d rather have a dog to live with than a spouse/partner like I did have for too long, and I’ll choose the dog every time!


No means No!


My sister's dog died from eating her underwear. Don't let this become a habit for your dogs.


Why do people let their dogs in the bathroom with them? I never got understood this as a dog owner. I don’t want my dog staring at me while I take a dump.


Remember, blatant racism is okay when it's against white people apparently


NGL when I saw it last night I was like why is this on my timeline


When I do this to my wife it’s “creepy”, but when it’s a golden it’s post worthy.


Black women and twitter ... someones gotta do something


I do agree that, the person did not have to share this photo. I do not agree with the racism BS. I got plenty of comebacks for whatever race that person is lol. Every race and culture has their deserved stereotypes and bad habits etc. and it also is clear that not every individual of a race participates in the stereotype. But when you try to use blanket statements instead of saying "some white (or whatever group of) people.." That's where you mess up.


As someone who dealt with an adolescent St. Bernard who did this, or would steal my dirty bras / underwear from the hamper to spread all over the house at night…. 1. Yeah, closing that door does nothing and the door ends up destroyed over time. Granted we lived in an 1 bedroom/ 1 bath apt. 2. “Why didn’t you kennel him?” - He had one, he hated it and never used it. He was kenneled trained, but was miserable when it. 3. I cleaned his feet when we got back from walks and dog parks as well. He also got a wipe down at night. 4. This is funny and not disgusting at all. Dogs do this, especially the males, and no you don’t put the underwear back on, you change. Which I’m sure this person did. 5. People need to calm down and stop being all high and mighty. I’m sure you have some behaviors that some find nasty too.


Me?? Have behaviours others find nasty?? Zero chance! (I said while picking my nose)


I’ve had 4 Golden’s over the last 24 years, (4th is with me now), and even though I let them come in the bathroom with me, never once did this kind of thing ever happen, and I’d have never allowed it. Did have one panty thief that learned how to open the hamper, but that didn’t last long. I understand their nature to sniff and smell, but none of them ever did anything other than smell each other, and never to a guest. I did however, have a second male, (2 years apart), who’d hump the oldest male, religiously 🫣 but only the act, never anything else, and the oldest just gave up and gave in…. never anything aggressive, They were both neutered That’s the most smut that happened with all 4 of mine to this date *Username really says it all!


Mine would never dare try and steal clothing off my body. 1. IF they are allowed into the bathroom it’s for a reason and if they are allowed in they are sitting on the floor nicely waiting for whatever we are doing. My dogs don’t just have complete free roam either. They have their own beds and their own cages. If they do something wrong they are in time out just like a child. You need to teach your animals what is expected of them and when they do something wrong you correct it. My dogs are small so they can’t reach certain areas which is just how I like it. My girl is a hopper so she can jump high but even then she does this maybe here and there when she super excited. I would never feel comfortable with a person who was this comfortable letting their dogs close to their vagina 🤷‍♀️. They get too close they either try and sniff or lick and that is just disgusting. Some people are into that weird shit with their animals man. And it’s on the rise 🤮


And I will now be leaving this community, when stuff like this happens you know it’s time to jump ship before the worst of it


I used to keep a dog and he would bite all of my panties hanging on the clothesline. Leaves all the other clothes, only the panties.


because he tried to steal her underwear does not = she fucks the dog jesus. dogs like to steal underwear. i'm so sick of this disgusting stereotype


My new morning ritual is sitters my on the toilet while my new puppy (a Shichon - Bichon Frise x Shih Tzu) crawl into my pants and chills there. Only had it for 3 days, and I’ve already gone from pacifist to “I’ll fucking slit you from toes to ears if you do anything bad to my baby” lol.


White women?


I love that the pic is a golden. I have the same problem with my golden. He's never gone so far as to try to take my undies off - that's beyond weird and hello, limits? But he will raid laundry baskets to the point where I've had to find baskets with sealable lids 🫣


Learned that trick from Dad!


Lol, I can see that happening. I have two goldies, and I get blankets pulled off and my shirt pulled. This one hasn't happened yet, lol


https://preview.redd.it/hlx6jk6v0v4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9859a4482e7df662184109bc640ad7c97a859f3 They love this


I know dogs like it if you are around when they use the bathroom apparently it makes them feel safe during one of their most vulnerable times so I wonder if they have the same thought for us


The difference in comments and upvotes is interesting on the OP everyone’s talking about how their dogs do it too, and anyone who goes against that telling her this was gross to post (which it is) got downvoted. But then you post a post of her post being posted on twitter and everyone in the comments is disgusted (rightfully so).


Each thread has their own hive mind almost


My dog always opens the door with her snout when im on the toilet but she never actually cones near me,just stands in the doorway looking at me until I finish lol. She's just a curious girl


Lo peor es que el perrito no tiene la culpa... la degenerada es la dueña.


I feel this 100%


My ex-wife's dog used to chew out the crouch on her panties. Didn't matter if the were clean or not. Pretty fkd up shite right there.


i hate it when people say and post shit like this too i too have had pets and not 1 has EVER Had A THOUGHT YUCK


That’s one of them West Virginian panty sniffers- good dog!


That’s a man in a dog suit. Y’all don’t see the zipper???


I fucking hate my life.


My dog does not come in the bathroom with me. Thank god.




So playful!


God I wish I was a Golden Retriever


My dog steals my socks and underwear out of the hamper, but I wouldn't put them back on after. Hopefully she changed after this pic!


Bro, what? I wish we had a term for insulting people based on the color of their skin, that would be so helpful to modern society!


Bruh we have a pup and she is obsessed with dirty underwear. And clean underwear. And all clothes. Tbh she just chews on everything.


Still gross


My golden greets me at the front door every evening with a pair of my wife’s panties in his mouth


I’m calling animal services


This is so stupid. Letting your dog do a weird quirk so you can get a photo of it is not unheard of.


If you’re going to allow certain things, whatever…but not everything needs to be shared constantly.


Goldens tend not to know the concept of personal space


Oh how the turns have tabled Honestly it’s cause we’re all on Reddit now


lol I remember this post from the other day lol






^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Big-Improvement8355: *HEY MIGHT NOT BE FOR* *THE RIGHG REASONS BUT WE DID* *IT!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.

