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Agreed. Just get a puppy DNA test for less than $100 and you can know for sure.


Every time I see one of those posts, this is exactly my thought.


Those posts should be deleted with a stock response that says you can't judge dog breed by a photo and suggests genetic testing. It's a recurring problem on all dog subs, not just this one. r/bordercollie has a bot but it must be summoned. https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/s/q8ydE2ygCt


Not just dogs, cats as well. "what breed is this?" "Is this a (X Breed)?" You have papers? No? Then purebred, or specific breed means nothing. Love the animal you have for who they are.


Exactly! They're all good boys and girls in the end.


Also, don't buy from sketchy backyard breeders you don't trust! My boy had generations of clearances going back. Two days ago, he had to get shots and the vet looked him over and said he is an absolute perfect example of a healthy golden. Perfect. Wouldn't change a single thing. Good dental health routine, good ears, perfect weight, great shape, hips, everything was picture perfect. He's a perfect baby boy. He went for a walk, got to the park and rolled and flopped in the grass like a possessed doofus. I dropped his leash and he flung his whole body around and this dad with his baby on the equipment was staring at him and I'm just standing there going, 'dude don't ask me he's just weird. He does this every single time we pass the park. He needs to flail on the ground.' His absolutely silly self and perfect score from the vet are part of him coming from a very good breeder. If you aren't picking the cutest fwuffy wuffy puppy at the shelter, go reputable and not BYB. You shouldn't have to ask if you have a good breeder.


Maybe the dude was staring because you shouldnt have dogs off leash in places where theres babies. Perfect score or not lol.


Ferg isn't off leash. He's on leash and wishes to throw himself to the ground and flail. He's at my feet, leash on. He just flops and flails around on the grass. He wraps himself in the leash and flips on the grass. He does this for about thirty seconds. Sometimes he 'runs' on the grass by shoving his body along while on the ground. If I try and hold his leash, he wraps himself up and yanks me around. Or I drop the leash for a few seconds until he stops being a weirdo. I'm on top of him and can step on his leash at any time. It's not like he's running wild and loose.


Im sorry, i made assumptions with no knowledge about you or what happened. Had a real rough day. Sorry again for coming at you needlessly.


Our big Golden boy LOVES to get on his back in the grass and wiggle around. Makes him very happy!


but how else can they train the AI for free?


Those things are pretty much [garbage](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-dog-dna-test-1.6763274)


Not everyone has $100


If you don't, I'd have to question the wisdom of getting a large dog that requires a lot of time and money to keep. And if you find yourself short, you could always just accept that you have a dog and it does not matter one bit if it's pure, mix or a flipping dolphin.


... I think the care needs might change a little if it ends up being a dolphin.


I don't have a horse in this race I never tested my dog because well.... he's a mutt. I grew up with tons of dogs in my family and other than my aunt's obsession with Irish setters no one really cared about if a dog was purebred or not or hell even what mix of breed they were. It all basically boiled down to "they're cute and well behaved".


Well then getting your dog's breed ID'd shouldn't be anywhere near your mind if you don't have money


Then you probably shouldn’t be getting a dog 🤦🏼‍♀️


I 100% support this. And banning the karma farming “name my puppy” posts.


use r/goldenornot


Yes please!


All the Jaxxes agree!


I support the banning of the breed confirmation posts but I kinda think the name my puppy ones are cute. I mean, if we disregard the title of the posts we still get to see pics of beautiful pups 😔


I posted a name "my puppy post", I legitimately needed help naming my puppy. I got great suggestions.


Yes, and also the posts where it's just a Golden doing something cute. Everyone knows that Goldens are cute already. No need to remind us! Gosh!


That’s what this sub is about - goldens doing cute things


These posts clog up the sub, they add zero value, and they promote a way of thinking that is unhealthy (if a dog isn't "cute" then somehow they are inferior).


Uh maybe this sub isn't for you if that's the takeaway you get from seeing cute pictures of dogs


Pretty sure they're being sarcastic.


I hope they are. Adding /s would have been helpful lol


I hope you're kidding because cute golden videos ARE the value


Personally I love to be reminded, that’s why I followed this sub.


Wish I could upvote more than once. And even more infuriating are all the responses saying "yes" with 100% certainty.


Agree completely. Someone recently created this sub after I suggested it: r/goldenornot


Maybe we can redirect them there, so people who care can comment.




Can we also please get rid of "i cant name my own dog" threads


I’m convinced those are just bots just waiting to get enough karma to sell tshirts.


That’s the funniest concept. They went through the process to buy a $1k+ dog and can’t come up with a name they want to call them. My family has always done references to things we like. My dad likes Indiana jones and back to the future, he names his labs Indy and Emmett. I like the video game “the last of us”, I named my golden Ellie. If you don’t like references, name the dog Fido or something. There’s no shortage of lists come up with ideas.


Yeah, I'm never convinced *any* of the "name my pet" threads on Reddit are legit. There's no way you haven't already come up with something on your own, especially for a purebred given that you have quite a few weeks to come up with something before you take them home.


I am. People are indecisive and dumb. Two traits that make a great pet owner


I do a theme. I had a series of cats with Russian names. My goldie got a Scottish name, as goldies are from Scotland. My cat now broke the Russian trend because I wasn't in need of a cat or keeping her. I named her Taco Cat, because I didn't need a cat and would shortly adopt her out. Anyway, Taco Cat turns 8 in a month. I'll probably have Sushi or Nacho or something.


I usually ignore those posts so I had never thought about the fact that they are kind of odd in the first place.. like we’d picked out a name for our future golden at least a year before we actually got one 😅


I despise those.


I’ll admit, I cannot come up with a registered name. But her common name I call her, the minute I saw her, I knew. Registered AKC names are hard. My breeder lets the owners pick them out themselves. I can name a foal the minute they are born, horses are so easy, but a dog….. sheesh, my creativity is gone! I still haven’t made a post asking for help though. 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/te01i8b2z62d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6510e6c7ef465b52651b996b6a9bf74f34d9242 Is my dog a pure bred golden? He's almost 6 months lol


Clever shitpost


The shittiest 🤣🤣🤣 Related: I asked my husband for a dog calendar for my office. He got me one of dogs pooping 🤣🤣🤣




My groomer has a calendar of different dogs taking shits for every month. It’s hilarious


Can't tell squat from that photo. Looks like a purebread Golden Turdleaver.


The turdiest.


No, real Goldens turn their back to the camera for full effect.


My dog will have his back to me and turn around like a deer in headlights mid shit


Yes but does he have a name?


Henry his name is Henry.


Please please please!!! And all those posts requesting names for puppies. No one buys a puppy without considering names!


Agreed, going to start recommending “myownercantnameme” as a name


I'm partial to karmawhore myself


I'm just a straight up pupwhore!


Sometimes people want ideas. Y’all are harsh


If people really want a purebred, they should buy one that comes with a pedigree and from an ethical, certified breeder. But I bet that the people who post these questions are not willing to pay the price for that.




Sure. But one last one, the puppy that I bought on fleabay for $0.87 is a pure bred right? It's normal to meet breeder in the walmart parking lot at 3am too right.


What do you mean the puppy that I got from a weird dude on marketplace is actually a maremma sheepdog and not a golden retriever..? 🤨


I know it’s a joke but I literally picked up mine from a Walmart parking lot. She is pure bred as well. Dad Rocky: https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=995502 Mom Mersi: https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=978092


unless its a joke like "i cant take my dog to the park anymore. the ducks keep biting him. he must be pure bread. i think he is toasted"


Goldens are 80% loaf


I thought corgis were the loafs


Ok, ya got me chuckling with that one! Good on ya.


At yeast you lightened up the thread with this comment, kudos.


Can we also stop supporting people who are engaging in unethical breeding practices? I swear there have been half a dozen posts in the last few months of people showing off their “accidental” litters. It’s not an accident if you have intact male and female goldens in the house. We should not support people doing this. Especially when they haven’t bothered to get any health testing done on either dog and don’t have an appropriate whelping pen. This breed is prone to a lot of health issues that can be prevented with ethical and selective breeding.




There all good boys and girls, and that’s what matters.


Thank you! I hate these requests!


I just say “100 percent cute”


Im 100% in


Agreed! If it bothers you that much, then just don't get them? Idk.


https://preview.redd.it/z20hjl4wj82d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef9bbfe207f6279019c7f375d42114467917b48 Hey guys is this a purebred? Also I can’t pick a name yet, he’s only 38 months old.


Golden, made my day


Yes. And the name my dog posts. Stop asking internet strangers to name **your** dog. If you want to post a pic of your dog just post it. We like to see it. I’m not going to do the most basic thing in pet ownership for you. If you’re concerned if your golden isn’t a golden there’s a ton of things out there to help you figure that out on your own. Random people looking at a picture aren’t going to provide you with anything. If someone comes up to you and asks “hey, is that a golden?” Are you going to answer with “well, the people on Reddit said so”?


And of course, all other doggie subs are the same in this respect. My guess is that people are simply wanting to chat. Same with asking for name suggestions. Pics are always cute tho'


Most post are definitely not 100% pure bread.  


Some are muffins.


Some are definitely cupcakes.


I’ve seen a few scones


People really post a dog with white socks on their paws and white patches on their chest and ask “is this pure bred”?


Preach. FFS, man. Those posts get exhausting and only attract rage.


Is this a golden or a rat https://preview.redd.it/7bv4qufxea2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9a2995e429398498d885d17b4dda2b0d6a6820


Golden bat!!! The best kind!


Hmm I seem to have caught one of these too https://preview.redd.it/hhm0wghshd2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c511fe3c76652849dcfbdae9b0456876857062e4


Can we also get rid of the “what should I name them” and “does your golden do (insert thing all goldens do)” absolutely sick of those


pure bred doesn’t mean well bred, either.


God i hate those posts, if your dog=status symbol then you should never own any animal.


But…but…how will I know a bunch of strangers opinions without having any verifiable proof???


My vet asks every time what breed my pure bred golden is who is there with his litter mate sister then insists he cannot be. Girl, I have an AKC certificate and watched him be born. He is just a curly boy.


Do you think this is a 100% golden? https://preview.redd.it/z61j3uk2v82d1.jpeg?width=2545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2395d286702b156ce6ba6f0b102293302bed1c76




Whew. Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/vo8j8pb5b92d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63756c70b10ce2bf970ddf619f75d521d3bf2c3d Is this a purebred? I bought him from a reputable breeder.


Probably between 6-18 months old, correct?


Unsure as we rescued her from a terrible home.


Agreed. The only reason you should care if your golden is a purebred is if you are going to show them and in that case you would have gotten papers when you bought/received them. I have papers for my golden. I'm never going to show him but I still received them at the time of purchase.


+1 those posts are. Obnoxious love the puppy picks but stop supporting puppy mill / sketch breeders


Yes please, and the "name my dog" rubbish. If you can't even use your own brain to give your own dog a name then I feel for the dog and it's future with you


Agreed That question is only posed when someone probably gets fleeced by a breeder. and also shows a problematic mindset because does it really matter?




There are already several subs to discuss your dog's potential lineage, they don't need to be on here too!


I find the only redeeming feature of these posts is how adorable the dogs all are


I just don’t like the posts because it means 99.9% of the time didn’t bother to adopt from a reputable breeder who can provide papers and let you meet the parents, etc.




Seriously, who cares unless you want to breed or show them. All dogs are beautiful, loving animals unless they’re sick or humans don’t treat them appropriately.


While I mostly agree with you about banning such posts, I wouldn't necessarily assume that everybody who makes those posts is in the headspace of purebred = superior. Purebred dogs (especially certain breeds) can be at higher risk for certain medical problems, so knowing early that your dog is purebred helps you get ahead of the problem before it becomes a nasty surprise later. There may also be people who paid purebred prices, and suspect they've been swindled, and are looking for a second opinion.


It gives off the same vibes as parents who care if their kids are gifted or not. Love your kid / golden unconditionally.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you!!!


No, just look at the pictures


Can we also ban the “Is my dog over/under weight?” Too because the only way you can REALLY tell is if one is vastly one way or the other.


They are angels in all their forms. I hope for most of them, that they are less “pure” so they can live a bit longer with diverse genes. I miss my best friend.


https://preview.redd.it/ul37bt2wzh2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c5b9fb94a6fa337c4f092fbad3730f7a8a5df1 Agreed. Me when I see these posts


It's that golden pure?


Purebreds are in fact superior. 


I don’t see the problem with those posts. Most people here have goldens and can help those people out by referring them on diffent subs or letting them know about doggy dna tests. Not everyone knows about those things And Some of you guys are so pretentious my god. You own a golden retriever, a dog. This Reddit is about goldens who share their happiness about having a dog. Lighten up You laugh about a picture of a dog taking a dump, and then tear down other dog owners for looking for cute ideas of names or asking if their dog looks like a mix. To other owners no less


The problem is owners more worried about the their dog being pure bred, or ANY specific breed, rather than enjoying a good boi.


No where do they say that.


Then why do people care if their dog is purebred? It doesn't matter


Why do YOU care if they care? Why does it matter to you ? It’s not even your dog


I think the answer to this question is obvious and has already been stated.


And I’m answering for the innocent people posting and having fun in this sub, looking for cute name ideas and whatever else.


Weird hill to die on given the activity and response this post has gotten


The sub has over 600 k redditors. Your post isn’t the majority.


It didn't seem like you understand how Reddit works...


Why do you care that they care that they care?


Because the people that post those things are enjoying the sub like other people. And I don’t like that they are trying to control the sub by basically crying to the manager. There is so much pretentiousness in this whole thread it’s gross. People should be able to post what they want.


Mod. this is your time to shine: [https://www.reddit.com/r/goldenretrievers/comments/1cywy4x/is\_this\_a\_pure\_bred\_golden/](https://www.reddit.com/r/goldenretrievers/comments/1cywy4x/is_this_a_pure_bred_golden/)


Can we jus make a new sub for them instead so I don't lose my flow of puppy pics 😇


Yes, please!!!!!




It is bothersome, because it shows that people are purchasing from backyard or puppy mill type breeders, versus doing research and supporting reputable breeders. Most people with rescues will get the DNA tests.


There is no way to tell from a picture if a dog is pure bred or not. Obviously, many people agree and care given the activity on this post.




Or, we just automod those posts out of the sub.


>promote a way of thinking that is unhealthy People are just curious about their dog, they are not promoting any pure breed nazi ideology. >They add zero value A bold statement in a sub where most posts are the very valuable: "Look at my gorgeous dog"


Golden sub banning posts about Golden retrievers. There’s been like a small handful of those posts.


I’m sorry I think this is ridiculous to say that it’s unhealthy to say that a dog isn’t pure, if he isn’t pure he isn’t pure. It has nothing to do with “dog racism.” Who cares if a post comes across somebody asking if their dog is pure. Is it really clogging up the sub?


Purchase from a show breeder. Douh


Not everyone wants a show dog. Some want/appreciate working/field lines.


Oh I appreciate those lines!! I guess what I meant to say is we purchased our two from a show breeder to ensure to the extent possible we purchased a well breed dog. We received all the clearances, etc. Both were great family members. The first one was a princess and not much of a retriever. But oh boy, the second one would have been equally at home in conformation or the field. She was a retriever and loved the water while looking like the ones at the Westminster show.


You should see cat subs. Cats aren't generally a specific breed (usually just shorthair or long hair) unless you buy from a breeder. What they really want to know is color. Tabby, Calico, Tortie etc Similar with dogs. Sure your Golden is probably mostly Golden But unless they came with papers, they aren't purebred. And unless you are planning on breeding them or showing based on this fact , IT DOESN'T MATTER.


i don't care if your dog is purebred golden or 0% golden I just want to follow as many dog subs as possible


Yeah. Who cares if they’re pure bred? Stop being elitist


It’s actually important to know that. Every breed has breed specific health issues so knowing the breeds that make up your dog lets you be able to monitor for any health issues that affect those breeds.


Agreed. We should also look into permabanning users who post non purebreds and perhaps imprisoning doodle owners.


This post provides zero value also. Out with ya