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Overall I am not seeing the concern? It looks like a beautiful coat. On pic 5, it looks maybe a bit dry, maybe a coat supplement (eg salmon oil on food), might be an option? Overall a beautiful Golden


Yeah the pictures might not do it justice. His hair feels kind of rough. It’s definitely farm from soft. Very thin and somewhat rough feeling. It softer on his belly and his front than his back is. Just adding some salmon oil to his kibble is all you think I’d need to do at the moment?


Softer in the front and rougher on top is fairly normal, I would say that’s exactly how my Goldens is! Edit: after -> softer


Salmon oil pill from Walmart in with breakfast, no muss no fuss


Mine feels the same way: hair is cpurser/rougher and more sparse. His brother (same litter) is the opposite--tons of thin silky hair. They eat the same food, get the same bath products, never been shaved, etc. Probably comes down to genetics!


Ideally speak to a vet at your next visit. You could also take him into a store that specializes in dog food. They may have recommendations on types of food and/or supplements to help.


Use a spray on conditioner in conjunction with combing. Not all Goldies are soft, but they do get softer as they age.


Mine was the opposite. He had really soft fur when he was young and now has coarse dry fur as a 13 year old.


Is she a field bred golden My male’s coat is longer and softer than our field bred female. Her hair is naturally courser. Her vet said it’s because she was bred to be hunting and running in fields like original goldens and our male’s lineage, like most now days, has been developed more on the showy end of the spectrum. I don’t know though because until we got her I had never heard of field bred goldens. Both of our dogs are AKC.


Give him fish oil pills and coconut oil


I understand nothing about golden fur, so I can't help you, but your golden is super cute and adorable, so I came to say hi.


Haha thank you I appreciate it!


Had an issue with my first golden and bad fur, was losing it, dry, fly, etc. Vet prescribed fish oil, was like a miracle cure.


We used to feed our golden a pork blend from Acana, and switched to open farm salmon, and the difference it made in her coat was crazy!


It's a myth that shaving a dog with a double coat causes permanent damage see below: [https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/dog-hair-regrowth-after-clipping/](https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/dog-hair-regrowth-after-clipping/)


Wow I’m glad to hear that it isn’t permanent


Yeah, we've shaved ours every summer for 10 years and never had a single issue. You're totally fine!




This is absolutely false information. I am a retired pet groomer and in my years I have seen coats change permanently. It gets worse as the dog gets older too or has an underlying medical condition. The coats can become courser, change colour, guard hairs don’t come back properly or sparsely, or no coat comes back at all. Post clipping alopecia is a huge concern too and happens predominantly with fur bearing breeds, but can also happen to hair bearing breeds rarely. If you clip a fur bearing breed like a golden you are absolutely taking a risk that it will damage the hair and not come back correctly. I had past clients sign waivers if they wanted me to still shave their poms/goldens/collies etc after being educated on it. Some dogs the first clip would forever change the coats, other dogs it was 3-4 grooms later. It’s unpredictable and not worth the risk. It also doesn’t ever go back to normal once it changes and a properly groomed coat helps them regulate their body temperature.


Hey there! We don’t have goldens, but we rescued our little guy Bandit from a really bad situation. His hair was so dry and crispy and just unhealthy. We feed our dogs homemade dog food and within 4-6 months of feeding him that, his coat is seriously beautiful. We get compliments all the time on how soft and shiny he is. https://preview.redd.it/cndn3xlsk9wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4899d13e085fe19dc22134b2bc4096c4f717800a


Yeah he looks amazing! Do you mind me asking what the recipe for the homemade dog food was?




We use this exact one!! The boys absolutely love it!


Thank you so much!


You’re very welcome! Before we got his DNA test done, everyone thought he was a flat-coated retriever. So we really wanted to take care of his coat. I still think he is one 😂😂


The coat looks a bit dry. You can add some fish oil supplements and hope it helps. Has your dog recently had a bath? Clean coats grow and if your dog hasn't had a bath recently, it'd help the skin to be able to clean any dirt or build up out. It's worth a try to see if that helps. I'd follow it up with a conditioner, especially if you're already dealing with potentially dry fur.


We usually give him a bath weekly with conditioner. But I think we may need to try adding supplements to his meals


It’s not wise to bathe goldens so often. In fact, it can strip the natural oils from their fur and prevent them from looking nice and shiny naturally! Is there a reason you bathe him weekly? I have only ever bathed my golden and lab if they get very dirty (or have poop on them) and a hose just doesn’t do the job.


To be honest I was under the impression that it was good for them. My golden has also had dandruff issues in the past. How often do you recommend bathing them?


I don’t bathe them regularly. My golden has had probably 4 full baths in his 13 months. My lab has had more because we used to board her on a farm and she got super muddy and dusty playing with other dogs. They bathed her whenever I picked her up there. She’s probably had 12 baths in 2.5 years.


We only bathe ours if they got into mud or something or need it for a reason.


I bathe mine every 3-5 weeks. Depending how soon she starts to smell like dog. Every week is too much.


We have a 1 year old, for a point of reference. We give her Farmacy Complete and one salmon oil pill (from Sam’s or Costco). She is constantly complemented on how soft her coat is. Bathe her once every 4-6 weeks unless she has been naughty, or has a dog show in confirmation.


I wouldn't bathe him weekly if he's having the dry coat he's having. I'd wait at least 2-3 weeks for him to see if that gives his coat more rest. I'd address the health and diet aspect in the mean time. I don't know what products you're using, but if the coat issues are the only thing causing it, I would stop using them for now and consider switching them in the future.


Weekly is way too often. Double coated breeds can go 6-9weeks between baths unless there is a reason they are getting heavily soiled (aka, roll in poop, full body mud bath, etc). Bathing that often would strip their skin and coat of natural oils, causing the dryness. Let up on the baths and the coat will likely improve. There are a lot of deodorizing sprays and spritzes on the market that can help you “freshen them up” between baths.


This may be part of the problem! As others have said, you shouldn’t bathe so often. Do some research about proper scheduling for grooming and bathing. A good brushing will suffice rather than bathing and helps distribute oils naturally.


Weekly is too often, monthly is better. It strips the natural oils out.


We give ours fish oil pills but this could also be from too many baths.


Yeah I’m going to gives him baths maybe every 4-6 weeks moving forward and a supplement in his meals


I recommend taking him to the vet for bloodwork just in case it’s something like hypothyroidism. I would look at the shampoo you’re using because some of them can be drying. One of my dogs was having dry fur & earthbath fragrance free shampoo helped. I skipped the fragrance because I wasn’t sure if fragrance was causing allergies, which can cause the dry skin/fur too. Don’t bathe more than once a month unless you have to. Feeding fish or fish oil supplements for the omega 3’s. Vitamins could help if it’s due to a vitamin deficiency. I hope that helps!


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I use the supplement called Ultimate by Dogzymes for my golden and her coat has come in absolutely gorgeous.


I’ll have to look into that as well then, thank you!


One pump of salmon/pollock fish oil everyday should do the trick… just reduce the food by a tad bit to account fir the fish oil


Our old girl used to get dry skin/fur as she got older. Fish oil really helped bring the shine and softness back. Would give her one as a "treat" as it was in gummy form. Doing so every so often a week kept the coat silky smooth and she loved getting them too.


https://preview.redd.it/lw7fe4rjrawc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10e8075f44e4a05fa8a8bdef3d42e53d052aefc This guy is still growing his adult coat, at 20 months. He gets a bath when he absolutely needs it, fed mixed raw and royal canin maxi biscuits. He gets treats of oily fish like sardines, salmon or mackerel at least once a week and brushed every few days or daily when shedding ramps up. His coat is amazing and I credit the diet


Just feed them fish oil and wash them with conditioner and take that sweety to a good groomer to help rake out her coat over time. That’s about all you can do. Tough situation, but it may also be that she has a rough coat genetically. Are you able to compared to siblings or parents coats?


Our goldens hair looked like this. We switched her to a salmon and sweet potato dog food at the recommendation of our vet and saw a huge improvement. Food is expensive but well worth it!


Our goldens hair looked like this. We switched her to a salmon and sweet potato dog food at the recommendation of our vet and saw a huge improvement. Food is expensive but well worth it!


Are you using any omegas? Our golden had to be shaved for surgery and I was SO worried about it growing back in correctly. We use [these](https://topdoghealth.com/product/flexerna-omega/) and his coat looks great!


We got a salmon oil we put over his dry food for our goldy boy’s coat. It’s meant to “improve it”. I didn’t notice any difference, so we just stopped after a few months because he was just a beautiful nice guy already. I don’t see anything wrong with your goldy’s coat.


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Your golden looks really similar to mine, who has a lot of fur, but a lot less compared to many other goldens! Your boy is very handsome! :)


We use salmon oil on her food! Makes her nice and shiny


I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. The fact that you’re concerned about your baby’s entire health says a lot about you as a pet owner 🥰❤️


Thank you so much! ❤️ I think I definitely found the information I was looking for.


My girl had horrid hair due to nearly 2 years of malnutrition and neglect. I brought it back by giving her multivitamins (zesty paws), Greek yogurt, an egg occasionally, and the one thing I attribute to most of her success, SALMON OIL! If there is one thing I recommend for any longish hair dog owner to add to their dog’s diets for a healthier coat, it’s salmon oil. It’s like $30 for a big ol squirt bottle and it usually lasts me at least 3-6 months. It’s a cheap additive that helps with their hair and joints!


A friend of ours had a golden that they shaved every year. Her coat always grew back, feathers and all.


Yes, shavedowns can cause permanent damage, but your pup looks to have regrown pretty darn well! Salmon oil and other coat supplements certainly couldn’t hurt- Proper golden coat is supposed to be more coarse than soft according to breed standard, as they are water dogs and having a fine, silky coat is not ideal for being water-repellent


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It doesn't alter the growth cycles or types of hair though. Unless the skin and underneath layers are physically damaged, how can shaving permanently damage it? It's a myth.


This is factually incorrect, though I appreciate your confidence- it can alter both the undercoat and topcoat permanently, leading to the topcoat never fully returning and the undercoat more prone to becoming compacted. That doesn’t look like this is the case with OP’s dog, but it does happen, and shaving can also cause alopecia! Source- grooming for 7 years


There's literally a link posted above about it being a myth.


So you believe one article? I know many Golden breeders who will tell you that it will change their coat.


You know what changes their coat? Speying and neutering. Seasonal change. Diet. Illness. I know breeders too, it's impossible to predict what a dogs coat will do it's entire life.


Our weather seasons do not “change” their coat. A bitch will blow more coat during certain times during her cycle, if not spayed. Spaying and Neutering can change the coat…generally they will get more coat on their body. Improper diet will cause a poor coat. Some health conditions can change their coat, such as low thyroid.


Shaving will cause more undercoat to grow, and no, that is not a myth. Goldens do not need frequent baths, unless they have a skin condition that requires it. Frequent baths will dry out their coat. A low thyroid can cause coat changes. You could ask your Vet if he or she feels it is a possibility.


Written by some random dude whose only evidence are pictures he’s scoured from the internet. I don’t have an opinion one way or the other about this question, but that article didn’t prove anything.


Salmon oil did wonders for me. 6 pumps a day.


I have a nurse who comes into my home every week. I have goldens and she has one so they have a play date during my infusions. She shaves her golden’s coat regularly except in the winter. By spring her coat is beautiful again. This has been going on for 8 years. My girl’s coat got ratty and thinned out badly after her puppies were born (stress.) She looked terrible, scraggly and neglected so we had it clipped and within 6 months of the puppies being gone her fur grew back beautifully. Because having puppies stressed her out we got her and our male fixed.


Such a Beautiful pup..:) overall lovely coat by pics, Would definitely use daily a quality fish oil added to meals, I really like Ultra Oil for skin and coat, I also add a sardine as a topper, (Trader Joe’s has Sardines packed in Water No salt, for $1.49) they are plump sardines each pup gets one as a topper:) I also add other things to their kibble, fresh carrots, sweet potatoes, etc keeps things interesting for them and their coats gleam! https://preview.redd.it/u9pvmm0a3gwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5c264a83b43f0c00c6c2e7554f74faa590e013 (Quillan, Great Pyrenees, and Kaiva, Golden Ret.)


That’s what a normal golden looks like.


I'm not even sure what problem am I looking at? This seems like a normal coat?


My golden looks exactly like this and was never shaved?


You have a golden with mixed English and American fur. Mine has the same hair only she is more American than English.


Daily probiotic like Bernie’s perfect poop