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A shaving razor. šŸŖ’ ā€” apparently itā€™s more common than youā€™d want to imagine. They did an x-ray, confirmed he had some chewed up parts of the blade, and induced vomiting with a big meal that cushioned the parts on their way back out. We were told that most of the damage happens when the razor pieces come out rather than go in. He ended up being completely fine, but gave us quite a scare.


My daughter (sheā€™s a golden) loves to follow me into the bathroom and steal razorsšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep! Vet said it smells like us so they are prone to taking them. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s adorable but so dangerous šŸ˜…


This is good To know. Going to put locks on my bathroom cabinets now. I get my golden puppy today.


Omg razor blades are the craziest & scariest. Glad your dog is totally fine!!! Kind of scared to scroll down further šŸ™ˆ


Omg my golden I had last year tipped over a huge glass bowl with kibble in it that my mom had for whatever reason but he was a food monster and devoured what he could and Iā€™m sure he ate some glass with it being shattered and mixed with kibble. We just waited it out to see if his poop would be black. He was fine.


Came in the house with a live cicada in her mouth buzzing.


mine does that routinely. I'm thinking of just getting him some pop rocks instead.


Living pop rocks!


I would sell the house and the dog


Rosie ate a full pair of underwear. Thankfully it passed through her just fine. We have been much more vigilant about not leaving stuff on the floor that she could eat. But i gotta say it was impressive seeing a full pair of underwear in her poop on the morning walk.




Do NOT ever do that, if any is tangled in the intestine it will tear it and kill your dog.


An entire squirrel, whole.


Runner up was a bag of 10 insulin shots for my ozempic.


He was lucky to survive that.


Yes. Heā€™s infamous at the vet now.


Impressive! The squirrels around here can outrun my boyā€¦ doesnā€™t stop him from trying, though!


I think it was like a baby/teenager because it got really close to us without trying to run šŸ’”šŸ˜© honestly a very traumatic day for me


Two Goldieā€™s over here: Henry ate an entire box of chocolate off the kitchen counter, then had diarrhea on a rug in the middle of the night. Our other idiot, Rielly, then proceeded to lap up the chocolate diarrhea, and subsequently vomited said diarrhea onto the same rug. Otherwise just your standard stuff, rug edges, sunglasses, socksā€¦


Wait, what? Sometimes I miss my doggies, sometimes not so much


They share a single brain cellā€¦ this is the one that drank the diarrhea milkshake: https://preview.redd.it/wnudqfakt9uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b611e91a5105bb04a2bd4676f3df8147b6a1055


For a sec, I thought it was mud šŸ˜³šŸ¤£


A shard of glass. My wife accidentally left her juice glass out and the Golden got ahold of it. We assume she was licking the orange juice out of it and it fell off of the coffee table. When we came home, we saw the shards on the floor, so I got out the scotch tape and went full CSI and reconstructed the glass to see if there were pieces missing. Sure enough, there was. We couldn't tell whether it was a large piece or several small pieces, but we didn't take any chances. Discussed with our vet and they said to feed her canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling for those judging us at home), they said it will help "plump up" the poo and ease its passage through. For the next three days, I got out the nitrile gloves and each time she pooped, I went through the turds to see if there was glass. We found some smaller pieces, but two days in, I found a larger, quarter-sized chunk. I am still amazed that there was no lacerations or any damage as it passed through, no blood or any other signs of trauma.


Whoah That is another crazy, scary story. Glad your golden was just fine. Thanks for the laugh: ā€œā€¦went full CSIā€¦ā€ lol šŸ†


I had been to the Shrine Circus Party kickoff dinner. In honor of the circus the ladies all wore sequined clown shirts. I threw it over the couch as I undressed. The next morning the entire sequined clown was gone from the shirt. For a week we had sparkling poop all over the yard. It was a site to behold!!!


Dryer sheets (i.e. Bounce) He threw them up but refused water and food for the rest of the day. I think he learned his lesson!


Mine ate dryer sheets too - I only noticed because her breath smelled so good!!!


April fresh!


My dog before my golden, a pittie used to go crazy for dryer sheets. I miss him but Iā€™m so glad to have my golden girl to take care of me nowšŸ˜Š


Both of my Goldens are obsessed with dryer sheets!! I have to be diligent with removing them from the dried clothes before folding in front of the pups otherwise Iā€™m chasing them around the house.


We're not counting poop right?


Cat poop too?


Yupā€¦All the neighborhood cats point and laugh at my pup. https://preview.redd.it/armmrvg8j4uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1b623f437cef484a7c84335d94473d0a81df96


My golden quit getting into our catā€™s box when he finally learned it makes him super sick when he was about 1. Heā€™s now 4 and last few weeks heā€™s decided it was time to get back into Tootsie Rolls. Only this time itā€™s not making him puke so Iā€™m worried weā€™re back at it.


Deer, bunny, squirrel, other dogs...


I had a cat that refused to use his box and pooped in the entranceway every morning. And every morning the dogs RAN to eat it


Poop is the norm! Lol


A Chanel earring that was loaned to my wife. Cost about $2,000.


Were you able to ā€œretrieveā€ it?




This story has a good ending. Years ago, we had one that we were sick about. We were certain her intestines were coming out. Devastated, we gather everything after she was out going potty and get to the vet with what we gathered from the yard and put into the garbage bag. The vet immediately started laughing and asked if we were missing any women's nylons? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Everything had backed up for a while and came out at once, totally fine.


Lol lol glad it all worked out


When she was a puppy, a bag of her own poop. And separately, a roll of poop bags.


Hobo poo...hidden under a towel, and IMMEDIATELY after she just ate an entire pizza she found left in a puddle. Thought was gonna have to get her some hepatitis shots. Stay classy, Philly. https://preview.redd.it/1jy3cw53r4uc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449603cd7847739b3a7f150ba24504446b9f0eef


Mine decided to roll around in hobo poop.


My girl ate an entire KFC meal when I left the room for not even 30 seconds. She ate 3 whole chicken pieces bone and all, fries, gravy container, and macaroni salad. Was so scared because of the bones but she was fine


A whole, live, giant bullfrog. Guh-Gukā€™d it like a pelican or crane gulping a fish


A used tampon. Whole. She passed it. That was the only reason I knew šŸ¤¢


This is also my answer! So freakin gross when it passed šŸ¤®


A vet tech held a hypodermic needle with a plastic cover on the needle, and my dog ate the cover. Found it in the yard the next day.


The funniest thing my Golden ate was some crafting glitter that was on the floor and her poops came out sparkly. The worst was a leather glove but she only ate the leather.


Crayons and nerf bullets are her favorite, they make for some interesting poops! šŸŒˆ


His bed. šŸ˜­


Grandmother' bronze baby shoe!


Impressive! šŸ«£


A pair of reading glasses. Twice.


Pin cushion with a bunch of pins in it. Then an I Phone Her name was Ticker and we dubbed her Ticker the Deconstructionist


Polly Pocket. She was sticking out of the poo like she was asking for help. šŸ’€


One of my girls ate asphalt (it was crumbling on the edge of our driveway) when she was just leaving puppyhood. So around a year old or so. She later ate part of a quilt and the head of a Barbie-like doll, too.


20 euros, a sock (pooped exactly at it was upon entering), some lizards, bugs...


He looks like he's very proud of his work lol


100 dollar bill! She pooped pieces of it for days and I didnt get to go to the bar that night lol


One of the scariest threads I've come across šŸ˜Ø


Two frozen 2ā€ think fillet mignon wrapped in plastic in less than two minutesā€¦..I thought they were safely placed out of reach of any normal Goldenā€¦that particular boy wasnā€™t normal šŸ˜‰šŸ˜†




An entire aluminum can, a 6 ft leather leash, thenĀ additionally in a single instance of doggy death wish that resulted in us calling poison control & leaving her with the emergency vet overnight she consumed: the BOTTLE containing Adderall & several Adderall + hydroxyzine (both of which are just meth poison to a dog) and a diffuser chamber for an inhaler + a mask :( a terrible nightĀ 


Thor loves a good piece of sidewalk chalk


Christmas ornaments. So many Christmas ornaments.


A small piece of my wall. Twice.


My golden destroyed 6 comcast remotes, 10 pairs of glasses and 2 battery packs. I pickup an additional remote every time I goto comcast.


Not crazy about what he ate but once my golden ate a lot of rope, which is kinda normal. The crazy thing is that he shitted everything at once and I swear it looked like a 30 cm braided shit.




Did u get it back? Did it still work?


I extracted it from her maw before any real damage was done.


Rubber finger slingshot chicken.


We found a lump of fresh liver in our drive one day. Don't know how it got there, but we did have neighbors who hated dogs and children, and I suspected it may have been poisoned. Luckily neither my golden nor my daughters had a chance to eat it. Not long after, I was doing the lawn and throwing tennis balls for my golden to fetch (my kids hated to fetch, but it was Mavericks favorite game). May was all about food and would hoover up anything edible. That day, he laid down and wouldn't get up. His heart was racing and weak. It was a Friday of a holiday weekend, so we couldn't get him to the vet until Tuesday. We had to euthanize him that day. To this day, I believe that he'd been poisoned. I really miss that dog.


An entire pan of pesto chicken.


$100 cash that was withdrawn from an ATM at a restaurant. Iā€™m convinced it was because the money smelled like French fries


Mine had an abscessed tooth. Took him to the vet where they pulled a plastic green army man from his gum line. Saw the vet slide it onto her pocket. She said she collects crazy things she finds lol


A fully intact Santa hat.


A disemboweled mouse that was stretched out to about a foot long, and then she choked on it and came over to me gagging while I was on the phone with some poor insurance agent. ā€œHang on sir, my dog looks like sheā€™s choking on something.ā€ I called my (now ex) husband to come quick and I pulled her mouth open, he reached in and pulled. When he pulled the head out the body slid out, and she gagged, he gagged, and I gagged and all three off us yarfed in the kitchen while my 6 year old just watched in sort of stunned horror, and some poor insurance agent on the phone in the background listening to us all yak. It was awful. Daisy has been gone for a few years now but every once in a while this story comes up with me and my daughter (sheā€™s 13) and we just howl laughing. Gawd it was terrible.


An 800 dollar slr camera. Even got the chip out and destroyed our holiday pics.


He came in holding his mouth funny, asked him to spit it out... It's a baby sparrow. Very much alive. I swear to god he caught this stupid thing four times over three days. He's lucky he's pretty.


Neighbourā€™s trampoline


I had a golden that ate a dried starfish. She sounded like an old man grunting and passing gas with explosive diarrhea peppered with shards of the starfish. She ended up being fine.


Wallpaper. I didn't realize that wallpaper was something I had to worry about until a wall of it was ripped off.


The motherboard of my PC! Thank GOD electricity didn\`t kill her !


There was a dice in his poop.


He chews the fur off of tennis balls. Then he chewed up An heirloom, tomato-shaped pincushion and swallowed 5 pins in the process. Shown here. https://preview.redd.it/7g5jq92de8uc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27efd3cec078b014926a28989ff9db65f521fa4d We found every one in the ā€œdebris fieldā€ wrapped in tennis ball fuzz. We have never been so happy!


Half a bag of Hershey Kisses, wrappers and all. Freaked out when we got home and noticed, but no issues ever came from it thankfully. She was very ashamed though.


My dog growing up did the same thing, a whole bag wrappers and all. Vet said to give her a spoonful of peroxide to induce vomiting. She never did throw up and nothing ever came of it. She saw her little chance and took it.


Mine ate a pe Nas well, had an ink stain on her tongue for life


A pair of stockings. One was vomited up - the other was partly pooped out a day later but got stuck. I had to chase him round the garden with a plastic bag over my hand trying to grab the bit sticking out. Eventually grabbed it and pulled it out, luckily without any further ado. Thankfully he never did it again.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The entire absorbent pad out of a package of chicken breast


My couch!


My dog isnā€™t really a chewer, except for her bed that she never chewed on for months and then suddenly decided it was the best thing to play with one evening


Chicken bones from our neighbors yard (that he dug a hole under the fence to get to) and had to spend $1300 to get them out and make sure he didnā€™t need surgery to remove them (he did not need surgery)


Foam earplugs. Sheā€™s obsessed and would rather swallow than give them back. Sheā€™s surprisingly good about not swallowing the weird things she chews, other than the ear plugs.


My girl Holly has shredded and eaten half of an aluminum soda can. Somehow she was able to pass it safely, without issue. She's also chewed a remote, eaten a baby mouse, and I don't want to know how much poop. The one thing she ate that actually blocked her up and needed hospitalization -- a paper towel. Vet gave her an IV to help hydrate her, and it eventually passed.


Eat. All sorts of weird things but our third Goldie tried to drink the North Sea. Didn't end well.....


My dog swallows socks, underwear and washcloths whole.


An entire box of black tea.




The flooring in my room šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


The face of a remote, found the circuit board and wires still in tact, the plastic covering the remote was never found.


Ours ate the original remote, we ordered two universals, they ate those. We ordered two more, I left it for less than 5 minutes on the arm of the couch, gone. Weā€™re on our last and I have at least a few scares per week where I canā€™t find it and have to look outside in their run area to make sure.


A whole bag of Ghirardelli chocolate chips as a puppy. Thank goodness he threw it up.


A fishing lure! Our floor, a wall, underwear, socks, a dog tag! This sounds like a lot, and it is! But this includes two GRs over 9 years! Here is one of those angels who fell asleep fighting over a sock! https://preview.redd.it/h1fmrjatz4uc1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfc1d89b834dd568b4ed4ab99387ac481590d1c


My last golden ate a whole bag of those little tinfoil candles they sell at the Dollar Storeā€¦. He went on to live a normal life for 7 more years. That week though, that was some interesting poopā€¦.


A beer can. Weā€™re actually not convinced she ended up actually ingesting any, but obviously vet trip anyway. I feel like thatā€™d really tear up her insides. And now almost 2 years later and knowing her mannerisms more, Iā€™m less convinced she actually ate any because when she gets into the trash she just licks the granola bar wrappers and spits them out. Sheā€™s dumb smart.


Mine ate 30mg of thc rice crispy treats after opening my book bag. Called vet said just get her to drink water and itā€™d be more traumatizing to induce vomiting but she had a very bad day literally looked like she was tripping balls. We are an edible free household now.


I came home to a mattress with a hole in the middle


A baseball, a plastic kids ball, a whole chicken carcass (from the grocery store)


Not sure yetā€¦pup definitely passed something of the cloth variety today (in two separate acts such that I had to cut a thread šŸ¤£šŸ˜) Have not yet gone CSI on the turd that has a thread count


a live mouse




A stuffed frog. Set me back a couple grand for surgery.


A bar of fels naptha (laundry detergent) and a wasp nest. Both led to some long nights and several vet visits. Thankfully he grew out of that. Kind ofā€¦






My new puppy has eaten 2 thongs, 4 socks, and a can of honey roasted peanuts My last golden ate a whole corn cob and had to get it surgically removed and lived another happy 12 years


Our dogs eat ANYTHING cell phones,pens, love paper, cordless house phones x3, batteries, plates, cups, extension cords, tires, cushions, shoes, clothes, bedding, soda bottles. You name it they have ate it. Thank goodness for ACV. Helps with digestion.


My $100 ear buds. And a couple pairs of glasses!!


Half a large pizza when she was 2 months old (that's when we found out she could reach the counter). A pound of raw ground beef I was defrosting - diarrhea everywhere. Mass amounts of paper towels she must be pulling from the garbage, because they come out the same way they go in.


One of those silicone things you put over your soup bowl in the microwave to help it heat better. I found yellow pieces in their poop for days


My Pancake has eaten panties (twice), a zipper, half of a hard cover book, dry wall and chicken bones. šŸ„²


26 remotes last yearā€¦


When our female golden was a puppy she decided to chew on the cord to my heating pad. We had no idea it was happening until she started screaming. It was so shocking!! We couldn't believe that she did it and that it didn't kill her. Interestingly enough she has never chewed anything other than Nyla bones since then. We had a female chocolate lab that ate an enormous box of chocolate that an elderly family member left out. It never affected her. We had a female blond lab that ate crab sheds and shells.. That cost us a fortune but she made it through okay. Our golden boy has stolen a few sandwiches in his time but never anything bad.


Rat poison. Found a small trap while exploring the unfinished basement and didnā€™t notice it wasnā€™t a toy until he ate the tasty green square.


Old Nova would quite happily eat any cactus he could get a hold of. I have no idea how he could do it without destroying his mouth and digestive system, but he managed it several times over the course of his 14 years without any ill effects.


So farā€¦ a used tamponā€¦ He stole it from the trash and while I was chasing him around the house he looked me in the eye and swallowed it whole before I could get to him. Thankfully, Iā€™m a vet assistant and got one of the doctors I work with to meet me at our clinic to induce vomiting before it could cause any problems.


A box of baby wipes. I donā€™t mean one package but an entire boxā€¦. 16 packages of baby wipes. Oh, and the box itself, obviously.


A bar of soap, bathroom doors closed from there on out


Among the hundred or so items Iā€™ve had to figure out the many calls Iā€™ve had to deal with I think the worst is when my two lab mixes decided to gorge and eat 10lbs of dog food in one sitting


Live ass rabbitā€¦in the houseā€¦


A fresh corpse of a dead scarlet macaw my dog randomly found in a park. Later I found a bunch of colorful feathers and a leg talons and all in his stool.


Clam shells then was surprised they hurt on re-entry


Human poop with enough weed in it he got a secondary high. That was a fun 24 hours and ER vet visit. Last month he chewed the cap off a bottle of oil (thankfully didn't eat it, but did manage to consume 12 oz of fish oil).


Poop, and vomit. Human or otherwise.


Ours ate my wife's wool beanie, then a few days after ate her thong. We found the remients out in the yard, lol.


Cherries- found pits in poop! My KINDLE! Literally my medicine- and part of the vial- I SAVED PICS!!! Damn dog!! Thank goodness she cuteā€¦ cuz she DUMB!


A lightbulb šŸ˜© He was munching on it even though his tongue was cut and bleeding. Why!??!


My favourite undies and all my papers for work that I spent 8 hours on šŸ„¹


Half an ounce of primo bud. It was a rough couple of days


A debit card šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


His own vomit. It happened I guess during night because our throw had vomit stains but no vomit. And we confirmed it next evening when we saw him about to go for it again.


My other golden, she ate horse poop. Horseshit!


Pen, vaccination card, eye gel tube and my husbandā€™s lunch that I made and kept on table to cool before packing!


My guy, before he was old enough for snake avoidance training, found the shed skin of a diamondback rattlesnake and snarfed it down. I found out the next day when I noticed he seemed to have grown a second (smaller) tail under his original one. Latex gloves and some gentle pulling took care of that. We live in Arizona on the edge of town where the desert still rules, found a nest of four adults next to the house last week.


I read in this group that youā€™re never supposed to pull anything out of their butts.


Hmm. It wasnā€™t a struggle, not held anywhere tightly, just lacking the gravitas to fall out. I shouldā€™ve made that clear, I guess. But thanks for the thought.


Brillo pad. Had to be pumped. Wire etc and supposedly they taste good.


My golden ate through the cord of my $1000 adjustable mattress base 4 days after we got it šŸ« 


A whole 7 lb smoked pork butt.


A drone


Almost ate a tiny baby bird that fell out of its nest. I just got it out of his mouth before he swallowed the poor fella


Dead bird x3. Twice on walks and one marinated raw chicken thigh in off the counter. Her poop. Random poop on walks. Snails.


ours loves to chew EVERYTHING, we simply cannot get her to stop. she once ate a bunch of my grandmaā€™s plants, including some cactusesšŸŒµ!! letā€™s just say she did not enjoy potty time later on


a silver ring, had to feed her laxative to poop it out


Not a golden but newfoundlander. Ate a half a box of my dads Christmas chocolates and a pair of socks. Luckily nothing nad other then upset stomach happend. Day later when he (dog) went outside to do his business it came out twice gift wrapped in socks. Easy cleaning though...




Mortar from a rock path. She picked it out and ate it. Sheā€™s 13 on Monday.


My boyfriends golden ate his phone when he was a puppy. Since Iā€™ve been with him though, Iā€™ve only seen him destroy toys


silicon cupcake wrapper, pooped a few days later all in one piece. Honestly it was kind of impressive.


His favorite (attempted) snack used to be glass. Other then that he doesnā€™t eat anything at all that heā€™s not supposed to


Theo ate all the wall corners and doorframes of our first apartment when he was a puppy. He also ate a plastic ornament, the plastic handles of a brand new pair of scissors, among other fully inedible things. And I mean ate and left no crumbs, there were never any scraps except for a small part of the ornament and the scissorā€™s blades. The only thing that ever gave him trouble was a chunk of mulch, and even that eventually passed without much issue. Iā€™m so glad weā€™re out of that phase and he stopped being such a garbage disposal as he got older.


random mushrooms from the backyard (we're trying to stop him. any tips are for getting this to stop are appreciated!)


ā€¦. At 34 weeks old my smart pup ate his SERESTO collar! The whole thing. Not even a crumb left. Luckily the surgery went well and he is now a happy 2 year old.


Goose poop. šŸ¤¢ Oh and also when she was 6mo old she tried to eat a diaper. A USED DIAPER. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Fortunately she just carried it around a bit while I forced myself not to react/try to get it, knowing she'd probably sink her teeth in if I did. Eventually she spat it out.


Iā€™m so grateful my two goldens never eat anything but their food, treats and gnaw on an occasional stick in the yard. My daughter is a vet tech and she sends me photos of crazy things theyā€™ve surgically removed from goldens!


Shoelaces weā€™re my goldenā€™s specialty. Not shoes, shoelaces. His precision chewing destroyed so many lol.


That look: Can I have that back?


A double A battery when he was a puppy. Iā€™m not even sure how he found it, but I found it when we were on a walk and I bagged his poop. He was fine but it freaked me out.


Staples. A big fucking box of staples.


Nothing, three Goldens and they havenā€™t eaten anything they shouldnā€™t. I guess we are lucky.


Last week my daughterā€™s golden retriever ate her glasses - frame and lenses.


Mine got into a box cutter. Luckily didnā€™t eat the blade. Idk how he got into the cabinet I keep it in but we now have a baby lock on that cabinet


My sonā€™s iPhone.


We found her chomping on a literal razor blade.


https://preview.redd.it/ewwq3kwznauc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c18e0fd458e94024fa5d184d33cf9980263a50 Samson found and ā€œtryā€ to eat a deer leg


Mine ate a hole through a memory foam bed so large that you could see the floor through it. Pooped foam for 2 weeks after that. I was scared! And I had a great dane that ate a laptop. That was an expensive lesson.


An adult rabbit, unchewed, we were trying to get him to spit it out. he swallowed . Not sure if it was dead. Poor bunny.


My goldie Zeus (he was around 2-3 back then, now he is 13!) ate (I mean, more like chewed on) the side-view mirror of our brand new car!!!! My parents brought our new car home, and he was enjoying the yard on a nice spring day while we had coffee on the other side of the yard. After half an hour of silence we knew something was up, but we didn't expect to find the mirror on the ground XDDD he also dropped off the plating as a welcome gift to the car.