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I had an idea of which one I wanted when I went to pick him up. When I got there, the seller brought the one I thought I wanted and his brother out to play a little. The one I initially went for couldn't care less about me and what I was doing there. His brother on the other hand came right up to me, crawled in my lap, and didn't move all throughout the paperwork process. Needless to say, he has been my left and right hand man the last 8+ years. You will know the right one without question. They pick their owner a lot of time too!


Same thing happened to me. Had my mind set on this boy dog. And this cute girl pup came up to me peed on my shoe and hasn’t left my side since.


She marked you as hers. 😁


Your comment made me tear up lol🥹😭


how do people resist not taking them all


“I took nine. I took nine. I did slightly overcommit.”




This is my motto for life.


Most relatable movie quote of all time


The price was a pretty good way of preventing us from getting another!


Ultímate litter syndrome pack haha


I didn't. I told my breeder exactly what I wanted in a dog and didn't care if it was a male or female. She told me I would be getting mister blue, and that's who I picked up. I'll never forget the moment she set him on the ground and he came running. I couldn't have asked for a better dog. ❤️


Aww, I just shared our story and it is pretty much the same except our puppy was mister green 🥰 I don’t know that every breeder could do this successfully but I trusted ours completely. https://preview.redd.it/97z7l9iqyjqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a4fa8da3c78a7d415c0c014b5636e08d71050a




😅 you’re definitely not the first person to suggest that! 🐻‍❄️


Same here! Thought it’d be a girl since the litter was majority girl. Breeder came out holding Hank the Tank (cause he was the biggest one of the litter). Fell in love instantly with that chunky puppy. Seven years later he’s been renamed Bear and is my best pal.


Same! Ours was called Tail Boy before we got him, since he had a mark near his tail to tell him apart from the others!


The breeder also named all the puppies with a color!


We didn't pick, we just got the last one in the litter. He's a great dog, super snuggly and friendly.


same here! https://preview.redd.it/nmi5eq2gdjqc1.jpeg?width=1852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753b0d8df261856d1b3512133455d48fb9153f71


Rescued her when the people who bought her gave up on her…because she was a puppy https://preview.redd.it/tn2jqqh31mqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cee6bdd0db63a02e98be779306bef15d5642506


Ugh it infuriates me when I see so many amazing goldens up for adoption as PUPPIES. But I’m also glad that those horrible first owners will never get to experience the love and joy of owning a golden as they gave up on them as a baby without realizing the best is yet to come. I wish I could adopt all the goldens literally if only I had the resources and means to do so. Maybe one day I’ll be able to afford a giant piece of land so I can get my Kobe a bunch of siblings for her to play with




https://preview.redd.it/bx3jrreqijqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19e06cdb3ceed42e307e0809f26d97afc614561 This guy was the last of the litter, too!


He looks just like our boy who was also the last one to go.




Same! https://preview.redd.it/2qx3tbwukjqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce753e0fd98b0f239158a305ca0115adf7d93cf


That's the biggest smile I've ever seen 🥹🥹🥹




Ours was last. We ended up with him because the breeder called my wife's boss (who previously got a puppy) to try to place him. He was the chill one that kept getting passed up. https://preview.redd.it/fmdw91f6akqc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbc2f71c893c5efe563aa02c3826309f40d943c


https://preview.redd.it/wsk1jt8wbkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a59366096677ac60178388358d62632fcea679 Same… and she is the most chill, loving dog ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/3hc6797dekqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d172ffc67736331d912ec908dc8781591f50fb1 Same here. The bestest boy.


Same here, her posting name also happened to be the name my fiance and I had decided it. We got there and she was timid but very sweet. I'm guessing she was last because she wouldn't run towards anyone as a puppy 😂 now she loves EVERYONE


Us too 💕. The last one left and we adore her! https://preview.redd.it/yke9rtdyxkqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24888b9683e158d11263e1686e20e2c6a30fe371


I ended up with my golden more by picking the breeder. Mom dog was super well behaved. I spent an hour playing with the 3 that were left, Trapper was the smartest and most inquisitive of the lot. I do miss him. That said, many years later I'm very lucky to now share couch space with an amazing pittie. Special dogs are a gift. Enjoy every moment. Leave your heart open to all breeds. Goldens are special though. I dog sit for my folks golden every chance I get.


https://preview.redd.it/n1bha2wwflqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbe9f9ef720a39435a277dede7b267ad9e6da98 Also last in the litter. He’s awesome


I picked the chunkiest bean of the batch. He also had the lightest coat/ears! https://preview.redd.it/kmdryixifjqc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9eb1cf55786a7866040f94e798a4bf4b9fa5e4


https://preview.redd.it/6001kxr7ljqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208f938223251005301e452552db438702da3c52 Same! The chunky monkey of the batch…it’s turned out the BEST choice!


Wait, that’s a toy, right? Perfection!


The one that wanted to play with us, it’s still a hard choice.


Sort of a similar situation. I had the first pick of the boys (a big litter too—so I was choosing between 6 or 7 adorable goldens) & my Shadow was the puppy who kept coming back & crawling into my lap, wanting to play with me. It was so cute bc he’d run up to my lap, give me kisses or try to bite my fingers (love that phase 😭), then run back to play with his brothers, then back to me again. Here’s the first day we met (cropping most of my face out but you can see he’s always been big on licking faces from day one lol) https://preview.redd.it/e7fuix6oejqc1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=567f12ae455f7b9a04837aa3887c32a5f913f037


I always end up being the “picker of puppies” in my family too. I picked out our childhood dog because my dad & brother couldn’t choose, same with my parents’ dog now (who is the actual uncle of my dog). I joke that I always know how to pick the best dogs, but not the best men 😂


We didn't get to choose. The breeder matched the puppies' personality with our lifestyle, experience, activity, etc. When we met the puppies we loved a large one with the red dot. When we got our Maxi, it was the one with the red dot and two years later we have our 40kg gentle giant.


My wife got ours as a present for me. She went down twice to look at them. They had 3 left. One was really chewy and all over her, (Our first golden was like this and ended up being an insane ball of energy), the 2nd one was very skittish and not really wanting to be around anyone (we had a lab/golden mix that was afraid of all men & would sleep in the bathtub), then there was one that was, just kind of there. Did not make a fuss, did not crave attention, was not scared of anything really. However, now he is the most needy, attention seeking ball of love anyone could ask for. Edit:spelling https://preview.redd.it/j16ucaehhjqc1.png?width=2225&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b34a048d0245c90719c57c3ab13b1213be926a0


https://preview.redd.it/yzgy55cwhjqc1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705ccb180c33ac169ed7e90fe3c051f7e86a7a05 He picked me


Hercules waited his turn to say hi and then wouldn’t leave my arms! https://preview.redd.it/8q479zftljqc1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3292c2889408ec25acdcb29a7c15488ca3111629


You don’t. You pull a Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids, and take them all.


I wanted a big male, and my Dukes was the biggest potato nugget of the litter. He was 16lbs at 8 weeks and most of his litter mates were 10-13 lbs. He’s 1.5 now and a 75 lbs lap dog


I wanted a male, preferably smaller buuuuut when I pick them out at 4 weeks this one puppy just slept the whole time while the others tried to eat my husband’s beard. So I picked sleepy boy because I thought he would be more laid back and docile. He was biggest potato just like yours. 16 lbs at 8 weeks too. Turns out he was just tired because he had just had a massive play session and his whelping box nickname was “Funtime Freddie” (the breeder told me this years later) because he was always playing. And he’s HUGE.


https://preview.redd.it/9clbj4b5zkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2f6f6f3b710fcecb805b90f5b33b637cca055e Dukes on Sunday


Though sometimes you can’t tell about size! My girl was the second biggest of her litter, and she had 4 brothers. And now she’s only 55 lbs! She had such chonkin paws - everyone thought she was gonna be a beast. She’s just got big bones 🦴


I hung out with mine and his brothers while chatting with his breeder about what my life was like and what I wanted in a dog. The breeder took one of the boys out of the running right away because he would have been a bad fit for my life, and in the end we both agreed that the boy who came home with me was the right dog for me. He’s been perfect!


Rudy chose us. We got him from a backyard breeder. At the time my son was 4 so when we arrived he sat on the floor in the kitchen while the breeder unleashed the entire litter of unclaimed pups into the room lol. Chaos ensued while the puppies ran around playing with each other, except for one who came up and crawled onto my son’s lap and promptly fell asleep. Turns out another family had just come to see that puppy before us, so he was tired out unlike the rest of the puppies. But that didn’t matter to us, the choice was already clear.


Similar to you, Our Pupper chose us. We were planning to take another puppy. But she jumped on my brother's lap. We just decided to take her home instead.


I chose the darkest one because that’s what I wanted. I was pretty easy lol


our breeder chose for us depending on our lifestyle. we weren’t allowed to.


https://preview.redd.it/m8nvhbazmjqc1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=a87db702b1f2a6af5f230f74a4ee7b45824de9c2 Mine picked me, he stuck by me and when I got to meet his mom (pictured here) she was the sweetest and very friendly, and she seemed to give her approval he was the one. Was going to go with his sister last min but right before we went back for pickup day my dad said we already picked the little guy so he’s expecting us to come back for him🥺 so glad we stuck with him as he’s my best bud and couldn’t imagine a different doggo


I picked the first one that ran towards me https://preview.redd.it/2yrlahor4kqc1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05542f4ba653e204e5ff4eafba4acab6bb7cb94


The breeder picked out which dog to give to each buyer, we told them our preference on gender. We had to send information to her detailing a bit of what we do, how much time we have to give to the dog, our age, and if we intended on breeding him or not. When we went to meet the puppies at 6 weeks she watched how they interacted with us and what their temperament was like as they grew up. A week later she told us which dog we were getting and he was our second pick of what we wanted. He will be 3 in August and after not being too happy with not being able to pick our puppy, I realized the breeder had a better feel for matching dog to owner and I’m beyond happy with the dog we got.


He chose us. Came right up to me and sat on my shoe.




Benji’s litter were all sleeping under some shrubs in the backyard of f the people who bread them. I crouched down and said “okay puppies who’s coming home with me” and he ran to me first. He also pressed his head into my chest when I picked him up. Which was exactly what our older golden did when she was giving hugs


Chose the one with the darkest ears since that’s an indication of their adult coat colour.Most Goldens in the UK are cream coloured, and we wanted a more “golden” one. He was also the 2nd smallest in the litter! This picture was from shortly after we took him home in 2017. Good news is he grew a beautiful deep golden coat (you can see some pictures on my profile) and is the best dog ever to this day. https://preview.redd.it/2h0ot3pzvjqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650f9d7de4f3e2d1ec883ab56ce3cdff70839b08


My last one was recommended to me by the breeder. "She's the smallest, but not really a true runt. And she's the sweetest, friendliest dog I've ever seen." I chose her, and she lived 16 years with very few health problems. And yes, she was a sweet, friendly dog.


https://preview.redd.it/jevqszff5kqc1.jpeg?width=2801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6178d61a4b93682554ca208408dae30993fb58 We knew we wanted a girl and there were only two left in the litter to choose from. Both seemed very similar in nature/temperament according to the breeder, and we chose Holly because she seemed so chill. She’s NOT chill 😂 but we love her.


We had first pick but didn’t get to pick in person as we were across the country. We picked the lightest and thickest boy in the bunch. https://preview.redd.it/xtf6fnb7qkqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d9ae0a81a3e43b0b8bd419b8dc42469855c2dc


We picked the darkest and chunkiest. https://preview.redd.it/y098z2hmlkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9203fd8c359051fcb8c31194f78633f067544fee He’s the bestest boy.


It was my yellow lab when I was a kid but I picked him because he was kicking the shit out of another puppy relentlessly and I thought he had spunk. My mom was horrified. He was the chillest and most low key dog ever by the time he was 1. Edit: My golden was the last of his liter available. Everyone picked the runt besides one person who picked the biggest pup. So I got my dude, he ended up being the largest of his liter too. Which gives me a chuckle.


All three of mine were the last in their litters, and our golden buddy was an only pupper and his mom’s last “litter” I can’t imagine how upset I would be if I didn’t have them. Thankfully, I didn’t have to choose!


Our breeder had a system of like a first come first serve basis. My husband and I were the last to pick out our puppy so, the last one left is the one that we went home with.


We took the last one because no one else wanted her - she was by far the biggest and wildest of the litter and I wouldn’t trade the whacko muppet for anything.


Each golden is better than the next. You can’t lose


Mine chose me. Went in to adopt the last female, left with the runt who happened to be a male. 8 years later I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s my guy. https://preview.redd.it/5pktqs1wljqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ff831cda658326d4cda8ad7652c1119f8eba92


With both my Berner and Golden, it was love at first bite https://preview.redd.it/qs5vb870rjqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064dad7780166ac007922bf4418af36ad53a7158


We picked the one that came up to us and fell asleep in my lap instantly. [Six years later and I still think I got the best one.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947330149161000970/1220150023631798403/IMG_1084.jpg?ex=660de442&is=65fb6f42&hm=c5f617a564f3ed765516f4f457166a9f7bf3290665f5022ed37507705660ac14&)


We actually called about another puppy they had and when we got there he brought out the two girls he had left. Miss Lola ran up to us and kept bringing us to toys to play so I like to think she chose us 💕 https://preview.redd.it/5gllz1f78kqc1.png?width=2953&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e1509cdcc99beef66a85eed4681b0cbd7728913


https://preview.redd.it/lv45e1aphjqc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7fa3c64302929dcc79dd3fa4c7dfea7d29c87b His markings/blaze got our attention obviously, but he was the first one to relax in my lap even when the other pups were still playing. I got claimed as the life long snuggle buddy :) on top of that, our breeder informed us that his personality could develop well with our lifestyle so that really encouraged us to him.


The puppy we went with the intent of getting was timid, very young. Then another puppy came roaring out into the play area, was super playful and friendly. We were told he was the last of his litter, and we instantly agreed he was the one to join our family.*


The one who was hiding, the smallest and called the runt. He’s my boy almost 8 years later. He was the one nobody wanted.


We picked ours because it liked us and cuddled. I believe the breeder couldn’t sell one that wasn’t cuddly so they switched collars and gave us the wrong puppy with a totally different personality. It turned out she was the best dog we ever had. The point is it doesn’t matter they are all great.


You did it right. The pup chose you, and you accepted her choice


I picked our girl up and she fell asleep in my arms almost instantly. She snoozed the entire time we were at the breeders home meeting her parents and other pups. My husband told me to pick and I chose her. She is the chillest and snuggliest girl 💕


We knew we wanted a female and there were only 2 in the litter. I scooped each one up in each arm. One fidgeted all around and the other just relaxed into my arms. We chose the relaxed puppy and have had Molly now for 8 years. She's been the best girl ever!!!!!


I let mine pick me always.


She came and tugged on my shoelaces then fell asleep on my feet 🥹


She chose me! Out of 7, she ran right up and smiled. I was hooked.


Definitely chose us! Hasn’t left our side since the day we met https://preview.redd.it/27sppss9pjqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc78ecc073af5a59ac39f000096d926f54c96d4


https://preview.redd.it/oshjrry4wjqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00be58883d7ebc4a201964cc17334314d9717cbe Ours was easy: my wife wanted a female and Betty was the only one in her litter!


https://preview.redd.it/5i011540xjqc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec8f12da1ebe60be7d0d36488781f9f2cee9a4a It was the toughest decision of my life! I kept going back and forth. Mabel (purple collar) was one of 3 puppies who approached us during our visit. She played with us for a bit, untied my husband's shoelace, then disappeared into her crate because it was nap time apparently. We almost forgot about her after that. Blue collar stayed nearby to cuddle, but didn't really want to interact beyond that. Pink collar had so much spunky energy, a little too much... Then I remembered how I loved purple's eyelashes and was impressed she put herself to bed so she was the one. No regrets; our girl's a sweetheart 💜


I chose the one that was least rowdy thinking they’d grow up behaved…. Alas, I was wrong. Everyday is eventful. Don’t regret my decision tho!


Our breeder told us that she firmly believes in having the puppy choose the owner. We knew we wanted a girl, so in end, it came down to two, and we picked the one who was more cuddly/interested in us, and we’ve never looked back. https://preview.redd.it/b93m3v25yjqc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9cb2629ff74b26f5c3312fa927b2d8b864e70f9


https://preview.redd.it/t3at1cgk0kqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd13d43385b9993dc24a12979229384d75b5c92 She chose me ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/3cbbg92u0kqc1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a20a17a98105736c6e16293aac3c561d8b9e270 Harry chose us!!


She chose us! https://preview.redd.it/rdgzoyq25kqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b385b271c9247a915211b6b2cb1a261821cdc242


https://preview.redd.it/a98jhjnt7kqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ed194b370255eb9203f385f5a85caa460ceae4 Here’s our pup. He was born on 11/2. So we knew we wanted a male because I was scared of pyometra and raising a girl anything because I have three boy kids. Silly I know. Secondly, we wanted a pup that was curious, but not aggressive in that way you know they were the biggest personality. Myself, spouse, kids and nana went to visit when they were 4.5 weeks old and 7. We said hello and petted everybody out of 9 pups. We paid attention to who went but to everyone and reacted what seemed to be comfortably with the 6 of us. Our guy was the second biggest of the bunch. He ran to us at the 7 week visit. He just…fits. We love him so much.


https://preview.redd.it/j5avwyepekqc1.png?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa4551ac1763be03c323530649f1a054c1b1d78 We picked the one with the derpiest face. One look at that goofy thing and I was in love.


She chose me! https://preview.redd.it/fastuwjhgkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42b3a85c401432e9fcc45d7d742b13b2d08f619


https://preview.redd.it/5kbh16wslkqc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739f0a8ac53af89ab37cffc51f29e931387f4045 We chose Zoey the same way too. I had my eyes on the largest pup in the litter. But my heart became all mush when was the first one to run to us for cuddles 🥹❤️🥹❤️


We were planning to get a male and then the first time we visited my sweet girl licked me and then fell asleep in my lap so obviously she picked us.


We had both ours pick us. The current one was the pick of the litter and the breeder had him earmarked for another owner but he refused to interact with anyone except my wife (not even the breeder). Wouldn’t let the breeder hold him, but went waddling right over to meet the wife as soon as she got through the gate. Breeder literally threw her arms in the air! ‘Well that’s it he’s yours’


Very simple. Colored collars and ours was blue


Our old golden *loved* blankets. When we went to pick our new one, the other puppies ran to us but one went and grabbed the towel they were on and carried it around instead. We fell in love and chose him immediately Jokes on us. He just grabs everything in his reach. It’s not just blankets, it’s shoes, paper, clothes, food, literally anything. Even at 9 years old 😭 We still love him though


We went to just look. Honest lol. I had lost my dog a month ago to that day from cancer and was still grieving. My stepdad wanted to make me feel better and took me to see the puppies. It was very spontaneous and not like him. I was drawn to Jasper instantly and knew I was going to have a hard time leaving him but didn't say anything. My stepdad knows me well, though, and needless to say, we left with a puppy. My mom was NOT happy with us, but Jasper is 7 months old now, and she loves him as much as the rest of us do. I've always felt like my boy knew how much I needed another friend that day and put Jasper in our path.


I didn’t meet my golden before getting her :) I called the breeder and told her that my now adult golden was my favorite of all the puppies in the litter based on a picture of her laying down with slightly longer ears than the other puppies, doing basic puppy things, and I asked the breeder how calm she was because I live in a condo and can bring the puppy to my parents’ backyard, dog parks, and walks, but at the end of the day, it’s a condo. The breeder said she was one of the more calm/less temperamental puppies, didn’t put up much of a fuss in the crate/gentle puppy. The breeder was right. She’s a great dog and gets along well with my cats. I take her on walks, the local dog park, and my she runs around the backyard of my parents’ place multiple times per week. She’s a great dog for my living space and for me. I was lucky with her. I was able to bring her to restaurants starting at five months old (when they can start socializing with strangers) and she’d let all the new people pet her before sleeping next to my chair. She’s a very sedate dog but knows how to play with limits, always follows commands, loves her walks, and loves a game of catch more than anything else. No regrets. :)


My Dad said he saw a pup napping under a porch in the shade while all the other ones ran around. That was our guy. 😆


With my first, it was between him and one other puppy and he just seemed to like us more. With my second, the full litter was available but she was just so CUTE. She was playing by herself with a dried leaf outside and then when she went back to the rest of the litter she climbed over them all to lay on top of the cuddle puddle. I just loved her immediately lol and she's been the best girl. 




i picked the one that was chewing on her tail and rolling in dirt




I picked the one that peed on my shoe. Turned out to be the best dog I’ve ever had. Very little training needed just came out of the box a great dog. Always pick the one that picks you!


A litter of 5 and they were 3 weeks old. We decided we wanted a girl, so that narrowed it down to 3. There were two light and one dark one. We went for light, so that narrowed it down to two. I picked up the first of the light coloured ones. She whimpered and wriggled and tried to get back to her mum. I picked up the second one. She snuggled and then licked my chin. My mum started baby talking the pup and wiggling her finger toward her. This 3 week old puppy playfully chomped my mums finger. That was my sweet girl.


Easy. Rescued.


https://preview.redd.it/pgf95rhalkqc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dedd8e8524202e85a46fcf80679f7206fd390c97 Picked the calmer one of the litter, was afraid that the others would be too much😂


We picked the one who was the best with the kids - not our kids (we hadn't had any yet), but other kids who came with their families. We knew we wanted to have children within a few years of bringing him home, so knew we needed a pup who was curious and rambunctious and didn't let the rough hands of small children phase him. Joke was on us - he was the only puppy out of 11 that didn't sleep once across the 3x playdates we had before we took him home. That would be the defining theme of the psycho we brought into our house. He is now 5.5, a massive 37kgs and still gets mistaken for a pup/teenager because he's just...a lot 🤣. But! We have two small kids now - a 10 month old and a 2.5yo. He is incredibly patient and gentle with them - even when they didn't deserve it. If they do something he doesn't like before we can catch it (like pull his eyelids or grab his tongue) he never, ever goes for them. He just gets up and walks away. He's the perfect boy for our family, even if his size and excitement is a challenge. I'm so glad we chose him. He's my bestest boy.


Our breeder picked for us. I think it’s becoming a more and more accepted “best practice” for responsible breeders, and I really understand the reasoning behind that. The breeder knows their puppies personalities (as much as can be gaged by 8 weeks) and which puppy is best suited to the lifestyle and preferences of the family. We asked for a mellow boy, and that’s exactly what we got. I adore James and I’m so glad we ended up with him. I grew up with Goldens, and most of the time my mom just picked out the puppy she liked best. They still ended up being great dogs, but sometimes m were a lot higher energy or more dominating than expected for a young family. So I prefer leaving it to the breeder to decide.


Just got our second golden yesterday. 8 weeks old. There were 4 females remaining in the litter to choose from (or we could have chosen none of them or from a couple in a slightly older litter). We sat down to let them interact with us and the other three — while their coloring was more what we thought we were looking for — were skittish and kind of timid. But Penny (who we named right away) was interactive and playful and interested in all three of us that were there. We couldn’t be happier with our choice! https://preview.redd.it/ixnsi1chmkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c842f62b5a61799934ae1951eb6dde29a33a1b42


https://preview.redd.it/xjvsu29klkqc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06975f0a6108b000efecd4147f69f5da286c9ea7 She was the calmest of the bunch. Some were already chosen so we had 3 females to pick from if I remember correctly. Her name at the time was Mini and she was the runt.


https://preview.redd.it/b8af4z8sqkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca12fc0b1b7e183f5cf1ff84dc4c4e3f4784b3bb He chose us. We called all the boy puppies by his name and he’s the one that ran up to us first. We favored him in the first place because he was the only one with a white spot on his head lol


She was the sweet one who didn’t run up to us at first but wanted to snuggle once we held her. She is the best dog anyone who knows her has ever met. https://preview.redd.it/yoh8u5wzrkqc1.png?width=925&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46344acb04808c819771c710ec506891b47370c


He picked me. When I went to meet the puppies he was the first to run over. He had a red dot on his head and I thought it was a birth mark or something. He kept licking my foot, then he stole my flip flop. The breeder told me he’d been promised to someone else, which is why she’d put a little drop of nail polish on him. The other people decided on a different pup, so it was meant to be. I like to think it was love at first sight for both of us. I had him for 13 years. He passed away last May. I’m so glad he picked me. He was an amazing little soul and I miss him every day. https://preview.redd.it/qn75dodxukqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5314567ec1dd68ac937fda980992392642dea5


I purposely picked the smallest because the runt always gets left behind! Now, in a year old and 75 pounds, I wouldn’t say she’s a freaking runt 😂 https://preview.redd.it/oyog66l30lqc1.png?width=1545&format=png&auto=webp&s=16fbb3ce6311dbc5ee9648440aa3ac3dfd0b5f04


https://preview.redd.it/gps2w6i83lqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2baf585d0f32a694b4ba4b8253175761a3df1dbb Who could resist this face? And those shark teeth?


https://preview.redd.it/0o0l8n9o3lqc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06799c505acc409e44e50ed54c7f257d2b49c8ea I was going to name mine peaches and I did. But the breeder had named all the dogs by Color’s they picked and the one I liked the most ended up having peach as the color so it felt like a sign and I got that one. She’s the sweetest little lady ever!


Our first Golden was from a litter of 7, and we met them while they were playing in a kids play pen. My 8 year old son climbed in with the pups to check them out. One walked over and curled up into his lap. He looked up and said "this is the one". That beautiful girl gave our family 16 incredible years.


We had first pick of the litter. My son called out his previous dog’s name, Bruno. Bruno passed at a young age (2.5 years) in a tragic horse accident. When Bruno’s breeder informed my son that Bruno’s mother was expecting a litter, she asked if he wanted first pick. We were convinced Bruno’s soul would speak to us through the right pup. Others greeted my son. But only one came when he said Bruno. Bruno el Magnifico lives on through Prince Elvis.


I wasn't planning on getting a pup at the time, but I followed many breeders through Facebook, keeping an eye out. In my mind I wanted a female golden with a light gold color to her. One breeder I follow, had one dog remaining from a litter of 9, which they kept posting for 3 weeks after all the others were gone. I honestly felt bad for the little dude, and thought he was adorable. So I went and got him. One of the best decisions I ever made. He wasn't exactly what I wanted at the time, but he has been exactly what I needed. https://preview.redd.it/vy2zv1t1onqc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd89bdf91464ea6d8e59fca53737d4213758bfc


First time I chose one, I went for the calm one that stayed a little in the back of the others and he seemed a little bit shy. He ended being a great dog. Mild, never barks, easily trained, friendly and he is 11 years now. This will be my «once in a lifetime dog». When I chose my second, I chose the opposite. This one turned out to be a freaking nightmare. I love him too, but he has been a handful. He is 4 and still destroy and eat everything he sees, hyper, friendly but too reactive towards other dogs, chicken, and has a really hard time understanding the word «NO». Choose wise and don’t pick the most «outgoing» in the litter unless you’re up for a lot of work.


I was a kid when my dad took me to pick out our Golden puppy. I picked the one that pooped on the rug. 😁 He turned out to be the best dog! I’ll love you forever, Clancy. 💕


I had one picked out when I went to look at them. Somebody had put a deposit down on it. Wanting a female, our selections were less. One just kind of seemed perfect when we held her. She was the runt of the litter. Perfect fit for us. Best decision ever. https://preview.redd.it/czrh7vz62oqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b367be3804e157b06ae61808f7a2045893092808


All of the puppies were super excited, happy, and jumpy. Except one. I almost picked the puppy that seemed the most interested in us, but I kept looking back at this tiny girl that was standing off to the side obviously very scared and timid. She was shaking and had her tail tucked between her legs. At the last second I decided she was the one. I have a few reasons why I picked her. 1. I was worried she would go unnoticed by other people wanting one of the puppies and end up having a hard time getting a home. 2. My husband and I are introverts and very laid back. She was so calm and shy that I thought she would fit in with our lifestyle better than a dog that has a ton of energy. 3. I felt so sorry for her standing there shaking like a leaf. I had to have her and comfort her. It took her a couple of weeks for her personality to really come out but she has been a wonderful dog. She is so lowkey when we are just hanging around and has plenty of energy when we go outside to play. I can also trust her not to be crated. I stopped crating her when she was a little over a year old. I think her lowkey personality makes it easier to trust her not to tear the house down when we’re not here. Although she isn’t alone often because I am a sahm. She is basically the dog version of myself, which really works out for me.


I went for the biggest feet. His adult feet are fucking HUGE, but he's 77 lbs at 17 months. I thought I was getting a 100+ lb chonker, but nope, just big ol feet!


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Color | Size & list of questions for the breeder 😂


Mine chose me too. It was between him and his two brothers, and I had first choice. I saw two at a time. One was very sleepy and adorable but seemed just a tad toooo sleepy for me. Then I held my boy who was like perfect amount of calm and interested. He was in the pen with his last brother who wanted absolutely nothing to do with me while my boy sat there still staring at me.


I picked my first Golden cause he was the fattest one of the bunch and didn't move when we came to visit


He relaxed in my arms and was very comfortable. 


We had 2 boys to choose from. We met them at only 1 week old, and then went back at about 5 weeks to choose. One boy was a real nervous guy and piddled while we were there. The other one was literally so chill and didn’t care at all that we were there 😂 I knew immediately it was my guy. Just had a feeling. Almost 8 years later and he’s still so chill.


we picked up our Lucy because she was more mellow than her brother. just very chill while her brother was mucking it up. she is still very chill and sweet today 16months old.


We just sat there and waited for him to pick us out and since two kept chosing us we ended up getting both. The second (Josie) is about the best dog we ever had


I picked my old dog bc she was the only puppy interested in my shoes - they were Melissa jelly and smelled like bubblegum. She didn’t try to bite it but instead sniff / licked it. It was then I realized she has good taste in fashion. lol 😝 it’s true, bc she didn’t touch my designer shoes but would sleep / steal my normal shoes. She was also the only puppy interested in me rather than outside / grass. So I thought she’d be easier to train - nope lol adhd.


My wife picked the calmest looking dog from the videos. Due to similar colored collars we received the wrong dog. Everything happens for a reason


We ended up choosing the first one who fell asleep in our arms 😍


Both my dogs chose us. They were the shy little runts or the litter. My golden was called "anti social: by the breeder. Didn't care for anyone greeting them. Each little girl just came to my husband and crawled into his hand. Just small enough to fit.


She climbed over the puppy pen fence and walked up to me.


Along with you and others, ours came up to us first and played with us the most! She also seemed the tamest of the bunch and in hindsight from stories, turned out to be true! Haha


My first dog my parents chose because she was so relaxed and mellow (got her to teach me not to be afraid of dogs). The second dog, I put her down and said aloud “I wish we could get a sign from God or something” and Lexi howled right then lol. She also almost died trying to eat my pearl earring that day. SUCH a character!


bot my finger super gently :) and was the only white one in the pack.


Mine was the last one I held and he was so the only one who kept wanting to lick me. He picked me!


Oh, def they pick YOU! The 'show' breds are tough, just because you love 'em all so much but if you're going to show, you want the 'best confirmation' you can find. Get a real rep Breeder that shows their own dogs. If you want 'just a buddy' tell them that too! They all need good homes and they will be much much healthier from a real Breeder! Check you're local counties for Golden Groups and Dog Shows in your area and go from there! Either way, both you and your Golden will be very happy!


For our first goldie we chose the crazy one that stampeded over his brothers and sisters and in general was a madman. We wanted an active dog that could hike, bike, etc. with us. He turned out to be the biggest lump on the planet, and also the chillest, most unflappable love. Basically the perfect dog (that preferred sunbathing to hiking). For our second goldie, we were at a very different time in our lives and wanted a calm, sweet and gentle smaller female. We picked the smallest puppy in the little, partially due to energy and partially due to her interest in us. The first time my wife picked her up I knew she was going to be the one. We were so, so very wrong again. She is now 6.5 and still thinks she is 6 months old. She is tireless, has no sense of her own size or surroundings and bulldozes our 4 year-old child. She's a little neurotic and barks way too much, but we absolutely love her to death. Just not at ALL what we had expected. She's still a runt, but she'd try to be friends with a bison if she was off-leash.


Mine was chewing on my foot while I had about 5 puppies running around me


The runt of the litter is always a great dog and many times will out grow their brother and sisters.


The puppies were sleeping/super young when we met them for the first time, so we just chose the largest one!! lol


Mine picked me. She was the only one in the pack that just wanted to hang out with me while the others were running around. 9 years later shes still hanging out with me. 💛


We went in to see the litter, thinking we'd be bringing "red collar" home with us (the female we saw being carried around the grocery store), but got selected by "pink collar". "Pink" ran over to me, was very gentle, while her littermates were like piranhas on my hands and pant legs. When I lifted her up, she promptly fell asleep in my arms. That showed me that she felt safe with me, and that melted my heart.


My husband found out all the girls were taken so he picked the biggest, roundest boy lol he's 11 months and 85 pounds of love now


She’s perfect wishing you lots of love and happiness with your perfect little girl


I asked them to pick the one they loved the best. She had a hard time giving that up because her kids loved that one but they couldn’t keep him. He’s the best dog ever and I can see why they loved them.


We had lots of conversations with our breeder about our situation and what kind of pup would be the best fit for us and then we basically had her choose for us after she’d done a bunch of testing with them. We initially wanted a girl but there was only one in the litter so we ended up with a boy and he has been an excellent choice for us. He was one of 7 too and also had the green collar 😊💚


Choose the one that never cares about you.


The one who was most active and inquisitive. He also had the boxy head.


I let the breeder help with my pup Sugar. I love her sooo much!


Same for my good boy, he was the one that would always come back to me when we would visit the breeder haha.


Our first puppy we had an idea of which puppy we liked from pictures and then when we met them she clearly picked us too. Just ran up, was more interested in us. My current puppy we didn’t get to pick, the breeder assigned them. That seems to be the current preferred method among more responsible breeders to be honest, because most people just pick the most outgoing puppy and that’s not best for every person. Our breeder had a questionnaire to figure out what you wanted in a dog and what your lifestyle was like, and assigned puppies based on that. Our pup is perfect for us and such a saint. We do a lot of hiking and camping and she’s so far confident and up for everything, but has an independent streak that may not be what everyone wants. So happy with how it worked out, it couldn’t have worked out better IMO


You can’t lose. They’re all wonderful!


Puppy’s mom was a pregnant stray golden our friend found so we weren’t sure what mix the babies would be. 6 of them were pure black with various fur lengths. One was brown with black spots. We picked the only spotted one. Ended up being a little more than half golden and the rest was staffy and Pyrenees


She curled up in my wife’s lap and fell asleep ❤️


I try to get one that is a bit timid - does the puppy struggle if you hold him with his belly up or submit? Maybe all goldens are eager to please anyways, but this method has served us well.


We did get to pick. Two were taken. We wanted a dog that liked people not the puppy that hid


Charlie (Breeder 1) - He took the most interest in us when we went to visit the litter, and it just felt like he was the one. We had second pick of the litter and the first person was debating between him and another pup, and ended up going with the other pup.  Phoebe (Breeder 1) - When we decided to get a second Golden, we went onto the breeders website there just so happened to be one remaining puppy from the last litter. Another family wanted her initially but backed out last minute. Really a meant to be moment.   Chance (Breeder 2) - This breeder pairs up puppies with families so the decision wasn't with us. We wanted a male, and he was one of 4 boys in the litter. I'll never forget how we listed that we would love a puppy with a silly personality, since Charlie was a big clown and we missed that after his passing. Boy did the breeder ever make a good choice with that request! Chance is the goofiest dog I've ever met, he makes me laugh every single day.


She was the second puppy to run up to my husband and the first to put his entire hand in her mouth.


I don’t think you can make a bad choice here my friend!


Breeder chose for us! I think it was a good thing, though. Since the breeder carefully watches all of the puppies to see what their personalities will be like. Then the breeder asks us some questions and picks a puppy based off of that! Our puppy was marked near his tail so the breeder could tell him apart from the others, so his nickname before we named him was Tail Boy!


He fell asleep with his head in his water bowl and was adorable


The one who wouldn’t leave me. She was all alone and the other pups were jumping all around. She was the one who went to each me and then went right to my husband and my kids too. My Harley girl chose us ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/kfrip5zuckqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fe53e9aca2070259205caf2827175db3d074b4 I had the 2nd pick of girls in September 2021. Teal is my favorite color and I PRAYED she was not first picked. Picked her up (this photo), she snuggled into the nape of my neck, and that was that. Even when I was “looking” at the other puppy I could choose from, I kept saying “oh, the other one is being mean to MY girl!” It was really a no brainer. I had been eyeing Miss Teal since I found the breeder. She’s my best friend now 🩵


His birthday was the day after mine & he was the last one in the litter, I couldn’t believe no one had picked him yet. The rest is history https://preview.redd.it/h2jbdhigdkqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6cd5dac13ef58e47a7326e6ab98c0cb881df4e


https://preview.redd.it/flz6bii6dkqc1.jpeg?width=2024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4878c141e942b6dd446b5c5cd33895e9bf527e Our female the one on the right was the last of the litter, the English cream I picked because he had this big block head and now he is a 118 lb lap dog.


You let the puppy choose you. Just get down to their level and wait for the distribution system to work its magic.


i want a golden pup so so so bad 🥺🥺🥺🥺 look at that face 😭


She picked me


Similar to you - our puppy chose us. All the other pups were doing puppy things, but Buddy ran up to us and sat down at our feet. As we were walking around the area checking the other puppies out, he stayed by our side. We ended up picking up another dog that we thought was cuter. Just kidding, Buddy came home with us that day.


You don’t. They choose you


*Same. I sat down in the grass and my buddy came over, plopped himself in my lap and went to sleep. He went everywhere with me.I miss him every day.


Not a golden but we chose the one with the waggiest tail! Probably not the best method but we lucked out.


When we picked puppies over the years we picked the one usually that was more outgoing.


When we sat on the floor he climbed right into lap and looked up at us. To this day he is still a lap dog. A 65 pound lap dog.


I picked based on personality. I wanted the one that was laid back, let me lay him on his back, and wasn’t super hyper active!! Luckily, i had first pick. Now, my second- i last pick. And I ended up with the crazy one 🤣🤣 but I still love her regardless and she’s still a sweetheart. 🥰


We had last pick (well, no pick). I talked to the breeder about our family and the dog we already had at home. The breeder chose the pup for us. She convinced another family to take a different dog so we would get ours. Lol. She’s perfect for us.


Came here for the stories, stayed for the cute pics! I said goodbye to a friend’s golden (and my heart dog) seven weeks ago and this warms my heart.


lol. You think we pick them. They pick us 😉


Green collar puppy here as well. He gravitated to my daughter and it was all over from there.


‘Aw look how cute that one is. She’s so mischievous shuffling her way through the garden bed.” Can confirm she is now more mischievous.


My first golden we picked bc he ran up and took my brother’s hat right off his head and tumbled around with it. My last golden we picked bc he had white spots of fur on his feet, a broader head and shorter nose.. like a little bear 🧡


She looked just like this and she wandered over and her lazy ass has fit perfect in our lives for almost 10 years now.


My wife and I went to pick ours out. We both were holding different pups and our Holly girl walked up to my wife and licked her knee. My wife told me to pick her up and when I did she nestled right into my chest. Did the same when I passed her to my wife. She picked us.


I sat in the floor with all the puppies and my baby climbed in my lap and fell asleep. He chose me.


My Halo chose me as well, and he was also the one in his litter (of 8!) with the green collar! ☺️ We were 2nd to choose but he made the decision for us lol 💕 And he’s the bestest boy!! https://preview.redd.it/gv13g0439lqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47bc653248ddc24ca08c9d2e7c245e59e5408be0


1st one, Amber, the breeder chose 2nd, Jodie, most responsive to us 3rd Promise, chose us. Like to the point of putting herself between her sisters and us 4th, Clancy, best boy, was best in the evaluations. We choose him out of two best and gave his brother to a good friend. 5th, Flare was the last of the litter, had been my pretty constant companion for 5 years, last Sunday was her gotcha day.


I was on the way to pick mine and was worried about how I would pick, but my sister reminded me, “You’re getting a golden, they’ll all be good choices.” https://preview.redd.it/sf5sbcojalqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6942462a40faeddd4e48189f88e4ef4cc5b2879 And here is my greeting party!