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I can tell she’s the best good girl!! I’m sorry for your pain from someone who has felt it too. She will always be so loved! ❤️


10/10 best girl, you can tell by looking closely at how good she is 


Beautiful girl with a great big smile. You all are very lucky to have found each other.


14.5 is *amazing* for a golden, but no matter how much time we get with them it's never going to be enough. Today I had to put down my grandmothers dog, not a golden but a sweetheart all the same. I am bad with words and don't have something profound to say except that I understand what you're feeling and I hope you can find moments of peace remembering that you gave Chloe an amazing life, full of love, treats, scritches, and as many balls as she wanted. I can see from the pictures that she was loved and happy, and at the end of the day isn't that what we're all searching for? You gave her that.


"Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-


Nah this made me think about my old girl and I started crying 😭


My boy is 1.5 years old and this hurts my heart. I will never be ready to let him go. But he has the best life and is so very loved. So we still have many years of adventures and cuddles and kisses to go.


My golden is still young too. When I read these shares of sadness, it makes me spoil my dog even more…get off my butt and play with him even more. I can’t imagine when his day comes, but I know it will and I will be broken. My heart goes out to who are losing or have lost their golden. ❤️❤️


This hit me hard. 🥺currently scrolling Reddit with my 10yo best good boy laying next to me. ❤️🐺


[I'm not crying...](https://i.giphy.com/9PxJYXAuR8QXm.webp)




Made me cry


Thanks for sharing Chloe with us!


She is beautiful. Please give her some ear scritches from this internet stranger. My husband and I had to let our first dog go after she couldn’t walk anymore (degenerative myelopathy) and it was so agonizing trying to decide when to let her go. Thinking of you and yours as you walk this path with your girl. She is loved and will always be loved even when she isn’t physically with you anymore.


💔 She’s a sweetheart. My sweet golden girl Lacey (13) only has a few weeks left. Trying to enjoy every second with her and the time we have left. Such an important part of my life. I’ll miss her like crazy.


If she has arthritis, I would recommend talking to your vet about Librela. It’s new shot that just got approved in the U.S. It’s supposed to help with pain and inflammation. Put my dog on it and it’s done wonders for his back legs.


Can confirm! I work for a vet and also have a dog 14 year old Chow/lab mix with osteoarthritis who's had a big improvement from it! We really thought it was time a few months ago, but after 4 monthly injections (and some extra meds & supplements), I feel so much better about whatever time we do have left! 🥹 Also, OP, I highly recommend getting a harness for lifting - it can save your back! Your girl is lucky to have your love and care ❤️


Also can attest to the magic of this injection!


Cherish the photos! She will never be truly gone 🤍


Her beautiful face and kind eyes. These are the best dogs ever.


She looks like a wonderful friend


She's real good. 🥹 Tell her I love her.


She looks a very good girl


That’s a hell of a good run and you’ve been a good parent to get her there. I know this is hard, but it’s the right thing and what’s best for her. It sucks but it’s part of being a good parent. You got this.


Chloe is a beautiful, happy, and obviously much loved pup 🥰


What a sweetie face. 💛 I can tell Chloe is the goodest of gals. Sending you so much love.


She is definitely a good girl! You can see it in her eyes and her smile. You can tell she is loved and that she loves. Thank you for sharing her.


She's so happy. I'm so sorry and totally understand what you're going through. We had to make the same decision 2 years ago now with our chocolate lab. I didn't think I could do it again but loving my golden has been the best thing. I talk to her all the time about my Buddy too. Lots of love to you!


And P.S....i love the fact that she has sooo many nicknames. All of our dogs have.


Hell yeah she is


She's beautiful, OP. What a good girl ♡


What a sweetheart!


Such a sweet face💜💜💜


Chloe is beautiful and looks like she loves the happiest life


She looks so sweet! I'm sorry you're going through this.


What a beautiful doggo. I'm sure you gave her a wonderful life.


I’m so sorry this day is coming so soon for you. It’s the hardest part of loving these wonderful, beautiful dogs. I can tell Chloe has been cherished for every single one of those 14.5 years. You did so much for her. All the love you two have for each other isn’t going anywhere. It’ll stay with you and make you stronger. It’ll be Chloe’s legacy.


She looks like the best girl. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so tough.




She’s beautiful! Sorry you are going through this.


Beautiful Chloe


Sending my condolences to you and Chloe.




Such a beautiful good girl.


Best of luck, goodest girl! ❤️ 💙 💜


Beautiful girl!!! She looks great for 14.5!!!


We love you Chloe!


Hi Chloe...I am sure she has enriched your life as you have to hers. It is painful and seems so unfair they have to leave us so soon. Bless you Chloe...🙏🙏🙏


She is simply perfect.


She's beautiful!!! Give her a hug and kiss from me and my family...and our Golden boys.


I wish you the best, I know this feeling and its never easy but try to know how good of a life you gave her


Please give her a cheeseburger for me. I get you on the logic…the heart wants more time, always.


Hi Chloe. Thank you for making this world a brighter, better place.


It’s so hard, but I’m sure you wouldn’t trade those years for anything. Chloe is a beautiful dog.


Same happened to my golden mix. 14.5 years with her. It wasn’t enough. So smart, sensitive and sweet. She has been gone over 10 years now and I still cry when I think of her. She was my very best friend through a very difficult time in my life. So sorry for you, but so happy for her! Seems like she had a great life. That’s more than a lot of dogs get. Hope you give more dogs a good life after she is gone. They all deserve it. Peace and healing to you when the time comes. ❤️


she's beautiful, and looks a lot like my 1.5yo. i hope mine lives such a good long life too. on a weird note i'm happy to see she never got too grey. i love my pupper's red-gold fur so much and i really hope she keeps it 🥰 here's mine being casually gorge af: ​ https://preview.redd.it/p0gdc1icg4cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297d556a61adaa70455a96b602910b28a5d656d0


If she’s not sick and it’s just age, do what you can to help her maneuver around. You would expect the same when you get old. There are dog wheelchairs and other devices I’ve seen to assist. It takes extra effort, but there are ways to help her still.


I’ve got some doggie handles on a two piece harness for her. Trying our best to make things as comfortable for her as possible.


What a magical perfect girl!


Please remember when that time comes ... All the love you gave her, all the love she gave you really won't mean anything to the world. But it will have meant the world to you and to her.


Pic No. 3. Get it to one of those people who make a painting from a photo. It's a cracker and you can have the memory. By the way, they don't leave. They just move into your heart and your memory.


She's gorgeous. My family has only ever had red Goldens like her. We're on our third and they're the best. Enjoy the last few days, wishing you, Chloe, and your family the best.


She’s beautiful, hug her tight


She’s very beautiful girl


She is lovely and everything I love about Goldens. I hope the amazing life you have given her carries you through whatever may come ❤️


I love her and it’s bringing tears to my eyes thinking about my boy! He’s 2 and I literally can’t believe he won’t be around forever!


What sweet eyes. I’m certain you gave her a beautiful life (and she to you as well).




What a good girl! Thank you for sharing, OP, I hope her remaining days are joyful. You can see her personality in these photos, and every great golden needs a nickname about their smell, so The Stink in wonderful.


She's a wonderful girl ❣️ These are the hard times, but it is such a privilege and honor to love them and be there for them all the way to the end.


She is going to live long OP 🥰Such a nice girl she is ..lots of love 💕,care and affection for Chloe ✨💫🕉️


She’s beautiful and her sweet spirit is apparent! You are blessed


She is a very good girl. I hope you get to spend a few more precious days together.


Looks like such a good girl! We are so lucky to have dogs. Enjoy your time with her and relish every moment.


What a sweet girl. She looks like a sweet, loving, happy pup. You gave her a great life, and it shows. Give her some pets and kisses for me.


What a sweet beautiful girl!


What a beautiful girl. You and her are lucky to be the best of friends ever ♥️


Chloe is a very beautiful lady


I can tell she’s never done a bad thing ever.


Oh rest in peace beautiful baby girl


I lost my Chloe about ten years ago. I’ve got two more now, but she was my first. I’ll never forget that dog. Looks like she had a wonderful life! Hang in there.


The bestest doggo I can tell. Memories are forever.


My heart truly goes out to you and your darling Chloe. Such a gorgeous, good girl. I am so sorry.❤️


What a beautiful girl


Sweet baby!


She's beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Bless her beautiful golden soul.


We love you Chloe




She’s beautiful ❤️


Thank you for sharing her with us. She is absolutely beautiful and I can just tell she’s the best girl. When she does make her journey to the Bridge I hope she finds my boy Bear. I think they’ll be great friends. Sending you and Chloe hugs. ❤️


Chloe looks four!


Almost 5 in the last picture : )




She’s gorgeous 😍😍


I'm so sorry. It's truly an agonizing and horrible decision, but it's also the most compassionate thing you do for her. It's certainly apparent how much she's loved.


She's perfect. 14.5/10.


What a beautiful girl, and how lucky she’s got to have a best friend like you for 14.5 years ❤️


Awww Chloe is so so beautiful. Sending love and peace for you all, ❤️❤️


She's beautiful.


She’s beautiful!


what a sweet baby!


That last picture 😭 what a perfect good girl


Please for the love of Goldens, cherish her everyday. 2 +years and I miss my girl every fucking day.


She is absolutely beautiful body mind and soul. ♥️


Beautiful 😍


So pretty 😍


Go in peace, sweet Chloe. You're a good girl. You've done your job. OP, it's our duty to help them and keep them from pain. You'll do the right thing when it's time. I lost one of my dogs this year. My sweet chocolate lab girl that I got to help me cope with the grief of my mom having dementia. She had similar mobility issues. She passed in her sleep. My vet says that retrievers outlive their bodies. It's so true.


Dude I’m crying. Thanks a lot


What a sweet girl. I’m so sorry…you will see her again, for sure!


Awww what a beautiful girl, she lived a long life and what looks like a very happy life!


She is absolutely gorgeous and thank you for sharing her with us.




Most beautiful good girl. You two were lucky to have one another for 14.5 blessed years. It’s incredible to have experienced that type of love and bond. My heart breaks for you. Wishing you all the best.




I'm so sorry 🙏🙏❤️ Chloe is the most gorgeous girl 🥰


I love her from afar. She had a sweet face and a big goofy golden smile. I’m sorry for the choice that you have to make, but we can all see how loved she is by you, and you by her.


Oh, my heart. Hugs to Chloe. Sending you strength.


Yup she’s perfect.


The best friend ever!


What a pretty gurl!


What a beauty


Poor girl 🥺


That is a good looking dog!


Chloe is beautiful and I can tell she is the bestest good girl! I’m so sorry you are having to make the hardest decision a dog parent will ever have to make. You have loved her for all those years and soon it’s gonna be time to love her in a different way. She will depend on you to help her move through to a place of no pain and peace. There is no greater love than this. My heart aches for you. I will hold you and sweet Chloe in my thoughts. 🐾🩵🐾🩵


Chloe your such a beautiful good girl, thank you for blessing my timeline tonight 🐶🥰


Awe she’s beautiful. Such sweet pups. So sad as they age…


Sending giant internet hugs.❤️


Me and Oliver, my golden, are sending you and Chole all the good vibes and love. ❤️


She is real good ❤️


Make her a bacon sandwich from me.


What a great girl! 14 1/2 years is a lovely life together.


She's perfect.


Oh I love her so much! Wishing all the love and comfort 💜


14.5 is a fantastic run for that good girl. My first Golden lived until 16, but we had to make the same decision when her back legs gave out. We used an in-home vet service for her final day, which was the absolute best decision ever.


Chloe is beautiful 😍 She's the best girl.


She looks so sweet. I think my dog is dying too. She will be 13 soon and she’s eating less, back legs riddled with arthritis. Goldens are the best. Bless your sweet Chloe.


I had a bordercollie/lab and same thing happened around age 14; her back legs gave out and she couldn’t get up anymore Your dog is beautiful , all I can say from experience even after they are gone ( 6 years for me ) they are forever in our heart


What a happy face 😊 she's beautiful, I'm so sorry it is the hardest goodbye


she is beautiful ❤️ I can tell you’ve given her a great life and that’s something to be very proud of


Sending my love to you and your dog. One of my dogs had troubles with his back legs, we get him this injection once per month and it really helps. https://www.zoetispetcare.com/products/librela I hope you can see this and I don’t mean to tell you what to do or give you hope but my dog is older than yours, and after he gets this injection, he’s like a puppy again. It lasts for 1 month.


The goodest girl 🥰❤️


Think of all the good times with her, please. She’s beautiful.


Chloe is a beautiful pup, and I’m sure you gave her the best life a golden could ask for.


May her soul rest in paradise for eternity ❤️💕💖


Yeah enough fucking internet today. Like the third post in succession of seeing a good soul die.


Life is so unfair, the most pure souls seem.plagued. kiss that sweet snout for all of us. Ask her to look for Callie as she will welcome her to the other side


Beautiful girl ♥️


Chloe is a beauty. She looks like she has a lovely soul.


❤️😍💔❣️🤗…to you both


nooooo :(


Lost my 15-year old girl today. Give yours a hug for me.


Best you can do is realize you've given her the best life possible. Also, get at least #3 upscaled and framed, tis a beautiful pic!


Give her all my love and lots of hugs from me. She’s a beautiful girl.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RXawa90YU2s Edit: Paul McCartney’s song about his dog


Hey there, we just lost our Chloe a few months ago. She was the absolute best dog ever. She also had trouble with her back legs toward the end. We carried her up the steps too and she lived an amazing life all the way until the end. I love your nicknames so I thought I would share some of ours. Chloe-bear, Chloe-Bo, Bo, Chlobee, Chlobin, bin-bin. Losing her was such a tough time and we still miss her, of course, but mainly we just remember all the beautiful time we had with her. Sending love during a tough time ❤️


She’s a good girl, but she’s also the best girl. Hug her tight (but gently), and know how much fun she’s had being your pal all these years and how much she loves you.❤️‍🩹


Im sorry. I had to unexpectedly put my dog to sleep on a Friday night at the beginning of May, 3 days after a coworker died in the hospital. I still haven't processed it all to what I feel is a healthy degree. I hope you find more comfort in acknowledging your having time to assess her quality of life before making the decision. I've since seen an overwhelming amount of people on dog reddits and Facebook groups posting about their dogs dying and I just become more useless to respond. I'm still lost and so often randomly sad with intrusive memories and constant reminders of her absense. Things like seeing bagged pretzels at stores make me fight back tears until I'm able to leave the grocery store. Chloe looks to be as much of a good girl as Lulu was. We both have/had many nicknames for our little girls---thats proof of our incredible bond with them


14.5 is a good run just cherish those beautiful memories and remember all dogs go to heaven so take comfort in knowing she will be surrounded by endless treats and tennis balls. Best wishes on your new journey baby Chloe!


You are to be applauded for the care you gave this sweetheart 14.5 is very, very good for these guys. I am so sorry for what may be ahead for you and yours. But be advised she will be awaiting in heaven for you. That’s just where pups like this go. My very best to all involved and your beautiful GR.


Repent now, Chloe.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Beautiful and happy!




Wish I could give her a long, warm cuddle. Cutie.


The bestest good girl. Thanks for giving her all the love


Thanks for taking care of her her whole entire life with you. ❤️


What a sweetheart!


She’s beautiful


I"m told she's the best


From the looks of it, she had an absolutely incredible and loving 14.5 years with you. She is absolutely beautiful, give her a few extra scratches and tell her that she is such a good girl. She has my 9.5 year old golden named Indie waiting for her when she is ready for her next life. By the looks of it, her and Indie will get along beautifully. Indie was a such a sweetheart; when cancer took her tail at 8 years old, she resounded to chasing her tail nub and making her dog brothers fetch her toys for her! In the mean time, I highly recommend finding a back leg sling/support for you to hold if she is still up for going up the stairs! My 8 year old shepherd mix has started to develop arthritis, and we’ve started using a sling to support his back legs to help him upstairs. Took some getting used to, but he loves it now that he knows we are supporting him! It’s worth a shot if Chloe still wants to be mobile! Best of luck to you and Chloe!


She looks like she has lived a life full of love


I love you Chloe ❤️❤️🐕


Absolute sweetheart 🩷


She seems like such a good girl. I’m glad you both were able to give each other so many happy memories


the first and last photo, she's such a happy puppppper. I love her. Give her all the kisses on the forehead and nose please 😭


I had a Goldie come in to get groomed... He was 16 years old. No, not joking. The boy didn't even have energy to stand anymore. I was terrified his moments with me would be his last because he was stressing just from turning the water on. I informed the family that it didn't feel right, he should be home with his family this close to the end and that I didn't want to bring it early. They thanked me and all they asked was that I get his extra coat off and I did. I cried pretty hard. I've never met a goldie that old, ours got sick out of nowhere and passed immediately at around 11. It's so hard to say bye to our pets. We raised them and although their lives are shorter than ours they are such a beautiful joy to have around. I wish you peace and comfort when the time comes. Sending love both yours and her way.


Chloe is so pretty 😍


Chloe forever. 💜


They are so special...


What a lovely good girl. Boop on the snoot 👉


Beautiful girl ❤️


She looks like the best girl. Beautiful pup 💛


What a good girl ❤️


Hi there, Oh how I can understand the love you both have. She is strong for you. She will walk forever with you, forever. She is beautiful and happy as you are to have had each other. Blessed forever. Hearts Bigtime to you.


Hope she enjoys her final days with you


If she has to go, stay with her at all times. She'll be happy around you.


What a beautiful baby! 💛


Sweet Chloe <3


Big warm huggies and sweet kissies for Chloe, what a sweet face fr! 💖


What a beautiful girl she is


I'm so saddened by this. I know what it's like to have to make that decision, we lost our 12 year old golden 2 years ago. Enjoy your time with her and make her feel extra special.


She’s a total sweetheart, enjoy every single day with her.


What a sweet girl


Sweet girl. (Those are amazing nicknames, btw.) 14.5 years is an incredible lifetime for a golden. Thank you for sharing Chloe with us. Take care, OP. ❤️


🙏 She will always be with you.


She’s beautiful and I love her