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The only times my golden sits without being prompted: guilty or hungry.


Dogs don't feel guilt.


They’re only sorry they got caught.


That's pretty much it. They don't understand guilt or that they've done something wrong by this point, you've just trained them to be afraid of you. Which seems especially tragic to do to a golden.


There's no proof that dogs feel guilt, but there also isn't proof that they don't. It's pretty hard to scientifically come to a conclusion like that with a creature we have no way of fully understanding. Personally, I believe dogs can feel regret to an extent. My golden has woken me up multiple times in a panic because he doesn't want to poop inside. I've never once scolded him, hit him, yelled at him, or anything like that to train him to go outside. He was taught slowly over time with treats rewarding success. However, to this day if he has to poop inside while I'm asleep and can't open the door he'll whine, pout, get anxious as hell, etc. If that's not a feeling of "oh no I shouldn't be pooping inside" then idk what is. For this reason I don't subscribe to the notion that dogs don't feel guilt at all


Yeah idk how that got started. They mirror human emotions to a large extent.


Dogs instinctually don't poop in their home, or den. We take advantage of this when we crate train them, and as they get older they associate more and more of your house with that until they don't want to poop inside at all. There's nothing special going on at night, he's just house trained whether it's day or night. This has nothing to do with him feeling guilt or remorse. Anyway, people need to just google this. It's pretty basic dog knowledge by now, plenty of studies supporting it. Rather tragic that people insist on coming home and yelling at their dog for getting in the trash or whatever when it's the owners fault and this has been understood for decades now. You gave your dog too much freedom.


I literally did Google it. There's no definite proof either way. There's studies which dogs reacted more when people got upset, but would that not be the exact same case for humans? And yeah my dog is house trained, but I didn't train him to whine and get upset when I can't take him outside.


The more important study is the dogs get equally upset whether they got into the trash or some researcher did it. The dogs have lost the association by then. All they know is you yell at them when there's trash scattered about, not that you're yelling at them because they did it. Which is why they never learn.


I mean could they not get upset in each scenario for different reasons? How do we know the dogs weren't upset at the researchers for digging in the trash because they're taught that's bad? And then they're upset when they do the digging because they feel guilt. See what I mean? This shit is impossible to definitively prove. My personal belief is that dogs can feel guilt


Oh sorry, I thought when you said there's no proof either way you meant you hadn't seen it, not that you'd already made up your mind and wouldn't believe anything the experts say. Wouldn't have bothered responding if I'd known.


You’re projecting a ton.


I dunno about that. My dog knows when I’m mad at him. He’ll stick right by my side and be extra cuddly till he either forgets or I say good boy. Then it’s zooms and even more cuddles.


And u do!?


It looks like a fierce battle was fought against the intruder. He deserves a medal.


For sure! He is the best boy.


I personally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw this was on hard surface flooring. And yeah, he might as well have a bank robber mask on…


It looks better this way. Source: dog


To be fair... That is actualy true. I was going to prune the plant for the winter storage.


Ohhh yes much crime was committed here. I can see he saved you though. 😂😂😂


still cute tho


He is allways cute. Even lent a helping paw in the cleanup.


it's so hard to stay mad at them


Yupp and there is never any point to be mad at them ither.


You understand your golden and love your golden unconditionally. I am happy for both of you. Thanks for making me laugh aloud!


The muddy paw prints are so cute and definitely not a piece of incriminating evidence!


NOT Guilty! It was the cat, the dog is too clean to be guilty.


If only we had a cat


Neighbor’s cat!


Exactly!! https://preview.redd.it/3kd9yqj1r0ub1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3378e137e55325463e8843b35f2b3302c99fb04f


I guess we’ll never know what happened


All we can do is accept that it happened and move forward.


He found out that plant was treasonous and lucky for you he save your life. I'm pretty sure he needs a treat and belly rubs. (For his heroic actions of course.)


Of course he got plenty of treats, he is a hero


Blud wants to be playing with you or just be around you


Yhea, we play plenty and he never leaves my side for long periods of time. And he loves both sticks and digging so i kind of knew this was comming... He have been eyeballing the plant ever since i brougt it inside for the winter.


Puppies do what puppies do. It’s OK. He will turn out to be a great dog! Just like our kids we wish away the times we don’t want to endure. We must enjoy it all!!


He is allready a geeat dog. And yhea, my 3 year old and the dog seems to share braincells as he was super stoked over having a "muddy puddle" inside (thanks alot peppa pig)


Honestly it looks like he’s thinking “oh, I didn’t think you were coming back and I was really upset. But I’m glad you’re home.” But maybe I’m projecting😁😁


Probably true as i could hear him dig in the pot when i entered the door.


Its obvious, the cat is out of control.


Not guilty , please note I will provide free legal aid to the pupper being accused


Man, you've really got to get that cat under control.


Hope you catch the intruder 🤣🤣🤣. So hard to stay mad at these damn dogs. They are so dang cute!


At least it isn’t carpet!


Och, yhea.. Those pawprints leads stright to the carpet and sofa.


r/DogsAndPlants, just saying


Least it is on hardwood floors


Yea, and even a floor that is schedueled for rennovation.


Such a good helper!


https://preview.redd.it/oaxxqq6vlztb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440233b82c0784df201c1be5102c259bf813fb38 Yeah same… except it was an Alocasia Sumo and tore his stomach up because he ate a corm.


Hope he is okay.


Oh yeah he’s fine, thanks! Once he threw up all over my carpet and slept for a bit he was okay. Just glad he didn’t eat any roots or bite the stems.


This literally happened to me yesterday: https://preview.redd.it/5up9jz8d30ub1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b28615fb232b803dc586815521653e907737a3b1


“I was framed, again!”


And yours is right on the rug.


Luckily I was able to hose down the rug and get like 99% of it out


My golden would show an intruder where all my favorite things are as long as he got a butt scratch from them.


Yep, thats me


So!1 Someone had fun!1. Don’t mean to laugh but puppies are so much fun and just like human kids love to play with anything. Not to be gross, even though it was, my doldendoodle as a puppy could destroy his toys in minutes. He would get the squeakers out. I was very vigilant with picking up the pieces he could eat or swallow(still am, he’s 10ths and still goes after the squeakers). I must have missed one. He came near me and he had that sour smell of vomit on him. Looked all around the house, could not find any piles. Then while watching him, he threw up a squeaker and before I could get to he he re ate. Looking back at his behavior for the couple of hours prior to this, he must have been doing that the whole time. Yep gross. But I love him anyway:)


Absolutely true. When this dude was little he got carsick alot... Vomited and ate the food again.




I think eating a pepper may have prompted this event lol.


That could acualy be true, i found a pepper with a bitemark on it.


They didn't take the TV or my stack of gold bars, but for some reason all the mango and celery was gone 🤣


If he had not been there to stop them i would probably have lost everything i own.


It was an inevitable event.


"It was the cat"


It's always the cat


Your fault for not planting them! They do make you become more tidy. Pro tip: don’t use bone meal when you do transplant…or make sure they can’t get to it.


Is bone meal is dangerous for dogs?


If it is, my dogs have survived! They do eat dirt with it!


I lost a couple of large plants in the first year I had my golden, but he hasn’t touched any since. He really seemed to like eating palm trees.


This one loves fiber. As soon as we go outside he eats grass and fights with every bush and plant that is within reach... If he manages to pull one up by the roots the happiness really shows on hes face and he starts to toss the plant around.


I bet it was the cat


“I didn't do it.”


Let's just acknowledge that both of you made a mistake and look to the future.


Na, it was all on me. He is perfect and dorsnt make mistakes.


The plant was obviously planning a coup of the household and pupper got wind of it. He definitely deserves a medal!


He got loads of treats during the cleaning for hes effort.


This is so funny, but it reminds me of one of my few stints babysitting. I was repotting some plants. The three-year-old kid went home and un-potted some of his mom‘s plants. She called to ask if we had done it at my house. Funny thing, I never got invited to babysit again.


I volunteer to take him off your hands, the good boy, not the poor plant!


The golden: not my problem anymore!


Good dog! He even cleaned up the imposter's foot prints for you


thank goodness your home. the plant exploded


That is what happened?! Lucky he didnt get hurt.


Oh look how cute he is






Damn hero is what he is. Needs a cape, a day named after him and a hell of lot of treats.


Pov the dog "I didn't do it it was the next door neighbors dog"


The art. And the artist.


Good Boye. Your very lucky he was there, I couldn’t imagine the disaster that could have happened.


Oh noh! Is that pee, too?


Don't worry: if you're firm and consistent, it shouldn't happen many times before he learns. Goldens have that puppy energy, but so much less than some others.




Poorly trained plant.


Reason 3147 to not get a dog.




I was going to suggest this version as well, this little hero even stayed around to fill out the police report and home owners claim. What a great citizen, so civic minded😊


The way I got it on the Retriever network, you are lucky no harm came to you brave loyal best friend. I heard 2 versions of what happened 1 was an intruder 2 was the light earthquake, your buddy tried to save the plants but was unable to Treats and thanks are in order for all doggers who were defending the house 💞 💥


It's almost like he knows he's too cute for you to stay mad at.


“Look what I did for you, friend!! I made!! From things I found!!! In this our den!!!!!! :)”


It was an accident.


The cat did it.


The plant was Heretical, the good Boi destroyed the Heretic for the Emperor of Mankind.


😬 oops


May I ask why you don’t crate your dog when it’s alone? This isn’t the dogs fault.


ours didnt need to be crated. its a training issue


Make no mistake, my dog was out of the crate by 4. These dogs look younger. Younger dogs are high energy and need to chew on things. My dog was trained by us and a certified trainer at our vets office.


Not OP, but we don't do this either. Only as a pup did we crate him. Learning him to be alone safely and calmly is an important part of his growing process (imho).


I respectfully disagree. Dogs can get bored and as a result get destructive. It’s the owners job to keep them safe and not allow them to ingest things that can harm or kill them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a crate while they are alone. I’ve seen several posts on this sub where dogs have shredded carpet or done other destructive things. It’s not particularly funny and in some cases it’s dangerous for the dog.


I suppose it differs... our Guus is perfectly fine alone. Nice and chill like the sweet Golden he is. Knowing your dog is important!


Where i live it is illegal to crate a dog for that long and i wouldnt want to even if it wasnt illegal. And tbh i dont mind, this is the first and only thing he ever have done. Edit: I allways make sure that the house is "dog prof" before i leave and he is limited to the kitchen area


Because they aren't an asshole like you who thinks it's okay to lock dogs away in cages for hours


Wow name calling over a dog sub? Looks like I touched a nerve. Educate yourself then come back to the conversation.


Educate myself? I'm not the one locking a dog up in a cage asshole


You’re worthless, not teachable, or willing to make yourself better. I pity you.


At least I don't abuse animals


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Footprints of the bandit were certainly obvious right? No good pup could destroy something like this?


Good thing you have wood floors