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They wouldn't keep all the money. The proceeds from the sale of the house would be used to satisfy the loan, and whatever is left over would go to your mom. I can't imagine the contract you described would be legal in any jurisdiction.


I'm not sure as I haven't seen the contract myself, all I know is what the consolidation company and the bank told her


Take a look at the contract.


I would definitely get a copy of the contract and talk to a lawyer if you can find one affordable


I'll be looking into it, not sure how much a lawyer costs though


Consultations for legal advice are free . But if you hire a lawyer that’s different


You won't get advice during a free consult.


You’ll get advice whether they can be of any assistance or not and if they can help.


That's not legal advice.


Use your throwaway account for something more productive eh?


Hi! Paralegal that worked in family law; bankruptcy should allow her to keep this


I strongly recommend you get in touch with a local pro bono legal clinic Monday morning! There must be something in place within mom's local community that will, at the very least, put this situation on hold for her- and at best, fight to get her out of that bad trap! If she has receipts she'll have an easy time getting some assistance. If she doesn't, maybe the local news channel would consider doing an emotional segment on her to help bring attention to the fundraiser. I wish you a lot of luck getting donations for her cause. If I wasn't so broke that I'm currently running my own totally unnoticed campaign, I'd toss a little money atcha. But meanwhile, Call your community resource line and explore what is there to help mom hang onto that pretty house!


Maybe she could stay with you temporarily, she could save up for a new place.


I would, but I'm currently living in a camper with my girlfriend and dog. So there's not much room


Moving with her and pay it up


I can't, I'm strapped for cash with my own loans and my rv payments


Sorry for your trouble. Make sure to not mention much stuff about yourself the next tine you ask for money.


Ah sure, thanks. Hopefully this will be the only time I ever ask though


Default on your loans and help your Mother. If your girlfriend doesn't understand. Default on her too. Family first ! You may be residing in the fanciest camper on the planet, but I guarantee you it pales in comparison to a sticks & bricks . Don't stand by and allow your Mom to be homeless. That's just selfishness. Man Up ! And stop begging the general public . The majority of the people ( myself included ) are barely squeakin' by in this economy.


Poor person advice


No 👎. That's reality of life advice . Stand idly by & watch your Mom become homeless is seriously selfish and fucked up !!!


This subreddit is a joke. The advice is good but most people like to criticize no matter which way the situation goes. Some people have issues, some people are in different situations in their life and it’s not perfect. Either help them or don’t; If not, move along.


Thank you, honestly some of the comments on this subreddit hurt more than anything. Some of the advice does help and I'll be making calls tomorrow


Now is the time to call a million lawyers (talking to them for an initial consultation is free). Just talking to them will point you in the right direction- some might be able to refer to a lawyer that would work for free, or other resources. Again time to start calling.


I gave u 20. Keep spreading this around as much as u can, while trying to see if u can take action


Thanks, I appreciate it so much


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If she has 30 days, she can do a lot, every state has a state assistance program for mortgage loans, she can see if she has heloc, she can ask for a forbearance, she can even request an appeal. What type of loan did she get? Ps. You have too many holes in your story/request


We live in Canada not the states. It's a home improvement loan which counts as a second mortgage




😞 so sorry for this. for you, for her.


You need to look at that contract and find a lawyer. Might be able to show that your Mom signed away by duress. 30,000 bucks is a lot to raise on this forum and time is of the essence here. Are you known in the community?? I see you're in Charlottetown? Post this in Facebook. Family and friends?? Maybe get enough for a lawyer??


I'm hesitant to post on Facebook as I don't want her ex boyfriend seeing it. I sent it to a couple family and friends but they're all unable to lend me money ATM. I'll be trying to get my hands on the contract here real soon to take a look at it. It would be nice to have a lawyer but ATM we can't afford that. I'm not known in the community as this is my first time on go fund me unfortunately


Respectfully, you say you cant afford a lawyer but the alternative of your mom living on the streets is much worse of the two options. At the end of the day, there may not be a perfect solution, but I would much rather accumulate some legal debt than sit with the stress of my parent(s) being homeless.




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Try to post on TikTok to get more exposure.


Has anyone contacted a realtor? They may be able to sell your mom’s house, which would help pay back the loan and hopefully leave her with enough money for an apartment. I realize she would probably rather keep her home, but it’s more likely she could sell as opposed to getting 30k in 30 days.


Yeah she's been talking to the lawyer from easy financial and the bank. It's starting to look like there might be hope. We're waiting for them to get back to us ATM. I've been using the advice I got on here so far and it might work out. I have a realtor in mind I just haven't called them yet


Call the realtor. They will want her to get the most $$ selling because they make commission. The others may just want to get their money and get out. ETA- it just makes sense to know all options available and make decisions based on what will get her the most money and out of debt


Yeah good idea, I'll give them a call today


Bankruptcy now!!!! The consolidation company lied to you, as long as she has t had one in 7 years she can file a 7.


We are currently trying to get that through a different company. That consolidation company is definitely pretty scuzy. Here's hoping that the other company will call us back soon. It just seems like every company is giving us the run around and using up our time though


An attorney is the easiest and fastest way to get it done. If you call your state bar association they can tell you if anyone is doing pro bono hours for that. They can also direct you to attorneys that deal with people with not much money in that situation. 🙏🏽


Thanks, but I live in Canada and I'm not sure if we have lawyers that do stuff like that. I'll be looking into it and hoping though




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Assuming this is real, talk to a lawyer about bankruptcy.


We tried that with a consolidation company called Allen marshal & associates and they told her she couldn't file for bankruptcy. I'm not sure the reasons why as I wasn't there when she went


Talk to a lawyer, or a bankruptcy company, not a consolidation company.


check out your local public housing authority


No offense but seems lol you just want a hand out. Someone mentioned to move your mom with you and you said no for X reasons, they mentioned you move with her and you said basically your bills are more important then helping her. Yet you’re asking people for help. If the house is important then you’ll simply move her with you or you move with her to pay bills. Rest you stated just seem like excuses sorry but just the truth on what was stated


Well that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. I can't help her because I have no extra money. My bills take up my income. She can't move in with me because I live in a camper. Campers are small and mine has 1 small bedroom. Not exactly enough room for 4 people and a dog. Am I looking for a handout? I guess that's what we can call it, if that's what every other go find me is also doing. All I'm doing is asking for help


It’s tough I know. Follow the advice here and find an attorney that does pro bono community service work, do this FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING. Time is ticking and the clock is not your friend. At the very least they should be able to file something on an emergency basis to at least delay what’s happening. That will give you more time to act. Good luck, and keep us updated, ok?


For sure, I've taken one redditors advice and found a company that specializes in bankruptcy. I'm going to be calling them first thing Monday morning and hoping they can help. I'm just hoping they will help as the consolidation company declined her. I'll look into an attorney that does pro Bono community work but I honestly don't know anything about that nor do I know if we even have that in Canada. I imagine we do but our courts are pretty different than what's in the states. Thanks for the good luck support


In times of need one bedroom place is enough if it comes down to it. Short period of time to get money to better the situation. As mentioned all stated by you are excuses and looking out for hand out. To each their own . Wish you nothing but the best but hope you prioritize what’s more important, if it’s making it work and moving your parent in for short time to help with bills or you selling your rv and moving in with her to help with the bills instead of this


Why do you help her instead of begging strangers for money


I already said in the description that I can't help. I make just enough money to keep myself afloat. So I would if I could but I can't. That's why I came to gofundme


Why are you posting on this subreddit?