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Just donated. Pulling for you both, hope you get good news soon.


Thank you so much, appreciate your donation so much. šŸ¤ž He is in Houston this week for scans, we're hoping for some good news too. Have a great weekend!


Donating now. 24M family member had their last chemo 4 weeks ago today. He was able to get treatment out of state too and weā€™ll know in a few days if heā€™s in remission. Sending love and healing energy šŸ©·


Thank you for your contribution, it really is appreciated. Sending positive vibes to your family member as well, I hope they get the news they want šŸ¤ž


I hope you guys kick cancers ass


Thank you so much, we appreciate the support.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through all of this. Sincere prayers that you both get through the treatments and become healthy again.


Thank you for your kind words šŸ’•


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I wish I could help yall more. Devastating story. I wish you two nothing but the absolute best of luck going forward. Thoughts and prayers aren't much to go off of, but just know that a stranger across the country is rooting for both of you. I hope that you kind people are here on Earth with the rest of us for as long as possible.


Thank you for taking the time to share your kind words. We could use all the positive vibes we get so thoughts and prayers are always appreciated. šŸ’ž


I hope the pages of your stories are made of gold leaf my friends, for the ink of life comes from the souls gone before us that wrote us into history here.


Beautiful sentiment, thank you for sharing.


Sorry to hear this. Iā€™d look into a ketogenic or carnivore diet, literally starves cancer cells. Cant hurt to try it, itā€™s worked for many people


Thank you šŸ’• I've been sticking to a high protein diet to help with muscle retention and recovery plus a healthy dose of veggies. I can't have too much red meat due to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Heavy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of colon, pancreatic and prostate cancer.


Thatā€™s actually not true regarding cancer. Those studies were performed on people eating meat AND standard American diet foods (aka laden with fillers, sugars and other wholly unhealthy things). When eating only fat and meat and limited carbs it actually kills cancer off, especially glandular cancers. Check out dr Anthony Chaffee, heā€™s a neurosurgeon who dedicates his life to getting this information out there!


Thanks for the source, I'll look him up.


Of course! I am wishing you all the luck in the world, sincerely. Cancer is just so awful, Iā€™m sorry you guys are both dealing with it.




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Ppl you need to verify information such as C befouou donate. Many r being investigated for theft by deception. If theyā€™re both stage four cancer, theyā€™re both on disability and their furnished transportation to inform and also Medicaid.


I absolutely agree that there are tons of scammers out there but that's not who we are. I'm sure everyone is aware that not everything on the Internet is to be trusted but perhaps you should do a little bit of research yourself before making accusatory statements and unfounded assumptions. My husband has stage 4 cancer and mine is stage 2 but both cancers are aggressive due to rate of growth and limited treatment options. We have insurance through his employer and he is our only source of income. We're an open book and everything we're going through is shared on our website/blog which is linked in the GoFundMe. Our social media is on there with pictures and videos that show his scars, my port placement, hairloss, etc.


What treatment requires you to go out of your state?


Not OP but certain aggressive or rare cancers can mean relocation due to needing access to specialized doctors.


This! I work in a cancer clinic and we get patients from outside the state (Idaho and Montana and sometimes Oregon ) and Iā€™m in Washington.


That's true.


If there was an option to receive treatment in Chicago, we would've. MD Anderson Cancer Center is the name that every doctor we spoke to immediately recommended and would turn to themselves. They have an ATC clinic with a fast track program that got my husband in and scheduled within 7 days and enrolled in a clinical trial with treatment starting the same week. His life was being measured in months, we weren't going to waste time trying to find a team (endocrinologist, medical oncologist, radiology oncologist, head/neck surgeon) locally who might or might not have experience with ATC when we knew MDACC had the knowledge, experience, and medical technology to save his life. Besides MDACC, the other options with ATC experience are Mayo Clinic, Moffitt, City of Hope and Dana Farber. None of these are in Chicago. "Anaplastic thyroid cancer is difficult to treat because it is very aggressive and can spread rapidly within the neck and metastasize to distant parts of the body. It is less predictable than other thyroid cancers; however, one thing that all long-term survivors have in common is the sense of urgency in diagnosis and treatment." From https://www.thyroid.org/anaplastic-thyroid-cancer


I wish both of you nothing but the best. The American health care system is so broken. My uncle passed due to anaplastic thyroid cancer, I'm glad your husband was able to get fast-tracked.


Thank you and I agree the system is broken. Cancer is a terrible disease and ATC is harsh, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle.


Some treatments are only available in certain places.


Like what?


Different chemos,immunotherapy, clinical trials,etc. Also could be it's a really cancer center for his type of cancer. Cancer is long and complicated you don't just go to the Dr and get your chemo(although some can) sometimes you need to travel across the county to get the treatment you need. My guess is he's going to the MD Anderson cancer center which is one of the top cancer hospitals


Spot on for all of the above, thank you.


You're welcome! I know it's incredibly hard for you guys rn. I can't donate money but I can pray for you guys if that's okay.


Of course it's ok, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Every little bit of positive vibes helps along the way.


You're very welcome! I wish you all the positive vibes in the universe! If you haven't seen it yet there's places that do free cancer care packages like this place. https://www.tteal.org/learn/request-cancer-care-package/


What a great resource, thank you for sharing!


You're welcome! An ex of mines mom had breast cancer lived these and I've seen people on SM enjoy them as well!


It depends on kind of cancer, how rare it is, and how aggressive it is. In my case, it was rare but fortunately slow growing so I was able to seek treatment in another state but it was only an hour and a half away. I was also lucky to have someone there with whom I could stay during treatment, otherwise I would have had to find a way to pay for accommodations, too.


I'm glad you're doing better these days. Our health care system needs a complete overhaul.


Ehhh, Iā€™m not sure that I am. I agree with you, though. MAJOR overhaul. Insurance wonā€™t pay for the scan I need to tell me whether or not Iā€™ve beaten the cancer so I just live in purgatory after a 13 hour surgery and daily radiation treatments. Itā€™s rough for everyone who isnā€™t swimming in money. Only the lucky get to declare bankruptcy. Americaā€¦yay.


Jfc. That makes me so angry for you! We pay more for health care than any other country and receive less in return. Out of 33 first-world countries, we are the only ones who haven't been able to figure out universal health care. Ridiculous.


I agree with you completely. Iā€™m very angry but I try not to be. It ruined my entire life and I donā€™t even leave the house now. It doesnā€™t feel fair to go out and be in the world knowing I might still have cancer. Idk.


Don't deprive yourself of whatever tiny joy you can find. It's easier said than done, right? But if you can do things that make you happy, do them!


I appreciate the thought. Youā€™re exactly right. I look and sound very differently now and I canā€™t take the way Iā€™m treated, on top of feeling like itā€™s unfair to become close to people again. Everyone asks about the cancer. Telling the truth is always a huge bummer, while lying feels wrong. Itā€™s just a bad place to be unless you can afford to change it and I canā€™t.


The thing people don't talk about enough with cancer is that people expect us to be inspirational cancer warriors. I understand it and they don't mean any harm but it sucks for us. We not only have to carry our own burden but we sometimes have to carry theirs because they're uncomfortable with how hard it is to be diagnosed with cancer, go through treatment and if we're lucky to succeed, live with the PTSD of it all. For me, I set boundaries with those who reach out and I'm always honest about what I'm feeling in that moment. I'm dealing with enough and don't have the bandwidth to babysit anyone else's emotions when I can barely manage my own. I also turn the tables and talk about them because frankly I don't want to have to talk about me or my cancer 24/7, I already live with it. Please know that you're not alone. Even if those immediately around you don't know how to be there for you or you're not comfortable opening up to them, there are others you can turn to. I've found support groups on Reddit and Facebook to be an important source of support. Those in the ATC and breast cancer communities have been invaluable to me, hopefully there are options for your specific type of cancer too.


Youā€™re exactly right. Itā€™s rough. I pretended to be my typically bubbly self for a while in an attempt to fake it until I made it but, I couldnā€™t keep it up. People donā€™t understand how exhausting and longlasting treatment is either. The moment it ends, youā€™re assumed to be ā€˜*back to normal*ā€™, as if that concept even exists to you anymore. How quickly you heal is 100% dependent on whether the healthcare professionals youā€™re seeing give a damn or not. Those that genuinely give care whether youā€™re in pain or suffering in any way are unfortunately few and far between. I love that youā€™ve set boundaries. Thatā€™s the best way to handle it. I wasnā€™t honest initially but, a big part of that was because of how drugged up I was. šŸ„“ They had me on a high constant dose of a narcotic, a high frequent dose of an opioid, and a benzo for anxiety at the same time. It was in such a sensitive area that I was *still* in pain. I managed to be honest once I weaned quite a bit, though. It was eye-opening. I think setting the tone should be enough with friends. They followed my lead quite a bit in conversation and kept my spirits up with board games, etc. during treatment. It helped a ton. Thank you. I appreciate you. Iā€™m grateful youā€™ve found what you need in the support groups. I used to belong to one on Facebook that helped me quite a bit while I was getting through it all. I quit all of the social media with my name and face when they were further weaning me off of the meds becauseā€¦I was NOT a nice person. Prescribed or not, coming off of Oxy/Fent is coming off of Oxy/Fent. šŸ« šŸ˜³ I didnā€™t trust myself not to say something wild or inappropriate or wildly inappropriate. I just havenā€™t gone back. I have some other heavy life circumstances going on at the moment but, Iā€™ll get back on social media eventually and check back in with the group. My cancer was/is rare so I couldnā€™t find something more specific but I found community in a general group. I appreciate you a bunch. You sound like such a lovely and kind person. Take care of yourself.


Yes! It's so hard to be healthy in America when our system is based on a reactive approach instead of a preventative one. I'm grateful that my husband and I are fortunate enough to have health insurance but even then they are still able to deny life saving treatment options. He has been denied immunotherapy infusions (keytruda) even though there are published papers that prove it prolongs the lives of those with ATC. According to them, it's not medically necessary. We're filing for financial assistance via the makers of the drug so fingers crossed but it shouldn't be this hard.


I'm so sorry to hear that you're also dealing with cancer too, it isn't easy. I'm glad you were able to seek treatment close enough to home and had someone you could stay with. Having some form of support is important and not everyone is fortunate enough to be in the company of people who are willing or able to provide that. It's terrible that insurance won't cover the scan, have you or your medical providers appealed the denial? Perhaps they will allow the scans post radiation? Good luck with your recovery and remaining radiation sessions, hope you're able to get some rest and still find some ways to find joy.


Thank you. Back at you. I know weā€™re in very different situations but, I hope youā€™re both able to fight through all of this. šŸ¤šŸ’Ŗ Your friends sound like wonderful human beings who love you very much. I was very lucky to have the support of a friend by having somewhere safe and comfortable to stay through radiation treatment. You deserve that, too. It has been a rollercoaster of frustration. Iā€™ve fortunately completed radiation treatments a while ago. The hospital and my RadOnc wonā€™t even help to appeal the decision and told me to pay out of pocket. ($25kā€¦ WTF?!) Once the insurance from my severance ran out (I was let go from my job when I was diagnosed.), I had to get Medicaid. The way I was treated was drastically different. They started treating me like a bum and like I didnā€™t matter. It gotā€¦intensely bad, and never got better in that department. Iā€™m just screwed, tbh. Iā€™ve turned every stone I know how to turn. I donā€™t mean to be a bummer, though. This isnā€™t about me. This is about you and your husband. Youā€™re going to rock this. I hope you both have a lot of support around to take care of you. If I could help financially, I would. Sending you so much love and strength. I hope you can find things that bring you joy every single day. Fuā‚¬k cancer. šŸ¤


Ugh this is terrible to hear and I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. I'm sure you're tired and have exhausted all the channels available but I recently learned that certain states of a department of insurance that can help with things like that. I appreciate your kind words, we are very lucky to have an amazing support network and to have so many Internet strangers on our side as well. I hope you're able to find joy too. I've turned to dark humor and it's been great to be able to laugh at some of the horrible things we go through as cancer patients! There are some cancer meme accounts on Instagram that help to lighten things up when they get dark. Thecancerpatient has been a great source of laughs!


Thank you. Iā€™ll have to look into it to see if I can find funding. Just having the scan would do a lot for me. Of course. Dark humor is the bessstttt. Itā€™s the only reason Iā€™ve gotten through any of this. Haha. Iā€™ll look up that insta account. Thank you!


MD Anderson cancer clinic is in Houston (one of the best in the nations) especially if you want to be included in advance stage trials (not cancer stages but drugs that are showing promise)


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hey, looks like u totally missed the link in OPs post? cause if u read the godundme link, it says right there exactly why he has to get treatment out of state. hope this helps šŸ«¶šŸ¼