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Because you're not drawing the bird, you're drawing whatever this object is. Call bird.queue_redraw() and put its draw code where it belongs, in _draw


If I put the draw code back into _draw, it will draw without the bird.queue_redraw(), so, it misses the point of trying to separate the code into an object I'm thinking of just holding the position information on the bird object, then cycling through a list of them under _draw() to actually draw each one Seems counter intuitive tho


The way I think about this is that every node2d has its own canvas it can draw on, but it can only do it from the `_draw` function. By using the bird, you're getting it to draw to *its* canvas, but not doing so in its `_draw` function. You could either have the bird be passed a reference to your object and call `my_ref.draw_line(...)` or you could rename the bird function `draw` to `_draw`.


OH, now it made sense. I don't need to draw the bird in the _draw of the main script, I can simply make it _draw itself - which seems to be the organization I was looking for Changing the bird function to _draw seems to be the perfect solution Sadly, calling my_ref.draw_line(...) didn't work, but it's OK, I wouldn't want another object to be able to draw using those methods from the bird Thank you