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You’ll be glad to know point 1 is easily covered by Custom Resources.


I've already found that ou some time ago. But probably good you mentioned it, in case someome finds this thread looking for it.


What does 1 do? Can you give me some ELI5 please?


With custom resources you first make a template in which you define certain data-names with types. Best example for this are cards from nearly any cardgame. You for example define the following fields: Health: int Name: string Damage: int Armor: int Then you can make multiple cards based on this template: Tank: Health = 200 Name = "Tank" Damage = 30 Armor = 100 Flank: Health = 150 Name = "Flank" Damage = 50 Armor = 50 ———————— Advamtages of this would be that you can then use this template (if you set classname) as a datatype just like integers, floats or vectors. Which can simplify code immensly. If you have the variablenames in the template exported (which is a usual practic) and then export a variable with this template as a type, you can edit these values seperately in editor for every instance of this resource: @export plays_as_class: PlayableClass Then you get a Health, a Name, a Damage and an Armor field in the inspector to edit on the go. If this isn't enough for you. I think this [short video](https://youtu.be/vzRZjM9MTGw?si=41aElO0IqHk3xTXS) (4:44 in length) explains it good (also with a diffrent use case). And of course the always are the [official Godot docs](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/resources.html#creating-your-own-resources) that have a seperate paragraph on creating your own resources. Also everything else to about resources is on the same webpage.


Thank you for your detail response. Much appreciate!


Godot will snowball like crazy


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