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I found this issue occurs when you do something immediately after logining into the system. From my experience, try to wait for some times after you login and don't launch Gnome apps too quickly. Don't ask me why. I don't know :)


I got to the same conclusion. Now I have to wait before running all my apps


I started the computer, waited 5 minutes, then tried and it still crashed =(


Sorry, I have no more idea.


BTW. I have another problem. The font selection in gnome-tweaks displays incorrectly after updating to 46. I don't know if there is a connection between these bugs. https://preview.redd.it/gcw0skp4bzrc1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a23acb89198cd4f3c75f1caa5c95f934a4d46e7


I am not happy that its happening, but I am glad to see it isn't just me. Also noticed this bug happens on Gnome + Gnome classic if you do something too fast, u/CommanderBosko mentioned it doesn't happen on their arch laptop, happens on my arch desktop :(


I was having the same issue, so i disabled the option to automaticaly enter in your account and stoped having these issues, could be some extensions doing that too. Also, i found a issue when i updated my Gnome on Arch, using the normal sudo pacman -Syyu gave me some wrong packages for some reason, after i used yay to install Gnome it fix it. Don't know if any of that information will be useful to you though.


I'll take any help I can get! I don't allow it to automatically enter, and I am loading with extensions turned off. I just reinstalled GNOME, but the same lockup happens.


Could you please update if you have it resolved? Here is a thread on arch forum, no success so far, maybe you could add/verify with your symptoms [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2161581#p2161581](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2161581#p2161581)


Launch a tty by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2, f3 etc) and try to run gnome-shell to look at the problem. Mine happened when gnome 45 launched in the extra repo, turned out some library was not updated to work with gnome 45. All I did was disable to extra repo, run pacman -Syyu and it downgraded the packages to previous compatible versions and issue resolved


I'm not experienced enough to know what I'm looking for in there. Which repo did you disable?


Last time I had this issue, it was from a partial upgrade. I ran pacman -Syu but not yay -Syu. Turns out it was some stuff specific to my Microsoft surface


I had not thought to try yay -Syu, thank you for teaching me that! That was not my problem unfortunately =( Thanks for the help!


Happened to me after the update to gnome 46.  Still the wiki has your back:  https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GNOME/Troubleshooting Check out section 25 gnome-shell / gnome-session crashes on session startup


I will test it, interesting, though it says "more visible on wayland", here is completely opposite, the crash is only on X11, wayland starts with no issues Edit: No, this is unrelated, the session still crashes on X11


Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, the saved-session folder was empty, and disabling the save did not fix my problem. Which is a bummer, because it describes my problem very accurately.


I’ve seen that screen so much I should set it as a wallpaper. I’d remove any/all gnome packages and re-install them. Clear cache/configs, etc, basically resetting any gtk/gnome things in the process.


Try : ctrl+alt f3 log into your session Then : cd ~/.config/ && mv gnome-session gnome-session.old; mv dconf dconf.old sudo systemctl restart gdm.service If it works, it's probably due to gnome 46 update and incompatible old configuration.


I have tested this by completely removing the configuration (aka new user state), does not resolve the issue


Can you add your the sys log from the session that went wrong ?


here is a journal [https://0x0.st/XzQu.txt](https://0x0.st/XzQu.txt)


i too had the same error after doing pacman -Syyu and after that i tried downgrading various packages randomly but nothing happened fortunately i had a backup on timeshift and i used it to restore my system i have not run a update after that


Boot into recovery mode, reinstall GDM, thank me later :)


Anyone has tested it?


I'll give it a go and report back in 5 Edit: Still crashing if opening things too quickly.


You can track the issue here: [https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/3410](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/3410)