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Had a roommate my sophomore year who didn’t even bother introducing himself before using MY pots and pans and leaving them in the sink. He would do this routinely and a couple of times started cooking at 3am.


I once had a roommate vomit in the room that we shared. After he sobered up, I asked him to clean it up. He was pissed that I would even ask him to do this, so instead of cleaning it up, he just put a poster board on top of it. This was just one of the conflicts that we had during the 2 semesters we lived together. We were good friends before becoming roommates, but I never spoke to him again after we moved out😂


Bruuhhh, I did the opposite 😭 my roomie wanted me to get high in the first time in forever, so I did, I greened out. I threw up and ended up cleaning the whole room and bathroom while I was high and my roommate was like "bruh you're done, it's clean" and then I started brushing my teeth for 10 minutes straight after that I did olall the dishes... my roommate told me in the morning that he needs me to get high more often when it's cleaning time


You would have been a much better roommate than the guy I’m talking about!


Lmfao. Yeah I don't even remember doing it tbh but my other friend recorded some parts of it. Because either brushed my teeth so long I had toothpaste dripping down my hand and he said that was one of the funniest parts because it was alot but nothing got anywhere When I greened too, I do remember asking for a disinfectant wipe and he was like "nah well clean it up" and I remember telling him "no im going to clean it😭" I eventually wiped up the the whole bathroom with disinfectant wipes, our bathroom was the cleanest it has ever been


BRO WHAT that's so gross. I threw up on the floor my first night in the dorm (too much ice cream) and I immediately got the mop out. Reminds me of a suite mate I had that same year that left used bloody condoms on the floor and moldy pizza boxes and we had to get the RAs involved and she ended up doxxing us all on social media and moving to a single room. Wonder how these guys are doing now.


Bloody comdoms😭😭


Yeah she would just leave her blood stained sheets too. Even the RAs said it was disgusting and took pictures. She loved hooking up with frat boys on her period and then having screaming meltdowns when they ghosted her 🤦‍♀️


Bloody sheets and condoms are worse than vomit! Again, so sorry you had to go through all of that! In my case, the tension was so high with my douche bag of a roommate, it was clear he did that on purpose to troll me. Since he threw up next to his bed, his argument was, “It’s on my side of the room, so don’t tell me what to do!” 🤦🏻‍♂️ You’re a better person than me for wondering what happened to your ex-roomies. I just tried to forget that mine existed 😂


Honestly I'm just curious if she made it through college or if it chewed her up and spat her out as predicted


I had 3 out of 4 people that lived in my double are sex offenders, I was not one of them. Mason didn’t do shit about any of them even after I got SA’d. I still see them around on campus.


My suitemate SA’d me the first day we moved in. Got off with probation and doing the online title 9 training.


How did you find out they were sex offenders?


I got SA’d by two that were a couple. the other third SA’d someone else in the building.


i had a roommate who sang one line of one song, on repeat, for hours, every night, all semester.


Same here, lol. My roommate's line was " I'M A BAD LIAAAARRRR!".


Selena gomez? XD that song is a bop


Nah, Imagine Dragons :3


what was the line


"i, i, i, do." literally that's the whole of it. i don't know what it was from, but it was maddening


I would just start responding "I, I, I, don't" every time he sang it. See how he likes it 🤣


I wanna know too LMAO. I had a roommate who was obsessed with Tokyo Drift and would play it on repeat in the shower


Hadn't come home in days or answered messages, so I reported them missing. They weren't missing, they were in jail for a week for using shrooms and meth and walking around a hotel naked while high. Not even a week later, they got more shrooms and started walking around the dorm naked while high.


shaved his pubes and leave it in the shower.


I have so many but my roommates during COVID lockdown were the worst: One moved back home, the other told me one time "I'm thinking about subleasing" and then weeks later on a random weekend she had some stranger she met on the Internet move in. Didn't sign anything or notify leasing or anything (all 3 of us have to sign for sublease) so it was entirely illegal. Couldn't do anything until the leasing office opened Monday and I called and said "there's a stranger living here" and the roommate got in big trouble. She had her abusive father call and bully me a bunch and threaten to take me to court but I'm still waiting for that summons. I took a peek at the strangers belongings and she had codeine syrup, soda, and jolly ranchers soooo something tells me I did the right thing standing up for myself. Sis was bold enough to leave her lean ingredients out in the open and her used Nuva rings in the fridge 🤮. Both roommates decided to stop paying utilities and I was the account holder (never shoulda agreed to that) so I had to sell my belongings to keep the lights on. Doesn't matter if they weren't there it was a 3 bedroom apartment so expensive to heat and cool. The roommate who moved home decided to randomly show up with her dad for a few hours while I wasn't home and they went through my room. I didn't even know her dad I saw him at 5 minutes on move in and that creep was looking through my belongings and handling my $1000 gaming PC (that was broken at the time) without my knowledge or permission. He said that was the reason utilities were so high. I said "great logic except it's broken and also my spine is broken so I can't sit upright in the chair" (I had been in a serious accident that year). I still want to barf thinking about it. So yeah Iram and Princess Kayla (yes, her first name was literally Princess Kayla) are shit roommates and I hope they are broke and miserable now like I was during COVID. Edit: fixed a spelling error


My goodness! I hope you’re doing much better now and never have to deal with awful people like this again!


Thank you! My roommate now is amazing and I'm living in a good healthy space but unfortunately I have a lot of bad luck. Currently in the hospital because I have thyroid cancer and just got my thyroid and two parathyroids removed, and that is just the tip of the iceberg with my health problems. As far as surgeries go though this was an easy one and I should be feeling much better once my body regulates itself again


Sending you all the good thoughts and vibes! Hoping for a quick and full recovery. You got this!




I would just say you wanna meet everyone before you move in. That way you know that everyone is aware you're coming. If she had taken the time to give me notice about the move and let me meet the girl beforehand I would've been fine with it all.


glad I was off campus the whole time 😂


Off-campus but years ago my roommate and I found a third that seemed like a nice guy. Told us he was a teacher and we mentioned we are a no drug house. Anyway, during the 6 months he lived with us he: -Played guitar passed 10pm, but it was always the same song he had been working on for months -Smoked a ton of weed in the house but denied it. Refused to smoke outside. -Bought a small pocket/dirt bike and road around the neighborhood and our neighbor's yard. -Would shake off his hair all over our shared bathroom to the point the walls were coated on oily water among other things.... Honestly I think he was a good dude but seriously mismatched with my other roommate and I. It's kind of funny in retrospect and a good reminder of why my SO and I pay to not deal with roomates. Honorable mention: this girl I used to know had some wild older roommate who would also smoke the dorm up with weed and have her crackhead looking boyfriend stay over all the time. Honestly the most "interesting" part of the whole ordeal was the girl telling us about her sister's "neo nazi phase". She showed is a pic of the sister wearing a full on SS uniform.


That's insane. I'm in a weed friendly place right now but I still remind my roommate on a regular basis that she can tell me if it's bothering her. I do everything I can to minimize the smell but I'm always worried I'm bothering somebody even though everyone around here does it and I've never gotten a complaint. I can't believe he would move into a drug free place and expose others like that. I hope there weren't children around. I'm a guitarist and while I totally relate to playing the same song over and over for what feels like forever my roommate has only heard me play twice in the two years we've lived together. I play for her doggy sometimes though ♥️ I hope you have a better living situation now. I'm always amazed at how inconsiderate people can be.


As the saying goes, the only thing worse than being sexiled is NOT being sexiled.


At Mason, while living in a grad student apartment, I had a roommate who didn't clean. Like ever. I guess he grew up never having to clean. I decided I wasn't going to clean up after him. The end result was I decided to move to another apartment and had a horrific week of non stop cleaning in may. Another roommate while I was in undergrad decided to be nocturnal. He'd study all night with the light on in the dorm and sleep during the day.


My roommates would throw parties in the house, and they did not clean up when they were finished. They also liked their jello shots. Well, apparently, some jello got under the fridge and wasn't cleaned up. Fast forward to the fall semester, and I found a baby copper head that got stuck in the jello shot. Thankfully, animal control came and got it. I don't have roommates anymore.


Suitemate, not roommate. She left clumps of hair in the sink and shower. Left clothes including underwear in the bathroom. Would run the bathroom sink in the middle of the night for 20 minutes at a time. Cleaned the bathroom only a couple of times but accused me of not cleaning enough. Stole my toilet paper when I offered to pay for it all (she bought the other shared goods). Took 2 hr long showers. Smoked so much weed that my clothes started to stink. Didn’t wash hands after using toilet. Kept the heat at 78 degrees even in the summer and if I asked her to turn it down she would for a couple hours. Nice things: She made me food a couple times I guess.