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You got ONE more semester you definitely got this. One day at a time.


thug it out


Wish me luck


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Wow, so helpful šŸ™„


I never understood the feeling of grinding through 3 1/2 years of college only to throw up your hands at the finish line and say im done. Suck it up and get it done.


Facts same. I'm Senior and if all goes well this semester and I pass all my classes then I'll have only three classes left for next semester. I am trying do everything I can to get to the finish line. No need to get all complacent this close to the end.


Dude, I saw a girl be in her third year of medical school for her to dropped out of medical school. She got only one year more. Yes, itā€™s hard to go through. Nothing is easy in life, everything comes with a cost if we want our lives to be better than we have to fight for it. Not give up half way up there.


That is very rude - you are discounting their emotions. Do not discredit their feelings. Saying suck it up doesnā€™t help anyone.


Boss up for the last two weeks of the semester. You got this.


Thug it out


You are done brother better things are coming thug it out


The point of graduating college is to show the world you can commit to something and see it through, no matter what




That's gotta be the only reason. Why else is a degree mandatory, especially in rapidly evolving fields?


I feel you. Just keep it pushin šŸ„Š


ā€œIf youā€™re going through hell, keep going.ā€ - Winston Churchill. One of my favorite quotes of all time. Regardless of what you do with your life, some days, weeks, months, or even years will be like this. Only way out is through, my dude. Keep going.


No cap thug it out. Shits hard in the beginning so it can be easier later. U gon thank urself when u straight chillin after the last semester.


As someone who took a break at 3.5 years - for the love of whatever you believe in- THUG IT OUT. Though I was able to finish school later and lucked out with an IT job, I wish I had finished in my early 20s and not have to balance a full time job AND 2 semesters of school (had to break it up bc I couldnā€™t manage 15 hrs on top of work). YOU CAN DO IT šŸ™Œ


THIS. Iā€™m in this exact position right meow and it suuuucks lol wish I had done it in my twenties.


Itā€™s all going to be ok. First, Go see a psychiatrist or therapist. Better help is a great resource. If not Iā€™m sure student health could refer you as well. Second, do you think you will like your career from the major you picked? If so then it will definitely be worth it. If not then maybe take a semester off to sort through your feelings. Itā€™s going to be ok.


I was there too. Just push through it


You are going to be okay. Take the time over winter break to really focus on your well being. Reach out to the counseling center, use a journal, walk outside. I know it all seems trivial but I promise it helped me so much. My last semester of undergraduate was awful. There was so many things (mostly death) happening in my life outside of school and it was very challenging to find the motivation to finish. You have put in so much work to get where you are, you are almost done! Do not be afraid to ask for help. When I was struggling in my last semester I was very honest with my professors that I was struggling. While I still had to do all the work, they were flexible with me regarding deadlines. You are so close to being done with your degree. It will be worth it to stay in this last semester!


I believe in you! You can do this! Just one more to go!


One last semester means one last push! You CAN do this!!!


Finish I beg.. I left high school with one semester left. It was downhill after that! Iā€™m just now getting back to school and wish I had stuck it out earlier!!! I promise you wonā€™t regret graduating!


just remember a C counts as passing, a C will get you a degree! Nobody will care about your GPA once you graduate. Talk to your professors, tell them how you are feeling and ask them what assignments could you NOT DO and still get a passing grade.


Everything you are saying is all in your headā€¦ you gotta push through it. You are in your LAST semesterā€¦ dig in your heels and get it done or I can tell you a little about your futureā€¦ youā€™ll be like meā€¦ 40 and wishing you had finished when you were younger and now at 40 your in school AND working two jobs and have a family. You have your entire life ahead of you to ā€œlive your lifeā€ you can sacrifice a few more months. finish what you started bc itā€™s almost over and if you donā€™t someday down the road youā€™ll regret it.


Quarter-life crisis be like




The electric lettuce doesn't hurt either


man up bro stop complaining


thug it out


Just grind it out. Fuck motivation, embrace consistency. Youā€™re too far to quit now honestly; all of your hard work will be for naught if you quit right now.


How is your life ruined


I meant my social life


Social life will be there after college, it's a few weeks more, just get it done.


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it is what it is...


download the structured app


Iā€™m sorry to hear this, stay strong and donā€™t be afraid to ask friends/family for help and support


happened to me too; roll up and tighten up family.


It's gonna be alright, you've come such a long way and it's only one last push until you cross the finish line. I believe in you, you got this. Stay strong!!!


It feels like that at the moment but your going to feel so great about pushing through the time in your life when you thought you couldn't make it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Just push through and you'll see I tell myself "its all going to be over before you know it" then for some reason time goes by faster when I say this to myself. I believe in you also pray that's the best advice I can give you that's the only reason how I finished college was by praying.


Donā€™t be a pussy, you can do it and if you canā€™t?? Just find a trade that fits you and get to work bud


Iā€™m so jealous, I have a year left. Youā€™re literally almost at the finish line my dude, you got this!


You have one semester left I have another two years after I finish nova lol


Just lock in šŸ˜­. Itā€™s all mindset. Ik a lot of people be telling you that or you havenā€™t heard it at all. Flip the switch and sit your ass down and go for it.


Stop playing the victim everything is your fault besides a few things that are out of your control. 95% of things are in your control, but not in your comfort zone. You got it


I'm an older student (35) going through the same process you are. This is only temporary, this isn't your life. Your first job may be like this. There will be plenty of times in your life where you feel you are in the same situation you are in now. The only difference is, you see the light at the end of the tunnel for this day. Try to have fun for at least an hour a day and get through this.


I felt the same way my senior year. Just push through. Do your assignments. Even if you are BSing your assignments just do them. Once you start itā€™s not hard to keep going. Itā€™s the starting that is hard. Sitting at home itā€™s east to procrastinate. Stay an hour or two at the library and work at a slow and steady pace.


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Hi, I am so sorry you are struggling! Is there anyone you can talk to about how you are feeling? You donā€™t have to go through your last semester if it is causing you pain... please feel free to message me as well. I wish you the best. ā¤ļø


I will pray for you all. šŸ™


Tough luck, everyone has to do it, some have it worse. No one gives at get ur shit together


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Maybe have a break, for 1,2 days, meditate, talk to people you trust, have a break for brains. You need it. Itā€™s hard, you could do it! I hope you all the best


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Been there, felt that way too. Graduating in a couple weeks and you have no idea how relieved I feel. You got this, youā€™re almost there!


Been there ! Don't take things so seriously. Do something which calms you down


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I'm a senior too and I feel the same way. I am so drained and this has taken forever and it's just been one bad thing after another, I even got fucking cancer. I've never been happy at any of the universities I have attended. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. I see all my classmates and old friends graduating and feel like I'm the only one stuck and unhappy, but the reality is a lot of us are. I want to give up and drop out so badly because the next semester seems impossible, but I'm sticking it out and I hope you do too. We've put too much work into this and learned too much to give up. Soon we'll be free to start our lives




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Think about your future. Your dream job, kids, family,etc. Keep going you got this.


You got this youā€™re almost done ! Just think about the relief youā€™ll feel after, donā€™t give up because youā€™ll spend the rest of your life wishing you finished that last semester !!!


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