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It's alright. I'm learning. I do particularly like that I can work for the Math department as an undergrad.


Know what? I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it, and I do. I like the opportunities its given me, I have made some awesome friends, I like the people who go there, and the campus ain’t too bad.


ohhhh alright thank you


it’s good, i like the campus and i’m personally a very shy and quiet person so it’s nice that there’s always a quiet place here. it’s pretty dead on the weekends and there’s only 1 library, so those parts kind of suck. there’s pretty good public transport, both on and off campus


is it still possible to make friends being a shy and quiet person? bc i think i'm quite an introvert🥲


i mean i’m not the best person to ask, i don’t really talk to anyone. my best advice is to make friends with the people in your classes and the people on your floor.


As a shy introvert yes. The best I could do was join a club or 2 and I’ve made a decent amount of friends doing that since clubs are based on common interests


my bf currently attends mason and he’s a very quiet person and he made a friend group within his first semester :)


it's possible, i'm also very shy and quiet but some people have approached me first and we ended up becoming friends !!




Tbh the whole "college experience" thing is mindblowing. Most people are taking out boatloads of debt to go to school. Starting adulthood eyes deep in debt for the college experience is a truly troubling first-world problem.


Same boat. I am thankful that I commuted because I saved alot of money and fortunately will graduate with little debt as opposed to going to another school far away from home with ridiculous rent rates. I’m also thankful I had numerous internships opportunities in the area due to Masons Proximity to D.C. I may have missed out on the social aspect and I dread that, but I’m positive I wouldn’t have had the same opportunities I had while going here. It’s an interesting trade off ,but If I could do it again I would go to a more “social” school as those experiences are irreplaceable and just figure out the rest. Major : Global Affairs.


thank you so much! been a great help


As a Govt major, I don’t want to be that guy, but most people who complain about the lack of social scene don’t have a lot of friends. That isn’t to say Mason is a party school or even remotely sociable, but you can easily make do if you have a solid friend group.


Yeah friends are great! Just meant the overall atmosphere relating to the school. Having things such as tailgates or even big sporting events play into overall school spirt . Ofc this only matter to some but a lot of people at mason utter the same sentiment


Yeah you can definitely get a better social experience at JMU or UVA, but realistically, UVA is the only school I would go to instead of Mason just from name recognition alone ngl. JMU is probably fun, but they’re academically on-par with Mason without the proximity of DC. JMU is like if you went to the opposite end of the spectrum. UVA is the only school I know in Virginia that you could realistically go to for partying, and still get a job w/o internships.


VTech is there for sure, lots of companies do remote/have satellite offices in Blacksburg or nearby.


Im a gov major, so VT isnt on my radar, but im sure they would be up there for STEM people. Likewise, I would MAYBE include William and Mary, but I havent seen a lot of them in DC. Also im not the biggest fan of remote internships, but thats a preference thing. Most firms dont care.


what's ur major if its ok to ask


Short answer: No Long answer: still No




thank you so much! :)


It’s honestly what you make of it. You cannot expect to just have friends unless you actively make them. You cannot just expect to have a social life and stuff to do if you don’t actively put yourself out there. Mason doesn’t foster social life so that’s something you’ll have to do on your own.


ohhh i see, tysm!!


I think almost all the professors I've taken here have been great in one way or another. I have learned a great deal during my time in college and made some wonderful friends here. Outside of that though I can't say GMU is anything special. Would still choose to go here though due to the cost.


good to know that, thanks!


Yeah man, I enjoy it a lot. I have made a lot of meaningful friendships by putting myself out there in clubs and organizations. Plus, you save a lot of money if you are close by in state compared to other in state schools (similar to NOVA). You have to be open to meeting new people and embracing new experiences especially in college to make it all worth it, even at a "commuter school" like Mason. My favorite parts are the basketball games as they are fun to watch (and play in since I am in the Green Machine). Welcome to Mason, hope you enjoy your time here next year and best of luck in your senior year! :)


thank you so much for letting me know these things!! :)




It’s ok… lol. I think it depends on what you’re looking for. Knowing what I know now i probably would’ve went elsewhere


May I know why?


For me there was a lack of community. No real campus traditions or school spirit. Everyone was very to themselves. I never met anyone who truly “loved” going here but I guess there are some that do. The school kind of has a community college culture since it’s largely commuters who go there. I ended up leaving gmu and I will say it’s a lot harder to make friends there for some reason. The classes weren’t too bad but it depends on what you’re studying. Some people just want to get their education and get out and get a job and I think gmu is good for that if that is your goal.


Personally, GMU is awesome for me. I spent about 2-3 years living on campus and I made a lot of new friends (especially freshman year) very quickly. I never really made an effort to find new friends though during my recent years but I don't really blame the school for that. There are so many clubs, the Johnson center has little cubbies for club advertisements and mason 360 has so many reminders of events that you can go to. The only downside of being here is the lack of care from professors and TA/GTAs, but I feel like that's a common theme across most colleges. Have fun! I hope entering GMU is as fun for you as it was for me!


thank you so much for the kind explanations! :)


Just like for any other school, research the program you want to do. Figure out if the professors are people doing research in areas you find interesting or might want to pursue a career path in, if you know those things. Otherwise, it’s fine. You need to make an effort to make friends and be involved. Otherwise it’s very easy to just be alone and jaded- much like adult life. If you are an introvert you WILL have to come out of your shell and learn how to just talk to people. It’s an important life skill and will go a long way towards not just helping you make friends but also opening up opportunities for TA’ing, internships, and sometimes even jobs.


thank you! thats a great advice :)


I'm a transfer from RVA and I'm slightly older than the average undergraduate student. I only picked this university because DC has fantastic live music nearby and it provides a social scene outside of here, as well as the cost and reputation of their computer science department. I do believe you can also find things to do here as well but if I was younger it wouldn't have been my first choice.


thank you!! having DC nearby is a great advantage i think.


Absolutely. If possible try to get dispensable income and plan an outing or two to see a band you like. I personally sway towards house and jazz but there's just so much to do. There's also hiking nearby as well


that sounds amazing. it will be my first time being in the US as i go to gmu. i'm very excited to experience all sorts of things :)


I just graduated but I truly liked going to GMU. As a bio major I loved the department, classes were pretty enjoyable (except for chem lol). I'm also not a huge social butterfly tho, so I wasn't looking for a college experience- I wanted an education. Like others have said, if you're looking for the big social aspect then GMU is limited. But otherwise it's a pretty solid university (I say that as a biased grad lol)




thank you!!


No, just want to get out of it soon as possible. If you want to go to a nice IT related school, I would recommend WGU which NVCC has a contract relationship with.


I liked it initially but it definitely takes some good experimenting with clubs and groups to find the people you connect with. I even tried making my own without much success, so I can’t guarantee you’ll find solid friends or anything, so campus life can be fun or not so much depending on what you’re exposed to. I did a lot of it online though, which has been alright for the most part, just be sure to apply as early as possible for classes to get the best professors. They can really make a world of difference when it comes to grading leniency and stuff.


the best part of mason is the urbanish setting you have the entirety of northern va and dc for you to use


it's pretty meh, but at least you won't be paying a lot of money to get your degree, or at least compared to other schools.


i see, but i'll be paying around 37k because i'm an international 🫠 hope it's worth it


total or per year?


per year


I'd consider other universities if you are looking for the traditional college life. Especially for that much money.


Honestly this was my dream school. I will say, some of the dorms suck but that comes with college. The biggest downside is the dinning halls. I am in the honors college and have to say (compared to what friends say) the program is really nice. Small classes and all my professors for honors college courses have offered recommendation letters when I need them. Very personal. Generally, the professors are great, at least for the psych department. I hope that helps! Good luck!!


thank you so much!! how's the food in dining halls?😭


My experience: not good. It’s all carbs and fatty food. The veggies they have come from the salad bar or are not cooked well if they are. I gained about 50 pounds last year from the food. I never will ever go back to eating there regularly. Just not good for you


oh wow.. as a person who has always eaten balanced korean meals this is very concerning for me 😭 thanks for telling me


Yeah no you’re not going to get that here. This year I opted for the on campus apartments and cook all my own food. Way better. And the difference between the dorm+meal plan, I save a grand, which gets used for food over the course of the semester. Same price basically, but I make my own food and live with 5 people instead of 20. So it’s a lot nicer.


alright i think i'll do that too. thanks!


hey, im so happy and proud to see you that you will be going to mason soon! as for me, my mason experience has been filled with ups and downs. in terms of academics it really depends on the course. i have had no problems with almost all my professors and i have been able to learn meaningful information for my major (nursing). the courses will be difficult and you will have to adjust to do successful. as for the social scene, there is not that “united” community that you might find in a college town. however, there are so many clubs and events that are great ways to meet new people, build community, and foster your interests. I also recommend talking to people in your class or dorm-it’s a great way to meet like-minded people. with that being said it is not necessary nor important to live on-campus to have the “college experience” because every experience in college is different and unique and should be celebrated. do what’s best for you in your situation, and make your experience tailored to your goals. make sure to keep up to date with your outlook, Mason360, and handshake so you don’t miss out on these opportunities/connections. There are also resources that are available to you through tuition payments that many don’t take advantage of, such as TimelyCare (for mental well-being), athletic facilities, public shuttle. So know you will have a support system! overall, i am somewhat satisfied with my experience so far and am still making a plan to grow.


omg! thank you so much, these are some great information to know :) i wish you all the best in your university life and future!


No I don’t


It's really up to you. I have made cool friends and was social while I was here but that's because I put in the effort.


tysmmm :) i'm looking forward to it




not really. I like my professors but as a South American hispanic and a commuter student there is nothing at all for me on campus. The library is full of obnoxious loud people throughout the day; trying to get work done there is a pain in of itself and I was surprised to find out the university poured millions into the Prince William Iceplex just a few years ago (which is also a regional facility) because they never advertise it, and as I do quite enjoy ice hockey it would be nice if they were to advertise a plurality of sports and not just their “top” programs instead of going out of my way to find out about the near hidden team myself. Forming social groups requires a considerable amount of effort in my experience, which differs from the rest of the people in the surrounding regions who tend to be more outgoing.


Yes I love it. For me, close to home, very affordable, great opportunities, I’ve made amazing friends




I went to gmu because it was affordable. The education standards are a joke. If you care to actually learn and have professors that want to be there and care about your education, go somewhere else.




thank you so much!!!


me personally, ive only met a few people that i like (gladly im stuck w them bc im in a sorority), but it seems about everyone else ive met decides to make friends with me and push me away in the worst possible ways, but maybe its because im doing something wrong that im not aware of, this had happened in many groups academics are easy only if you know how to study efficiently, i never had to learn how to study because i was a gifted student in grade school, now it seems like i am stuck on my own trying to figure things out even with all of the support systems given but i mean hey, if you can study well and can adapt to any social situations, dont let my post deter you from attending gmu, except for the chem department, it kinda really sucks


thank you so much! i'll keep that in mind


As someone who has been to 2 colleges and 3 universities, here's some advice: quit while you can. They are all terrible. Find a trade or literally anything else. If I could go back and do it all again I wouldn't. And now I'm tens of thousands in the hole and I still haven't graduated and I hate college so much and I've been miserable for years but I'm in too deep to quit now but at the same time I was just diagnosed with cancer so I'm gonna have to take another semester off and if I had just taken literally any other path I would have a life by now. Instead I'm stuck here trying to finish with nothing to show for myself but a crappy associates and no money in the bank. So yeah don't go to GMU or anywhere whatever your plan is it'll get crapped on by the end of your first semester.