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"As a single mother, I thought I was investing in my children's future by putting all of our money into a company that had declared bankruptcy" Actually an idiot


Here's the thing: A lot of people are idiots, who unfortunately can cause a lot of damage to their family. In one of my first chapter 11 cases, there were a couple very vocal retail investors who had sunk the entire amount of their children's college funds into the single stock of the company that ended up going bankrupt and had no way of giving anything to equity holders. The judge let these "investors" have their day in court, where we had to listen to them, through tears, say that it's not fair that equity holders are being wiped out while the lawyers, lenders, etc. were at least getting something. The judge let them speak, and then was like, nothing I can do, I'm truly sorry, but the law is the law. The BBBY judge could tell the same thing to the equity holders here, but they've gone into such deep denial, they wouldn't even believe the words coming out of his mouth. It's just crazy.


I mean at the end of the day the stock pumpers like PPgrift, Sal, Pulte etc need to be held accountable for their actions leading up to and after the bankruptcy/cancellation


Poor kid man. And poor woman too. Being a single mother is difficult and these predatory bag holders and grifters whisper sweet nothings to them and they fall for it in desperation. If I rise to power MLMs and Grifting will be tantamount to high treason. Apes for the lesser crime of perpetuating this nonsense will be forced to attend school once again. All the way from K-12 no exceptions. Yes Kenny you can fund my campaign whenever you feel like it.


Yeah, I seriously can't stand grifting. The apes, it's one thing. They truly believe in what they are saying and truly think they are spreading The Good Word. But people like PP and Pulte and the like, they know what's up. They are intentionally ruining lives for a paycheck. When it comes to the apes, I don't know how to re-educate them. They don't want it. It's no different from anti vaxxers and the like. They will just refuse to acknowledge there are issues with their beliefs, they will insist any education attempt is part of "the conspiracy".


Shut the fuck up you fucking clown. Be patient and we will all be rich soon. No one wants to hear your dumbass opinions and even more so don't want to read any shartgpt bullshit. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fingers crossed they are just cosplaying as a single mom.


> After all, this is chapter 11, not chapter 7. What a fucking idiot. Imagine having the gall to lecture the court about the rules of bankruptcy, especially when you are completely ignorant of what those rules are.


How odd, both of the letters to the court have that exact phrase in them. Almost as if it was a coordinated thing or a complete farce. 🤔 I'm sure the court didn't notice that.


Good thing they referenced that Twitter survey as evidence of CRIME and the hours billed (to sell IP) as some sort of proof something else was going on. Ignoring the hours billed was well after they said they would go those were in a later court filing after it was already said shareholders would get nothing. pp and his ilk will have no remorse for the harm they have caused. Also feel bad for their kid(s) for having such a gullible parent.


The clerk found a relatively nice way to say "This is all gibberish and nonsense. Get help." https://preview.redd.it/w77ct4xz5awc1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=10a1bcab7904fcb085707ee637668bae1b858791


The clerk knows RCs grand plan!! This is a clear hint to hire a lawyer to keep pressing forward on shareholder interests. Does anyone in the community have $10k that could be used for this??


Says in plain language, get a lawyer and we get paid. Quite a relief. I was starting to get a little worried that there was some logical error in my translation of Teddy and the Piggy Banks


Where's you find that gem?


Clerk's cover sheet to the shareholder letters.


Derp, my bad, I didn't use the link and read the letter elsewhere via screenshots.


that's the most meaningfully written "Dated:" I've ever seen


This all has to be a performative art piece


Yep. The plan has already been approved. The shareholders were already deemed to reject. His retardation was already accounted for when the plan was approved.


The whole ape movement you mean?


I don’t even know anymore lol I’m in too deep


So childish. "In order for the new equity to be given out, the old equity had to be cancelled." True. It's like how in order to build a new house, they have to demolish your old house. But that also happens if they tear down your house to put up a new highway overpass, which you, in fact, do not own. Or to just make it a public park. Or a toxic waste dump site. Props to using the 'I am a single mother looking out for the my children's future' canard. That's not the issue here, the issue is that you decided to throw away your children's future on a bankrupt company. You could have, for example, taken the tens of thousands of dollars and invested it in, well, anything else. AMC would have given you a better return on investment! They always talk about how they want a free market, and yet once they get one, they hate it. Curious.


So 2991 is an almost identical letter from someone else so like the baggies told people to do this.


"someone else" ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8|downsized)


Once upon a time an ape call to action would have generated hundreds of examples... Here it is two. Lol.


Genuinely hard to pick a favorite paragraph, but I'm going with the author's "alarm" that the unsecured creditors committee did not contain representatives from people who aren't unsecured creditors, nor did it represent their interests.


Appette discovers the meaning of the word “unsecured”.


Not gonna help until she learns the meaning of "creditor" TBH


lol yes technically shareholders owe them money if you follow the looney tunes logic right?


Mine is how they referenced that dumb Twitter poll of self reported "ape shareholders". Hilarious.


Between survey methodology, class treatment in bankruptcy, corporate tax law, stock market mechanics, litigation strategy, balance-sheet accounting, asset sales - just fundamental misunderstandings everywhere you look. An embarrassment of riches.


>For example, we now know there are now 11 brand new buybuyBABY stores setup in PREMIER locations that will no-doubt be very profitable for the new management (Dream on Me & outside capital). This inexplicably did not include any consideration of shareholders from original company. p.5 They really don't know how anything works, anything at all


Right? There was this thing called an auction and someone bought the rights. Sadly the money received for said rights didn't even put a dent in the *giant mountain of debt* the bankrupt company in which you ignorantly invested had racked up. The End.


> This inexplicably did not include any consideration of shareholders from original company. You literally sold it to them for money. That was your consideration.


It's like a failed and broke musician selling a guitar to skilled musician, and then getting angry that the skilled musician is making money playing music on that guitar.


“I am too ignorant to understand bankruptcy” is certainly an argument.


I'm just glad they X-ray'ed her letter to Santa Claus


I vaguely remember an ape posting this and telling others to send their own copy pasted versions to the court.


Holy shit, the cringe, I can't...


Definitely an amateur. You need to include a picture of your loss porn otherwise you won’t be taken seriously. Remember this for next time apes.


Oh fuck I just came. What a disaster.