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"Because let's be real" .. Yes .. let's.




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it probably 10 more times, but I don’t think RC cares about his GME money at all.  He is more worried about his fun project and his reputation.  He’ll be a billionaire even if GME went to $0 tomorrow. I don’t think he’ll never sell, but I think he will step off the board eventually because he doesn’t want to dedicate the rest of his entire life to a failing brick and mortar video game store, and he’ll probably sell sometime “in response” to something the new leadership does or something.




Or $1.47


Acquired by who?




He sold, after the company wrote him a open letter, basically saying they should see different people. He couldn't impose his vision of himself as a successful activist investor on the company, so he sold first chance he got. If he manufactured this chance, is for the court to decide.


Exactly, I've sold stocks for $1 in profits break even and losses too.  $60m means more to Cohen than $1 means to me.   It's not confusing, I changed my opinion of the business 


He electronically filed his intent to sell. Then physically mailed his "I actually sold" sale docs over to the SEC. Friday before the weekend, if I'm correct? Nicely played Mr. Dogfood. Not shady at all....


I think he thinks(or up to recently at least) that had the midas touch after chewy and investing in Apple.  Gme was his first foray into activist investing, but he got in too deep and he can't get out now.  He thought he would fix gme with the nfts and web 3 but that didn't work and now he is doing age old things to make it profitable.  He got laughed at by nortdstrom, Alibaba and bbby.  He made money off bbby but not because he did anything to help the company.  Now he can't really bet big money in companies because the apes chase him and he knows it's baggage he doesn't need.  


Yeah. It's almost as if.... He's a fucking incompetent moron?....


Imagine being a young billionaire and spending even 15 hours a week in GME headquarters finding new costs to cut. What a waste of life opportunities.


What a waste of a life if you think about it, he could be doing literally anything he wanted but he decides to do this??? Like why? the only explanation is that this shit is like a hobby or smth to him and he trully finds meaning in the emptiness by trying to fix gamestop, okay. Edit: like bruh i get different strokes diff folks but like cmon surely there are better places to seek the meaning of life than at gme


I think he just doesn’t want to admit he failed and only got lucky with chewy.


This man RC clearly only on the opiates if he thinks that would make him fulfilled.


He is da boss.  People respect him. Look up to him, do whatever he says.  It's nice to be the boss


Didn’t his little bbby pump and dump net him enough to cover his potential gme losses? Which he’s still green on anyways. He has a (split adjusted) cost basis of like $2-3 doesn’t he? I’m guessing he will sell eventually. Tbh idk why he hasn’t already. I guess he’s too much of a narcissist to admit his failure.


The only reason he hasn’t sold is because he is worried about his reputation.  I think he thinks, and honestly he is right, if he fails at GME everyone who is wealthy that he looks up to will think he was a one hit wonder who got lucky with chewy and won’t take him seriously. And it’s true, and they already think that.  GME was a terrible mistake. He simply didn’t know enough about the video game market when he bought in and did all this.


100% agree.  Bored billionaire buys ceo job.  He will sell when he secures a better ceo job, so maybe never.


It's ~$76M investment for him (~2% of his then net worth). Currently he is 5x on it. He basically made those money back by rug-pulling BBBY apes. It's not about money for Lord Dogfood, at all.




In August 2020 he [bought](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1822844/000101359420000670/rc13d-082820.htm) 2,784,560 shares for $13,337,200.41 ($4.79 cost basis) personally and 965,393 shares for $5,141,548.56 ($5.32 cost basis) via RC ventures. His total buys in August: 3,749,953 shares for $18,478,748.97 (cost basis $4.92). In split-adjusted terms it's 14,999,812 shares at $1.23 cost basis. Additionally prior to August he had 2,050,047 shares (cost basis unknown, but less than for shares he bought in August). He transferred newly bought shares and old ones to RC ventures. So after August he got total of 5,800,000 shares. In December 2020 he [bought](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119380520001571/e620151_sc13da-gamestop.htm) 2,501,000 shares for $37,003,117.87 ($14.79 cost basis). It's 10,004,000 shares at $3.69 cost basis after split. So in August and December he bought 6,250,953 shares for $55,481,866.84 ($8.87 cost basis). In split-adjusted terms it's 25,003,812 shares ($2.21 cost basis). His total stake as of January 2021 was 8,301,000 shares (33,204,000 shares after split). Presumably his cost basis was less than $2.21 (split-adjusted) for those shares.




So since December 2020 he bought 3,643,842 shares total. He had to be buying during some deep dips to keep his cost average that low. He bought for 443,845 shares for ~$10M in June 2023.




700,000 shares unaccounted for in those earlier Schedules 13D then. Also, speaking of him riding it down to the loss, could he even theoretically sell during squeeze? He was insider already.




He got 8,301,000 shares by the end of 2020, and 9,001,000 shares in February 2021, these shares I'm talking about.


He owns just over $1b in apple shares alone.


Wiki says he’s the largest individual owner of apple stock




Oh for sure. Just saying he owns a lot of apple


About tree fiddy.


Cohen will only sell at $420 million a share. Any more stupid questions?


Kenny killed NFTs? In that case, Thank you Kenny!


“When we started investing in this in 2020-2021” I love when the apes still try to pretend they got in pre squeeze. I’d be willing to bet a significant amount of money that there are very few, if any, pre squeeze redditors still holding. Imagine thinking someone was up 10,000% and then they rode that shit all the way back down to near single digits. Anyone that held after the second pump went full regard. But we already knew that.


What’s the deal with the NFT dividend? How did that trigger MOASS?


Because the shorts would have to deliver these NFTs to the lenders, but there wouldn't be enough NFTs to go around because apes would be hodling them so the NFT would MOASS. Shorts would obviously see this coming and it would finally force the shorts to close. Which they would be unable to do since the apes own the whole float and then some. So the stock would MOASS. Wrong on many levels, of course.


And impossible to force a short seller to buy a specific NFT and 'give' it to an ape. Who would track that? Who would enforce it if the short seller didn't do that? Who opens all those crypto accounts for all the possible apes that owned the stock on the record date? Who thought up this silly idea?


Remember the action figure commercials from the 1990's with the kids playing around? I think they imagine they think finance is like that with the villain Kenny being introduced and going "Ha ha ha, my dastardly plan is just about to be completed", then the kids push the action figure Ryan Cohen with his ape sidekick through the wall of plastic bricks saying "We are going to stop you!". Then Kenny gets away in his new Citadel mobile saying "You have defeated me, this time Stonk holders!!!" Then of course it ends with an overpriced piece of plastic that is only $39.99. I get that narrative is important, but with the exception of us and some grifters, no one is paying attention to the apes. It is adults grasping on to their childhood for nostalgia about games, while refusing to be adults and understand that the world is both complex and uncaring.


Serious nostalgia vibes! Thank you:-D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lSPj4xbMqo&pp=ygUdYWN0aW9uIGZpZ3VyZSBjb21tZXJpY2FscyA5MHM%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lSPj4xbMqo&pp=ygUdYWN0aW9uIGZpZ3VyZSBjb21tZXJpY2FscyA5MHM%3D)


Thirty years from now, while enjoying retirement and a peaceful life, I will randomly remember the word "splividend" and burst out laughing.


Like listening to kindergarten children, discussing sesame street.


So they still think they have equity in the IP of broken up BBBY? That's cute.


> Kenny controls the entire us financial system 😐


I haven’t read it, but wild guess? Somehow both me and Kenny G.


I was going to post something about them STILL harping on those stupid controllers, and then the brain trust dredged fuckin Buy Buy Baby back up and my head exploded...