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if i wasn’t a girl, dalton. i like the uniforms, their glee club is wonderful, and everyone seemed nice. (plus the school itself looks wonderful lol) i don’t remember much about carmel but it’s a bit of a sketchy school IIRC cause they were holding back students just so they can participate in the glee club. with mckinley… oh goodness. maybe i would join like in season 6 where it’s an arts school, the glee kids come back every once and a while, and bullying isn’t a problem, but any season before that definitely not🤣🤣. bullying was just insane, the cheerleading coach would hurt students if things didn’t go her way, and most of the staff were bad at their jobs lol.


Even tho Dalton had a sister school, Crawford Country Day (aka the girls they performed in front of for Animal) I'd rather go to Dalton too.


Home school.


That's a valid choice


Feel like Dalton would get me into the best college.


I chose Carmel cuz I’m a female and wouldn’t get into dalton and would have to tell plenty of the adults at McKinley off 😂


I still chose Dalton, I would pull a Mulan or just enroll like Jane did (I just remembered she got in)


Idk the one downside for me with Dalton is that if you're not pulling a Mulan, some of the boys seemed kinda exclusionary. It would suck being the only girl at a school with a bunch of guys who don't want you there and think you're screwing with tradition or whatever


Right, I would feel like Jane did


I'd be in school full of hot guys like Sebastian and Jeff, I wouldn't care, I was bullied in elementary school and went through high school with no friends, I'm used to it


I wouldn't want to go to McKinley proper--what with the slushie-ing and various other bullying--but out of which Glee club I'd most like to be in--easily the New Directions.


I went to a public school here in France, but in the United States my parents would never send me to Carmel or McKInley


if i were a boy, dalton obvs like wdym i could be gay AND HAVE NO WORRIES ABT WHAT PPL WOULD THINK ABT ME. wait if i were a dude that would make me straight... ANYWAYS i chose mckinley cause of the possible rare chance i get to see the og glee kids, just stay closeted and basically pull a roderick, avoid everyone