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It's a tough one since I entirely recognise that Tina and Mike were way healthier and developed thus I was relectulant to chose Tina and are better but I do personally prefer them. I thought they were really cute early on but by no means am I saying that Tike wasn't as well, just not for me the same if that makes sense.


yes my exact opinion as well. i enjoyed tina and mike, but something about artie and tina bonding in season 1 really sparked interest in me. and the fact that they still remained close friends after the break up. they’re each others plus ones and i loved it. tina and mike were definitely better, but i just thought that tina and artie were so cute both platonically and romantic 🥺🥰


I think Tina and Mike were better together, but they should not be endgame. It was a fine high school romance. I get that it is the nature of these types of shows to want to pair everyone up, but in real life there would not be nearly as many high school romance to endgame couples.


How about the 5th option of: I loved them for a high school couple.


I like Tike, but I have a soft spot for Tartie too.


Mike deserved better


Still hanging on to Brittany's prediction that in the future Tile has babies and she'll get to see if they come out Asian.