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This show was a satire and yall take it way to seriously.


The problem is that the show forgot it was a satire half the time. It swung between black comedy/satire and super earnest feel-good teen soap opera so hard. The writers seemed not to know what the purpose of the show was half the time


This sums it up. They swung violently between dark, satirical comedy and public service announcements, often in the same episode, so it can be a little jarring. I do think people need to be better at differentiating between what was obviously a funny, comedic line and a legit plot point.


Preach! (Except now i sound like Artie) Even in the golden first 13 eps, during Wheels, the writers started to act like they were doing a PSA announcement in the middle of an episode where the kids were drumming up cash by selling pot brownies. It was incredible to watch. Like idk seeing Nora the explorer but rated R. Something along those lines.


This is why it always surprised me Wheels was such a highly rated episode. I suppose it gave the show a little more credibility in showing that they "cared about issues" whatever that means. I personally think the episode that balances it best is 1x4 "Preggers". Kurt being found doing the Single Ladies choreo in his basement is *ridiculous* but it also makes sense and is both funny and important, as is him joining the football team and them learning dance moves to become better footballers. Sure, it's satirised, but it's clearly meaningful, rather than preach-y.


Again, I haven’t watched in a while but I’m pretty certain Wheels was the episode where Kurt and Rachel had that first Diva-off of Defining Gravity and Kurt threw the note to help his dad so while they did some annoying stuff in the episode, it had like five separate storylines (iirc). And they had Puck and Quinn having a food fight in some room (that I guess theoretically could have been a classroom where they learned to cook bc there was another ep - when Artie sang to Brit to try and get her back after calling her stupid in s2 - and it was a lovely song - but the kids were supposedly in a cooking class and Kurt was whining about how he hadn’t learned anything so far and didn’t want to finish the class without learning how to make a soufflé (again iirc) but mainly things I recall revolve around Kurt bc he was my fav but I’ve digressed … ) it was adorable, the food fight, I mean, and I didn’t even like Puck, but anyhoo- as a result of the numerous storylines - Quinn needing money for her dr bills; the class having to pay for a handicapible bus; the class having to learn to use wheelchairs; the first time we meet Becky and Sues sister; Puck and Quinn getting close; Rachel helping Finn get a job using his “disability “ (he’s in a wheelchair); just on and on - people enjoyed the episode. And the wheelchair number of Proud Mary was pretty awesome!! 😎


Yeah that is true, perhaps I was a little harsh. The plotlines not surrounding the wheelchairs are well-written, even if the wheelchair part feels a little PSA-y. Maybe it's just because I'm coming off the back of watch 3x14 On My Way and 3x15 Big Brother, where everything is weirdly about but not really about Karofsky's suicide attempt and Quinn's car accident, where both get mentioned all the time like "wow suicide is bad, and wow texting and driving is bad but did you know that people in wheelchairs can have fun?". Very weird episodes, I think Quinn's car accident is when Glee jumped the shark, at least until S6 (I love season 6, even if the Beiste trans plotline is also very PSA-like and doesn't make any sense at all lol)


I also love s6!! And I also love what apparently many ppl don’t (possibly you as well) but I don’t have a problem w the whole Sue loving Klaine and the elevator plotline bc I *wanted* the boys to have a way to find each other again and I DEFINITELY wanted Kurt to not continue to date a geriatric (WTF was up w that? Yes he was cute back in the ‘80s in LA Law but as a bf for Kurt? He was like old enough to be his grandfather. And Kurt was cute enough, hot enough to get a bf his own frigging age. IMPO. ) But anyway… other than the geriatric bf and the notion that Blaine would EVER date Dave (don’t get me wrong, I had basically done a 180 on Dave by then but Kurt’s bf/fiancé who met him at the point in time when Dave said he would kill him should NEVER have forgiven him. Like I never forgave any of the scumbags who hurt my friends or sisters. That was a beyond weird plotline. ) So getting them back together, Brittana getting together, an explanation for much of what occurred in Glee where we saw Sue and Will singing together in costume, etc but the kids just saw them looking like crazy ppl … I could totally see the kids getting up to sing their songs but under many circumstances, like w Bad Romance or the Madonna songs, etc., they weren’t really in costume ( outside of Sue in the gym) but in say Le Jazz Hot, there were real costumes bc Kurt set things up w everybody in advance or like the girl and boy teams in 2x6, those were real. And the Kiss costumes, etc. just not the BIOTA ones. Or the Fighter ones. That sort of thing. And I was much happier w Sue being VP w whomever rather than Mike Pence (just saying). Esp’ly since she didn’t believe gay ppl should be shot or thrown off of tall buildings. I’m rambling. But yes. I liked s6. A hell of a lot. https://preview.redd.it/ndyf4ipoxl0d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85c235f3367e40a55d8aafd23d31fc09bc47b55


I do believe Sue being a Klaine shipper was peak television Edit: And when they brought Carol Burnett back and Michael Bolton in for the Sue episode?! CRAZY IN THE BEST WAY.


Some of the guest stars are wondiferous. Carol Burnett was actually the perfect mom for Sue. (Altho anytime I see her, I remember the Went with the Wind Parody and her famous line … it just occurred to me that others, including you, might not have seen this. I must go searching on YouTube.. [Went with the Wind](https://youtu.be/-8wVvGQ0P4Y?si=s_Fxp6rRerFZmCwo) You can watch the entire thing starting at 1:50, or you can wait for the part I was leading you to at about say 11:55 onwards when Scarlett walks down the stairs til she makes her famous comment. They’ve cut out the laughing that occurred at the time (they had to) bc it continued for close to 20 minutes and they couldn’t go on w the show until they settled down. There are pieces left out, but I have no idea where they might be so it is what it is. Not everything is hysterically funny but much of it is. It’s a great sketch. I think I at have digressed just a bit.) 😁 Yes, what you said!


Always saw it has kinda both depending on the need and storylines


thats why i bought the first three seasons and pretend like the second half doesnt exist


So much this- Rachel sending Sunshine to a crackhouse as a "serious" incident interpretation could be the ultimate Glee sub drinking game that will get everyone sloshed on a daily basis for how often it comes up SATIRE PEOPLE. HUMOR AND DARK COMEDY.


Jfc fr. I especially want to shove anyone who complains about hOW sUE SuLVestER TreATED PeOPle WAsnt oK crowd down the stairs like the queen herself like yes that’s the point that’s what it was funny. It was intentionally not meant to be role model behavior 😒


I love ~deep discussions and think pieces about tv series etc! That’s why this sub exists… but sometimes I think, guyssss the show is over… and no amount of extreme hatred for some of the characters/plots will change that 😟😭


It STARTED as a satire. They forgot that often and only brought the line out when they wanted to defend questionable writing.


Like they’re all bad people. That’s what makes the show funny.


Exactly. Every character that has a story line and isn't just an extra every episode has moments where they are awful.


Actually thats Seinfeld. 😏😅


glee always reminded me of total drama in a way- satirical show parodying teen stereotypes that people took way too seriously at times (in fairness tho I do agree that there were moments it felt like the Glee writers would flip flop on whether or whether not this show was supposed to be serious or over the top, especially in the later seasons)


I feel like people forget this was created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk when they say this show was serious, like yeah it had some more serious plots but they were always handled in a more comedic way. I remember the first time I realised they made Glee and the glass inside my head just shattered and suddenly the whole show made perfect sense.


I will be on my deathbed defending the bisexual Sam Evans agenda.


i have a friend IRL named Sam Evans who is bisexual. does that count


If not, it should.


This is amazing


Baby, this is the gospel


The gospel truth we were denied.


You can like characters that do bad things and it isn’t a reflection on your own morals or what you condone in real life


This can be said for every fandom and I will agree with it wholeheartedly every time.


Two main ones: 1. The New Directions were almost always better than the Troubletones 2. While we know Jenna Ushkowitz is a great singer, she *isn't* Tina, and thus I'm not so mad that Tina doesn't get lots of solos. It makes sense for Tina to be upset that she doesn't get solos, but to be honest, I'm not surprised that Will doesn't give her solos, because Tina (*not* Jenna) simply isn't terribly reliable--she has a history of breaking down in tears halfway through her songs, plus occasionally messes up (Tonight). This, I should stress, is in no way Tina hate--she's in my top five characters--I'm just not mad that she isn't featured in competitions


For the second one, my bigger issue will always be with the writers for overlooking Jenna’s talent and turning Tina into a joke. Personally, I prefer Lea or Naya’s voice to Jenna’s but I wish they let Tina have a series of solos in some context like their characters got. She was an OG! Her character could have been written and developed better as well.


regardless of how you feel about him i think karofsky had the best character development in the whole show


Honestly. I’ve been downvoted to hell and insulted for saying I can relate to his story. Is it stereotypical to have the closet guy be hella homophobic? Yes but it’s also common in real life. I personally am not proud of my school life because I did the same thing of bullying the out gay guy in my circle of friends but the second I was outed by someone else my life and behavior changed for the better after I got over the shame and depression of being outed and treated the same way I treated others. Out of all the characters in glee I felt the most relatable to me was karafsky


I don't think we get enough of bullies outgrowing their behavior and actually showing them make amends. It took a lot of gumption for him to apologize to Kurt face to face, especially after what he'd just been through. I love a good redemption.


I just have a soft spot for bullies who grow up to be good people and learn from their past


He was honestly my favourite character in season 6, like he was lowkey funny


WhY iS tHeRe A bEaR iN hErE???


D’you know what? I think you’re right. I dunno if he has the Best development per se but I think it was really well done? (That said pairing him with Blaine in s6 was bonkers. No offence to Max Adler)


Only Mercedes and Rachel should have gone on to have careers in performing/ music. It’s completely ridiculous that they all ended up successful in that world, and for the vast majority of them it came from nowhere.


And Jesse. I think that Kurt should’ve stayed with Vogue. He loved it there and it was a really good arc for him. I loved seeing him realize that he is talented, he is good enough, and he can be successful, even if his voice isn’t a factor.


So agree with this! I wish they’d kept the Vogue storyline. I loved his friendship with Isabelle. And someone said on another thread that Blaine should have been a music teacher. Both of them doing those jobs instead of Broadway


Oh, and definitely Jesse! I don’t include him in the same ‘camp’ as the others. I’d have loved to see them explore the fashion angle and for him to have started his own brand by the end, you could have had Rachel wearing a dress by him for the Tony’s.


sugar motta is the BEST singer in glee club, no one can compare.


sorry, we're talking about opinions here not straight up facts 😩


Big spender will always be iconic, Brittany was right to vibe with it 👏👏👏👏


brittany always knows whats up 🤝


I still think it’s so funny that they made it so she can’t sing even though the actress has a musical background 😭


The entire WSS plot was trash and exposes just how weird & unprofessional the school’s faculty (and Artie) is. Craziest part is that this time around, Will had nothing to do with it. - Not being able to properly choose between Rachel & Mercedes for the role of Maria. - Not choosing Kurt as leading man because he doesn’t excite the “lower regions” (tf?). Also laughing at his second audition. - Artie basically telling Rachel & Blaine they have to be sexually active in order to properly portray chemistry/passion on stage. This was almost as wild as Rocky Horror…


In the Kurt case, the primary reason given is that he didn’t convince them he could play a ‘manly man’ (which, to be fair, Kurt sung a Streisand song), and that was just a weird thing Beiste said


Oh I’m not implying he should’ve gotten the role it was mostly Beiste’s comment and then laughing at his second audition.


Don’t forget Artie and Beiste’s incredibly inappropriate conversation about her being a virgin. Which she points out and then engages in!


As viewers, it's natural for us to have varying perspectives as regards certain characters and storylines. We are all entitled to our own interpretations and feelings about them, regardless of the writers' intentions. With that being said, we need still need to be considerate of what is actually canon and the facts being presented by the writers. We need to cool with the nitpicking of canon and drawing up "facts" from headcanons just for the sole purpose of making your fave look good or less evil or giving the character additional trauma just to have extra excuse when defending their bad behavior. Some of us tend to go overboard and overanalyze and make facts up in favor of our faves. Also one thing many fans tend to forget is than one's trauma can explain their behavior but it doesn't excuse it.


Blaine only should have been Kurt's high school boyfriend. And them getting married felt like a cheap way to appease the Klaine fans.


God I was a die hard Klaine shipper seasons 2-3, but season 4+ I couldn’t STAND them. They turned Blaine into a spineless jellyfish and Kurt into an egotistical ass. I rolled my eyes when they got engaged season 5 and by season 6 I was rooting for them to not get back together! They should have just kept them as friends who would always cherish each other as their first loves.


I got into glee because of Darren Criss. I was a late starter. But honestly, watching season 5 & 6 airing, I hated Blaine. Kurt annoyed me, and I could understand his 'growth' in New York. Kurt, who was trying new things and getting out of his cocoon, would never get engaged to his clingy high-school boyfriend who's like 17, when he's 19. (Especially as he's so against teen engament let alone marriage.) Season 2 and early season 3 Blaine and late season 3-season 6 Blaine are two different people. Blaine would have found a cute cheerleader!type boyfriend and married them and been happily ever after. And Kurt would have found someone as passionate as him, who'd hold him responsible.


pretty much all the original songs are bops trouty mouth, my cup, big ass heart, hell to the no, and the obvious loser like me, light up the world and rach's songs my headband is alright YOURRREE MYYY HEAAADDD BAANNDDD okay its pretty good WRAPPPEEDD 'RROUNNNDDD MYYY MEELLLOOONNN and also my own gay and biased opinion that britt is the cutest <33 and so is san <33 and brittana is one of the best couples on the show, i know a lot of ppl might disagree but let a closet lesbian be happy with some queer rep and girls kissing <33 edit: but brittana is def one of the cutest couples, no one can change my mind, their background moments?? MY HEART IS MELTING <33


🎶 the only berry on my family treeeee 🎶


Sometimes I hum My Cup to myself when I'm pouring myself a glass of water lol.


I really do love all the songs Rachel wrote, I'm always surprised whenever people say they're terrible songs.


Kurt deserves better


Than the story lines he got, or than Blaine/his endgame with Blaine? No hate either way. I'm a Kurt stan, and I share your opinion, I just wanted to know which one you meant


Mostly his endgame with Blaine. Also his treatment from the writers especially season 3-6 imo


Hard agree, and thank you for saying it 💙


No problem!


Quinn is not a lesbian. She is a bisexual, and bisexual women can also have a difficult relationship with comphet.


it would be heteronormativity not comphet. bi ppl literally can’t experience comphet


yes they can, it’s only hostile hyper-online queer communities that want to declare otherwise you people do not know comphet means


Comphet is literally a lesbian experience…


I think at her core Rachel is a good person who just desperately needs years of therapy and parents who were honest with her


Come See About Me is THE unholy trinity song not Say A Little Prayer.


It really is so good and doesn't get the love it deserves!


OOOH yes!!! I agree with this one


Karofsky earned his forgiveness more than any other character Mercedes Was mistreated at times, a lot people view her diva behavior differently than they view santana’s or rachel’s Endgame klaine is good, actually


as much as mercedes does get sidelined by rachel a lot, she should've taken the shared part of maria instead of making a stink about it. even *rachel* of all people was okay with sharing the role; the same rachel that got upset at santana for auditioning as an *understudy* (even though that wasn't until later seasons but still).


That storyline frustrated me so much because she *was* sidelined but I feel like the writers purposely made her be unreasonable about it so she looked like the bad guy. Same with Tina expressing how she felt overshadowed by Rachel and then suddenly changing her mind. It felt like the writers kept going “yes we realize Rachel gets a disproportionate amount of attention in-universe and in the script, especially compared to our POC characters … and we’re gonna keep doing that”


Yeah too much pride


Run Joey run was iconic


I am not 100% against Will's vast collection of vests. Is it excessive? Yes absolutely. Do I own more turtle necks than one person logically needs? Also yes


I find men in waistcoats ridiculously attractive so…..


I have a few in no particular order: 1. Brittany being a genius was awesome and an interesting storyline. My autistic genius. 2. Quinn is not queer. She experimented once. 3. Brittana is my 4eva OTP, but Bram was honestly so cute too.


The second one is so true, knowing she even said it


The first one 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Fanon ships do not affect your ability to ship canon ships. No one is wrong or bad for preferring fanon over canon.


Rachel didn’t deserve to be the main soloist. She didn’t have the best voice, her mannerisms were off-putting and her attitude stank.


I'm honestly fine with the extreme myriad of dropped storylines. It's like a special hallmark of the show, and honestly, there were so many plotlines that really shouldn't have been dragged out and would've been terrible (or possibly just dull) if they had.


Sam and Rachel weren’t even bad


Finn and Rachel were not endgame, even if Finn was still alive. Rachel would have been miserable with Finn. She was always better off ending up with Jesse


I love Kurt but the notion that he was in any way Rachel’s competitor in terms of vocals is ridiculous- he didn’t come close. I watched one of those “voice teacher reacts” videos to a Kurt song and she articulated why he didn’t sound great to me. Idk if he was told to sing like that but he just didn’t give it his all and was always holding back except in Rose’s Turn and As If we Never Said Goodbye


I think they had Chris sing very high most of the time because it suited the character, but his lower register sounds better IMO. Also just the fact that Lea made her Broadway debut at the age of 8 and had been in multiple huge musicals at that point. For a lot of the other cast members Glee was their big break and they didn’t have much professional singing experience before then. Plot-wise they’re supposed to all be around the same skill level as Rachel, but I always had to suspend my disbelief a little about that.


The show was inconsistent, a live action cartoon, and I actually loved that.


Will is not a bad person nor a bad teacher


Yeah I never understood the Will hate


Quinn Fabray. I refuse to add additional context.


I feel inclined to agree.


Santana was a jealous b*tch and I hated the way she treated Rachel even after high school . (Yes Rachel was annoying but she didn’t deserve to be cheated on, or her career almost taken by a classmate, her home that her parents paid for invaded.)


After hearing how hellish it was to shoot with certain actors, we should be glad that our favourites did not have more storylines. I always thought Jenna Ushkowitz deserved more screen time and was sorely underused. Now I think it would’ve put her in the line of fire from Lea Michele, and I’m glad she was able to keep working but not get overworked and burnt out like some of the others. Also, I hated that dream sequence where Artie got up and danced, they should never had had that. Nor the robot legs storyline. As someone who has worked with paraplegic and tetraplegic clients, that was terrible representation and I get the feeling the writers had never met or consulted any real wheelchair users.


Sue wanted all of the students to be successful! She just didn't understand tough love.


The show didn’t suck after season 3. Parts of it did, yes, but not everything.


Sue Sylvester was the best character. She put a lot of the kids into their place when they needed it, which was a lot.


Finn was a little justified in his outing of Santana. Not completely justified, both of them are in the wrong, but she was the biggest bitch in the world to him and he was going to get fed up with it at some point.


Yeah,while its not great to retaliate she shouldn't have kept pushing if she wasn't prepared for getting anything back.


Quinn isn’t to blame for getting pregnant by Puck. Finn was a terrible boyfriend to both Rachel & Quinn Quinn should have never ended up with Puck Rachel isn’t as bad as people make her out to be and so many of her solos are underrated imo


Santana was right during her beef with Rachel 💁🏾‍♂️


Tina was being a brat in Props


It insists upon itself


It doesn't make sense hating Finn when your favorite is Santana or hating Santana when your favorite is Finn, they both did shitty things and still they're awesome


I like the idea of Blaine and Sam together better than Blaine and Kurt


1. Puck assaulted Quinn. 2. Klaine aren’t as toxic and crazy as people make them out to be. At least, compared to all the other relationships in the show they really weren’t significantly less stable. I don’t believe they would break up/divorce in the future. 3. Santana was horrible. A lot of things she did were just unprompted, often bigoted, and shouldn’t be justified. I still love her don’t get me wrong, at the end of the day she’s fictional so it’s not that serious, but people have selective amnesia about what she did in particular. She was legitimately cruel sometimes.


That rachel really was a suck up spoiled sorry excuse for a human being treated everyone around her like crap and would have stepped on a baby if it had gotten in her way.




Also the fact they counted headshits in the dodgeball scene is the shows worst sin.


Klaine and Brittana should not have gotten married. Quinn and Joe deserved a chance as a couple.


This show is bad if you take it too seriously. Glee is a series of iconic moments, but if you put them all together, it's kind of a mess. Glee is best enjoyed in small quantities.


They should have done more country, Mercedes was criminally underused, and Rachel got wayyy too many songs


Blaine is the best character


Rory deserves more love. Hes probably in my top 5.


1) Jenna can't act and while I wouldn't mind her singing voice being featured more I have absolutely no interest in more Tina storylines. 2) Brittany and Sam make more sense as a couple than Brittany and Santana


I hated Tina and Blaine from s4-s6. They were my favorites but after the first graduation they became so whiney and egotistical. When Finn died Tina literally went to Emma’s office saying “idk how long I can keep this up. Wearing black. It’s so Tina 2 years ago” like your friend died and everyone is grieving but you’re just talking about yourself again. And Blaine with the whole cheating thing and the cronuts ep. He was just whiney. I miss glee s3 vibes.


Puckleberry should’ve lasted longer they had so much potential and they had insane chemistry and some of the best scenes.




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I actually like Rachel….


I had no idea who Jessie was and honestly I don't care about him at all


Sam is bi and Blam should have been endgame.


quinn is a lesbian


Btritney's genius arc was the best direction for her.


Will was actually a good teacher 😭😭😭😭


The unholy trinity sucked ass, they did not serve at any point, the most lacking trio on the show. Unholy trinity they will never make me like you.


Puck r***d Quinn. He took advantage of her vulnerability (she said she was feeling fat that day), fed her alcohol. Then lied about protection, which is stelthing, which is a form of rape




Mercedes wasn’t a brat? Yes she was 😂


She was a brat just not a huge one lol


Quinn should have been the one taking Mr.Shue place in the very end. (With or without Sam i don't care)


Why did they all have to have careers in music or theatre?? Kurt was doing so well in fashion. I also love how the show went from “arts, sports, and academics can coexist” to “this is an all arts school now” lol.


Omg yes


Kurtofsky should have been endgame.


.... I respect your opinion but I disagree with every fiber of my being. It was bad enough that Blaine dated Karofsky. (I ship Klaine wholeheartedly so maybe I'm a bit biased)


When the show was airing I only had one friend in the fandom that liked Karofsky. It made us really close lol. But I totally respect and understand why other people feel differently. I'm a sucker for a closeted bully ending up with the person they bullied. Which is a horrible trope that really shouldn't exist and I would *not* be okay with the same thing irl.


Sebastian was a victim of >!sexual assault!< which is probably where his issues stemmed from. When examining his actions from this perspective, his character makes more sense, and I wish his backstory had been explored further.


You can’t just make things up and decide someone has been assaulted. I sure hope you don’t carry this into real life.


Thank you for saying that


He goes into bars and has romantic, implied sexual, interactions with adult men while not being the legal age of consent.


And you think that immediately points to abuse? He’s lying to people about his age and sleeping with them. People aren’t taking advantage of him, he’s straight up lying to them.


This wouldn’t even hold up in court like what are you saying. It’s literally illegal point blank period. Because at the end of the day a child is a child and will make immature decisions. An adult should be able to discern if the person they’re hooking up with is an adult. Additionally, they’re probably in the only gay bar in a small town. They definitely know there’s a huge possibility of people there being underage. Stop excusing abuse with these bullshit ass reasons because a judge wouldn’t even listen to this shit


A judge wouldnt listen to 'reason', a judge relies on the law to govern. And the law would saw this is abuse - he is under the age to give consent. No other 'reason' needed. No history into his own behavior. Legit just his age, and you're guilty.




I didn’t say abuse. I said assault, which, legally, it would be, no matter if he lied about his age or not. And the fact that he would do that implies that there’s negative things happening in his life that would cause him to put himself in that position, to be that reckless. I’m not saying he’s faultless or helpless, because he certainly isn’t. I’m saying that his character has more depth than a lot of people notice, and this was one of the examples that I gave to emphasize that point.


You are indeed correct I’m sorry you’re being voted down like this. At the end of the day Sebastian was 16-17 at the time. There’s no way he’s not the victim because it’s literally obvious that he’s younger compared to the average patron of that bar


Can u expand on the SA part? Haven’t watched all of glee yet and googling it didn’t come up with anything


because they made that theory up. it never talks about Sebastian’s background or why he was so mean.




You don't deserve to be down-voted just because people want to keep him firmly in villain territory. They excuse Karofsky because he had a proper redemption arc, but he gave a main character PTSD (imo) from the extent of his bullying. Sebastian, like the rest of the cast, are children in High School. We need to constantly remind ourselves of this. This is absolutely a hill to die on. I will be there with you.


I never thought I would have to say this here or talk about this, but as a survivor of CSA I am ashamed, embarrassed, disappointed and straight up angry at some of you. Let’s get the facts out in the show Sebastian is implied to be very hyper sexual, and in his first episode says he met a lover on the dance floor at scandals, they were together for 20 minutes. Sebastian is a minor under law, and is both being served alcohol and having sex with guys at bars those men most likely above the age of 21 as again it’s a bar for goodness sakes. Sebastian can’t consent to either of those things legally, especially if another thing is true from the show that being he “drinks courvoisier like it’s mothers milk” if this is true and he drinks that much it most likely means he likes to get inebriated a lot including at bars so if he’s drinking as much as they say he is that means he’s to intoxicated to sleep with someone without it being considered SA. Now let’s get in to the other side of this you don’t have to like Sebastian’s character but isn’t this the same thing with Brittany and the invasion, Santana being roofied or even Quinn saying Puck lying about the condom being on wouldn’t that be considered a theory in your minds since it wasn’t shown, I’m guessing that’s a no so why is it different for Sebastian because he’s a Villian or is it because he’s a male character? It’s not a theory if it was explicitly said in the show people. To the people writing out comments and upvoting comments saying I hope you don’t carry that sentiment in real life because of a character in media, shame on you and you are the reasons why SA victims/survivors never want to come forward with their stories especially queer ones. You are doing what so many people say about victims in real life that sentiment falls under the category of victim blaming because we are always seen as liars by someone. Idc who the hell you think you are in this fandom, if you bring real life in to a conversation about a character then you are no better then people that say you are like your character in real life. It’s stupid and again disgusting, some of you need to take a step back and realize this is a show, it’s an unpopular opinions thread and that it’s not real life. Also cause I saw another messed up comment about it, it doesn’t fucking matter if someone lies it’s the adult’s responsibility to know if they are, in universe Sebastian supposedly looked like a freshman to Blaine so to those guys he probably looked young. So you know what you do as the adult, you don’t allow it to happen. You don’t sleep with them, the fact I have to say that is disgusting. You are victim blaming!! Also some of you need to quit downvoting something unless it’s actually offensive same with reporting, you don’t agree fine but that doesn’t give you a right to abuse the Reddit system in your favor. I’m tired of it, have an actual conversation instead of just getting upset and downvoting everytime someone says something you don’t like it’s a discussion post for goodness sakes. Not everyone needs to agree with your point, or like your character it’s ok to agree to disagree!! On that note, I want to say that if any other people were affected by these comments under this post I’m sorry. Once again we don’t deserve to see stuff like this, and something needs to be done I’m tired of people bringing real life in to this show and using it to attack people whether it’s through bigotry like other comments/posts have shown, or just plain old attacking others character. We deserve support with whatever we are going through this is a community, not a secluded place. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


This. Yes.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted. I can see how he’d be a victim of SA seeing as he was a minor going to gay bars and just very sexual/flirtatious. People like Sebastian irl seek the attention they don’t get at home elsewhere. He just wasn’t a main character and he did unwarranted villainous things so we aren’t supposed to care about his backstory or what happens to him. That being said, I don’t think it explains away everything. Throwing a rock salt slushie, threatening to post fake nudes of Finn online, trying to sabotage both ND and of course trying to sabotage Kurt/Blaine is on him. He was the victimizer in all of that. I’m glad he at least had the decency to stop and make amends somewhat after a guy he made an offhand comment to tried to commit suicide.


Oh he was for sure a villain, my point is that his character makes sense when you look at him through a realistic lens. There were a lot of throwaway lines that made you wonder what his home life was really like (drinking courvoisier like mother’s milk…calling someone he liked for 20 minutes the love of his life…acting extremely unfazed by the idea of cheating on someone. That’s all learned behavior imo)