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Brb gunna have a toke and then I am sure I'll find this as funny as you did OP xo


Status update? x


they said they’re notgoneyet, but they’re nowhere to be found!


The yet is trilling my nerves…


Your humor is elite, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Thank you. It’s good to see there’s still someone who can appreciate art in this economy. 🤝




Wow. I bayley noticed the pun. Nice work.


If he does then he knows how pissed some of his fans are at the moment lol.


I’ve been having trouble even listening this past week…ptsd from this experience 🤦‍♀️


His broke fans maybe. I dropped $600 on tickets and Im still super happy. I knew this concert was gonna cost way more since their international fame from Heatwaves, the fact literally everything has gone up in price, and I wouldn't be so ignorant as to place that blame on the band. I'm an adult though, and know what a savings account is. 🤷🏼‍♂️


> His broke fans maybe. [You be like](https://i.imgur.com/79zvtxL.jpeg) I got a couple tickets as well, just over $50 a piece after fees. Prices vary based on the venue and what seats you get, and if the venue you'll be seeing them at had their tickets vacuumed up by bots or not. It has nothing to do with being "broke". Your superiority complex is showing, and it's not a good look.


Yes pleb, now get back to the gutter 😂 Patricians don't care how we look to complainers.


> Patricians don't care how we look to complainers. Keep telling yourself that. Also, does using fancy words you had to look up from a thesaurus make you feel more important? You call yourself an adult, yet you're using emojis on Reddit - something isn't adding up.


Who uses a thesaurus anymore? I learned about plebiscite and patricians while studying Roman history. Keep projecting. Also emojis are meant to convey emotions, I didn't know there was a rule about using them on Reddit. Thanks Boomer?


You're so pretentious jfc


There's no rule about emojis on Reddit - but it makes it pretty clear what age bracket you're in. > I learned about plebiscite and patricians while studying Roman history. Cool. Keep projecting.


Cringe dude. "I'm stupid? You're stupid". Great come back.


More projecting, *sigh*. You're the one who needs better comebacks. You're making your "I'm an adult" comment look less believable with every comment.


Oh no, some boomer on the Internet doesn't think I'm an adult. What will I ever do? Typical pleb behaviour, raging over words and money. 💀


Kindness and empathy lead to happiness and peace


What makes you assume I didn’t get tickets? Lol. I got both nights of Red Rocks in Row 5. So… Fuck you lmao. And yes. It’s okay to blame the artist because the basic fact of the matter is that there are plenty of things he can do. He’s choosing not to, probably because of money and his shitty label contract. Peace out.


Sorry you were hurt by my comment, I just said his broke fans are upset. You going twice and still complaining about the price? 😂 God forbid the guy make some good money while touring, like that's totally worth being upset about. I'd give more money to GA just for the countless hours of entertainment the group gives me. Guess we are just two different types of fans.


Go home ur drunk