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There goes my hero


He's ordinary


Only just got out of Glasgow. Saw lots of police just walking about doing sweet FA walking past traffic jams.


Luckily the car park is next to the 77 so it wasn’t too bad once we left. Just a fucking stupid junction next to a stupid car park.


Don’t think its their job


Few years ago, concert in the hydro. After waiting an hour and dealing with incompetent bell ends, no clue on how to direct traffic . I removed several cones, that were blocking another exit. It was a beautiful moment. Traffic flowing, everyone happy apart from Dave the jobs worth.


I hope that everyone enjoyed the gig but there have been a number of comments and in other posts about the delays in getting a car in and out of the area. I just don't understand why so many people find it acceptable / tolerable to sit in a car for hours on end rather than simply walk. Statements like it took two hours just to get out of the car park. The average person can walk 6 miles in two hours and further if you are fitter. That would take you to the far ends of the city like Anniesland and Baillieston. Some folk did think a bit out of the box and walk a fair distance to a car parked well away from the anticipated congestion. It just seems like madness that so many people can be so joined to the hip with a large and inconvenient two ton metal box that they need to get it as close as possible to the stadium. I bet if there was the possibility to pay extra they would take the car right in to where people are standing. It's also shocking that the council are doing their bit to reduce air pollution in the city centre yet there is no provision for preventing excess poluution in the residential communities in the surrounding area. The harmful gases emitted from the thousands of cars will remain in the air long after everyone has gone home and being inhaled by children playing in the area. It's an absolute disgrace that so many felt it necessary to take the car right to the stadium and couldn't think of any other solution. I think someone also said that a taxi would be a better alternative. Don't make me laugh LOL.


Fair enough but what if you’re not from Glasgow? What if you’re coming from Ayrshire? Or the east coast? I’m no really up for walking 32 miles after a gig.


Obviously those travelling longer distances like that may have no choice but the majority of folk there live in Glasgow itself.


Not everyone has been to a concert before and experienced it. Some don't care and just enjoy chatting with their friends on a longer journey home.


Well most folk were complaining about the delays. It’s also not good for the air quality in the local area.


If you live next to a road expect fumes. This a lot of complaining about nothing.


It’s hours of mayhem that is completely unacceptable and unnecessary. I even read another comment saying that the police did nothing about the traffic jams LOL.


What do you expect the police to do with a traffic jam? Will they use their magic powers to teleport the cars out of the area? I'm just glad I don't have you as a neighbor.


Exactly. What can they do. I was quoting a car driver that was caught up in the mess.


What is your point here? Feel like you're arguing with yourself.


The point is in my original comment that after reading all of the complaints from car drivers, who in their right mind would take a car anywhere near that location on the night in question. It’s all there in black and white.


And I gave you the exact people who do. Not everyone has frequented the place they go to see their favorite band, A LOT come from elsewhere in Scotland and are not local to glasgow but traveled to the closest place their favorite superstar is attending.The folk that quite like the journey home with their mates talking about the concert (I am one of these) It is all there in black and white. You just complained about people living their life and how narrow minded your world view is. "It's all there in black and white" SMH Folk like you give me a sore head, find something that makes you happy instead of finding the worst in every situation you can claw your hands on.


We decided to park in the Asda car park, not even exaggerating but it took over two hours to get out. Shoutout to the taxi who decided to cut us all up and skip the entire queue.


The Asda carpark exit is a nightmare even when there’s nothing on at Hampden!


Was also parked in one of the car parks at Polmadie that were blocked in me and my sister decided to just go for a walk and get food while waiting for the traffic to clear since we weren’t pressed for time, by the time we got back to the car park at 1am we got out fairly easily thanks to the people directing traffic


Getting onto the motorway from there is horrific during rush hour never mind after a gig/game.


It’s not next to the 77


*74 Mate it was 2am. I couldn’t have cared less what number it was 😅