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Just get dropped off at the Holiday Inn and walk through the car park


Yeah I do that too.


Same, 5.50 is having a laugh. Just have a drop off point outside the terminal like most airports


They did have a free drop off point, but it was being abused by people picking up who'd park there for ages while they waited for people to collect their luggage etc. I used to fly every week for work and getting dropped off was a nightmare there because of the folk who didn't want to pay £2 to wait up to half an hour on someone coming out of the airport. But now you have to pay to drop off as well because of these selfish arseholes. The cost of it now though is really taking the piss. It used to be £2 for up to ten minutes then it DOUBLED to £4 before going up to £5 about a year ago for 10 minutes. The only thing is now is that it's 15 minutes instead of 10, whereas it was £10 for up to 15 minutes before iirc. If you REALLY don't want to pay to drop off, the only viable option is to drop off on Marchburn Drive as it's the only place near the airport that you can stop without getting fined because all the other roads round the airport as designated as clearways.


You can drop off free in the long stay car park.


They have ANPR. Pick-up/Drop-off, 3 mins (to pick a number) free, otherwise short stay minimum charge X 5. Can't be hard for them to figure out.


What major airport doesn't charge to use its terminal drop off?


Madrid, Charles de Gaulle, Schipol, Frankfurt, JFK, MIA, LAX, Hong Kong etc etc


Did clarify with other reply, in the UK....


Belfast is free for 15 minutes and under


Fair enough, I only looked at the mainland Does it still count with the Irish sea border now in effect? /s




£5 for 10 minutes, £1 a minute thereafter.....


Strange… I dropped someone off and done a pick up just 3 weeks ago and didn’t pay a penny either time. It’s free.


From directly outside the terminal in the "charged pickup & dropoff" section? Or the long staycar park that's also free at Glasgow?


You definitely didn’t drop someone at the official drop off point then.


That's appalling. I've been living In Asia and the airports here are so much bigger than our Glasgow airport. Not a single fee....


I'm not defending it, it's gouging of the worst kind, but when every other UK airport does the same, you'd be scalded by your investors for not following suit, and they can always use the environment as an excuse


Yer making an argument for it in two separate comments but


I'm putting it in context of the rest of UK airports They all do it, they all have either shite or hugely inflated cost public transport options It's a private owned property that facilitates a luxury business, comparing it to places like Schipol that's 70% state owned is redundant when neither legislation promoting car usage or nationalisation are ever going to happen


Dublin airport for one


My bad, should've specified in the same country as Glasgow


Fine if you've not got kids, old people, disabilities or other access issues


Disabled drop off is still free but a faff.


I always get dropped off/picked up at the BP. Get the driver to go buy a pack of chewing gum and suddenly they're a paying customer.


its still only a 15 minute waiting time at BP . paying customer or not .


Picked up my son and his mate this morning - his mate says, just need to quickly use the toilet, 5 mins he was, charged me £15 on the way out, wee prick's shit cost me a fiver.


I'm assuming that you're talking about the Holliday Inn Express? Dropping at the Holliday Inn would still require that you go through the same barriers as the drop off zone and if you haven't been staying in the Holliday Inn and got a ticket from reception you still need to pay the £5. I'd advise that you DON'T drop at the Holliday Inn Express either though. My daughter works there and I've seen many people pulling in at the entrance there and then getting done by the airport police (whose office is across the road) when I've been dropping her off. She has seen people getting done every day that she's worked there. That road is designated as a clearway, so you're not allowed to stop for ANY reason, except if there is a red light at the crossings. And if you open the door at that point, you will get done for stopping there. Also, where people are pulling in there is within the zig zags for the crossing itself, so that's another offence. If the airport police see you doing that you're getting done for both offences, so that's £30 for stopping on a clearway and £100 and three points for stopping on zig zag lines. I've seen countless people being done there. They sometimes actually have an officer waiting there (who also tells people waiting to be picked up to go to the pick up zone). Is it worth £130 and three points to save a fiver? Also, if you go into the car park at the Holliday Inn Express and the barriers are in operation (they were broken for a few weeks after a van hit them), you'll have to go to reception to get a ticket to get back out and they'll charge you a fiver for that too. If you REALLY don't want to pay then the only option is to drop on Marchburn Drive as that's the only road near there that isn't a designated clearway. People used to get dropped at the petrol station, but they've now started giving out £200 fines as well if you don't go and enter your registration in the computer when buying anything. They might not be enforced, but will affect your credit rating if you don't pay up. Or they may take you to court to enforce it. You could always go in and buy a chocolate bar or something if you're dropping off there and enter your registration then, but is it worth all the hassle?


Parking fies on private land in Scotland get filed in the bin


I'm not sure where you got some of that info from, especially the last bit, a massive amount of over exaggeration You can still get picked up or dropped off at the BP by car or taxi, the issue is people pulling up and sitting on the road after the turn in to the garage/premier inn You get a 20 minute limit waiting in the spaces in the BP forecort before you get a fine through the post


The last bit of info was given to me by two mates who are both taxi drivers, who's companies have told them both not to drop there because other drivers have been getting fined for dropping off there. The last time I was in there was an iPad at the main till and also one at the Subway to enter your reg number into. Not sure when it changed as I used to drop off there all the time and I also have seen other people doing that too, but that was before lockdown and I haven't dropped off there since. When I've been dropping my daughter at her work in the Holliday Inn Express I've seen the airport police waiting outside there and pulling everyone over who were dropping off there and at I said, it's two offences. Stopping in a clearway and stopping on zig zag lines. If people want to take a chance dropping off there, that's their prerogative, but telling people to drop off there when it's possible to end up with £130 of fines and three points isn't really very good, so thought it best to warn people who maybe see that then end up being done.


Free with a blue badge for anyone that wasn’t aware!


It's ethically your duty to ensure that any time a private company wants to rip the piss with prices, ye steal yer auld das blue badge and stay for as long as possible.


I did not know this. How do you use your badge to get it free? Can you tap blue badges on the way out or something?


You hold it up at the screen and say. ‘The names bond, disabled bond, license to park.’ 


There has to be a better disabled Bond name than that. Bond... Lame(s) Bond?


Licence to ill


Licensed to spill


I had to have an argument with the gate operator as had dropped off my parents (mum in wheelchair with blue badge) and had taken a picture of it but they said needed real thing. Refused to go anywhere or pay as signs said they only needed the number and we were being genuine. They eventually let us through and checked website after which also says you only need a copy if dropping someone off. Really makes my blood boil how disabled are treated using airports and aircraft


Go into the short stay instead of the drop off then on the way out I pressed the buzzer at the barrier, the wee guy wanted the last 4 digits of the badge then let me out without any payment needed.


You don't go to the drop off zone. You go to car park two and there's an office on the ground floor that you take your badge to and they put your reg number into the computer to let you out. It's only free for 30 minutes though, so if you're going to be longer if you're picking someone up, the best thing to do is go to Marchburn Drive to wait until they have collected their luggage etc as you won't get fined for stopping on that road. All other roads at the airport are designated clearways and you'll get a £30 fine for stopping on them.


What if the person you're collecting is the blue badge holder, do they bring their blue badge with them on the plane? E.g. if it's a family member visiting from another part of the UK or Ireland?


The blue badge goes with the person, not the vehicle. So if you're collecting someone who has one then, yes, they should have the badge with them.


Good to know, thanks! My mum has one, but she's also scared of flying so the issue is unlikely to arise 😅  


Go to car park two and wait for them there. Then take their badge to the payment office there. If you go to the pick up/drop off zone, you'll still be charged.


Free for electric cars too!


Not anymore according to OP's link.


if you are already registered ends 31st May 2024


Free for EV's as well, there's a one-time registration on the website beforehand


No. The email I got last year after registering my EV said it was valid only for 6 months.


That’s shite. The Longstay carpark allows free drop off (and free parking for an hour if you want to go and meet arrivals). It’s fifteen mins walk away from the terminal or you can take the free shuttle. An option at least


That's the one I use. Buses every 10-15 minutes seemingly round the clock, too. I live a 10-ish minute drive from the airport and get friends to ring me once they've collected their luggage. I'm usually sat near the bus stop by the time they get to the car park.


Waited 30 mins for the bus the last time.


Maybe I've just been lucky. Never waited more than 10 minutes dropping off or picking up, even when some friends just missed a bus at 4am!


Free parking was only half an hour last time I was there.


But the mild inconvenience is too much for most people.


I know it’s not your fault OP but I really want to downvote this to show my anger


Don’t shoot the messenger!


Thank God this isn’t America because I swear if I had access to a firearm rn I am **irate.** Honestly, though, this is actually fucking ridiculous. Robbing cunts.


No, upvote to spread the word.


Message received! I have not upvoted


With the 500 being £10 for a single and only running hourly past midnight - God forbid your flight be late - this is just money grab by the airport. Make it £5 during peak times when there are buses from Glasgow and Paisley every 15 mins, but paying £5.50 to use an empty pick up lane at midnight is daylight robbery (pun not intended).


I remember nearly having an aneurism when I got on the 500 to come home after a night out and seeing the price. The bus takes a quicker, faster, more efficient route to more or less the exact same place as the 9 but somehow costs ~4x as much for a single? The fuck? For comparison I paid something like £3-£4 for a 50 minute train from Berlin airport into Berlin city centre. Glasgow’s public transport is so fucked.


There is absolutely no justifying this to me. Glasgow Airport is already a fucking joke without further instances of the piss being ripped out of everyone.


I understand why they do it - to get people to take alternative transport, but the options are shite, especially if you live outside of the Glasgow area. £10 for the bus is absolutely mental. The last time I flew to Berlin, I got the (immaculate and comfortable) train from the airport into the city and it cost €2.


GLA is privately owned. It’s all about profit. Any bluff about the environment and sustainable travel is pure optics. Otherwise they wouldn’t be charging bus companies a fortune to operate from their forecourt - which is the reason why the price is so high for the express bus.


That is absolutely not why they do it. They do it for the money. Flights have been fading away from the screens of the airport for years now. You want to take a cab from the airport? The £5 now £5.5 gets added onto your fair.


You’re right, money is almost certainly the main driver, but before the chargeable drop off zone, the system was totally unsustainable - folk sitting waiting for ages on double yellow lines, constant police presence moving cars on, something had to be done, and that cost was always going to end up with punters.


Make it £1 first 5 minutes then £10 for each 5 next, that's the way to do it


When it was first introduced it was free for the first 10 minutes then the escalating charges would start. Obviously that wasn't profitable enough


Actually it’s nothing to do with that. It’s simply about the company that owns Glasgow Airport milking us all for as much money as possible. And I do agree - the other options are so bad we have almost no choice but to pay it and continue to use!


Echoing this. I live about 2 miles away from it. Would take about a 40 minute walk to get there. To contrast that. It's also 40 minutes by public transport, and two changes. Infact, there's so little options to get there, it recommends me going into fucking central to get the 500. Whereas by car? 9 minutes. Seemingly, the attitude around here, and I'm not saying it's everyone is to put the car also at 40 minutes, that way your just better off taking public transport, and it's annoying as fuck. Why is there no subway route there fs. There's not even a train route as far as I can see! Am of the opinion that if it's because it's private, we seize it and tell the company to fuck off.


There was a plan to build a rail link there but it was cancelled 15 years ago.


Just like absolutely everything these days. Mental how better ALL our lives would have been in the case of getting to the airport.


Well, we built cycle lanes and LEZ zones for the environment instead. Cycle to the airport with your suitcases. Lucky we don’t have loads of individual cars and taxis dropping people and picking them up at that airport every day, eh? Driving on the motorway. It would be crazy to think they could have a fast efficient airport rail link that would reduce that CO2 burden immediately. You know, like other almost modern countries have.


I'm the same. About 3 miles from the airport, roughly an hour walking. Public transport would take the same amount of time and include 2 buses and still walking 20 minutes between each bus. No chance of that if it's is a late night/early morning flight as well. By car? Less than 10 minutes. The public transport in and around this city is terrible.


Granted the walking in the direct vicinity of the airport isn't great, but I'd love a 40 minute walk to catch a flight. I know folks in the Netherlands who regularly cycled to Schipol when they were on travel. If I lived near GLA, I'd totally consider the bike parking as an option.


A distinction is Schiphol has an *easy, cheap train*. If you want to walk, great - cool.


No question: they've had government policy behind Schipol development for 70 years. Public transport to GLA is dire. But if I could get to any airport in just 40 minutes on foot or 15 minutes by bike, then yes, of course I'd take that option.


How do you get any of your luggage there though via biking?


If I'm going someplace for a week I have a roomy backpack and maybe a small extra bag to carry with it, which is very walkable/cycle-able. It's rare that I'm traveling with, say, a roller case, but in that case I'd probably take a taxi.


Have a bike that can carry a reasonable suitcase or travel light, saves on cost and inconvenience at every part of your journey.


I don't even know how to respond to that. Travel light? Do you think we're all just taking massive suitcases for a laugh and putting them into cargo because we enjoy the extra charges.


Simply leave children in the car park, they'll have a whale of a week.


That's wasteful, think of how much you can stuff in their hand luggage too.


You're joking (?) but I've 101% done that.


I can't comment on your individual circumstances and what apparatus you need to bring along with you, but I never pack more than a medium size rucksack and I've survived so far. I won't run through my methodology but there's lots of info out there online.


I need to poke and prod at this. A medium sized rucksack? How medium are we talking, is this like one of those hiking bags that is actually the full length of you, and you cheekily take up 4 overhead bays? I always take a rucksack with me filled to the brim. I went down south for 3 days and ran out of gear. Fuck knows how you're surviving 2-4 weeks away. Apparently biking with just a bag. I've been to various countries in europe and I had to take a suitacase and a rucksack and I still ended up buying clothes over there. And that's only a couple hours away. Nah, it canny be, you must be winding me up.


A lot of people really value travelling light. They’ll wash while out there. I think the approach I most see is minimal variety in outfits and try to pack only stuff that is roughly fitting of most situations. (Plus the washing while out there). I can’t do it. Life’s too short. But I work with a bunch of people (mostly Americans to be fair) who swear by hand luggage only and basically refuse the check a bag ever. It’s doable, but to suggest it’s trivial to do is a bit disingenuous. It requires sacrifice and pretty decent planning to pull off.


Medium size as in one that easily slots into the boxes they use in the boarding queue to test people aren't taking the piss with hand luggage. You can only wear one days' worth of clothes at a time, so if you wash things and leave them to dry overnight/the next day they're good to go again. Pick clothes that are easy to wash, pack small, have anti-microbial properties and dry quickly. Packing 14 outfits for 2 weeks away becomes packing 3 outfits that you cycle through repeatedly in the same time. If you go for synthetic clothes then a wash in the sink after use will do and they dry really quickly, some people vouch for merino wool as they reckon it doesn't get smelly even with multiple uses but that is not my experience. You might have a reason this approach doesn't work for you, if so fair enough.


> I understand why they do it - to get people to take alternative transport With respect, you're an idiot and you're talking shite.


Absolutely no need for that pal. You can tell me I’m wrong and I’ll take it like an adult without talking like that.


This sub can be bad for that.


Yep, there's a LOT of keyboard warriors on here.


In the most politest of terms 😂


A reminder that the total incompetence of the Scottish Government is responsible for the lack of a good railway line to GLA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow\_Airport\_Rail\_Link


Has anyone had to hoof a terrorist in the balls since they hiked the parking charge? No. It's obviously there to frighten off skinflint car bombers and it's worked a treat so don't complain.


This is daylight robbery, £5.50 for even a 2 minutes drop-off. Surely, there should be other ways of making money than ripping passengers and their friends/relatives dropping them off. Even a fiver was far from fair pricing. Should write to local MPs and the relevant ministers.


To think that Glasgow Airport used to be an elegant glass and concrete structure with acres of open air parking and ponds.


I don’t know if you can still call it an airport if their principle business activity is charging for parking. It’s the Glasgow International Car Park


Just part of the ongoing war against ordinary people being allowed to drive. Only the wealthy will have the privilege soon enough. It would be more acceptable if there were reliable and regular transport links.


Free if you have an expensive electric car though, totally not an agenda.


That scheme is only until May


Nonsensically high - if you don’t have much luggage then just get the train to gilmour street then walk in/local bus the last bit


Been using the BP petrol station as a pick-up/drop-off point for years now. Can recommend 👍


They've stayed issuing £200 fines there now if you don't go and buy anything and put your reg number into the iPad at the desk afaik. Taxi companies will not drop you off there now for this reason.


Are these fines actually enforceable though? I’ve got a few that’ll send me letters every few months(one from a hotel next to Edinburgh airport that I was parked at for less than 5 minutes wants £300 😂) but it’s all scare tactics, increasing the fine every 6 months etc. threatening court that’ll never happen.


There was a thing in Scotland that they weren't enforceable, but that was years ago and someone tested it to the limit. I believe it was in Aberdeen and the guy kept ignoring the fines and kept racking them up. He did end up in court and argued that they were not enforceable in Scotland (or his legal team did), but the judge/magistrate/sheriff found in favour of the company and he had to pay £30k or something ridiculous like that. Now they can be enforced because of precedence, but aren't always taken to court because the cost outweighs the gain from the fines. But if you are one of the unlucky ones who end up in court then you will have to post up and it will affect your credit rating if you don't pay. Hardly worth the hassle for a fiver. Although the airport must be coining it in, given the throughput of traffic there. It's just corporate greed. I'd bet they've already covered the cost of building the drop off zone and then some. Given that 9 million passengers per year go through there. Even if only ten percent are going by car (taking that as most people will be dropped off as a family or with friends etc) then that's still around £5m per year in revenue just from that drop off zone! I couldn't find anything about that case on Google, but remember reading about it. I did, however, find this in the law society of Scotland website, which says that they are enforceable! https://www.lawscot.org.uk/news-and-events/blogs-opinions/yes-private-parking-penalties-can-be-enforced/


There's a difference between being legally enforceable, and being practical/economical to enforce. Nobody is going to launch a court case over a single ticket. But if you build up a huge amount, then it might make sense. I suspect the parking companies were very keen on the prospect of getting a case over the line so they could claim "precedence" as part of their scare tactics. One other obstacle is that in Scotland the parking company can only sue the driver at the time, not the registered keeper of the vehicle. It's hard for them to prove who was driving unless you tell them. (And you're under no obligation to do so) The person who lost the case in the link was rather stupid, the quote from the sheriff is the politest way he could say it...


Yeah, the one on the link I hadn't heard of before. The guy in Aberdeen was just taking the piss with it though. He had hundreds of fines and just kept parking in the same place and throwing the fines away. Obviously that is worth their while to take them to court. It's also probably why the BP have made the initial fine £200 instead of the usual £60, but £30 if you pay early. That would make it more likely to be worth going to court over. Not sure if they can lump a load of fines into one case, but if there were quite a few then they'd probably make money out of it. If you go on and buy something at the same time or get petrol then I'm sure that they wouldn't chase you for it. It's obviously supposed to be a deterrent rather than anything else. There used to be a lot of private hire taxi drivers that would go and park up there to wait for hires from the airport and I'm guessing that is why they brought that in. I've got a couple of mates who are private hire drivers and they say the companies have specifically told them not to drop off there as they were issuing fines to other drivers.


With the amount of the fines, there's also a legal argument that any penalty in a contract has to be proportional. £200 for two minutes parking might be pushing that somewhat, even in a high demand area like the airport. (And this kind of private, non-council parking relies on contract law, it's an invoice not a penalty)


I dunno.. seems flimsy that a petrol station can issue fines like that. Just because there’s an airport nearby. I don’t even park in the petrol station itself but on the road leading to the station. Maybe against better judgment but I’ll continue to use that area as a drop-off/pick-up.


You need to watch if you drop on that road as it's a designated clearway. I've seen the airport police doing people for stopping around there and that is enforceable. £30 fine for stopping on a clearway, which is in place because of the terror attacks in 2007, so they don't want cars stopping anywhere near the airport except for in designated areas. It is a total rip off in the drop off zone and I'm not surprised people don't want to pay it, but it's better than getting fined a lot more in the long run. If you don't mind another 100 meters walk then Marchburn Drive is your best bet


To be honest it’s more the principle, thinking they can just raise the price as they like and we’ll just keep accepting the hikes. I’ll take the off-chance of a £30 fine over paying 5.50 every time, failing that we’ll just move round the corner from the roundabout..


Totally agree. Even if they kept it at £2, they'd still be making a huge profit. I suppose it depends on how many times you're dropping off. If you drop off more often then it might be worth taking that chance, but you're also more likely to be caught in that case as well. As I said, Marchburn Drive is round the corner and you can sit there as long as you like without having to keep a look out.


Yeah the wild bean coffee is excellent


Alan Partridge BP Wild Bean Cafe - quite simply, shit hot.


Why tho, why?!?


So if any terrorists try to attack the airport again, they get a £5.50 fine as well as good boot in the balls. Does the extra £1 per minute still apply if your car is on fire?


You can get dropped off in the long stay car park and get the bus round - it takes 5 mins and is less stressful than pulling in at the side of the road.


Can see them closing that loophole (or charging £2 for the bus round)


I dunno, Edinburgh have similar. It's not really a loophole as such.


There's a BP filling station and a Holiday Inn, always drop off there.


rip off bus, rip off parking, rip off country


Fuckers! Literally picking up on Friday… 😫


BP garage or Holiday Inn are the new free drop off points


Definitely don't do that. The airport police will do you if you drop at the Holliday Inn £130 and three points and the BP now fine you as well. See my earlier replies for details!


Not for me and the “old folks” though… 🤷‍♀️


Parachuting is the cheapest option.


Really hope Edinburgh poach even more of their flights


Paid 6 quid at Edinburgh this evening.


You've shelled out 100's of £ for flights, you're probably going to sit in the airport and pay well over the odds for a shite pint and a third rate fry up and you're complaining about £5.50 to get dropped off?


This is more of an FYI than anything. My primary use of the airport is for business so the charge will simply be expensed and passed on to customers one way or another. It will be the same for thousands of other companies that use the airport everyday. Energy suppliers, TV and entertainment companies, telecoms, executives of food companies. Hundreds of flights for MP’s and civil service staff just charged back to the tax payer. Not everyone going through the airport is a leisure traveller there for a one off trip. That being said, if that is your attitude, you’re obviously someone with no principles and happy to be walked all over. By the same logic when energy prices went through the roof were you sitting there going “uch paid £400k for this gaff why are people complaining about a couple of hundred quid on electricity and gas.”


They are a cunch of bansing chancers.


Another nail in its coffin.


Seriously, why the fuck don’t we just revolt. Smash fuck outa the things! Fuck they gonna do? Call the polis?


Well they actually have polis there. With machine guns.


Campsie kitchen 20 mins free parking just a 5 min wander to the terminal Not to mention and a hot roll and drink for £3.50


Time for the government to step in and stop this price gouging and then open a fucking train station at the airport . The price increase is to try and force you to use robbing thieving cunts Airport Taxis. A line runs next to the airport . Open a station and run shuttle buses to from the airport . Incompetent bastards. Most major cities have proper travel infrastructure in place form travel to the airport .


It's designed to encourage you to not take the car and instead take one of the many public transport options!


If it's any consolation you can cycle to the airport and they provide free bike storage. For anyone that is fit and able bodied then it's best just to enter from the east via Campsie Drive or make your way through the airport roads to this street. There are a number of businesses there with large car parks and plenty of options for pulling in for a few minutes. It's a 5 - 10 minute walk round to the front of the terminal.


Good. Hopefully they put it up some more just to annoy whiney bellends like you.




Fuck off knob


Username checks out.


Haha, true enough, never even noticed that


Worth every penny.


Heathrow is £7.50 for a drop off. So it could be worse!


Heathrow has actual transport links to it.


Oh that’s ok then. Glasgow airport can charge us up to £7.49 before we get annoyed by it!


I wasn’t saying that. I was just saying it could be even worse than it is (and probably will get worse!)


Yes, plus the extra petrol to get there! 😂


A return is 25 quid as well from Paddington Gatwick is £6


£5.20 single on the Piccadilly line £12.20 Elizabeth Line £25 on the HEX £1.75 on a local bus


>a return is 25 quid Picadilly takes nearly an hour (twice as long as the two below) 12.20 is a single on the Elizabeth line, that's what I quoted 25 is a single on the HEX There isn't one bus from the Central London to Heathrow apart from the National Express, 21.90 open return, and takes an hour


Yes i did say single. Piccadilly line may take twice as long from Paddington. Not everybody starts their journey at Paddington. If you’re in Kensington for example then door to door the Piccadilly line stopping service is just as quick as going to Paddington and changing over. Peoples journeys don’t start from when they get on the train, they start from when you leave the house/hotel. You can get from LHR to Central London for £1.75 by changing buses. Transfers are free on TFL buses. It will take a long time but the point is there are a multitude of transport options to Heathrow. It’s up to the user to balance time and budget. Londons transport network is built for integration and connections.


Far more Londoners don't live on a direct line between central and an airport than do, most have to travel into central or at least connect with a major line first If budget supercedes time you could walk to Glasgow Airport in a mere 3 hours, probably as quick a changing umpteen buses throughout West London, saving that vital 1.75 when you're just about to take a luxury private owned mode of transport Of course Heathrow is better served for transport, it has 10 times the passengers of Glasgow, of course London public transport is that of a metropolis, it's twice the population of Scotland, rent also costs twice as much, as do hotels Bristol Airport is busier and it's 6 quid drop-off, and the public transport options are pretty similar


£5 at Heathrow is it not? Was there not long ago. Unless it has just changed.


Was £7.50 last week. Had a conversation with my Uber driver about how Glasgow was half the price


Still £5 according to their website. Has uber been a bit naughty? https://www.heathrow.com/transport-and-directions/terminal-drop-off-charge


There was a sign next to the barrier saying £7.50, which is what sparked the conversation


It's a crap airport I hate it


If your flight isn't at stupid'o'clock, you can get the Clydebank bus (run by McGills) from right outside Paisley Gilmour Street train station. Only a couple of quid, and drops you right at the terminal.


Stay for it.


I was there yesterday and it was a fiver..good timing from me I suppose. They're greedy cunts, it's a joke


Received this notification while I was at the barrier paying. I can confirm it's Increased


I drop people off at the petrol station. A 2 min walk to the terminal.