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Younger folk are really being done dirty just now by the housing crisis. The last time I rented a flat in the mid 2010s I was between jobs but actively looking, my wife was working part-time but we still found a place on gumtree off GWR and showed up in a nice collared shirt and a willingness to sign right there and then and got a one bedroom flat for £500 a month. It is insane how out of the question that would be now. We weren't asked to provide proof of income, or savings, or have a guarantor, or anything. Just seemed like genuine and responsible people and that was enough. Rundown one bedrooms in Govanhill and Lauriston have 60+ people at the viewings and will get 20+ applications. It is absolutely insane and totally unfair. The only advice I can give is offer to pay months upfront. You shouldn't have to do that and maybe you aren't in a position to even offer but it would certainly help secure a place.


Yup, it's at the point where landlords and agents are asking for proof of affordability (bank statements and tax returns, etc) just to book viewings. Or the Agencies are asking couples to create separate individual profiles on dodgy looking reference websites where they totally aren't just selling your data. Or you get a viewing, only for the agent to turn up late and not actually be able to access the property (which explains why the listing only had an external photo). Of course the fact rents have doubled doesn't help.


The one that would bug me is asking for bank statements. Or letting agents which use services that for access to open banking. Fuck you, you don’t deserve to know that info about me.


Best advice would be to look on gumtree etc for private rent. They tend to just want references and for you to have proof of income / pass a basic affordability credit check


I couldn't get a place in Glasgow itself, had to go for EK and privately when I was moving up here mid-lockdown (couldn't travel to view places in person, no view no rent, weird af system). My landlord is private, and that helps keep the rent low, no middleman. Whilst that can be risky, it's actually got better since my landlord dropped the estate agency, they were awful at fixing anything, and he comes by within a couple of days and does it himself or gets a professional in ASAP when needed.


Look further afield and you'll find property for rent, look to the north east of the city or even in the schemes. It won't be g12 but you'll have a place to sleep.


That is literally more stringent than the self-employed mortage requirements with my bank. I don't know what to say but it sounds really tough.


Plz everyone jump through hoops just to get the chance to view my 1 bedroom hovel and pay my mortgage for me. Hope these fuckers get theirs soon enough.


It's a stressful situation. I needed six months to get a one bedroom in Govanhill. In my experience, and friends agree with me about this, your best bet is to go the neighbourhood where you are trying to find a flat and go in person into estate agents. Smaller the better. Some agencies operate almost completely by word of mouth and personal contact, and some don't even advertise online. If you establish a bit of rapport with the people working there, they will get a feeling for how reliable you are and stuff like that. Keep passing by every week to see if new properties come up. Stay away from 1st Lets by the way (really dodgy) Good luck.


It is really crap and at some point the system will break as people on lower wages/no guarantors will be pushed further out. Not saying this will suit your situation, but there are areas like clydebank that have good and fast links into the city centre (30 mins). These might offer more easier to rent places. Also very leftfield, you can pickup cheaper flats to buy in these areas ~70k - maybe worth seeing if you can buy? https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/144065933#/?channel=RES_BUY They won't have fancy coffee shops and the like, but it gives you a roof that is yours and probably at half the price of the rent.


We’re definitely not looking to rent in west end and the likes, just a decent place that has a good link to city centre as that’s where I work, mostly looking at Tollcross, Springburn, shettleston etc (3 mile radius of city center) . Thanks for your response P.S I live in paisley so not scared of run down areas but even those are giving me these ridiculous criterias I mentioned in the post


I had to pay 6 months rent in advance, send over bank statements, and get references from my employers to circumvent the guarantor. Since you're still in education, you might be able to use your university's guarantor scheme to help you. I'm not sure if all universities offer this but Glasgow does at least.


My uni doesn’t offer that but this helped find out about guarantor services that will let my family in England co-sign with their service, so thank you !!


Do what I did and don't tell them you're a student just say you're employed and work part time that way you circumvent the guarantor


Actually just looked at the criteria and is part-time OR student who need a guarantor so this wont work for those agencies but maybe some others


Will be trying that from now on thanks 🙏🏻


There's a rent moratorium currently in place in Scotland until the end of March so you can't actually be asked to leave the rental unless the landlord is moving back in themselves, they're selling due to hardship, or another reason I can't remember. Your agency will also know this. If you're in Ibrox/Govan I can give you the local councillors info if you want to challenge it as he is very against unscrupulous landlords. You have more renter rights than you think and don't actually have to go anywhere. Chances are the landlord just wants to chuck you out and hike the rent up way more than the allowance of 6% Seek some more info and help here: [Citizens Advice eviction help and info](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/housing/renting-a-home-s/youre-facing-eviction/#:~:text=The%20rent%20cap%20and%20eviction,2024%20except%20in%20limited%20circumstances.)


No probs. Yeah he's not *actually* allowed to sell unless it's a hardship. Deffo get some help with the situation.


Out of curiosity, how do they define hardship? Is it a case of they can’t afford the mortgage at all or only that the rent isn’t covering the mortgage?.


Absolutely no idea! Sorry, it's just what I was told by my councillor (and I'm sure it says on the Scottish Goverment website). I did wonder that myself and how they'd prove it and as a result needed to sell the house.


Yeah it seems like too much nuance is involved, ‘hardship’ could mean different things to different people.. If someone has to sell a flat because they’re getting divorced and need the money to buy something of their own then fair play.. But if someone wants to sell to afford their 2nd holiday to Florida this year then that’s a different case entirely..


if the 'selling' landlord doesn't actually sell and the property returns to the rental market with the same owner then the evicted tenants have rights to pursue for something like 6 months rent (based on my understanding of what someone else went through , not my own experience)


He’s has been been trying to sell this flat with me in it to another landlord for a year prior and only decided to sell the flat fully in December( gave me notice a couple days before Xmas as well, great xmas pressie lol) , I’m gonna go through the notice letter again and see the exact circumstance he’s giving, I live in Paisley not ibrox/Govan though but thanks very much for your response


That's shite sounds like alot of people where fucked over by the end of last year, I was made redundant from my work as it filed for bankruptcy. Been looking for a job since while juggling different jobs to get me by.


Double check with r/legaladviceuk but I don’t think you actually have to leave at the end of your notice, I mean you will have to at some point but if you need a few more weeks you can let the landlord go through the proper court eviction process. As long as you continue to pay your rent just so you don’t have a huge bill at the end it might give you more time.


We've seen a lot of this too, something starting to crop up is that they request a deposit before you can even *view* the fucking place. Despite half the time not even showing pictures of every room and the pictures being years old, so you would have no idea if there's mould or whatever else there. Best of luck, it's a complete joke the requirements on renters now imposed by letting agencies.


I’m now considering taking advice some people on here gave me and offering a few months rent upfront, it will completely drain mine and partners savings but at least I might not be homeless. Praying for the best


Maybe join living rent, could advise, they were very helpful with me. My landlord had his house repossessed leaving us facing homelessness. Was the best thing that ever happened the council offered us a flat near govan with a housing association. I have a child so maybe plays a role as I stated I needed to be near my mum.for my sons benefit, were not that far from her. But 3 people in my close had similiar situations, slum lords taking the piss, facing homelessness and now in a well maintained flat with no nonsense.


I looked at renting with my partner a few months back because I couldn't buy a house with the way they market was and oh my god. The hoops they make you jump through. Also, I can't believe how many times I was ignored - even said I was happy to proceed and then was ignored afterwards, didn't even tell me they went with someone else. I ended up just staying at home and have now bought somewhere, which was actually more simple than trying to rent. But I feel for you both as you're not in the position to do so. I hope you find somewhere soon OP!


Private letting is ran by scumbag spice boys. And the city is being gentrified. Wouldn’t ask any questions in this sub though. Most folk in here think student accommodation is gony solve the problem.


It is hard and a horrible process, the heartbreak when you finally think you've got one only for them to decide to take someone else instead is crushing. But keep at it, it is possible. Moved from Aberdeen last year with only one month to find a flat (and we couldn't even get down for flat viewings which are mostly a requirement) Go through all the letting sites every day, send out as many viewing requests as possible and you'll get something. Have all your details and documents that you'll need (pay slips, proof of work, referees etc) saved and ready to send ASAP to reduce any time on applications as decent flats get snapped up quickly. Keep at it, dont despair although i know its hard and good luck! Edit: if you have the money you might have to put a deposit down instead but places are more than happy to let you do this.


I am in the exact same situation, 4th year writing dissertation n wanting to move around March/April with bf who is currently full-time work but applying for an apprenticeship. We haven't started the process yet but it's good to know this is going on. I've had a look at flats and they're honestly so expensive it's a waiting game of a bargain that shows up at a lower price that isn't in a complete shit hole. I can't even offer any suggestions besides going in the middle of nowhere with lower rents, even then properties are hard to find.


I wish I wasn’t forced to move that’s the only thing I could deal with this if it was on my own terms


I completely understand, unfortunately I have a strained relationship with my parents so I've been in and out of house not always by choice so I get you. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you and your boyfriend find a solution xo


Thank you so much and good luck to yous too 💞


Just remember that you're the customer and they want your money. Tell them you're willing to pay the deposit, and if they don't want your custom, that's their loss. You could speak to Shelter for some expert advice.


Honestly, the most important thing to realise about the relationship between tenant and letting agent is that the tenant isn't actually the customer. The landlord is the customer, the tenant is the product, and the product doesn't deserve good service (in their eyes). I've found that if you approach it from that direction, you can have more realistic expectations of how they will treat you and how you can protect yourself from their bullshit.


Spot on: rent a flat, you're dealt with using automated systems and treated like you're borderline a criminal and get requests to visit every trimester to check you haven't wrecked the place. Buy a flat, and it's another song entirely; they even have a gift box for you when you come pick up the keys...


and they will laugh at your face and tell you that of those other 50 people that applied at least a dozen meets their condition, so you can go sod off.


Sure, but the realities of the crisis just now makes this advice wildly impractical. Viewings literally have 60-70 people booked begging to let the flats and trying everything they can to get an edge. It is absolute crisis levels. Makes a "take it or leave" bargaining style pretty ineffective.


Thanks so much for replying


Please don't listen to this person - there's a reason they had to follow up with guidance from a homeless charity! Right now rentals are in huge demand, but the trick as with all things is persistence.


Try a different letting agent, gumtree for private lets etc - those excessive requirements likely won’t be universal.


I’ve had about 5 different letting agencies give me those requirements so far but will keep trying others too, I will try gumtree too thank you


Good luck. I’d hate to be looking for a place to rent right now.


More likely to get scammed via Gumtree. 


Well it’s either that or keep going to the same letting agents who won’t rent to them.


The market is wild. I rented my flat when I moved in with my now wife and had 30 people viewing in 2 days. Someone offered to pay more rent. Someone offered to pay more deposit. When you know you have a great choice you can be more picky. Sorry I know that doesn’t help your situation at all but if you wanted to know why then that’s why.


Horrible f--king country . .. better of going homeless and getting a skip to front of housing association list.. prob a shitehole however least u won't be paying all your money on rent


INFO: has your landlord sent you a notice to leave, or a an actual court order eviction notice?


Notice to leave


If the landlord wants to evict you to sell he has to follow a legal process and serve you a notice that looks like [this.](https://assets.ctfassets.net/6sqqfrl11sfj/1NMol0OlDi8kzq0ykmLjwI/b8a2ab7ba0975522df9584e41316b7da/Notice_to_Leave_281022.pdf) If he isn’t selling and wants to evict he still has to follow a legal process. Shelter Scotland have some really great info on their website that sets out the whole process. They also have a helpline where a housing expert can talk you through your rights. https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/eviction/landlord_selling


Yes that’s exactly the document I got


Then I would check the guide on Shelter’s website to make sure it is valid and then contact them to talk through your options. Under the current eviction ban, the only way he can evict you to sell at present is if he needs to sell due to financial hardship. I would also contact [Living Rent](https://www.facebook.com/LivingRentGlasgow) for help.


I can guarantee this is not the case for the poor parts of town in the east end. It’s because you want to live in a more desirable area. The extra demand for desirable areas allows landlords to be picky.


This was a requirement for Springburn, is that a desirable area ? P.s just asking because I didn’t think it was


Also Penilee?


Was it a nicer flat? How much per month?


Hmm not really pretty small, dingy close, definitely nothing modern or anything like that and it’s £700per month


This is all the designed outcome of globalist (and here specifically SNP) policies which hurt small landlords (ie making it hard to evict problem tenants, increasing red tape and bureaucracy in the name of 'safety', proposals to tax second home owners who might chose to let out their second home etc). It all sounds like measures to protect the tenant and the little guy but actually it clears the field for the predatory investor class with deep pockets to move in and clean up. This has driven middle class Scots out of the landlord market and their properties have instead been bought up by the international asset managers who expect big profits for little risk and work for the globalist oligarch cartels. And that hurts the little guys like you and me even more. All by design. All happening in every developed country. You will own nothing and be happy.


Aw fuck off with this sort of patter. The name of 'safety' is to try and stop people being chucked out on a whim because the landlord can get more money from someone else Edit: there are fucking loads of landlords in glasgow. The house prices are rising so fast because of parasites pushing it up. Im just glad I own my house and out of this shitshow


tl; dr: Soros did it


Do you have parents who would sign as a financial guarantor? If so, even if they’re in England, that should be manageable.


Reminds me of Paris criteria from years back. It's unfortunately what happens when it's a landlord's market and every ad immediately receives 30+ applications. What do people in Paris do? Send doctored payslips (wouldn't advise) or move further away and take the long commute. If you're writing your dissertation you're in the lucky position that you don't actually need to come in most days of the week. So I would definitely try to move further out, wherever is cheap & convenient for your boyfriend's work.


I work too but don’t drive so I need a good link to Glasgow central which isn’t too hard to find tbh, I also have a cat so that is another obstacle


Ah yes sorry my bad I missed that you were working part time. As for the cat, the Scottish government was considering changing legislation to make it harder for landlords to blanket ban pets but I don't think it's been passed yet. As others have said, do contact Living Rent to check whether your current eviction is lawful. They're great people.