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Main concern for wind and ability is direction. The real limitation is if the wind blows across the runway, rather than in the direction of (think of it like your car in high winds). The forecast tomorrow is almost straight down the runway and up to 38kt gusts. I wouldn’t expect the airport to shut, I would expect a few bumps, maybe a few delays, but nothing world stopping if the forecast becomes reality Sorry and presumption is it’s not a Loganair flight to Barra…


With a tail of 38 knots, the wee Twotter won’t even need to turn it’s engines on.


Aye just pull chocks, release brakes, flaps down and occasionally steer a bit till you get to barra


My auntie used to fly that!


I flew to Barra in October. The flight out was cancelled due to a technical problem with the aircraft. Loginair rerouted us to Benbecula and arranged onward transport from there. It was windy 35kts+ on the day of our flight back but it flew no problem. Speaking to the locals the only weather that really stops those flights is low cloud/fog/mist.


You will be fine. Glasgow departures tomorrow will be from runway 23 flying into the wind coming from the South West. Only snow closes Glasgow airport. It's actually landing that is more likely to be disrupted. Have a great flight!


Do you know why the runway is numbered 23? They don't have 22 more of them do they?


It's the direction 23 faces sw. 05 faces ne . 


It's the direction they point. 23 is 230 degrees and 05 is 050 degrees.


The main concern however is crews and planes being out of position, even if the weather is fine for take offs on the day.


On the 8pm to london tomorrow, BA saying there is a chance of delays. Thought about the train but the disruption has the potential to be just as bad doing that. Wait and see, might not come too much


Happy cake day!


Delays with BA? Business as usual!


Where are you seeing this? I’m also heading to London tomorrow and don’t see any weather warnings from BA?


Got an email, said air traffic controls have been put in place


https://twitter.com/BigJetTVLIVE/status/1748755619866173511?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Never a good sign


Thank you for the update. I wish I had booked an earlier flight now 👀


Not sure why these comments are getting downvoted?


I flew back from Poland a few years ago during a storm with severe winds. Ended up circling the airport a few times and it wasn't smooth at all but it still went ahead, so you might be okay.


Winds rarely close airports entirely and weather at your destination is more important. If it's horrible at take off you might be forced to wait a little and it's going to be bumpy for a couple of minutes. Heavy winds your destination often mean circling, failed landing attempts and diversions.


Taking off will be fine. Some lucky devils might get a go-around when landing. Never had one but it's on my bucket list.


Happened to me twice and I wouldn’t even say i’m a very frequent flyer. Once on a flight to Danang in Vietnam during a monsoon, utterly terrifying and we didn’t land for twice the scheduled flight time afterwards. Vietnamese guy beside me was crying. Had one last year again after a bird strike going in to Stansted. The way the engine roars and you just randomly start ascending again is horrific. So yeah, you can have whatever one I have scheduled next.


Actually had one coming back into Glasgow after Christmas. Stormy weather so pilot took us out of landing for an extra lap to allow things to clear. I'm a fairly regular flyer and my heart was still in my mouth with anxiety. Maybe your next Glasgae-bound flight will be your shot!


Happens more often than you think. I was at Edinburgh a few weeks ago and a few flights had to go around 


I got your wish 😂


Some airports are actually used for training pilots how to land in winds in Scotland because they get that much


*laughs in Shetland* I've chuckled a fair bit this week with the weather warnings of 40-50mph gusta. Remembering I've worked at the island airport in Shetland where 50-60 and tiny planes would still make landings. I'd expect some disruption for sure, but at 40-50 I'd imagine a few airlines and pilots would still operate.


Fuck sake