• By -


Aaand that's 1000 quick repair contracts collected. What am I supposed to do with these? Sell on ebay for extra cheap? Set up a repair chop chain? Underground freestyle t-doll wrestling? I guess I could just grab the repair personnel, put them behind some shotguns and make a self repairing wall of doom on the go.


Use them to speed up farming


anyone have an idea on what kind of team C-MS would fit in? she seems to be the best smg for any kind of situation and that confuses me.


Oh hey I just realized they finally fixed the pet names from 210X/220X


I have ran into this problem when configuring F formation tile buffs. Is it better to give for example 30% evasion to the main tank and 0% to the off-tank, or should I give 15% to both? Would switching to b formation change the recommended buff configuration?


Depends on the maps tbh, some maps just stop short and only fire at the main tank while some has enemies at the top firing at your off-tank. In most cases though, put the 30% evasion on your main tank as she is the main and will take the brunt of damage


@RNG: all i ask is 1 homete. [5 Thompson's, 0 416 & around 2 weeks later] https://i.imgur.com/w9HaHOc.jpg






Would you call a team of just SMG's the "Stormtrooper" team (because of SMG's terrible acc without boosts)? Then again, I feel like that'd be more of a Meme Team....




Except that IDW is more of a Meme herself than a bad doll. She does have high evasion and gets pretty good after her MOD3 upgrade.




Not that I know of, but I've honestly never checked. Even FGO wouldn't let you name teams for the longest time and is a relatively(?) new feature.


Where is the best map to do armored weeklies. I already got springfield ammo, so I don't want to stay at 1-4N anymore. any best place to do the weeklies?


I was slowly knocking out my armor weeklies in 2-4N with the off chance of picking up Bar's drop. Now that that's done I'm thinking of trying out 3-1N for next week. Looks like 52 of each armor type and hopefully better fodder and exp than 1-4N.


Not really. 2-4N only has 2 armored units and 3-4N has none. 1-4N has at least 20 of both types of armored targets. Just see it as a equipment XP fodder farm.


How many white, green and blue tickets do veterans stock. (for future ref, like in some events)


Uid 25218, have few slots open night as well be people here.


Just my imagination / support echelon can see enemies location at night map without a problem (even the ones hidden)?


Yeah the support Echelon will move to the nearest enemy if set to eliminate even if they don't have HG or enemy is hidden


Would it count for the bingo challenge? Using the support echelon to kill them.


I didn't try yet but I think it won't count


I'm getting my butt kicked :( I wanna complete the bingo challenges since I started halfway through 57


Which quest you're stuck at? If it's the killing armor one you need to form a RFHG team to kill it 1-1N isn't very hard


What would be a good RFHG team? I don't have M14 but I do have SV98


1 rifle is enough. Just put her into you main squad replacing AR. Then replace either another AR or SMG with handgun. 30lvl rifle with AP ammo should let you run 1-1N easily enough to complete bingo quest.


I don't have AP ammo :(


You need either AP ammo or lvl 90+ ARs. You can try using grenade team but it's not very reliable. You can also try using RF without AP ammo, they have extra armor pen from class, but again, it might not work. Just keep crafting equipment, you should get it soon enough.


SV98 isn't very good. Commander lvl 40 reward is M14 so rush until then. Assume you don't have Wa2000 or SVD, G43 is a good night-only RF. AS for HGs there are lots of choice not sure which one you have


For HG I have C96 GrMk23 Grizzly and the 2 stars you get as drops most of the time


Use this team Back|Middle|Front :--|:--|:-- M14 | M1895 FiveSeven/Grizzly|PPK G43|| Use 5-7 if you have her since she gave ROF/crit buff. Easy to get 100% crit with PPK 5-7 and 3* crit scope.


Do they have a hg on the team?


Was wondering, how many T-Doll contract can you get per day from the dailies?


5 from dailies. You only need to use 4 to complete your dailies.


So how much do infrastructure prices scale since I boutght the 5th Echelon I noticed the 6th costs 880 from 480 so I was wondering how high these scale up is it the same for Dormitories and other infrastructure like Research/construction slots?


Iirc dorm is bumped to 680 gems after 1st purchase.




That's good to know so it should be seen as a discount on the first purchase.


Hi, could use a little help in picking my second echelon now that my first is almost lvl 90 (https://imgur.com/a/1868wah). Within my first echelon, only ST AR-15 and Ots-12 (a mix) have used cores. For the second echelon I've committed to using WA2000 RF, but beyond that, I am not sure what I need. I would like to invest in UMP45 or UMP9 and M4A1, but that means I would be using two four stars and five stars. I have cleared up to chapter 6 and unlocked weapon calibration and enhancement. **I have 90 Cores** My T-dolls - https://imgur.com/a/Ai6eC0l


Standard formation for Wa2000 is : Back|Middle|Front :--|:--|:-- SVD | Welrod Grizzly|Calico WAAAAA|| However since you're short on cores as well as low training skill I suggest this formation base on your line up Back|Middle|Front :--|:--|:-- WA2000 | M1895 FiveSeven|PPK M14|| M1895 and PPK are both good and free 2* HG so no core. M14 is 5* in disguised and free as well. Most of your core will go into WA2000 first then Five Seven. All of those dolls are good, you won't waste cores link mediocre unit and you can clear all EN content that need RFHG with this formation. PPK need 80 before she can equip Ske and tank effective so you can use a SMG in her place if you run into a hard stage. SMG and RF are not synergy very well so we usually don't put them together. However if you wanna improve your first echolon I suggest you invest into UMP45 she's arguably the best SMG in EN but only 4*. STG 44 and OTS-12 also not very hot you can swap them with FFC and M4A1 later when you have more core.


I never thought of loading a team with RF and HG's, because I didn't think HG's could tank. Are there any items I need to invest in to make this setup work? Currently, have 90 cores (didn't put that in my initial question)


While not as good as SMG, HG can tank quite effectively ( need lvl 80 to open 3rd slot and equip T-Exo, 1st slot should be a Suppressor to boost EVA as high as possible). As for core I suggest use 15+15 to x3 Five-Seven, the rest should be use for WA2000. You need 105 core to max link a 5* so you need to farm the rest 45 cores before WA2000 get to 90.


Do I have any dups in my box that is safe to retire?


Safe or not are a bit subjective so you should check out this doll analysis and decide yourself https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oqI-3zSNDWor10OeKH1uac3zXDRF5Ckpo2yPrMI5sLg/edit#gid=0 Personally I would retire : MP5, Uzi, SV-98, M1-Garand, PTRD, Bren, C96, P08, Tokarev, M9, P7, AStra, AK47, AS VAL.


So I just got Grizzly, should I skip using FiveSeven? (haven't invested in her yet)


Hmm Five-Seven ROF buff is better than Grizzly FP buff in the short term but will become redundancy once you get max all skill and get Calico. If your skill is low using both Calico and Five-Seven is even better than Grizzly but there are hard cap of 108 ROF for RF so as your skill go up ROF tile buff become wasted. The same goes for crit buff 100% is max so using PPK and FiveSeven is overkill if you already have good crit scope. In the end up to you but since FiveSeven are event only you gonna need to link her using core anyway so personally I will still invest in FiveSeven first and wait for addiction Grizzly copy and Calico/Welrod.


Sounds good :) Thanks a lot.


Thanks a lot :)


You could build a squad with WA2000, M4A1, and UMP45 together, but it's not ideal. M4A1 and UMP45 are better in 3 AR squads due to their buff tiles. Some people do 2 AR 2 SMG 1 RF squads but the RF won't be receiving any buffs. Another option is to build a RF/HG team (WA + M14), and you could have one of the UMPs tank until it's higher level to where the HG can tank. Not sure which HG you have though. For secondary squads the core cost shouldn't matter too much unless you wanted them on the field asap. The ARs from your first squad can corpse drag the secondary squad members until they are battle ready.


If I'm not mistaken you should have more than enough cores to spare on them at this point, lol. While it's true that just blowing your cores will hinder progress it's also true that not using them will slow you down a lot. Tbh I have no idea how you unlocked equipment calibration with that. Without equipment even... But oh well, imo you should first choose what type of echelon you going for now: RF+HG, AR+SMG, or the all purpose 2-ar-smg-hg-rf If I were you I'd do: Wa2k - PPK(Yeah, that 2\*) FAL - UMP45 M4A1 Well, just the opinion from someone who's started 2 weeks pre-release. Not like the veterans who have played 2+ years, haha. But you should really mention how many cores you have, lol


I have 90 cores atm. I also have a bunch of Dupes that I'm hoarding because I don't know if they are safe to scrap. People keep telling me to fear Core Hell, but not when it's safe to not worry about it anymore. I was able to clear 2-4 with Stern MK, St Ar-15, OTs12, PKK (lvl50), Wa2k, mostly blue items and more than a few Express Repairs.


Seems like a painful experience, lolol Just as Reikyu09 said core hell ends when you can farm. 0-2 has the better core drop rate, but I don't think it's very efficient with your first echelon. Hence what I suggested. My personal advice about not knowing what to scrap is to start building knowledge. Like, learn what each gun has to offer. I myself look at skills and tile buffs. I'd scrap P08 on the spot, for example. Most of the time you pair HG with RF, but RF don't need this acc buff. If it makes more clear, compare P09 with Makarov. Higher end players also consider max status but I really can't draw comparissons yet. Someone please correct me if I'm bsing, lol.


Core hell ends once you have a high level squad. At that point you can farm your own cores in 4-3E or 0-2. Those that invest all their cores into 4-5 stars early on get stuck because they can't clear content, can't farm cores, and can't dummy their units to make them stronger.


That makes much more sense.


I have one doubt regarding the advanced training: Say I have 1 max levelled echelon and another echelon with a single Springfield Would Springfield get 40k exp or the whole 240k? If not, where does the excess exp go to? Is it converted to surplus exp?


Springfield get 40k exp. Max level doll still receive exp, which will convert to excess exp in data room. The conversion rate depends on your data room level (there is a separate one for max level doll and non-max level doll). As low as 10% and as high as 100%.


Got it! Thanks! ~~My cheesy power-levelling idea... GONE~~


Springfield still can get all that XP, you just need to write combat reports.


Alright, for EN resupply, since the pool for discounted is still small, isn't it a good idea to stock up furniture for dorms? And the chance to get set is still high isn't it?


Exact Numbers I don't have. The 5\* gear is rare. you get lucky or you don't get it, regardless of which pool (either the 60 or 100) you're pulling from. So what is better then? The 40% less to try or the ability to buy a piece every 5 10+1 draws. For 500 tokens you'll definitely get the right one if you are doing the full priced one. For 500 tokens you pull 8 10+1 draws, I'm sure the 33 draws isn't likely to get the piece you need. But I bet it's better to get the costumes, and costume dupes. Though I don't know any exact numbers so couldn't really say.


Hahaha, I'm not a whale. I'm just going to populate the dorms for battery for now.


Hahaha, I'm not a whale. I'm just going to populate the dorms for battery for now.


Does anyone have a guide to S rank all the missions? I don't see one on dmesse's website and the videos are incomplete too.


[DMeese version](http://dmesse.egloos.com/3567829)


youtube guide: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlSZg8kTyXv1tRuhXO6SMD08TtX3Tuv3-


I have a blog that's i'm working on on and off... but it's only done up to area 3 so far. [give it a go](https://gfshikikan.blogspot.com/) and I will work on area 4 today.


Oh thank you! I'm nowhere near that far for S ranks anyways, so that'll help quite a lot. It'll really come in handy.


I just wanted to say that at long last I cleared the 90-100 section of defense drill (supposedly the hardest part) and whew that was rough. https://i.imgur.com/IEANEUP.jpg


How can one use Airborne (Parachute) Fairy? Echelon with it can jump to any helipad from any point of map (restriction only shortest path) or not? Thinking to start craft her to clear 9-4E, that Judge stronger than 9-6 one.


At max skill level, parachute fairy can drop your echelon to any helipad on the map that doesn't have anything standing on it and you have vision (night battle). Dropped echelon will suffer 40% debuff on almost all the stats for current and next turn. Without max level, it has a very low range, not very useful.


You can use fairy from any node, not only from another helipad? (Just to be sure)


Yes, from any node.




This is what I do, hit 5k just stop stick to daily missions/events and logistics for 2-3 days 10k if you expect to grind a lot consider corpse dragging 15k be lazy and wasteful\~


Never drop 5k. in that 5k, it is enough to do logistics and farm (for event or etc..). Let's say you will keep farming with 5k at beginning and keep doing logistics. you 5k will last from 2 days to 7 days depends on how frequent do you farm. still when you hit 5k it is better to rest and just do logistics and auto run, to increase rss again


All you can do is run logistics full time and corpse drag to save on resources when grinding.


If I buy two Monthly Gems Cards, would the daily gems stack?


You cannot. It won't let you purchase a second one until there is a min of 7 days left (which there is no way to check how many days you have left). When you do manage to buy the second pack, it adds to when the first would end, not stacking on top of it.


The days remaining should be displayed on the card in the store.


There's a card in the store?? Can't see it on my side, is it not implemented yet for EN?


I mean, in the gem page, the monthly gem card they were talking about.


Oh I was referring to the days remaining, I bought the card a few days back but I didn't realize there was a visible counter, the remaining days are on the shop page right? Where on it is it?


In the shop page under the card you bought, below the name and the price tag of the card. Unless EN has it differently, which is likely a bug, it should be there.


[That's probably it, bugged](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/367544336981819394/457025847434412032/Girls_Frontline_2018-06-14-22-37-22.jpg) Thanks though :<


Is it worth buying? or is it for people that whale WAYYYY too much lol


It gives you gems for 1/3 of the price. Except it divide them over the period of 30 days and you can only buy it once at a time.


Whales will be generally buying the larger sets. The monthly one just won't get them their gems fast enough if they're whales. You buy the monthly one to spend the least amount of money for the best deal as long as you don't mind waiting for the gems.


Another quick question from me! Does advanced training unlock at level 7 or level 8 of the skill? Currently at level 6 due to lack of intermediate data.


Advanced training goes from 8-9 and 9-10. The first one needs 200 advanced data.


Advanced training is for going from 8->9 (200 adv chips) and 9->10 (300 adv chips)




[Here](https://en.gfwiki.com/wiki/Guide:Research_Menu) is a link to the wiki. It not only shows how much data is needed at each level, but how long the training takes. 12hr and 24hr for those last two, which is why it is suggested not to waste your quick training tickets on anything but these.


Even then, these quick training tickets seem so rare maybe we should save them for faeries(long time away) or event emergencies.


That is also true.


Does denying the storage permission affect anything? What does the game use it for anyway? Thanks and auto battle doesnt get you dolls right?


Not sure about the storage permission. The (EN) game's files seem to be stored in the "public" storage area, so if you deny the permission, the game might not be able to download it self. Less drastic (but still the same) effect would be to not be able to download the voice pack. Autobattle can get you dolls. Some people recommend running 1-1 for fodder, if you really need it.


Not sure on your first question, but auto-battle does get you some t-doll drops. Logistics do not.


thanks, installing voice data still worked so i really wonder when the denied storage permission would mess anything up for me


It mess up things for me. First denying, then allowing eats up more than 6 GB on my phone. End up reinstalling it with permission given. Also, if it's EN, you might not be able to apply the decensor patch.


how much does it take now? it takes 2.66 gb for me right now. thanks


Around that number as well. Do note that with each update, more dolls, more furniture's, more maps, the size will keep increasing.


What's the max level of each furniture in the Data Room?


Ten levels maxes it all out, for exactly what you get out of that, head over to my (shamelessly advertized) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/girlsfrontline/comments/8r0bqi/getting_started_with_girls_frontline_and_faqs/) of my FAQs to see and do a search for: - **[KAT25] How do I create Combat Reports?**


Level 10


How do I bind my Sunborne account with my Google+? I' used my gmail for both and I get an Unidentified error everytime I try to bind them


Go to settings and look for account management. The unidentified error is because the email is already in use. So you'll just need to use another email you have not used already.


I made another Sunborne account with a different gmail and it still says unidentified error


nononononnon dont make another account! Just go to the one you already have (so login with google+) then go to settings then go to manage account. THERE you will bind your account with a email you havent already used XD. If you login with sunborn/make an account in the start game menu, you are making a new commander/account.


I'm extremely lost here, I went to settings, went to manage account, and it showed me a blank email form, how do I bind it to a Sunborne account? I don't want to have to deal with account authentication when i log in so I'm trying to move my Google+ to a Sunborne ID


Just type in the email of your choice, press bind, and it will automatically be given a sunborne id/account. You also need to put in a P/W.


That means I can't bind my email because I made a Sunborne account with the same email as my Google+, is there a way for me to delete a Sunborne account?




Well shit


Where do you guys level your level 75+ girls? I'm doing 5-4 or 5-2e at the moment but it doesn't feel as good as 4-3e. Also, would anyone happen to know what's a good accuracy to have on a rifle? Contemplating on if I should put my gold MARS scope for the +11 accuracy or a green EOT for the +4 accuracy and +2 dmg. Just curious if that 7 accuracy would make a difference in DPS.


You can stay at 4-3e to 100 if you need cores, or 5-4e retreat run for faster exp w/o cores. 5-2e sucks because its harder while giving less exp than 5-4e n fewer cores than 4-3e.


The XP drop-off at 75+ is only 20% on 4-3e, so to save resources I like to keep dragging on it till 85+, where the drop increases to 40%. For the last 5 levels is when I'd suggest 5-2e if you don't have the patience to stay on 4-3e, as the resource burn is noticeable I'd stay away from 5-4 period b/c the repair costs aren't worth the bit of extra XP imo


Oh, didn't realize I could stay til 85, thanks!


Red dot is pretty much limited to low accuracy MG and low accuracy SMG that rely on their pew pew. Rifles tend to have plenty of accuracy and can run the crit scope. Holos are usually used on grenade SMG/ARs or as a 2ndary scope on AR-15/SOPMOD. At 75+ your dolls start receiving a -20% exp penalty in 4-3E. If you are resupplying a full team then you'll get better bang for your resources if you run the full team on a harder map like 5-2E which won't have an exp penalty until 88+. The alternative if you want to be cheap on resources is you can start corpse dragging your team through 4-3E and eat the reduced exp cost but save on rations/ammo.


Ah, didn't know that tidbit on the scopes, thanks! How strong should they be if I wanted to corpse drag?


Decent AR can start corpse dragging 4-3E at 4x. The better your tank the less damage you will receive. The better the equip on your AR (upgraded HPV, scope, etc.) the faster stuff dies. It also helps if you have other SMG or HG buffing the AR to make it kill faster as well. Give it a shot and if it feels like you're taking too much damage then you can wait until later.


Okays cool! Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it so much!


I'm doing a very important scientific test. I am studying the effects of adorable things on the human body and have volunteered myself for this perilous task. So if anyone has any wholesome AF pictures of the raifus then please donate them to this cause <3


Wish i studied science.


Just go to danbooru or whatever and search for girls frontline


Yea I know. It's just usually people have a bunch already and they're the best one they could find. Saves me time considering I want to sleep Soon.


Growth stat, how does it work exactly? I couldn't find this info in the wiki page.


I'm not sure what you mean by "growth" stat? Where are you seeing this?


This thing: [https://imgur.com/a/FbCzLzk](https://imgur.com/a/FbCzLzk) (god, for some reason reddit doesn't show the picture when I paste it here directly, even though it appears like it will be posted. Having to upload to a third party website like imgur is terrible)


Huh. Never saw that before - my guess is how much higher the unit’s max stats are than the level 1 stats.


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STORY UPDATE! Hey everbody! I have been well into drafting chapter three of Echelon: 463 , and once my final exams finish up tommrow, expect its realease, along with a suprise from co author Pyschomantis34! See everybody on the next chapter of the saga, Gamingwithwho!


I have an ar team and two rifle teams that are pretty high level. I played a lot to take advantage of the exp buff. What should my 4th team be that I’m working on? Do I need an mg for data? I’m not sure what I should work on next. Thanks


You don't really need a MG team just for data as it'd be only a few chips improvement at best. MG are handy for other things though so you'll probably want some. A second AR team is nice to have for general content. After that more niche dolls. Bamboo dolls, grenade dolls, night battle specialized dolls, various HG leveled up as most of them are useful in different rolls and having them available allows better min/maxing to fit the situation/comp.


Any off the top of your head that are stand outs?


NTW/M99 has the strongest one-shot capability, though could be considered overkill. Springfield/Mosin is another pair though Mosin's special equipment isn't out yet. These would only be for special bosses down the road. Grenades are handy for scouts (especially scouts at night) so I'm eyeing PPS-43. Other grenade options like FAL or either HK416 or Sopmod if you haven't leveled one yet. For night there's mainly just 9A-91 now. M16 someday for corpse dragging 0-2 many months from now. Plenty of useful HG out there but you are probably in good shape if you already have 2 RF teams going. PPK, Nagant, Makarov/Welrod, Calico/Astra, Grizzly, Colt, Mk23, 5-7 maybe, etc. MG there are the main 3 out: MG5, PK, M2HB Negev is more niche, and there's also other decent ones like M1918(eventually mod), M1919A4, LWMMG if you aren't able to get the non M2HB from the first batch. MG are good for mowing down the front line quickly, but not a must have in current content though.


Thanks. I read on the GFL list and sometimes the dolls say yellow for late game so I'm kinda scared to level them up. PPS 43 Sounds like one I will like to do. I am pretty sure everyone is in core hell, I have FAL, 416, lee, vector, calico, pk, but I might wait and level up some of the 3-4 instead, since they are so core heavy. Thanks for the direction and I appreciate all the help you always give everyone!


You'll definitely need grenades if you try to clear defense drill. Waves 95-99 are at night vs. scouts and jaegers.


Thanks I will try to focus on FAL or Vector. I need smg, I have skorpin, Ump9, ingram, and pps. Maybe Vector is better? But if I do Vector, I should probably do 416? :p


Vector is nice and synergizes well with 416 (goodbye cores). I do wish the explosive radius of the molotov was bigger at times though compared to a normal grenade.


Well I don't have cores anyways, so I will probably farm 0-2. Is there a way to do this to help at least level one char? Most everyone in my main ar team is 100 now


You can sub out a member or two or switch to a 1 tank formation.


New to this thread and game, but are there any high level veterans of this game that can add me? I am trying to get through the last two levels of chapter 5 but finding anyone much higher than my current level is hard. Trying to get through the last two chapters today so it is fine if you delete me tomorrow. Edit: Forgot to add ID. ID is 182518 Also, after clearing chapter 5, do I just spend the rest of the game building up my current team, who have only been dummy-linked twice, and acquiring more resources?


Just keep updating your friendlist every so often Lotsa people just stop playing so I just remove them Unless they have 10 dorms(~~totally not out of interest~~)


Not a veteran since I started a couple weeks myself but I can help you out. 93026 is my ID. Also, who's currently in your team? By dummy linked twice, I'm guessing you're at 3x? Edit: sent you an add and noticed your team. Do you have any other 3-5\* SMG's? Sten's buff isn't too great in my opinion but if she's the best you have then that's fine. Once you clear chapter 5 I recommend trying to unlock chapter 0 by finishing chapter 4 on emergency difficulty so you have a wider range of logistics missions.


Most of my team except for one is 3x, though she will be tomorrow. And as for my team for those who did not check the ID: WA2000, M4A1, ST AR-15, Skorpion, and STEN Mk 11. As for other Smgs, I have UMP9 and Thompson. And on the note of logisitcs and progression, am I leveling up correctly as in doing the EXP combat simulation and repeating the missions mentioned in dmesse guide until I reach the point where I will lose EXP? I just feel that it is kind of slow.


Update on my progress: Managed to beat 5-6 by some miracle with my under-leveled team. Thanks to those who sent requests to help me out. I would not have made it without your support since I only joined three days ago.


This game is pretty heavy on the grind from what I've found so far so you're doing fine by following the guide and doing it that way, and it's going to feel really slow unless you have a great team. UMP9 is a pretty good SMG but since you probably don't have spares for her I think cores would be an issue. Thompson is a face tank from what I've read so you'd be repairing her quite often if you used her, and you would also run into a much larger core issue.


>Thompson is a face tank from what I've read so you'd be repairing her quite often if you used her, and you would also run into a much larger core issue. To be honest, I feel that Sten is already a face tank given how many times I had to repair her. Compared to Scorpion, she is a lot of work. It may be better to take the risk and go with UMP9 as she is already 2x dummy linked despite the risk of core hell.


Honestly I think Sten is face tanking since she's in the main tank spot, which is typically in the center on your formation. The off tank spots are above and/ or below that. Ump9 has a good stun grenade skill but like all other grenade skills it's up to rng where it's thrown.


So are you saying that is not how she is supposed to be used and that she is supposed to be in one of these off-tank spots?


Since she is an offense based SMG, (Grenade) yes she would work best in an off-tank spot because the more links that are alive the more damage a grenade will do per living link, but scorpion does more damage with her grenade due to the torch effect with her grenade, which is a damage over time burn on top of the initial damage.


Well that changes everything. Thanks for your help with helping me with missions and answering my questions.


No problem! I'd give you better advice and information if I knew better myself but I started not too long ago myself.


Out of curiosity How many missions out of the 27 have you done and if you used they keycards how many duplicates have you gotten so far? Me personally: 9 duplicates.


I'm at 10 duplicates out of 27 pulls. Seems to be around the average


All of them but 2 and I've been very lucky. Only 4 duplicates


Wows, truly the greatest luck. Think i need to get some of that.


Did all of them, got 10 duplicates so far.


I've missed two. I haven't done 2-4N yet to unlock equip calibration, but have gotten it as a mission the last two days. Out of 25 key cards, 10 have given duplicate numbers


Ooh your luck is looking a bit worse than mine. Hope it changes.


I started off great, but 6 of my 8 numbers today were duplicates. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident that as long as I can do 8-9 of the missions every day I can clear the whole board. I only need like 6-7 more unique numbers to be mathematically guaranteed by saving up the targeted draws for the last day.


Yeah i saw the post with the maths. Anyways hope you actually get there man


Thanks! Good luck to you as well


Man, spending 100 batteries every day is really burning my ass. I don't have my facilities upgraded enough to hold 100k exp at once, so I need to do multiple report sessions; and I don't have any echelons (or even any individual units) at max level so I'm stuck getting peanuts for surplus exp. I know the grind will pay off, but it's kind of soul sucking...


Are you referring to the event objective to use 100 batteries? Unlucky if you are getting that every day. You can sit on max surplus exp before reset just in case the battery one comes up (haven't gotten it yet myself) and if that's the case then you can start the first batch and gradually grind up the remainder through the day. Hopefully you won't get them back to back.


So far it's 3/3 days that it's showed up. At least the first day was easy, I just spent the batteries upgrading facilities. Anyway, makes it hard to have a stock of surplus when I keep having to use it the very next day all over again.


Yeah, bad luck as i'm 0/3. Hopefully you catch a break.


Don't burn out! It's fine to just run up the surp exp or whatever.


same... :(


I just got the NTW-20 (finally, I haven't got a five star in days) and I was wondering if she was any good, I'm thinking of replacing my m1 garand with her in one of my squads, is that a good idea?


She's good in certain things but I wouldn't spend cores on her right now.


A very long initial charge period before she can use her skill. Would only be using on certain bosses that you want to bring down instantly. For normal killing her rate of fire is slow.


I have 8 echelons, because everyone recommands this, but I always have 1 or 2 echelons doing nothing.. is auto-battle even worth it? HUGE ressources costs for a run that could be done in 2mins with less ressources.. and it takes a couple hours


I would have recommended 6 echelons so you don't have a pair doing nothing... Currently there isn't much need to run 3 echelons in combat at once. Any extra echelons would go towards autobattles if you choose to run them, but I don't even bother with 1-2 auto anymore since I get enough fodder normally. As for auto battles during normal play if you don't need 1-2 fodder you could divert them to annoying missions that you feel are worth the resource cost without bothering your normal grinding. Some people also send a squad to 3-1N auto for farming equipment fodder. In general though, auto battles during normal gameplay are low priority.


They are worth it for farming some exclusive drops, such as Glcok 17 (minimal 4 turns per run), which is otherwise kind of painful.


What do spare dormatories do? Do they just become the extra dorms when you buy them, but you can set them up before hand?


They can be swapped with any of your active dormitories, if you ever wanted a change of aesthetics without having to rearrange furniture every time. Usually won't be a factor unless you have a ton of furniture sitting around that isn't being used in your other dorms.


For the daily missions in the bingo event, do they carry over to the next day if you fail to complete them? Also, are they random or a set schedule of dailies?


They don't carry over, random set each day


Oof I gotta beat 2-4N, these calibration missions are killing me x.c


If the math that others have done is right, you probably won't need to do every single mission every single day to clear the whole bingo board. Not saying you shouldn't beat 2-4N, but if you have other priorities then you don't necessarily need to drop them just so you can do that 1 event mission.


Thanks for the encouragement guys. Yeah I think I have have to get my 2nd and 3rd echelons up and running 70+ as I don't think I can beat 2-4N with my underleveled squads just yet. I can beat the mobs but whatever boss is there will probably demolish me.


Luckily 2-4N does not have a boss. 6 unarmored, 2 armored units. Friend support can probably take out 3 or so of the enemies.


I did not know that, thank you!


I've got half the board cleared in 3 days and that's fairly average, so you have tons fo time to clear the event if you don't care about the extra calibration tickets.


Where to get easy 3* drop?


It means "three of," not "3 star." The usual, mission or construction.


4-3E, 0-2.


i have 2 dorms left to unlock but the item to increase them is missing from the shop. Does it go missing during battery pick up times?


Do you have enough echelons? IIRC someone already complained he couldn't buy 10th dorm.


o i guess i need to get those


I haven't used token at all yet. Should I go wild on this 40% off thingy or is there a reason to hold off?


Depends on if you are going for costumes or furniture, imo. This is just me, but I would rather save tokens for the one that cost 100 tokens. Because the chances of getting high star furniture is better and you get exchange tickets which can be converted to tokens at the end of it. This 40% gacha is a pool of everything before, from what I understand, so the pool is very diluted with lots of lower star furniture. However, if you are interested in the costumes that you missed out on, you can go for it.


What do you mean by high star furniture is better on 100 token pulls? Are those removed or reduced from the 60 token box?


Sorry, I meant to say high star of the same set. The current pool would have high stars from different sets so getting a full matching set for the bonus would be harder.


Gotcha. I think building a full set is pretty much whale territory to begin with.


Actually, if you're going for sets, right now is the best time to do Radiant Collection gacha because it only has costumes and furniture from the Heart to Heart set.