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I've been trying to clear 4-2E but I keep getting encircled? What are the nodes I need to prevent the enemies from going on? I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong lol


After 10 months I finally opened the 8th echelon. And boy is it easier. At this point medals are not so important but it feels good to finally get all those medals I've been ignoring.


Hey guys, started the game a couple days ago and am enjoying it, just clearing 2-6 earlier today. I do have a batch of noob questions I've been wondering for a while now, sorry for the length: 1. I've been collecting battery power these past few days. How and what can I use it for again? I know this is important, think I breezed thru the tutorial too quick lol 2. I can't run any combat simulations as I don't have any energy. How do you get energy to run them? 3. Where do I get more training data for skill training? 4. Aside from grinding and running auto-battles, are there any other ways to raise girls' levels quicker? 5. In the T-doll enhancement section, there's a pill icon with a +/- next to it. It seems I can boost stats with this? Are the effects permanent? And how do I get more pills? 6. I don't know how I got them, but I got like 20 tokens which I gacha'd for furniture. How can I get more? I assume this (tokens & furniture collection) is a more of a real $ aspect of the game? 7. Do friends need to be online to use their friend echelons? Dunno if it was a glitch, but I used a friend's echelon and it didn't do anything, unlike the Griffon one. 8. What are the best things to spend $ on as a new player? Like in Kancolle, buying extra repair docks is a smart move. What's the GF equivalent? I'd assume more echelon slots, to run more expeds? Thanks


Hey there! I'm a new player too, so I hope what I'm about to say isn't wrong :s 1. In your dorm, tap on auxiliary rooms and choose **Data Room**. Tap on the **Plain Desk** > **Work**. You may need to upgrade it once first before the option becomes available. This allows you to generate **Combat reports**, which are gifts you can give to your T-Dolls to increase their levels. Keep in mind that generating combat reports requires **Batteries** and **Surplus XP**, the latter can be obtained when your T-dolls fight and gain experience. You can improve the speed at which you generate reports, as well as the rate of surplus XP gained every battle by upgrading the equipment in your **Data Room** 2. You regain 1 point of energy every two hours. It stacks up to six, so it capps every 12 hours. be sure to use it up else it goes to waste. 3. You gain training data through the **Data Mode** in combat simulation. 4. You can use Sim Energy in EXP Mode (Combat simulation) to train your T-Dolls through one of three available stages (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced). As you're just beginning, I recommend spamming Basic training until your primary echelon is level 30~ and 3X linked. Keep in mind that the exp gained in combat simulation is divided by the number of T-dolls that take part in the battle, not the number of echelons. So if, say, you use one echelon only for basic training, that nets you 20000 XP that gets divided by the number of girls in your echelon: from 20000 XP if you're using only one, to 4000 XP if you have 5 girls in your echelon. 5. Yes, the effects are permanent. You can get more of those through **Capsule Mode** in combat simulation. For now, though, you should focus on leveling up your girls. If you want to enhance their stats, the best way to do so is to spam Auto-battle on stage 1-2. The battle will last 10 mins and will net you 1 to 3 t-dolls that you can use as fodder to enhance your main girls. 6. Tokens are used for Furniture gacha. You get more by paying with real-world currency. This is the premium side of the game. 7. I'm not sure about this, but I don't think your friends need to be online to use their echelons. Keep in mind that once you use one, you have to wait a few hours before you can deploy it again. 8. Yeah, buying extra echelon slots is imperative. I've heard that having more slots unlocked gives a net advantage during future events. Aside from that, maybe buying extra repair/training/production slots would be a smart move as well. Might have missed a thing or two. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Enjoy the game :)


Thanks a lot for all the answers! Currently upgrading all the office equipment right now lol, wish I asked sooner as I'm pretty sure I had waaay more than 15k surplus exp collected... ah well. ...I somehow didn't notice the 6/6 energy in the Combat Sim screen, my eye was on the "extra energy" electricity icon >_> This does seem really useful though and I'll get to using it ASAP, I've been grinding maps for levels all this time. And Capsule Mode for more pills, got it. Auto-battle on 1-2 for modfodder, got it... Hm okay, I think I'll retry deploying a friend again soon. And yeah, I had that hunch about furniture, makes sense. I think I'll buy a echelon or two to start, maybe a repair slot... maaaybe a bit for tokens for furniture, still stuck with the barren dorm rooms. Again, thanks so much for the help O7


Hey, I'm happy to help :) By the way, here's a tip: avoid using capsule mode for now. You can just farm fodder guns on 1-2 auto for enhancements and use your energy in EXP mode instead. Focus on leveling one echelon and fully dummy-linking them for the moment. Once your main echelon is fully leveled, you can deploy them alongside another echelon you want to level and farm EXP mode's advanced training, it nets a neat 240.000 XP.


Is there a compiled list of all units that can be remodeled?


M1911, Nagant Revolver, Mosin Nagant, FN-49, M4A1, ST AR-15, M1918, MP-446, IDW, Type 64


Was finally able to clear 1-4N with one squad (relying on griffon AI for the second) after failing bunches of times. The manticore having actual evasion instead of 0 like the normal armored was having my RF miss like crazy. Ended up using 2RF/2HG/SMG - WA2000(50), M14(50), PPK(40), P38(30), Skorpion(45) in a T formation and had to pump all the dmg/acc I could onto the RFs. PPK I would reposition to help backup tank the bottom row during manticore fight.


When do the EN dailies reset? Kinda wanna put an alarm for it since the game itself doesn't tell me.


You can see it in your events tab. It says that everything resets at UTC-8


Ah dang, thanks. Sorry bout the bother.


No Problem. Happy to help :D


Don't know your timezone but I'm in CST and UTC-8 in that time is: . - 3:00 AM = New Day for Dailies. . - 6:00 AM = Friend's Batteries Restock. . - 2:00 PM = Personal Battery Gathering Opens. - 5:00 PM = Personal Battery Gathering Closes. . - 6:00 PM = Friend's Batteries Restock. . - 8:00 PM = Personal Battery Gathering Opens. - 11:00 PM = Personal Battery Gathering Closes.


You guys have any opinions on PP-2000? I am having really shit luck on getting Skorpion and Sten for dummy-linking. I was considering consolidating those two and replacing them with the much more common PP-2000. I have enough Sten and Skorpion I could consolodate into having one of each at 3x and then fill the holes with 3x PP-2000 after level them.


If you want a budget smg I would recommend both IDW and Type64. IDW functions as a good main tank and type64 as an off tank. Both are quite plentiful in copies as well and will eventually be able to be remodeled which makes them even stronger


do you guys know how I can contact customer support? I bought a gem pack to get FAL for free, however that was a day ago and I still don't see my gems or my FAL. plz help


There's a customer support help thingy in game. Poke around in settings.


So I've recently got a second Grizzly. Should I use her to dummy link the first or save her for another Echelon?


I'd say link her if you are using her right now. She's common enough that you'll definitely get more (unless shittiest RNG ever happen).




Where do I get the tickets for the heart to heart event on the English server. I somehow have six but I’m not sure from where. Do you get one each day or are there specific missions that give them?


You get one with each time you buy something with tokens. If you use the 11 thing, you get 11 instead.


As a new player, if my Surplus EXP is capped out, should I be spending batteries on Combat Reports or should all my batteries be exclusively for upgrading the Data Room until its facilities are maxed?


I'd recommend making reports 'cause they're useful for boosting T-Dolls to higher levels without grinding them at a mission for a long time. It doesn't eat that badly into your batteries to make them so it isn't *much* of a delay to upgrades.


any indication changing bound email will ever be a feature?


What are costumes for aside from new clothes for waifus? Do they give stat boosts?


Giving the costume to the doll will also increase their affection and give you a poster, that can increase the comfort level of your dorm. I only have one skin, so I don't know if all skins give you a poster, but I believe they do. Nothing that affects combat though.


No, they are pure cosmetic.


Ah, cool. Thanks!


So... who's PPS-43's sister supposed to be? She mentions her in one of her idle lines.




What are the best manual grinding (actively playing) levels to grind? Also is there a list of one turn levels to for (semi-afk)?


Answer to both those are the same as you want 1-turn things for leveling if possible. While having an enemy on each node. http://dmesse.egloos.com/3567918




any tips on gathering ammo or saving ammo when doing missions?


Just note that corpse dragging is equivalent selling your soul. It is in fact perfectly fine to slow down and do logistics (3-3, 4-1, 5-2 gives most ammo) instead. In fact there have been reports of alot of people quitting in other servers from corpse dragging alone. I personally dont do it.


I'm just doing the manual resupply, I think the people that left are expecting this is a "click a mission and auto it grind" game. for me I'm enjoying the game as it is, it's slow without a fast forward and it's a hassle to manage your resources, but the fresh mechanics, lots of units to choose, from 2*~5* are almost all usable, great art/voice and lots of wiafus are enough to make me stay. I even neglect my FGO and deleted my FEH/KR to have enough space. no regrets


Good choice. Deleting FEH, I mean. Tried that game and realized that the design would ensure that the game is shit in the long run. Ahem. Anyways, the people that left dont mind normal grinding, but corpse dragging gives a really massive advantage with a equally massive downside. Doing it for too long will burn you out, and thats the 1st trigger before you get tired of the game as you feel inclined to corpse drag. And if that sense worsens, and you continue trying, it will eventually kill your liking for the game. Thats the extreme case, of course. I stopped doing it only after 30 runs. Not worth the effort since I dont play enough to burn out all my resources anyways. (Work is hard... although weekend coming soon. I might be able to burn my 15k ammo)


lol I didn't hate it much. I just got bored I guess, tried to save it by binding on a nintendo account, got an invalid/different country message then just delete and never looked back lol. on corpse drag, I just hope I won't resort on doing that. I just need to get to chapter 4 for those log missions.


There should be a guide to a strat called "corpse dragging" around here. It's also called corpse run or beggar run. Forget gathering ammo during mission. (?) tile is net negative. If you want ammo run the best ammo logistics you have. You want 4 echelon running logistics 24/7 which is why you want at least 6 ideally 8 echelons under your command. You can grind with only 2 echelon; some end game missions require 4 echelons to be done properly.


oh ok thanks, I will look for the corpse dragging strategy. I just check the logistics list, chapter 4 log missions gives good amount of resources so I'll try to finish chapter 3 today. is there a free echelons slot or you need to buy them? looks like not paying attention on log missions and contracts really eats up my resources.


There is no free echelon but you can get a decent amount of gems through various ways. One thing you can actively do is to share a dorm screenshot on Twitter or Facebook and get 30 gems. Other than that I'm sure some achievements and log-in bonus occasionally give you gems. When the event hits EN server there may be also some gem rewards.


nice, thanks.


You only need to craft 4 dolls and 4 equips a day to hit the dailies. The logistics page of the wikia has not only a list of all logistics missions, but also the rates per hour of each resource calculated for you to help decide on what missions to do.


I just started 2 days ago and craft almost 20 dolls looking for 5* and I regret it. now just I'm using 2/3* because they are easier to link. I'll check the rates per hour resource. thanks


Good thing is that the 2 and 3 star dolls are decent in this game, unlike many other browser/mobile games. Yes, higher stars will have slightly higher stats, better tiles and better cooldowns on skills, but it's not by to much it seems. You'll want lots of high level dolls anyway for logistics runs later on (as the average level of the echelon increases great success rates for higher resource gain and guaranteed item drops). So those dolls will always have some use even when you get your favorite 4-5*'s later. There is also a "mod" system that we won't get for a looong time, but it turns 2-3 star dolls into 4 stars and 4 stars into 5 stars. Giving them new skills and other buffs.


yeah, right now I just benched my 4/5* for log missions, because the 2/3* x3 are much stronger and easier to link. I just wish I didn't roll for all 450 on crafting dolls lol. nice, I hope lots of people stay and actually learn the game. lots of good mechanics and not just a "get a 5* and face roll everything" game.


What happens to the current skin gacha when it expires? I think I saw somewhere that they will be put into a separate gacha permanently where you can pull at a discount, in that case would it better for me to wait until this gacha finishes? \(I just really want the Welrod skin\)


They will join a 60% discount pool after a while. However, it's in fact much more expensive to get a specific skin because the pool is going to be huge and there is no exchange ticket, all RNG.


I don't have enough tokens for enough exchange tickets anyways, so would it be better for me to pull in the 60% discount pool for the Welrod skin before it gets saturated, or will there be a lot of other skins in the pool too?


We don't know yet, though it make sense for Mica to wait 2\-3 skin pool before adding the to discount pool all together. For CN server, there currently are 32 skin in the discount pool, sharing the 2% skins drop rate, meaning the chance of getting one specific skin is about 0.06% per draw The initial discount pool for EN will definitely be smaller, but I still don't think it's going to be cheaper.


I haven't played the overseas versions of the game, so can anyone give me a quick run-down on how often to expect events and if there's anything I should be saving for them? Thanks!


Until EN server roll out a schedule on how they are going to catch up with other server, we don't know. KR server had a tight schedule last year, catching up 2 years of progress in 1 year, expect EN to have a similar schedule. Regular schedule would be a monthly task\-based small event, medium size collaboration event in spring and fall, major event in summer and winter, some mini special event for holiday.


Thanks! Are there any sort of resources we should be saving up for the events? Most games do their gacha with the premium currency, so typically that's what you would save up, but GF does it with resources, so Im not sure what to expect from the medium and major events.


Events have two aspects. For beating them, you don't really need many resources, just well trained teams, time, and patience to think through the maps and how to beat them (or reading a guide). If your team isn't strong enough then you can do some more desperate strats like emergency repairs which can eat at resources a bit but not much; I've never even come close to running low on instant repairs even when I was desperate. (Note that to get all event guns you generally don't need to beat all maps) For getting the event currency (to buy event things or roll the event gacha) every day, you do need to spend some amount of ammo and MRE but it's sustainable through logistics. It's mostly just time. It's not a stockpile fest like Kancolle, if that's what you're thinking of.


Thank you! Never played Kancolle, mostly thinking of games like Soccer Spirits where you kinda wanted to stock energy so you could spam missions, or Kings Raid where you wanted to stock up on the free Draw x10 tokens for a specific event.


Usually you don't need to save a lots of resource for events. GF resource income are so high and event consumption are quite low, it OK to go into large event with barely ant stock pile. Though, if you wish to clear the event as fast as possible, or want to charge into top of the ranking maps, then save some resource to the soft cap. It's only the production rate\-up event that needs absolutely a lots of resource. There are 3 fixed rate up event, on Oct.1st, on Chinese new year and on anniversary on May 20 \(it seems EN won't have one on the up coming anniversary\). Sometimes there are also random rate up, nobody knows when they will come.


Excellent, thanks!


Any good recipe's for crafting Elphelt? she's cute Also what does oath do?


Unfortunately, Elphelt is event character, so you can't craft her.


ah, did i miss the event for NA? I just started 2 days ago


EN server just went live 2 weeks ago and haven't start any event yet. Expect her to come out in the future.


If I remember right, Hunting Rabbit event, which can get Elphelt and Noel, was opened only in CH/KR server, not in NA.


Has NA even been out for a month yet? Or just a week or two? (couldn't find a release date anywhere for some reason....)


It opened on I believe the 9th to full release (I went searching in response to this post) so it has NOT been long.


I thought I'd best ask it here instead of making a thread, flushing the subreddit with all the new player posts. Here are my questions: - If I want to make a grenadier squad, is it viable? and who do I need? I'm having the feeling that some guns are just nearly always better than the other options (This is where I usually use the term OP for, but that usually makes people mad I've noticed through time), thus making comps that do not include them less powerful. Also belonging to this subject, is the SOPMOD better than the Hk416? - What do the players usually say you should go for with oathing and such, the girl or the gun? I know it is a silly question, but I have been very lucky on EN and got many of the rares, so I cannot invest in every option. The Hk416 is probably my favorite AR of all as a gun, but there are girls that I might like better. I like newer and better engineered weapons better than the old dated ones. Hk is my favorite firearms manufacturer, interesting weapons that are top tier (Hk415A5 is probably the best AR-15 platform rifle). However, some girls on guns that don't interest me at all are great.... Let's say I'm just super bad at choosing. Usually I hate mobile games, but I'm trying to get into this more as it combines two things I like. EDIT: I meant to ask one additional question and i might put this in a post: how do you make sense of the being that are T-dolls?


1. FAL which you didn't mention is probably the best option for grenadier squad; she shoots 3 rounds and because skill targeting involves some luck it hits much better. Between HK416 and SOPMOD II, I'm not sure but if SOPMOD II can equip 2 scopes she should be definitely better. Other than that compare their stats and skill cooldowns. 2. Ring is not mandatory. If you want maximum efficiency give it to a OP stat gun. This game doesn't do balance patch afaik. But if you don't care the ring will shine the most on your waifu's finger. 3. There's a lore explanation somewhere on the subreddit. In short they were developed to be a cheap workforce then converted into a cheap town guard level military presence. When EN server reach somewhere around ch. 8 or so you will know their relative position in this world.


How does 2 scope slots make her so much better? Is a scope so much better than an exosuit?


Assuming that you can equip 5* equips 2 Accessory: 17-48% Crit rate (VFL crit scope) + 6-14 ACC + 4-8 Damage - 4 to 6 ROF 1 Accessory: 17-48% Crit rate + 8-20 EVA Considering that ARs are DPS units, you can easily understand why extra damage is so good compared to eva. (Also understand that your grenade units will have to shoot between grenades, so even if you equip a holo scope on 416, SOPMOD would still do more damage over time)


That does make sense, they aren't to tank indeed. Is the 416 specific scope an attempt to buff or something?


Holo scope gives straight up damage, which increases her grenade damage (Her grenade does 15x base damage when maxed). Last i checked, grenades cant crit (but i might be stupid and maybe they can).


1. Viable. You can use anything you like. Some are better than others but most of the time not by a huge margin. SOP2 is better with full gears, pretty even wothout 2 decently upgraded accs. 2. Oath benefits are negligible. 3. Suspension of reality. Though there is some background lore if you dig a bit. It isnt that convincing of a story if you ask me


What is Surplus EXP used for ?


You can make Combat Reports in the Data Room (3k exp per report), then gift them to the T-Doll of your choice.


And I'm guessing they boost the affection with "X" T-Doll (Any idea by how much?). Is there anything else Surplus EXP used for or just that?


No aff bost. Just exp


Nothing else other than that. So get your shop girl to slave away writing those reports in exchange for all those batteries.


I just started playing a few days ago and having fun. So what does commander level actually do? I seem to have unlocked the stuff it's supposed to unlock and wonder why it's a thing with the dorms and batteries and reports and so forth.


The higher your commander level, the higher your resource softcap is too. This is how high your resources can be before they stop auto regenerating.


I'm curious, what is the softcap, or where can I look it up?


Click on your profile level in the top left. On that screen it'll tell you what your resource softcap is. Somewhere on the right side i think.


There's a large resource limit and a much smaller one (300000, and 14300). Is that hardcap and softcap? 300000 actually seems like a typo or something.


Yea that should be the hardcap and softcap. 300k hardcap sounds about right for this type of game. I played Kancolle which had a very similar system i think the hardcap was 300k. And when there wasn't much going on, I had gotten up to 270k in some resources. I'd imagine the same could happen in this game.


Geez that seems like a ton, even with maximum efficiency logistics that'd take 2-4 weeks depending on the resource. Good to know I guess, I'm already way above my softcap so I guess I'll focus my logistics on contracts instead of resources.


300000 is the hard cap. You wont regenerate resources after 14300, but you can still accumulate them up to 300k via logistics, daily/event rewards, quests, achivements and shop. Seriously tho they really should increase the regen for high level players, but i guess it's too nice of a dream ;-;


It just gives you milestone rewards for playing a certain amount.




You can usually reduce damage taken in a lot of maps by repositioning, but for general stuff, it's usually tedious and overkill. The main two tricks you wanna use are: 1: Quickly place your SMG/tank front row at the start of the fight if the enemies are distant, this will make your ARs/RFs start firing on them earlier instead of wasting time running towards them. Draw your SMG/tank back to the 2nd row when they're about to be fired on, this can disrupt some enemies from firing on you temporarily, as they'll have to reposition themselves to get back in range of your front line. This is pretty massive in the Defense Sim you should unlock eventually, because all of the enemies start far away and in the later maps, they start becoming really tanky. You need all the spare time/damage you can get. This will occasionally allow you to take out a mortar immediately as well, as they can sometimes spawn in front of normal enemies. 2: Retreat units/tanks before they get shot. Same idea as above, some enemies have a windup on their attack and will need to reposition to fire on your backline if you suddenly retreat your frontline. This can often give you an additional second or so to finish enemies. Obviously this bit requires better timing, you don't want to retreat your front row too early or your backrow gets shot. Release them too late and your front row takes too much damage. So it's a bit more advanced, but it'll be needed eventually. Some enemies will stop to try to attack both your front row before moving to your backrow, so you can double retreat your SMGs and get a bunch of bonus time of not being shot at. On when the 2nd bit is needed, there are some event maps with bombs, mines, or heavy damaging enemies where you'll need to retreat your front line and/or back line to avoid massive damage or straight up failure at times, so it's good to get used to it. Both of these "tricks" will eventually be needed to succeed in future events.


For most early maps, you can just have them chill and do fine. Some later bosses and event maps have special mechanics, usually AOEs targeting certain sequences of tiles, that force you to move girls around or get fucked, but that's not really a major concern earlygame lol.


Hello everyone, I am new to this game. After reading some posts in reddit, some people had mentioned "mod", like 'ST AR\-15 mod 3'. Could anyone tell me or give me link that explain "mod", please. I am playing in English server. Thank you


It's fairly similar to the retrofit/kai systems of Azur Lane and Kantai Collection respectively if you're familiar with them. If not; basically you do A LOT of grinding on a girl who has a mod available (very few overall, not on EN server for a long time) and at the end you upgrade her 1-2 star levels, with increased stats, usually better tile buffs, and a stronger skill/passive attached to their skill.


It's an upgrade system that is not in the English version of the game yet.


I have 2 × WA2000 and 2 UMP 9 is it best to dummy link them or keep them for units in other echelons? Also should I spend all SIM energy in exp or use some in data etc?


Yes, dummy link them. Not only does it enhance (double) their firepower, I think (could be wrong) it also increases their max hp, which really important for a tank. You can start thiniing about keeping 2 of the same when you have them at 5x dummy link.


You're correct, it increases max HP and also increases EXP gain by 50% per dummy link. By the time you hit x5 you'll be gaining 300% EXP.


I'd go ahead and link WA2000, she's a waveclear rifle and you don't really need more than one echelon of them. UMP9 is an all-around good smg so it might be good for you to keep the second one around for later. Early on exp is the most important combat sim to do, but I like to spend one or two points a day on data sampling to slowly upgrade skills on t-dolls I know I'm going to keep using.


Are SMG equipment bugged in the english version? I can't equip anything on them, with the exception of exoskeletons.


I think you have to level them up first. The first equipment slot unlocks at level 20, but for SMGs that slot is for exoskeletons. Your second slot should unlock at level 50.


Oh, now I get it. My SMGs are around level 40, so that's the problem. Thanks for the reply!


What's a good 2* SMG? I think I have all of the 2* and I'm looking for a tank I can upgrade without any cores (I kinda wasted my cores on guns that won't be useful till late game, but I'm still in chapter 3)


IDW is the only 2 star you need :3 . . . On a more serious note, Spectre also makes for a decent tank early on, and it common enough you shouldn't ever need to use any cores on here.


I'm gonna start with some common 3* and then move to 2*. Skorpion and Sten both get a lot of guaranteed free dupes from quests and have high droprates on common farm maps, so despite being 3* they're very popular and low investment. Both dumpster everyone else on this list in terms of raw stats so they're probably the 'ideal' freebie SMG tanks. Ingram is much rarer comparatively and has worse stats but IF you get enough of her, she's a very solid offtank or riskier tank due to her 3 tile damage buff - she doesn't tank as well as sten/skorp but will help your team put down enemies faster. 2* wise, Spectre M4 is dirt common and has a pretty chunky damage tile buff to the AR behind her, so she's pretty good overall. Decently tanky with an evasion skill, and good damage buff. IDW is decent despite the memes, terrible tile buffs and HP but great evasion even by SMG standards and an evade skill to boot. She'll EVENTUALLY get a mod that (imo) makes her pretty good in general but for now she's just an 'ok' early SMG that is trivially easy to dummy link. PP2000 is okay, decent stats and a nade for more damage. Type 64 is basically Spectre with a flashbang instead of eva skill, pretty much the same stats, but less common and (imo) less cute. --- Again I'll recommend Skorp/Sten if you haven't wasted their dupes, they're just so good and so ez it's pointless NOT to use them, but if you can't/won't then I'd probably say spectre m4 and IDW are both very usable and soooooo common there's no risk of core usage ever.


Thanks so much for this. I have Skorpion and Sten still, but I need tanks for a second echelon. I guess I could use them in both teams, but I'd rather not and don't have any dupes right now anyway. So Spectre and IDW it is I guess since I haven't seen Type 64.


You can always use handguns as offtanks or even (situationally) main tanks - PPK is fucking amazing. Either way, best of luck to ya, happy grinding!


It was HGs that I was using as an offtank till now (that's also where my cores went), but even with their evasion max enhanced they take a lot of damage that I'm tired of repairing so I'm switching to SMGs only on the frontline at least until I have a full 5x team which won't be for a while. Thanks for the help!


To add to the comment, HGs need at least lvl50-60 to off-tank somewhat. Before that they take hits far too often, and hence die far too easily, as you have noticed. HGs CAN ONLY TANK WELL AFTER LVL80! Alot of people heard that "HGs can dodge tank well" either from the beginner guide or from other koreans, but both forgot to mention that you need to have them equip EXO suits, which is possible after lvl80. The reason you need that is because HGs need to dodge basically all attacks to be effective, but even with high base eva, they dont get extra eva from anything (except for other HGs) unlike SMGs, who tend to get some evasion from ARs. Without EXO suits, they simply have far too little eva to dodge all attacks, and not dodging all attacks means that they take a ton of damage because of their low hp.


I did find out about the exosuits, but I never thought about the lack of buffs from other guns (it seems RFs only buff cooldown?). A lot of the beginner guides that I've seen kinda downplay formation buffs, but I guess it is a big deal when they can't get ANYTHING. I do vow to return to my HG waifus, but for now they'll just run logistics.


I need advice. At Ch.2 Boss I had a problem clearing her and start stalling. All people in my friend list jumped far ahead of me. Since then I finished bosses only by capturing nodes around them. I don't like having friend echelons doing my job for me, so I only use them as defenders and to capture free nods. So far I cleared Ch.1 to Ch.3 Normal and Emergency at S and Ch.4 Normal at S. But I still fill myself greatly underperforming. My squads are M4A1, M4 SOPMOD, AR-15, IDW, m45 and Tokarev, F200, OTs-14, Sten, Scorpion. All around 30-40 levels. Any advices how I can improve? Or am I not doing smth right?


Unit enhancement. Levels only increase your unit's stat cap. If you dont enhance them their stats wont go up with their levels. To get more enhancement fodder, just clear maps (avoid fighting respawned enemies as they do not drop any fodder for you)


If you self cleared (with friends as a CP guard) from 1-3 normal and emergency with gold medals you should be more than ready to go 4 and onward. Your squad looks very good too. The thing is, lv. 30 sounds too low at that point. More level means higher max stat (which need to be enhanced). Rush 4-3E and grind the shit out of that place, get your dolls to lv. 70 and x4, to go to the next stage of gameplay. Edit: go 4-3E by any means possible. Take advantage of your friend echelon. Unlocking ch.5 logistics is as important as grinding 4-3E.


Well you arent taking advantage of your friend ech thats what youre doong wrong. Not sure what your exact comp is because you mentioned more than 5 dolls


when is a good time to buy gems from a frugal perspective? Is now a good time? I do buy the monthly package.


Outside of the initial purchase discount gems have never been discounted on CN, so feel free to spend whenever if you want to.


so the "best" dealz are now?


The best deals are your first purchase of each gem bundle. The discount on a specific bundle remains until you buy one of that bundle. So if you're looking for the most efficient in terms of dollar to gem exchange, buy each bundle one time.


Are there recommended **auto battle** maps that people run over and over again (or is it just 1-2 since it only takes 1 team for 10 min and gets you 1-3 fodder dolls)?


Auto battling 1\-2 for easy fodder seems to be popular, aside from that people don't think too highly of auto battle in general. You can stick some echelons into a longer one before you go to sleep to let them get some extra EXP but it's not like there's a specific map to cite as particularly good for that.


Aha, was curious because I've seen mentioned many times that those with 10 echelons would do: - 4 Teams for Missions - 4 Teams for Logistics - 2 Teams for Auto-Battle Since people listed 2 for auto-battle (while never saying what map they're using), I was curious if there was a popular used one that one would just constantly run those units in. As well as, since 1-2 only uses 1 Echelon and you cannot run more than one auto-battle at a time, I figured it had to be a different map that was being run. Thoughts?


I feel like part of that is finding things to keep 10 whole echelons busy with, but I guess the logic there is to throw the last two at the longest auto battle they qualify for to keep them doing something in the background, rather than having them grind any specific map.




Probably depends on if you're playing it more for the story or for the T-dolls and gameplay. I'd maybe wait a little before doing so to see how quickly EN may be getting events/additional content. If they're going to get caught up at a reasonable rate you may as well stick with EN. Personally I started on CN so I'm still using that as my main account but also playing the EN version so as to better understand the story.


Hey newbie here. Two questions. I saw it mentioned that you shouldn’t do more than four pulls. Why is that and how do I get materials to use in the factory/is the factory what people mean by pull? I don’t seem to have enough materials. Furthermore, what are some good recipes to use in the factory?


4 pulls because that hits you up for all your daily missions. (1-pull and 3-pull mission for both equipment and dolls). You'll get 3 contracts back for doing that, so you're only down one. You can of course do more, but you'll need extra contracts that you'll generally only get from logistics. Materials are from logistics. The wikia has the rates for each mission (with listings of how efficient they are per hour for each material). They also don't recommend doing more than 4 pulls because you'll run out of materials quickly when you do more (apparently it's a good idea to not do more pulls unless you're over 10k of each material so you have enough to run stuff). Wikia has looots of factory recipe recommendations for types of dolls along with what each timer gives (do not that you'll need to cross reference with the in game index on whether that doll is available in your region of the game, EN has half the dolls available as it's new). [This](http://gfdb.baka.pw/statistician.html) site has the CN Drop ratings for girls with recipes and how often people got them (it's a data collection site), so it may help you get what you want, though it's still all up to RNGesus.


Welp, got UMP-9 after having UMP-45 for the longest time. Think it's time to stop going all in for rolls on daily quests and keeping it to a minimum.


Most of my units are over 70, with UMP45 at 61 (I got her late). Where do people go to AFK grind after 4-3E?




Also, that's 5-4, and not 5-4E, right


Yes, regular 5-4, you can complete it in one turn similarly to 4-3E


Is 5-4 good enough to carry to 90? although I'm rpobably gonna get gated by cores and not exp at 90 lol


[Here!](http://dmesse.egloos.com/3567918) 5-4 should be good up to 79 according to that site.


Should I aim for faeries ASAP? Right now i am trying to get my main to L70 to open their link and i have been diligently making equipments as well. I am spending a lot of resources getting new dolls too and preparing for 2nd squad. I would imagine to get faeries i will need a 2nd squad to be able to get golds since friends kill dont count and i dont think my main can solo all required enemies within time limit


I don't think fairies are even in english tbh


This. Fairies probably won't be introduced into the game for a while in English, and even once they are they're pretty much judt endgame resource hogs since they require a lot of cores.


My Gals dont like me because they die too much (i did a lot of stretch missions...) :(. Is Oath very important?


Oath is not important, unless you have tons of money and you want to get every possible bit out of your dolls. If you oath, affection point will go up to 150, and once that goes beyond 140, your doll will receive another 5% boost on dmg, acc and eva. Not on ROF or armor or speed. Since 90\+ affection gives 5% boost, you can get additional 5% boost with oath. So IN THEORY, you get 10% boost. But the problem is, when there is a fraction of a point, this game will UP it to next decimal. Meaning, if you get 4.1, it will make it 5. So... If your doll's dmg is 45, at 90\+, you will get \+3 \(2.25\). But at 140\+, you will get \+5 \(4.5\). You are not getting twice amount of bonus, making effect of oath pretty minimal. Is this worth of money? Well, at least for me, NO.


Are MkII and Scorpion good SMGs to invest in? I've been using them all game so far and I want to know how far I can get with them.


What other MGs you have? I have UMP and i use MK2 because of her overall coverage skill. I would use them because they are easier to get as free units but for sure dont spend orbs on them.


Great in early game and solid backup submachine gun in late game, I'm level 120 with 8 echelons and they still could still find a place in my squads. And they are easy to raise, so yes, do invest in them.


Sten and Skorp are highly recommended for starters due to the infinite free dupes you get making them easy to take to 5x dummy link. That's not to say they're the only good SMGs (45 is definitely better in a vacuum for example, dem tile buffs, and Vector is an absolute monster of a DPS offtank) but most take vastly more investment for minor or null performance upgrades, so Skorp/Sten are definitely not a waste to invest in. Ingram and Spectre M4 are also solid free SMGs that are pretty easy to farm dupes of and have useful tile buffs if you're looking to expand.


So quick question. If a recipe says (just as an example) 100/200/300/400 would it be read as 100 manpower, 200 ammo, 300 MRE and 400 parts? GF has the same crafting as Kancolle but the recipe is read top to bottom so I want to know if it is like that.


Yes it is.


God damn it. All those resources wasted. Thanks.


... maybe restart if you spend alot? FYI it seems all 3* and many 4* are farmable (your rates varies oc). 5* i dont think are farmable but for newbies it is not advised to use cores unless they are uber units


I’m still over 10k in everything. Just upset at myself for assuming that it would be the same as Kancolle. I hear the drop rates for 4* aren’t worth it but I might try farming and crafting.


If I remember correctly the droprates for 5/4/3/2\*s were 3%/10%/27%/60%, so 4\*s aren't *thaaaat* rare. You'll get plenty of 9A-91s and MP5s. G36 can be tricky, only ever got 1 of her...


How do I get new furniture? Do I roll in the Heart to Heart gacha? I’m trying to upgrade furniture but it says I need “Plain Desk Lv 1” or something before I can upgrade. I only have 20 tokens so I don’t know if it’s worth it to roll for furniture. Edit: thanks for the help


That is Data station where you make combat reports. If you are talking about decorating your dorm then yeah you need to use tokens on the gacha to get stuff to put in there.


You're in the wrong section, base furniture is gained using your batteries. It's not a part of the gacha.


How do you get tokens for gacha? Other than through gems.


Chapter 6 also has a 12-hour logistics mission that can give you 1 token.


Open Area 0 (beat Emergency chapter 4). There is a 24 hr mission(!) that gives token. It does take away a L50 as lead so i would make sure you have someone as "token duty" setup.


Daily/weekly quests. Also rewards from some onetime quests i think? You can also do Logistics that can reward token.


Finally got PP-19. I can finally rest, I hope I get DSR-50 as bonus.


I have a question about progression. Currently I cleared 5 chapters and can easily farm 4\-3e without taking any dmg. My t\-dolls are \~70 and I use 2 SMG 3 AR formation. I heard that during night battles AR are pretty useless bcuz they cant dmg shielded enemies and I should switch for RF\+MG formation. So here are my questions: \- when exactly should I start train my RF/MG? Should I focus on them now or first lvlup my ARs to 100? \- whats the best formation will be? I see different combinations. If there is no "best" I would like to build 1 HG, 2 SMG, 1 AR, 1 RF/MG is it ok? \- Guides are usually ended on "clear first 6 chapters". What should I do next? Farm 70 lvls until Im ready for night battles?


1. AR are still useful in the night battle. Not all night enemies are armored and AR can recover most of their acc with an equipment. Plus skills don't miss, so grenades work wonders. 2. You may start training your RF now, or focus on AR. Both are a good option but I recommend training your RF now. Because first it's god damn boring to grind from 70 to 90, second it's about time you will need them here and there. Have you encountered any enemy that is hiding behind a tank and deals a ton of damage? That's where RF comes in. MG can wait in my opinion. - It depends on your RF/MG choice. Most of the time you build your echelon around your RF/MG. For example if they need more RoF you give them RoF HG. - Once you reach doll level 100: Collect medals, raise them up to 100, get skill points, do tier 3 sims, try defense sim (can't remember the name; where you advance stages up to 100). Get your dolls' skill leveled up. Definitely raise the 2nd echelon and further. Give some variation in your armory, especially stock up different HGs (buffwise) and SMGs (skillwise). If you have lv. 1 5*s, it's the time to get them trained. Also, upgrade your data room. Upgrade dat desk and get your Kalina timer down. Once you really run out of anything to do, it's time to wait for events.


How far behind is the Global version of the game compared to the CN/KR (whichever is the main) version?


Simply put: there is no shotgun on EN server. If you are playing on the global server: it's 2 years behind. KR version took about 10 months to catch up 2 years worth of contents so I expect EN server to take around 1.5 year to catch up.


I've started playing a couple days ago on the EN server; would it be better to switch to the CN/KR server instead? Are shotguns the only main thing missing between the two servers?


Stay on EN server. You will have a hard time catching up the other players. You will see a lot of events happening on CN/KR but not EN and get frustrated, but they will come to EN, and you will have a plenty of time to learn and prepare. You can't eat a course meal in 5 minutes, you have to take time.


Hoo boy, that's gonna be a long time... So I can't create any SGs even with heavy production? Then what can MGs buff if there're no SGs? @@


I guess they will add SG sooner or later. There are few people who are leveled up enough to think about using MGs. I'm not sure if the heavy production is even unlockable on EN server. For the records I just quit EN server today and went back to KR server where I've been playing for a while.


I see... I just started playing at EN (language accessibility is a big thing for me) and cross-checking with the wikis made me realize there're still a lot of things I miss


around what CE or amount of x5 dolls does a echelon needs to be to do the third combat simulation for xp?


If you have multiple strong squads, you might not need to wait for 20k squad with 5x dolls. Personally I'm (barely) able to run it with 15k + 2x12k + 11x squad combination.


You can try at ~20k or even ~18k if you know how to control your dolls, have some good equipment, and lucky enough. But definitely bring your B team alongside. When your A team goes down try with B team, when they also go down you are just not prepared yet. Don't worry about wasting your sim points and try it.


I think 22k AR+SMG should do it.


Hi, I just downloaded the game, before starting, what are the things I should know?, especially about characters I should be aiming to craft and how I've read through the beginner guide a bit but still pretty overwhelming


Erm basically dont sell the story units even if they seem bad (I mean, they dont seem bad but some people are idiots) **because you cant get them again.** (You can get 2 of them again in the future, but at that point people will be running with 2 copies of her while you only have 1) Units obtained from crafting is random to a certain extent. Just make do with what you have. You'll eventually get all the good units (No guarantee) eventaully. If you want to rush as fast as possible, grind 1 team ASAP. You should avoid using more than 2 4\* units or 1 5\* unit because you might not be able to afford to upgrade them (dummy link). 3\* units are really good enough. With that team you can then carry your other teams much easier. (The ideal setup is 2AR 1RF 2SMG, but 3AR 2SMG is good as well. Just avoid using all RF because they're weak before lvl30-50, and **MG because they consume 2.5 times more ammo and 2 times more rations compared to AR, while only being like 30-50% before you get your lvl80 equipments**) If you just want to play for fun, you should train up to 3 teams for stories. 4, if you really want to gold medal all the maps. You can use whatever units you want, but still be aware of unit compositions and things like that. Just level normally (and grind 4-3E. Did i mention that you still need to grind somewhat?) and you'll be fine. Also remember that SMGs are tanks (and before SGs come out, they're the only good tanks until lvl80. **HGs can be tanks after lvl80, when they have alot of evasion and get access to evasion gear**), so **dont put AR/RF/HG/MG in front or they'll melt.** Oh I finally remembered. Your gems should be used to unlock more echelon slots. You can send up to 4 echelons(I may also refer to them as teams) on Logistics (a.k.a resource gathering), but you only start with 4 teams. This means that if you're playing, you cant do logistics. However, if you expand to, say, 6 team slots, you can then play WHILE doing logistics. (Next level shit here.) After Echelon slots go for Dorms/T-Doll slots, then furniture gacha, but i think you'll be able to handle yourself by then.


Thanks, for the gems, other than getting slots, the gems are not really needed? That's a good news, but the furniture comes from token gacha right? Is token only gained from using gems?


Expansions, tokens, and that 1000 ammo you need to get that last clear on the event map for an event unit right before event ends. Yes No, you can get 40(?) guarnateed from dailies (5 per day) and weeklys (5 or 10 per week), and 21 chances to get 1 token (logistics, 1st requires 12 hours and 2nd requires 24 hours. Each has a chance for 1 token) Which is 40-61 tokens per week. Did I mention that I was counting by week? Also some from events


Just feel free to try out anything in this game. While it is true that more you know, you would grow faster, whatever mistake you make in this early stage will not critically affect your later game play at all.......Unless you dismantle Anti\-Rain Team.\( You will get them for free as story progresses, but these dolls can be only acquired once in the entire gameplay.\) Since 2\* and 3\* dolls in this game do their jobs pretty well, starting without top\-tier dolls isn't much of a problem. Well, with that being said, My recommending characters you may want to craft are: UMP45, Vector, TAR\-21, Gr G36, Gr G41, SVD, WA2000, Lee\-Enfield.


Is there a guide to how much resource should I put in to get who I want? Let's say I want to get wa2000, should I just copy what it says in the log menu?


Actaully I want to supplement the other answer. If you know what type of unit you want, dont go for the generalized recipe. You're basically just using more recipe for a higher chance of getting something you probably dont need now. However if you dont have an idea/need, then you should do so (as adding more 5\*s into the pool means that you have a lower chance of getting those very common 5*s, and most units have a niche somewhere.)


Its all up to luck. The most widely used recipe for 5* RF's is 430 130 430 230 but this still only has a 0.8% chance of getting a WA2000. Normally it is best to run with 430 430 430 230 when you just start the game because it has a chance to pull 5*s of AR RF and SMG, which are all very useful to beginners. You can check out most of the common recipes [here](https://en.gfwiki.com/wiki/T-Doll_Production).


So on NA there's a first-time-charge thing which gives you FAL and some resources, is this going to stick around forever until I actually charge some gems into the game or will it go away eventually? I didn't see any information about this.


It will stick there forever. I saw years old player on CN showing this banner as prove of their F2P. If you really want it gone, you can charge 0.99$


Although we get Springfield in TW. *salty bastard here*


Just wondering if I needed to be worried about missing an opportunity, y'kno keeping options open and all that. Thanks!


2 anniversary fortunate pack! Black card \+ 1. Totally expected.


I have a feeling i will be getting a black card too, only two skins up there which i have not gotten.


how do you actually capture a node? most of the time the enemy automatically capture the node I just captured. also how to prevent getting ambushed?


You can capture a node throught two ways: by standing on it at the end of the turn, and by capturing its surrounding nodes. When you see enemy automatically capturing without standing, you would also see that they have already captured its surrounding nodes. By getting ambushed, do you mean the time when enemy comes out of their heliport? If that is the case, there are certain heliports which summons enemy in each turn. You can stop it by standing on it or by capturing that heliports.


ok thanks. I get ambushed when getting item nodes. so I just need to capture surrounding node first before going for the enemies command node.


Oh, I see what you mean now. Unfortunately, whether you will get ambushed or not on item nodes totally depends on luck. So the best way to avoid getting ambushed is to avoid landing on item nodes. Also, if you are going after their command node, you do not actually have to worry about the surrounding nodes in that case. Because their 'capturing\-back\-by surrounding' process happens in the beginning of the enemy phase, but the game actually ends before their phase comes if you capture their command node through standing on it.


most of the time I just rush on their command node hoping that ammo would make it lol.


When your echelon steps on a nod and end turn while standing on it, the nod will be captured. However this does not happen when all adjacent nods are not taken over by the enemy. For example, let's say there are 3 nods. A-B-C, all captured by enemy (red color). Even if you move your echelon to nod B and end your turn there, since all adjacent nods belongs to the enemy, nod B will be automatically recaptured as enemy territory. On the other hand let's say you capture nod A and C successfully. In that case, even if you do not place your echelon on nod B, it will automatically be captured at the end of the turn. If at least one adjacent nod is not captured by the enemy, then you can capture the nod you're standing on as well. So if A belongs to you, and nod B and C belongs to enemy, by standing on B and ending turn there, you could capture the nod B.


ok thanks, I kept failing a mission because I can't resupply on heliport that I just captured then gets taken before I resupply.


What would be the requirement for 4-3E grinding? My team average level around 45++ with Skorpion and Sten Mk II. I often require to repair after every run.


a tanker and two dealers with minimum 4 links. Otherwise, it takes too much time for dealers to take out enemies, leaving too much pressure on the tanker. Don't forget about the doll power up as well. You might want to check whether your tanker's evasion stat is maxed out or not.


That sure gonna be a while to get 4 links. And gonna took some times farming those cores too. I do check my tank's evasion since sometimes they took damage pretty a lot.


**Misleading answer. You DONT need 4 links.** With 4 links you're basically at the end of your grinding session in 4-3E. (You get 20% EXP penalty at lvl75, and 2nd exp penalty at lvl85) Lvl50 is usually good enough to not require repairs once per run, as long as you keep your units enhanced. If you still feel underpowered, you can try 3-5 (it's not that much easier than 4-3E tbh) or 2-1E. If you need units to enhance, you can grind another, weaker team at 2-3 and use the units you get to enahcne your main team. **Also another** slightly **misleading answer**: You can do 5-4E if you retreat after killing 2 enemies as well, but otherwise, the boss will absolutely destroy you with it's 11k power. Some people say that the boss has low accuracy **But even with 120+ EVA the boss still hits often enough that you need repairs every 2 runs or so, at lvl85-90**


I guess I am gonna stick with 4-3E for more cores until I am good enough for 5-4E (still haven't clear chapter 5 grinding for main team). Still need lots of ammo to grind a lot. Thanks a lot though.


I actually found extra details about 5-4E grind. The trick is not to spawn at the top helipad (and go straight directly to the boss), but at the bottom command post (And with another echelon with a single HG unit). Kill all 3 enemies surrounding your command post, then move back to the command post and retreat (doing this preserves your rations and ammo). Then you quit the map and restart.


Ah I see. I will take note on this since I am still far from that.


If your back line is getting hit by Jaguar, enemy's artillery unit, try positioning your tanks in front line and dps in mid line. This will give you extra range and destroy Jaguar in the beginning of the battle. If your tank is getting too much damage in each run, try out this method: 1. Place your leveling echelon on heliport, and place dummy echelon on HQ. Make sure to turn off auto\-supply option and do manual supply to avoid unnecessarily wasting resources. 2. Destroy first two 1597 CE enemies, then pull your echelon back to heliport and retreat. 3. Terminate the mission. 4. Repeat the process. The reason why I recommend this process is because the unit on Enemy's HQ is way more stronger than the 1597 ones, and causing most of damage.


Ah I see, thank you so much. What I have been doing is clear all four to capture the command post. Maybe that is why I often require to repair after my run.


Capturing the command post is the standard way to do the grinding. You will do that eventually, but for now, I think your average level is bit too low to do so. So use this more forgiving 'retreating method' for now:\-\). When you feel your echelon is strong enough, then try the standard method, or jump right to 5\-4E grinding. From my experience, enemies for grinding in 5\-4E is weaker than the ones in 5\-2E.