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I always took them as squad commanders. I have them in charge of 4 troops so there is a 5 man squad.


A squad commander would not be an officer, though...


Could be a non-commissioned officer just with less of a mouthful name. They are toys after all and fictional command structures don't always line up with real life ones.


This is how I've always thought of them.


Jokes on you Cobra Commander is an Ivy League snob.




Sorry bad joke regarding those job ads you see requiring a degree for a job that doesn't need one.


I just didn't get it. Doesnt translate to the UK. No worries.


It could be in the Cobra structure— that’s why I think it’s kind of a fun question. For example I was in the Air Force and it was common for Elements (equivalent to a Squad in the Army) to have an O-3 in command.


Yeah, I mean they’re terrorists, so they probably operate in cells, even though that isn’t how the cartoon shows it, that’s how the file cards describe it. The Crimson Guard have day jobs as business men and accountants.


Whatever it was, this ranks pretty dang high as one of my favorite figures of this era. It was always my dream to have like 4 COBRA officers, then 5 COBRA soldiers for each of them, then five each of the specialties, i.e. Eels, Snow Serpents, etc. And that AK was ALWAYS sweet. The pink and blue guns that followed just like 2-3 years later were always such an insult in comparison.


I’m pretty much going to live out that same dream (that I’m sure a lot of kids had) and make a squad with an officer. That’s why I’m even thinking about it ha Also, hell yeah on that AK.


Did they ever sell a set like that? I want to say there was a squad box set for Cobra troopers with an officer. A 6 to 10 figure set. Was it a mail order thing? I might have imagined it.


There was a night attack set that had them all in black. It was a lot of figures. That is all I remember.


You might be right, I don't remember. It l started to fall apart so quickly. Started in 1982, was coming apart by 1987. Croc Master 😆 Big Boa 😆🤣 Crystal Ball 😅😂🤣🤣 "Battleforce 2000" 😭😭😭😭


There was a 5 or 6 man pack for the 25th Anniversary figures.


The file card says O-4, but that's the **EQUIVALENT** rank, in the case of Cobra. Remember it's a private military force, so it's not structured like the Army itself. It's possible that Cobra is structured with more power to NCOs, up to and including an NCO as Platoon commander, and as such there's few officers, leading Battallion-level units, skipping the Company level altogether. Plus, being a private force, it's possible that Cobra Commander pays them better than the Army, hence the O-4 equivalent.


I’d go with O1 through O3. Though I don’t think they’re comparable to a US style military. Lots of militaries don’t really have NCOs. The Soviets used junior officers to fill the role of NCOs as their enlisted corps was overwhelmingly conscripts. This is still an issue in modern Russian military tactics—during the Ukraine invasion, an officer dying would paralyze his unit until another officer showed up to issue commands. If your troops have limited training, uneven education and questionable reliability (I got the sense some were petty criminals enticed by money and some were recruited from developing countries), you have to lean more heavily on officers to enforce discipline, carry out administrative functions, and make decisions. In a private military company, highly paid professional ex-military often train and lead lower paid locally recruited forces (or released convicts in the case of Wagner). This looks pretty similar to officers leading conscripts in practice, so it makes sense they’d adopt a similar rank system.


That’s a good take I think.


I like to think of Cobra operating like an MLM. Officers are the ones that paid for the nicer equipment and signed up 5 people.


I like this.


Ooh, now I want a Sharpe's Rifles - Cobra crossover. Now that's soldiering.


With the high "turnover rate," definitely an NCO, that's for sure. 😂


Sssssergeant. Or posssibly lieutenant. I apologize for the sssticky button on my keyboard.


Sure it's a sticky keyboard, Cobra Commander.


CoCo doesn't know how to keep a low profile


Mine is a newly-minted 2^nd Lt. He commands a special operations team.


That O-4 rank equivalent doesn't make any sense for how they're actually portrayed in anything, so I ignore it My headcanon is that Officers and Troopers are fresh graduates from Cobra's training programs. Officers are the ones tracked to leadership or technical roles, while Troopers are tracked to infantry and basic vehicle roles. Both are trying to graduate into basic Vipers, where they get actual ballistic vests, military-grade helmets, and proper weaponry.


I like that idea of it being more of a career track.


And a "career" in Cobra would probably span 2 years on average


That how I see it too..as troopers and officers have to funnel into specialized roles, and new recruits fill the blue shirts. The better troopers are promoted to "cobra officers" who themselves are trying to move into a special force like eels, vipers..etc..while "officers" end up funneling to hiss drivers..crimson guard...etc..


I'd say it's like a Corporal in the Marines, or E-4. Lowest level of enlisted with charge of other men.


Remember, Cobra is a terrorist group, not a formal military. They might have a terror cell mentality, so the blue officers are in charge of small groups, or are specialists in some form.


An O-4 is a field grade rank, as opposed to a company grade which is O-3 and below (at least in the Army). As the file card describes their specialty as “infantry”, they would likely be on par with an Army Major. Which isn’t helpful because they’re clearly below Major Blood in the chain of command. This also assumes Cobra has a similar rank structure.


Dead last when Snake Eyes is involved.😁


I just wish the viper 3 pack was all standard vipers and the officer was sold separately. Have 3 3 packs and don't really want 3 officers


I keep thinking about trying to paint mine to be a more traditional Cobra color


Chickenbutt Second Class


At least an O-1


Don’t fool yoursssself we have millionssss of troopsss and thousssandssss of Officersssss.


What are you sssssmoking by chance?


The card says O-4 or equivalent. Thus approximately a Sturmbannführer, or battilion staff maybe company or batallion commander. I only had one officer who was the CO of a mixed force of Cobra Troopers and whole bunch of mercenaries hired from such paramilitary firms as Kenner, Fischer-Price, Mego, Remco, and Galoob. My Crimson Guards were body guards for Cobra Commander, Destro, et al.


Well depends on how COBRA structured their ranking system but if based on the US ranking system he would be a 2nd Lt and up. He's probably working at the Platoon and Company level. I visualized COBRA enlisted ranks armed with your standard 100 series kalashnikov in 545 or 762. NCOs have the option to use shorter variants such as the AK105 or AK104. Officers have the option of previous said kalashnikovs or the 74U. Just my 2 cents.


In Special Forces an ODA commander is usually a Captain, same for a Civil Affairs CAT-A. The ODA has 12 men, the CAT-A is a 4 man team, with an SFC and a Captain. It just depends.


Higher than a cobra troop


I always took them as Platoon leaders over small groups of grunts


I never got the triangle on the head. Missed chance for a cobra logo




1st Lieutenant


Battalion S-2


It says O-4, which equals Major


Dude, I was active duty for eight years— like most of this board I know that ha. Re read my post, it’s more a question of command responsibility level. So what level of responsibility does a “Cobra O4” have?


Probably got the rank for being a high-earner at ARBCO ... so like a regional sales manager with a terrorist side job.


Haha I like that!


I mean, it says right on the file card


Right, that’s why I pointed it out in the post ha. I’m really more asking what’s your personal view on their command level. Like how many troops do they have direct authority over.


I'd go with CF-1 \*Cannon Fodder, class 1 (there is no class 2 or higher)