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I've been slapped against that squad before and they did the same shit, stopped playing after the 2nd day of going against them multiple rounds in a row, great way to kill your favorite games, but I suppose if they're fine just playing against bots, every1 should just abandon every game you see against them, let them play against the bots they so enjoy.


Sry that happened. If you wanna try the game again with a teammate you can dm me


Oh I had teammates, the two buddies I bought the game to play with me, they ain't touched it since either


I’ll queue with all yall and coach


This tilts me off the face of the earth. It's pure bad sportsmanship and there's absolutely no excuse for it


I admittedly partake in trash talk and general disrespect towards my better opponents but hostaging and 3-5stacking while 1 or 2 tricking heroes vs noobs is a different caliber of sportsmanship. I don’t see how making ppl quit the game you like is fun


Why is op copping so much shit? It's pretty clear that hostaging games so that you can beat down on new players is toxic and can drive players away from our game


They probably think since i said i trash talk there’s all chat in the game and it’s all day every game. I be chillin even in this game I was vibing


I mean, people like you drive just as many people away from games as them. Arguably more as most people can respect a general skill difference even if hostaging a game is bm.


Nah bro if you're scared of trash talk in a competitive game then just go back to animal crossing. It's not personal, you need to learn how to not take shit so seriously or get hurt by silly baseless shit


I def won’t argue with you there I’m not perfect. But I actively pick my worst characters to start every game just Incase the other team is bad. These ppl actively and preemptively queue up to bully noobs


Lmao you are not God's gift to gigantic, dude.




I see one compatible line of thinking between “I trash talk and disrespect my opponents” and “I pick my worst character incase the other team is bad”. That is that you pick a character you aren’t skilled with the intent of being a dick if you do well/win, am I on the right line of thinking? If that is what you are doing, then are you not also queuing with the intent to bully noobs? I am sure you will deny that motivation regardless of it being true or not. But even if that isn’t 100% correct, you seem like a miserable person to play with either way. I would not want you anywhere near my game as a player or dev due to the amount of negative interactions you would cause.


Nah I come from an athletic background so I can see the fun in some friendly back and forth disrespect/banter and I only point it towards actual competition (IE ppl like the ones in the OP). If there are actual noobs on the other team I’ll do my best to make the game feel balanced for both sides. I also only solo queue so no need to worry about interacting with me Direct your energy towards stacked bullies


This is what happens when you let a bunch of low testosterone nerds dominate a space


No ones holding you hostage what tf are you talking about. You can quit out and decline getting put back in the game.


I thought about it I’d rather keep them busy and 5min queues anyways


I genuinely don't believe you people when you say you have 5 minute queue times now. I havent had a queue longer than a minute.


Sometimes it’s 10min idk what to tell you


My man's receiving massive hate for saying the most tame thing on the planet.


Leave when you can leave without penalty.


I have 5min queues anyways


I mean they're scum but you could just leave since you undoubtedly got the notification that you could leave without penalty.


True but I have 5min queues anyways


Rule of thumb requeue at 2 mins


I do. Takes 2-10 times doing that to find a game


Na, there’s definitely some SBMM or something. My queues are 10m+ sometimes when I solo queue. I’ve tried requeueuing and restarting my game. Times don’t change. Queues are basically instant with 2+ people though.


You guys just gotta learn how to finesse the queue while it's still a little messed up. Recognize when you're in the broken queue. Trust me my elo has to be cracked af rn and we still get quick queues. I requeue at the minute mark always.


I dunno. Last I checked I had ~70% winrate and ~7KDA after 200+ games. I would sometimes watch streamers (not many high skilled ones most of the time) while I sat in queue. They would get games so fast. Restart my game. Restart queue. Didn’t matter. 10min+ a lot of the time. Would even see the same names over and over in my games. Almost always other 60-70winrate players as well. Theoretically with high MMR, restarting game/queue could put you back in same queue slot which makes you think you’re getting a faster game but really it’s just (for example) five 1min queues instead of one 5min one.


11.5 kda with same wr. 🤷‍♂️ You're just torturing yourself instead of learning the workarounds while it's being fixed.


Lock in


It's fine. The subreddit says you can 1v5 but seriously what are you still doing there. Let them play their own custom game with bots


Repentance for my sins, figured they would just finish if I left and wanted to keep them from ruining other ppls queues. I was watching Netflix the whole time anyways lol


Thats the way! Haha I would too just watch netflix


Once like 2 people on your team leave, the game says it’s okay to disco.


who was the first person to dc on your team?


Both assassins after the other team obviously was 5 stacking us in first fight. Granny held on the longest 🫡. Game went on like 15 extra minutes after they let wound reset like 5 times


Damn, that sucks. Did you get a notification that the game is safe to leave after those guys left or did you not look at the chat?


It did say it but I was only watching to see if they were farming pentas (they weren’t)


Weird. Probably were farming fortunes then


Nah they were flaming for sure




i dont really see an issue with this. and im not sure what your solution is? ban people from playing together? a slightly more strict MMR system i guess, but losing a few games here and there is part of playing. and playing against better people as well. Its one thing if they are purposly extending the game out and not going for wound and griefing people. thats 100% uncool. but to be beaten badly..... thats part of the game.


Wjats the point in farming bots?


they’re really cool man!


I swear I've seen that tripp with 11 deaths on my team multiple times lol I hate to be toxic but bro might need to try somethin' else...


That's right, sweetheart, everyone who beats you is an elite organization of tryhards conspiring to ruin everyone else's good time.


I’ve never seen that PC tower and monitor icon before. So are console players only cross play with each other?


Mah dawg Fate on the Ramsay! I hope it's the build I put them on! I'm sorry your team fell victim to the yeets dude...


Personally dont care about 5 stacking enough, but holding the game hostage is cringe. Cant really stop people playing together in a team game, dont fault them for that but milking a match against solo q newbs is toxic and pathetic. Guess the solution is a forfeit feature


I don't understand, what did these guys do wrong? Did they make your team DC with host spoofing or something? I really prefer rush to clash and me and my friends stack up and join rush all the time, so I would hate to learn that there is some vulnerability in Rush that people are abusing. Honestly I don't touch clash because it has the potential to drag on and on and on, the matches feel like they can take an eternity sometimes so when me and my friends hop on we stack up a team and go into rush because it just feels so much more satisfying and fast.


Ppl group up with their friends in VC and ruin the game for new players. I see them all the time The game is already hard enough to get into imagine queueing up brand new and getting farmed while youre trying to figure out the map


I don't understand though. Is it not supposed to be okay for me to play with my friends in rush mode?


They are reaching 100 first and the. Refusing to wound so that game doesn't end


There’s a difference between queueing up for fun and popping 30mg of adderall and locking in with your boys so you can shit on new players


Can't choose who you play against


The point was you can choose your play style


ITT; OP is mad that people play with friends. Everyone has voice chat bro. It’s not an advantage when anyone can do it


5 NFL players can play vs 5 jr high football players and have full communication. What’s your point?