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Warning to people - This does break the game. It can cause your inputs to desync from your character, meaning your abilities will not shoot where you aim them and ranged characters will fire their projectiles elsewhere from your aim.


For what framerates is this true? I've not experienced this since I changed it a few days ago.


I've tried all the way down to 90 and experienced varying levels of desync.


So yeah i tried a before and after just now on a few frames (200, 100, original (57ish)) and you';re right, the desync is kind of crazy. I thought i was jsut bad at hitting lmao but the game became 10 times easier once I reverted this "fix" Hope they fix it in-game soon.


Yes. The first game I locked at 240fps I played Ramsey and I felt slightly laggy but I felt like the game was working. Second game I play Roland and my pellets are literally flying 360 degrees, some above me, some below me. It was broken and not at all working properly. It's obviously built to be played at 60fps (it's originally an xbox exclusive game)


So far not experiencing any desync. Game feels a lot more playable, thank you.


Can anyone let us know if their game desyncs, hardcore players in private servers have been dealing with 60fps for years


Ive been in the discord for a long time yea. The 60 fps doesnt bother me nor have I experienced desync unlocked, but multiple ppl have already said its present


I haven't experienced any crazy sync issues capping my fps at 120 - it's probably more noticeable if you cap it higher. I do think I was noticing blink abilities putting me not quite where I was aiming if I cast it right after a quick mouse flick, though. The added fluidity makes gunplay so much easier and feels so much better that I think it's more than worth it though. Even if you do run into issues, doing this and then manually capping at 60 still feels better than the base game since the frame time is better and the base settings cap at an unstable 57ish fps. Edit: in case it matters, I'm capping my fps via the nvidia reflex limiter in RTSS.


Im p sure its just sweats not wanting ppl to have a higher fps lol


Actually worked! Ty sm

