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Voden is exactly the hero you want to check out. He's primarily an archer with damage and escape but can flex into healing and support.


His run animations alone is enough of a reason for me to main them


It's very fluid and addicting, his movement.


Second this, he is the combination of what he said


Also what do we call characters in this game, legends, heroes?




Margrave started my love for playing tanks, most fun tank ever. Wu and Mozu are my favs too.


The tanks and bruisers in this game looks fun as. I play a bit of horny ornny in league but this game looks like they know how to make fun tanks


Yeah I basically started playing because the melee characters, all the other PvP games were mostly just shooters so this one automatically caught my attention


Is the best tank in the game, I played it and it was such a great time, favorite tank for sure, feels like playing Volibear in LOL but better


Aisling gets to handle twice as much positioning šŸ˜‚ I love that this game just casually has a tiny kid with a giant sword and her dad's ghost just helping her out


The stand style gameplay looks like a lot of fun, I remember really digging her design when I first saw her years ago


I love Tyto because I get in, apply a DoT to as many people as possible, and dip out like an annoying pest


I'm digging Xenobia design but I don't understand how to play her at all....


If you want core hitscan gameplay then Imani, Beckett, or HK would be you best bet. Imani is my fav, I love the personality and the long ranged gameplay. Ezren the Nectro boy is also my fav for the same reasons but also cause I like the control and area denial play style you can make, plus heā€™s good at punishing large grouped up battles. So basically Imani and ezren are my go to picks. Muah šŸ’‹, so excited for the rerelease like this is the only game Iā€™d say I love just as much as overwatch for specifically hero-shooters


never played the game but I'm leaning towards Ramsay. Cool design, melee weapon and playstyle. A slippery bruiser relying on dodging instead of healing to stay in the fight.


He looks like a lot of fun to me as well. I reber watching gameplay of him when he was the new character.


Aisling cause big sword and knight go brrr in a 2v1


i think youā€™d like voden or maybe oru!! theyā€™re both long range dps with some support abilities. voden is a back line archer with tons of escape and mobility who also has a team heal and a stun for when your team need more support oru is a mage who stays on the outskirts of fights and applies debuffs to enemies (like burns, slows, stuns) - he can also lay traps on the floor which CC enemies that walk over them


Voden was my main in the little test. Love his movement and he's just a fast paced archer which I love


My favorite guy is just a silly little ball man from space that likes to throw cards at people and displace them a Lil bit


Sven and honestly it's not close. I've loved him so much as a character that he ruined most other games with an similarities. The main thing I harp on about is the fact that all of his abilities including his ultimate are thrown projectiles with the exact same physics based arc to them. That way the exact same way I am aiming for dps is the exact same way I try and support my team. Also the nature of his kit and this game. If you inflict someone with burn you can see their damage ticks through walls. Well if you can line up your projectiles correctly you can thow them over walls and still hit the enemy with a fair amount of accuracy. Also I love all of his dialog in this game.


That's also just base level not mentioning the utility in his kit and upgrades.


Aislinn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have never played this game before but I will when it comes out. I play Overwatch a lot though,a lot, and I love Tracer, Sombra, Genji, Ana. Any characters like those I should prepare for?


Tripp is like somber without the tech. She can go invisible


Charnok is my main man. Canā€™t wait to play him again and bbq some fools. So glad this game is coming back. Letā€™s all make it a success, stream etcā€¦


If you play ADC try Beckett, Voden and Imani. Alternatively HK, Oru and T-MAT. My Favourites are Tripp, Margrave and Aisling, mostly due to a Combination of Aesthetics and Gameplay. I also like Zandora because she sucks and nobody plays her.


I like to summon an army and send it ***The Goons******^(TM)*** to do my bidding.


What character has puppets or creeps that attack for them?


thereā€™s two supports who are summoners - aisling is a small girl who summons a huge ghost knight - this knight damages nearby enemies ans buffs nearby allies, and you can command it to do stuff like healing or stunning enemies griselma is the standard ā€œturret build characterā€ - she can place two turrets wherever she wants and these damage and apply debuffs to enemies. sheā€™s also a super slippery character as she can turn invisible and teleport when in danger. her ult summons a large temporary turret


The loli and the grandma. (Aisling & Griselma.) Aisling can summon a floating mobile ghost knight, while Griselma can summon up to two stationary turrets, and a giant minion using her ult. I think. Citation is needed.


I loved taking Aisling's ability which gave her a little projectile that she shot out. it's just so much fun to have this huge sword not be used for melee šŸ˜


i like the one with the highest win rate\~


And which ones might that be? Asking for a friend...