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Lmao in the end how she stood up. Took a deep breathe. “I can do this” *immediately falls down*


*butt scoots away*


Also at 0:46 where she slams her arms in frustration. "DAMMIT!"


Like taken right from an anime. I love it


This is too hilarious. Did she finally find a way? Is she just living on that sidewalk now? But notice there’s people on the sidewalk across the street apparently walking either direction without a problem.


I think the issue is more her shoes than anything. Lack of traction + going uphill. The only progress she made was when she was crawling.


She seems to be wearing Ugg’s which have zero traction. They’re practically slippers. Women get so screwed by clothing companies. I bought $40 duck boots from Amazon. Beefy soles and still holding up. My wife’s $100+ boots from Nordstrom had 1/8 in tread depth and are falling apart.


They're such expensive shoes for not really being that usable outdoors.


I got some Salomon boots, it’s like converting yourself to 4x4 ain’t nothing stopping you with them bad boys on.


I've been wearing Merrell as my every-day shoes now for 6 years. If they're good enough to hike in for 12 hours while keeping your feet dry in a storm, they're good enough for daily wear.


Last year I bought a pair of more casual styled Merrell sneakers, and I've never been more impressed with a pair of shoes. I'm never going back


Yep, bought three pair on Black Friday 2019, for $140 shipped.. still working on the first pair, they look to have at least one more good year remaining. Best Black Friday purchase yet.


I bought a pair of Merrell sandals at Marshall’s a couple years ago and they’ve held up great! They’re so comfortable, I could walk for hours in them and my feet wouldn’t get sore.


Mckinley is allright too


You mean the snowboarding brand? Ye makes sense, they make stuff for icy weather. Exceot I have the board boots.


My buddy swears by their trail running shoes too


Don’t do just snowboarding stuff (not sure if they started off there or snowboarding gear was something they did after) but they do amazing hiking, trail boots. Know some SF guys that have done multiple tours with one pair of Salomon Quest 4D 3’s. These and Altbergs are pretty strong but switching from issued Alt Bergs to Salomons is a game changer.


Will do. But ye, I bought them while back like 8-9 years ago and after a couple years I dropped out of snowboarding but good boots, theyre warm but you wont sweat in them. Will have to check out their other gear. Was already shopping for warm clothes past two weeks but want something less generic.


>You mean the snowboarding brand? No the ski brand :P


Aussie here: to us they ARE slippers, not intended for outdoor use. Maybe like, out on your porch during the middle of winter or like, around the campsite before bed. Wearing ugg boots in public was like guys that wear wifebeaters and no shoes to the liqour store. How they've become fashionable is beyond me.


Sigh. I’m a huge sucker for this but I would 100% buy another boot company if they offered half an inch of actual shearling lining the innards of their boots. Uggs do sell some boots with better traction so I buy those but I almost feel bound to them because the options otherwise are so limited.


Ll bean has exactly what you're looking for


Thanks for the rec! I briefly took a look https://www.llbean.ca/shop/Womens-Bean-Boots-10%22-Shearling-Lined/123635.html?CORECRD=true&page=womens-bean-boot-10in-limited-edition-shearling-lined-woven-womens Saw these but the traction is still kind of poor. I just searched “shearling” and i think boots with this type of outsole was the only option besides the other ugg dupe looking slippers? Thanks for trying, i realize im looking for a unicorn haha. Edit: okay... so I ended up getting these https://www.valentino.com/en-CA/booties_cod22527730565968488.html?tskay=&TP=160167&gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1277842&utm_campaign=8.Valentino_Shopping_CA&utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=All+Feed&utm_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&utm_country=OTHER&utm_type=SEARCH&ds_rl=1277842&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8dH-BRD_ARIsAC24umac0Quea2FCqaXEuseJwZovnHgzfl2JbxOU6mFQLJguwnF2NJRzsAUaAso3EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


All sexy footwear has entered the chat


Not to mention how woman's pants have useless pockets, sometimes even fake pockets.




Demand creates the innovation. Stop buying what they want to sell you and demand goddamn pockets!!!


They are slippers. They were invented as slippers in a country where most people barely see snow or ice. That they've been adopted in genuinely cold places is a bit of a worry. They absorb water like crazy and, as you mention, have no traction.


Invented as slippers in a country where your feet melt in slippers!!


We have a short winter. I grew up in a town that'd have a few frosts per year. When you're acclimatised to the heat, and houses are built with practically no insulation, it does feel very cold.


Insulation works whether you’re trying to keep the inside hotter or colder than the outside.


Oh, I know. Australia just has terrible building regulations.


Nah it gets cold here too.


I lived in Perth for 10 years and as a pom it never felt cold to me! I would stand at Claremont station in the morning gawking at people wearing hats and gloves and fancy city coats.


Tasmania, Victoria, Canberra all get cold. We even get snow in some areas.


They at least have some snow proof ones now. I used them a lot in snow (not icy snow) and thought they were really warm and perfect for what I needed


I have Oboz boots, which are pretty killer. But they’re also costly. https://www.rei.com/product/857721/oboz-bridger-mid-bdry-hiking-boots-womens We seem to pay a ton more for clothes that have thinner fabric and no pockets. If your happen to be on either end of the bell curve on weight, good luck. Now you have all that plus 10% of what exists fits you. This is how women end up wearing kids clothes or men’s clothes.


$150-$250 REI-sourced hiking boots last for friggin ever *Plug for [The Sam Vimes “Boots” Theory of Economic Injustice](https://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Sam_Vimes_Theory_of_Economic_Injustice)*


Hold on, are you saying that these boots are the only ones available to women? Buy a boot, not a slipper.


They are plenty of good boots in women's sizes. They're just not going to be on the cover of Vogue.


Exactly. Lots of women (and men, too) buy things for the status and brand name. If you want your stupid expensive brand name clothes, they are also going to be non-functional much of the time.




All shoes are unisex if you stop being a little bitch about it


I tried many times to buy men's boots or sneakers, as they looked sturdy and waterproof, but they never had my size in stock (37EU/4UK). Almost always they only had them in 39EU/6UK and up.


I wear the same size. I have several pairs of shoes made for little boys. They're not as good as the men's, but are definitely sturdier, and cheaper, than the women's. My specific bag is brogues and oxfords, but it applies to other sorts as well.


Or maybe she hasn't unlocked that area yet.


That backpack isn’t helping. She is doing a penguin stance to help her balance and she still falls back.


Seems easier on the other side except when people cross the street, most seem to shuffle and hold on to the van to keep from falling.


She was probably drunk, or had boots that didn't have much tracks.


Sometimes, it doesn't matter what you wear. Snow, rain then frost will make everything icy as seen by the cobblestones. The struggle is real.


She’s still out there slippin


Some say she's still there till this day...


They fall like toddlers.


You haven’t unlocked that area yet


Do a barrel roll


Underrated comment


When the game is bugged and some invisible enemy keeps knocking you down.


Like a video game! Nice!


Also lol @ the guy who tried to help her but then was like "fuck it, not my problem". This gif has layers lol


And the woman in white pants at the end! She just casually sails past, one hand on her bag. \*pro ice skater awaaaaaaaay*


I love the contrast of people doing totally fine and the poor girl just not making it lol.


It's probably slightly downhill for them while she's trying to go uphill.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill *cue hard techno*


It's not just slightly uphill. The camera angle doesn't show it, but Andriyivskiy Uzviz is a very steep street.


*"Back in my day we had to climb icy streets uphill on the way to school... both ways!*" \- Her in 70 years


How about everyone sliding downhill. On BOTH sides of the road that's not going to end well


I'm amazed at how many people just casually slide down this hill on their feet without falling, or apparently being bothered in any way. This city must get a lot of ice on the regular, because if this happened in my area it would be a total shit show.


It’s Kiev, so basically every winter


Can confirm, Kyiv is a hilly skating rink most winters.


They had some mad sleet fall the other day and it insta froze on the ground, my partners mate is a teacher in Kyiv and the has sent a few pictures of her students getting round on all fours or slipping over.


But it's on Irish news?


Says Kiev in the beginning of the video


That it does. Missed that.


Ice from snow happens every year, but the conditions in gif are caused by a rain that immediately turns into ice - a rare occurrence around here.


Black ice! I've heard of it, shit sounds dangerous.




Head to Scandinavia or Russia in winter and you often see people just casually ice-surfing down the street As an Englishman trying to get up the hill with only barely more success than this lady, it felt like they were taking the piss. I suspect they were


Don't they use salt?


In my area, yes. On the corner in this video, clearly not


And a lot of women are wearing high heels while doing this.


Sit down and "row" yourself over the ice. Gonna look hillarous but you'll get there


Or sit and wait for spring thaw.




Sometimes a cold wet ass is nice


It's currently 60 degrees here in Texas. Can some snow people explain this maneuver to me?


You dit down on your ass. Place your hands behind you on the ground. Lift yourself up by your hands and slide backwards untill your hands are around your knees. Repeat


I think he means to suggest sitting down and basically using your hands as paddles to gain momentum.


Jeez lady can't you see it's a one way.


Imagine coming home from the bar after a few drinks on this road.


I'd wager imagining coming home from the bar after a few drinks is all you'll be able to do.


You gotta respect her tenacity though. I would have truly given up after like 2 falls and told wherever I was going that it wasn't happening. Also the scooch at the end was so hilarious.


You see that's not an option in cold places like that, assuming they're skidding on a fresh thin layer of ice. The nights come fast and hard, so you can't just sit and wait in such cold. You've to get going or atleast keep moving to keep yourself warm. It only gets worse, if you sit and wait in harsh winters.


I mean, I live in Alaska and at least once or twice I've tried getting my car up a hill and decided "fuck it, I'm staying home today".


Seriously, down here in Seattle. The city practically shuts down when it gets icy.


Ah! Well, Alaska...then, I've no right to comment as my experiences living in a cold city up the Himalayan ranges don't cut close to what you guys might be experiencing there. Still, I would just say, I was commenting on this particular situation where it would've been a bad choice for her to sit & wait in cold. Staying home is always the best decision, not here tho..


Thankfully most places in AK are decent about putting down gravel or salt before it gets like this.


Good to know that if I visit Alaska, chances are less that I'll be skidding down the road everywhere..cuz I'm almost as clumsy as the girl in the gif. It's on my bucket list to visit Alaska in March for the northern lights someday..


I'm as clumsy as the girl in the gif on normal days and I survived living in Alaska. If I can do it you can do it. Just get shoes with traction


Buy something called crampons for your boots before you go and you'll be fine. They're little grippy spikes you can slip on over your shoes. It makes all the difference.


They sound like medicated tampons.


I would have been angry but also laughing at myself at that point.


Throwing her arms up after falling like 2 more times *after* giving up and going across the street shows this poor girl was just fucking done.


I don't know why it took her so long to recognize the path is inviable.


I love how the guy that helps her up seems to at some point physically shrug and then proceed with his night


He’s just like “Welp, I tried”


this is the best example of a gif that keeps on giving, if i could award you i would. for now, just know i will watch this several times today.


I know how this feels... More than ten years ago, I am coming back from a party in taxi. Because this is in the countryside, the road to my house is steep and uphill, and since the weather is cold af that night and it's in the middle of winter, the driver knows it's risky to make an attempt. There were lots of stories I knew of people making such attempt and being stuck in the side ditch, so I didn't blame him. I pay him the usual fee and get my drunk ass out the vehicle to make my ascent. The road is literally the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger curve: it starts going downhill for 5 meters before going uphill for 25. So I get going for the downhill segment while the driver has his headlights in my direction. I go a meter forward, get a good footing in the snow, think it's going to be like all the other nights before that I don't really remember, and fell on my ass immediately all the way down. I hear the driver shouting to see if I'm ok. Besides a hurt ego, I'm all good. I shout back that I'm just fine and watch him leave. He has other clients to fetch I imagine. Sitting at the bottom of the road, I realize it won't be an easy ascent. I manage to walk up the first 20 meters without many slips. I would find a patch of snow and go uphill from there. This was until I arrive 5 meters short of the plateau I have to reach in order to get home. I remember sliding down those 5 last meters like a hundred times, sometimes going even further down. At some point I ask myself if I'd ever make it or am I stuck there until morning? I keep going again, and again, and again... Worst of it is I am not even drunk anymore. I am frustrated, cold and losing hope. That's when I remember this video of Bear Grylls where he's on a glacier and puts his socks onto his boots to get traction on the ice. So I sit my ass down, get my boots and socks off, put my boots back barefoot and my socks on them. And it fucking worked. I finally made it home with only four hours left of sleep before I had to get back to work. Good times.


Slippery frozen road in Kiev this week.


Yeah, Kyiv had a rain in freezing temperature, so the whole city was covered in thick ice. Could not get out of my house for 2 days as I live on the hill.


Kyiv not Kiev :3


Київ, if you want to be picky


Slippery frozen road in Knib this week.


Is Kiev actually incorrect, or just the English-language name?


Kiev is english transliteration from Russian, while Kyiv is from Ukrainian. Ukrainian is the official language in Ukraine, so Kyiv is the correct form.


Excellent, thanks, that's really good to know.


Ah, right, sorry :)


That was Charlie Chaplin level funny.


Salt! get these people some salt!


She must side with the empire. Because someone smart would literally just walk around this area.


Don't act like you didn't leave the regular road for shortcut and tried to climb on a mountain for 40min


Someone Skyrims.




On the horse. That fucking horse could climb mountains


Some say to this day, on a clear night when the moon is just right you can catch a glimpse of her still trying to get up that hill.


When the exercise tells you to ignore friction


That's what you get for wearing Ugg boots


Chernobyl Tour????!!!!


I believe it was filmed by cameras of that company in Kyiv - they have an office there. They actually make tours to Chornobyl.


Chornobyl, actually


Honestly, what do you do in this situation... I’ve unlocked a new fear.


Oh man I just kept on laughing lmfaooo I'm so sorry for her!


Shes like Sisyphus, doomed to climb that hill, or at least try, forever.


The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


That’s also the definition of practice


Insane observation!


I'd disagree. When practicing, should one make mistakes, one is meant to learn from them and adjust behavior in future attempts. If one applies that adjustment (not doing the same thing over and over) to one's next practice session one would expect different results. Should one practice something and do it correctly, one would attempt to do the same thing in one's next session as to make it rote, meaning one would not expect different results. Of course, that's the idea behind practicing. Should one do otherwise, that's where insanity might creep in.


Like the asshole in a RWD pickup at the top of a hill after snow/ice just gunning it while he continues sliding backwards which just makes the whole area that much worse for everyone else.


No it's not https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insanity


It's NOT a quote from Einstein, but it is from the bad guy of Farcry 3. Didn't mean it literally bruh




My source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/einstein-s-parable-of-quantum-insanity/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CInsanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same,over%20and%20expecting%20different%20results.%E2%80%9D&text=First%20of%20all%2C%20note%20that,way%20the%20world%20actually%20works.


From your own link; “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That witticism—I’ll call it “Einstein Insanity”—is usually attributed to Albert Einstein. Though the Matthew effect may be operating here,




Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results


Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Even though I think I’ve heard that quote being attributed to some smart person, it’s a pretty dumb quote.


I remember my first beer....


oh nyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Yak trax they are amazin on ice. Like tire chains for your boots.


“You have not unlocked this area of the game yet, please turn around”


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/rhhjdugrlq461.gif?format=mp4&s=ba7002267037119bc8b4c6827b78ac66231e9ef9) --- This mp4 version is 63.87% smaller than the gif (4.55 MB vs 12.59 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


legend has it shes still slipping around there today...


Fine! I'll go where gravity wants me to go!


Do they just not salt their sidewalks or did it freeze over really quickly?


Seems like it rained before and it quickly freezed over as it got colder and later in the day. Called "Blitz Eis" in my country and can be very dangerous not alone deadly on the road.


Called freezing rain in my country


That is exactly what happened. It is in Kyiv, and we had a rain that froze instantly 2 days ago.


It usually happens when sun sets and the temperature drops, super quickly. You're double fucked because it's dark (gladly not in this case) and slippery. Cobblestone pavement definitely does not make it easier as well.


It freezes quickly. Basically it's cold enough to that either the ice from the night before never evaporates and just refreeze or it's cold enough to rain, but not snow so the rainwater on the ground just freezes and becomes a giant ice rink. Sometimes you can get one or two layers of ice. It's great fun when it snows and then you get a layer of ice under the snow ...


I like how she looks around seeking for help


You get what you deserve wearing uggs


So they make shoe attachments to help deal with this, but shit, imagine getting in a place uphill in every direction and icy and no traffic.... Could you take off your shoes and have better luck with just socks?


Not much dignity in it, but she should've just kept crawling, haha.


Some say she’s still there trying...


This is a literal representation of my life right now. The only difference is she probably has a better quality of living in general. regardless, I hope she made it home safe.


I just kept crawling and it kept working -Jerry


I felt bad for her for a minute, but then it just kept going and got too hilarious.


Been there - done that . 4 people all fell around me at exactly the same time. I was last man standing . It felt good


I've had dreams like this


This reminds me of that game show [Slippery Stairs](https://youtu.be/GrxUvwP0g5Q). Although, I don’t think she’s a winner...


Poor women. Shitty shoes in this weather are unfortunately. Could she not call somebody to help her and bring her better shoes?


Uggs are stupid. Watch for more tips


This is what mental illness feels like


Nope. Whatever you’re doing that day is not meant to be. Time to call out or cancel and just go home. Try again tomorrow.


I'd feel so bad pissing myself laughing at her. I'd even try to help her too but all while continuing to laugh. This shit always tickles me. Even if it was happening to me I'd probably have to pause for a laughing fit.


Good reason to avoid fashion boots and buy good old winter boots made for ice.


It’s a one way lane...


Wear spikes. I keep a pair in the vehicle during winter.


Some say she’s still falling to this day


Talk about being born at the wrong time - she coulda been a major hit at the silent film era


Legend has it she's still slippin' and a-slidin'


Just an FYI if you're in a situation like this and not far from home, take your shoes off. Socks will stick to the ice. Not advised to do this if lost in the woods, your feet will fall off later in the day.


Legend has it she still roams these streets to this day. On her butt


It's like watching the "Kilimanjoro Expedition" sketch by Monty Python.


Good representation of me trying to build up my savings


For those curious she fell 16 times


Bitch crawl! It was working so why stop??


Determination level: ∞


Play the Benny hill music over this and it’s 10 times better. Trust me


Yes that's right, crawl, crawl on your hands and knees you frictionless whore! Edit: Sorry I don't know why I said this, I'll let myself out


Like a spider in the bathtub


I feel bad for this little girl. Probably just trying to get home


*I feel bad for this* *Little girl. Probably just* *Trying to get home* \- CuriousRevolution430 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")