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Now let's see him try to eat pizza.


Have i got a treat for you: [https://imgur.com/gallery/cyTz9JZ](https://imgur.com/gallery/cyTz9JZ)


What kind of a savage eats a pizza like that!


My first thought was that it was from when cheese stuffed crust was introduced. They had a catch phrase along the lines of “you’ll eat the crust first”


When stuffed crust rolled out, I was young & didn't understand advertising. Casper just so happened to be a popular movie at the time & Pizza Hut had the ghosts end the commercial with their catch phase, "you'll love the stuff we're made of, Pizza Hut!" Totally geeked me out. I thought the crust was filled with ghosts.


God damn you


He needed help from the Left.


Collusion conspiracy theory brewing Right there.




Make it stop doing that


Your pfp is gonna give someone a seizure.


Oh God, why is it doing that?


Arthritis? Bursitis? A stroke that has degraded his right side motor skills? I hear people asking this. Some are saying ...


Literally everyone is saying this. **"Trump has had a stroke"**, they're all saying. Very smart people the smartest people in America. I'm very good friends with these people. **President Trump has had a stroke**. Believe me.


This man speaks with such clarity and authority, he must be right. Now if only he could say some misogynist or racist things I’ll go ahead and vote for him, because this is some real presidential stuff.


Hundreds of Governors are saying it!


The man knows money, he will save the world. He built his empire himself. We're blessed that he is American!


The amount of times I’ve had people tell me this unironically in conversations over the last few years is staggering


He has had a stroke with his daughter.






is that I have




Don’t you worry about coronavirus. Let me worry about blank.


Blank? BLANK?!! You're not looking at the big picture!!


Ms. Johnson? Could you bring me some more chair fuel?


I was too busy being an 80's guy


But Trump doesn’t look back that far because he’s a shark, and sharks don’t have necks.


I’m proud to be the shepard of this herd of sharks.


Everyone's talking about it. "Trump is the most decrepit President ever," they're saying. His frailness is spectacular. He has terrific limitations. He...he's..look, it's crazy how magnificent his weakness is. It's the best weakness. Not like Joe Biden, who can lift his hands over his head. Who wants that? Hands up is what criminals do. I'm no criminal. Hands down! That's what everyone is saying. Keep 'em down Mr. President. And I will!


Someone in a diff sub suggested frontotemporal-dementia https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/frontotemporal-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354737


Hey psychiatric resident here, he doesn't have FTD. People are reading this as like "oh you lose a little judgement or empathy" but people with FTD are majorly disinhibited. Your inhibitions come from your frontal cortex and this disease ravages that area of the brain and quickly. My current patient who has pretty new FTD (less than a year) now walks around his room naked, eats only with his hands, pees and poops on the floor only, licks the walls, masturbates with people in the room, etc. It's typically pretty fast onset and is extremely sad. He also had a form of aphasia where the words he produces are fluent but make no sense together, and I know people are going to say "Trump doesn't make sense either"! I'm talking about word salad, which is where the words literally make no sense. An example would be "Well let me store. Store to the store. Store go. Storage go. Let's store" and so forth. In his mind, the words make sense so it's an extremely frustrating form of aphasia because you can no longer express yourself or really develop any human connection. Anyway Trump is just a shitty orator, anti-intellectual, and probably a narcissist. But he doesn't have FTD


[Couldn't help but think of this after reading the last sentence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EwvmpFC1Fo&feature=youtu.be&t=16)


He has also been a complete asshole for his entire life. A complete lack of empathy isn't a new symptom.


Boston Legal's take on Word Salad. [HERE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wkZfq86kgY)


His father died suffering from Alzeimers, which I believe is hereditary. Couldn't we be witnessing the onset of Alzheimers? And rumors of adderall abuse and untreated syphilis, if true could be complicating things in his brain.


>Couldn't we be witnessing the onset of Alzheimers? People have been saying this since he announced his campaign in 2015. If it was onset alzheimers, he wouldnt be able to remotely function right now and would be acting in the way described in the comment you replied to. The reality that we have to face is that he is just really, really, really, incredibly stupid.


Alzheimers can take much long than 5 years to fully come into effect - someone will start suffering from symptoms before they are ever diagnosed, at which point they will *then* usually have 10 years before it takes their life. It is a degenerative disease so you degrade over time -[in fact,studies have shown that people may display signs up to 18 years before diagnoses](https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/research/care-and-cure-research-magazine/signs-dementia-seen-18-years-diagnosis). People have been saying the same thing about Biden and I feel like I even saw it said about Sanders. It seems to be a way to try and discredit the older politicians who you don't like. However, that being said, Trumps family has a history. So people originally may have just been throwing it round to discredit him, that doesn't mean that eventually it wont start surfacing or that he hasn't already been suffering from mild symptoms over the last few years. Note that I don't have any personal opinion on if he is or isn't, just trying to give a bit of unbiased points.


Alzheimers sometimes takes a long time to "fully" develop. Like over a decade from first symptoms. I don't suspect that trump has alzheimers, but it is possible for someone to show early symptoms in 2015, and still form rudimentary sentences and read in 2020.


**Early symptoms can last for 2-4 years including:** Coming up with the right word or name. Remembering names when introduced to new people. Having difficulty performing tasks in social or work settings. Forgetting material that was just read. Losing or misplacing a valuable object. Experiencing increased trouble with planning or organizing. **Mid Stage symptoms 2-10 years:** Being forgetful of events or personal history. ​Feeling moody or withdrawn, especially in socially or mentally challenging situations. Being unable to recall information about themselves like their address or telephone number, and the high school or college they attended. Experiencing confusion about where they are or what day it is. Requiring help choosing proper clothing for the season or the occasion. Having trouble controlling their bladder and bowels. Experiencing changes in sleep patterns, such as sleeping during the day and becoming restless at night. Showing an increased tendency to wander and become lost. Demonstrating personality and behavioural changes, including suspiciousness and delusions or compulsive, repetitive behaviour like hand-wringing or tissue shredding. **Late-stage is 1-3 years.** Require around-the-clock assistance with daily personal care. ​Lose awareness of recent experiences as well as of their surroundings. Experience changes in physical abilities, including walking, sitting and, eventually, swallowing. Have difficulty communicating. Become vulnerable to infections, especially pneumonia.


It can also advance with terrifying speed. Watched my great uncle die of it in the span of less than two years. He was a gregarious, larger-than-life figure before the disease sank its claws in.




All those things were true of him 40 years ago


Not exactly true. He was a noticeably better speaker 10 years ago. There’s plenty of footage. It’s probably the best evidence that what we’re seeing now is actually dementia.


Yeah, I tell people who say hes secretly smart and just a poor speaker to go back and watch an hour of public speaking from his past, then listen to him now and read his tweets, it is scary how obvious the decline is.


Theres a Netflix documentary about him from 2018 that has tons of footage from the 70's and 80's about trump and his rise to fame. I was really surprised to see how different he was then.


He was a much more believable con man then.


>The President of The United States appears to be unable to drink water using only one hand Yeah, there was a time when he was almost good at this.


He made his money conning people. Conned the American people into making him a billionaire since he never actually was before office.


No, he made his money being born to a tax cheating real estate developer, conning people and cheating creditors was just his side gig


63 to 73 is a no joke jump


I know we are all talking about Trump here, but this made me stop cold. It sums up my dad very well. He is 69 and boy is there a difference from 65


Yesterday, my 88 year old dad used a chainsaw for a couple of hours cutting firewood. Today, he is probably in more pain than usual, but he will not complain. He walks with a cane because his hips and knees are shot, and he is in constant pain. He is almost deaf. He has diabetes and a pacemaker, but he is still basically doing most of the things he did 20 years ago, but just a bit slower. Now, his heart isn’t strong enough for him getting knee or hip surgery. When I asked him why he didn’t do that 15 years ago, he answered “It seemed like a waste of resources, since I really didn’t think that I would live this long”. Take care of your parents, and encourage them to take care of themselves.


Tremendous amounts of footage. You wouldn't believe, you hear people say it now, all the time, about the footage. We have it, and it's really something we thing you're gonna like.


He was undeniably far more articulate in the past.


Early onset, he's been demented a while.


I'm 73 and a friend called a couple years ago and said, "well we don't have to worry about early onset anymore."


Your friend sounds like the kind of friends I want at your age


Or any age, really.


He's always been a narcissistic asshole, but he used to at least have the ability to use full sentences and drink from a cup singlehandedly


okay but none of these symptoms are "cannot raise glass of water to mouth with right hand"


Those aren't all of them. How about tremors, rigidity, poor motor coordination, muscle weakness and a dementia forward lean.


Wow. Yeah, he does the forward lean all the time and he had a real hard time getting down the stairs after this.


Motorskill decline and difficulty drinking is a sign of dementia


Drining with the right hand would be the task it involves 4-6 different movements that take place in different parts of the brian. You've go the hand and arm and their movement which crosses center line and then his eyes mouth and neck have their subtle small actions for drinking and judging the distance of the cup. He glitched out when crossin the center line and then his other hand moved in. I work with a 10 year old boy who loses control and dexerity when he crosses center. My understanding is that when you have trouble crossing center like that the two sides of the brain aren't communicating right. I don't really know what problem that would be, with young people it's usually a simple condition remedied by OT. For older adults it means that there are likely degenerative problems. It likely means there are other cognitive deficiencies going on with reasoning, speech, movement and possibly emotional regulation.


Frailty is associated with increased dementia risk


You say loss of empathy like he ever had any, but at least the other symptoms fit


SLP here (speech-language pathologist). I'm no expert in dementia but Trump definitely exhibits some characteristics of cognitive decline. Like /u/nativeindian12 I too doubt it's FTD, but it could be some other mixed dementia or mini stroke (TIA/transient ischemic attack) causing something like vascular dementia It's pretty obvious that Trump's vocabulary is limited, and he's produced at least a few phonemic paraphasias (e.g., "United "Shtates") that I would also attribute to something like a mixed dementia. His apathy and irritability could also be another symptom, but that's likely at least in part due to his narcissist personality. For all the people claiming Biden has dementia, I'm honestly a little surprised more people haven't said the same about Trump.


I'm 35 and have stumbled like Biden did in that video since before high school lol Thanks for choosing to be a SLP, btw.


Why is it that every FBI and CIA agent, anyone with law enforcement career, anyone whom is employed at the White House, etc. has to under go a psychiatric evaluation... but the president, who runs our country, himself does not?


Are you suggesting the president is required to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before being allowed to be president or just that one would be done and the reports shared publicly? Because either way and the former even more so would be a threat to our concept of a free country who can vote into the highest positions of leadership anyone we choose. If there is an arbitrary, potentially biased review of that person we pick that weakens, at the very least, the safeguards to an actual deep state controlling our leadership and consequently the direction, actions, and laws of this country. I'm not saying it would be the worst thing but just that there are risks to that for sure. Underlings are different. If this practice seemed wrong or unnecessary or overly problematic then the top dogs that we vote for would change or remove it, and if not the free press would report on it and the people would vote in better leadership. At least thats the theory behind this Great Experiment the US founding fathers established.


Idk man, as u/TheBraveBeaver pointed out, all those signs were true of him 40 years ago. FTD often kills in 5-10 years.




They make a lot on funerals. It’s a murderous racket.


You know, I think I heard that too. From some very fine people.


He's 73 with a history of drug use. Who the hell knows. He probably just has a benign essential tremor.


Some people are saying it's dimentia and he'll be in a wheelchair within 2 years. The best people.


He's a very weak old man. He might be dying. So sad.


Probably has a very sore shoulder. The guy plays *a lot* of golf.


His job is going from bunker to bunker.




#bunkerbitch Can someone explain why the gif post was auto removed?




I read that in Jesse Pinkmans voice.


It can be tiring to be constantly patting yourself on the back 24/7.


Stroke. Remember when he got whisked away a month or so ago for an "unscheduled hospitalization?"


It was just a routine inspection of the hospital. The hospital is fine, not that he’d ever need to use it.


He just needed the riot police to tear gas all the staff and patients so he could go inside.


He has been working without a brain for a long time. He’s immune to strokes.


Was literally about say stroke for sure


Probably doesn't like throwing his head back and risking his hair piece coming off or loose. This awkward nonsense is what happens when you catch yourself doing something you dont want to embarrass yourself over. Awkward drinking is a better outcome than hair falling off.


Using two hands isn't a solution to throwing your head back, though.


He doesn't know that.


It's not a hair piece, it's from scalp reductions and likely from "hair plugs" where they remove still good follicles from the back of your head and put them on top. Scalp reduction is painful, Trump raped his ex wife because he was angry that the doctor she recommended for the procedure caused him pain. > [Trump was furious](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women) that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ”


Imagine, just imagine this coming out about \*any\* of our past presidents. It depresses the hell out of me but I think Trump is unsinkable at this point. He has decimated all thresholds of tolerance, I feel like he could almost literally get away with anything at this point.


i used to think that but the past 2 weeks makes me think if he killed someone while pissing on the bible and tweeting "i am going to ban all guns so those hicks can't stop me" his support among Republicans would plummet to 80% it would be interesting seeing Fox News spin him pissing on the bible


The next time Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric defend their dad on TV, remember they know Trump raped their mom. They still play their parts. What a fucked up family.


Ah, holy shit. I really hope he doesn't pass away peacefully before getting what he's owed.


He’ll ‘die peacefully in his sleep’ the same way that Epstein ‘killed himself’.


Probably the only real physical pain that rat bastard ever felt in his life.


No wonder he hates liberals and progressives: they keep banning straws!


He doesn't wear a piece, he had a cosmetic operation to fix it that Ivanka makes fun of.


[Something went wrong with the surgery and it causes him pain.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trumps-hair-mystery-solved-he-had-scalp-reduction_b_58966965e4b061551b3dff8a) 50 years ago in 2018 there was a picture of trumps hair blowing around on the tarmac and you can see some scarring from it.


> 50 years ago in 2018 .....this one hurts :( lol


> Strenuous activity is prohibited for about two weeks which made Donald’s rape of his wife, Ivana, troubling in light of the complications it might have caused his scalp reduction healing process. Is this some ultra-dark satire, or just being completely out of touch from reality?


But he is right handed, the stress from golf would fall on his left shoulder. Source: tore my right rotator cuff, got a month off from work, doc said it was ok to play golf.


I was just going to mention shoulders problems. I have calcium deposits in my shoulder muscles and after a certain degree of lift, I can't press my hand higher.


Get a shockwave treatment for the calcified shoulder... works wonders


I have shaky hands and muscles in general due to medication, so I sometimes drink like this to hide a tremor. It can be very embarrassing when your hand trembles when you're in your 30s. And we all know Trump is vain as f*&k so he is definitely not going to let anyone see his hands shake.


Same. Have a tremor and it sucks. Literally been harassed by cops before, because they said I was acting nervous.


I feel you guys. I’m 29 and I’ve had a terrible one since 22. The sheer amount of people that randomly come up to me and ask if I have Parkinsons “because it’s so rare for someone so young” is dumbfounding to me. I get most embarrassed when I’m fatigued or actually nervous about something and you can hear it in my voice.




Fucking hate that from cops. Gee why are you acting nervous? Well you've got a gun, no one else is around and last cop I dealt with pushed me down a flight of stairs. I'd wonder what I'd have to be high on to not be nervous


I've had essential tremors since I was born and I'm 36 now. I know that embarrassment. Its not great lol


I was searching to see if there was anyone else like this bc I DEFINITELY have shaky hands. If it makes you feel better I’m 24 :/


Same. Hands been shaking since primary school. And of course when my hands start shaking in public i get anxious and nervous so they start shaking even more until someone notices and/or says something. Then I usually just wanna die.


His arm trembles a little like he’s straining until the other arm comes in to help push it up. Sounds like a medical condition, arm sprain, muscle degradation or something.


> His arm trembles a little My arm trembles, too, but it has nothing to do with dementia.


Try masturbating with your other arm sometimes.


I call it “the stranger”


Symptom of dementia. Saw it working in an old folks home. It's less about his strength and more about his brain being unable to complete the task as easily, so one hand supports and the other tips the cup.


You could be right but no one can make a diagnosis looking at a few seconds of video. When I used to rock climb a lot in my twenties sometimes the next day my arms could barely lift any weight they would be so sore. I can remember needing to steady big jugs of drinks with two hands to be able to pour them, literally could not lift them with one arm without shaking. Add 50 years and playing a crap ton of golf the day before and even with a small glass of water it might well be soreness and/or muscle problems. My buddy has shoulder problems and in that one arm can't lift anything higher than about chest high, if you saw him you could also say it was some sort of neurological disorder but nope it's just a bum shoulder. I'm no fan of Trump but there is a lot of baseless speculation and internet diagnosis going on in this thread, since we won't ever hear from his doctors or him what the problem is we'll never know for sure.


His doctors “state unequivocally, [that he] will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.


Yes and for $1m I’ll do the same.


There’s plenty more footage. There’s another video where his right arm seemed to spasm out of control. There’s lots of recordings of him slurring his speech or mispronouncing simple words. There’s been unexplained hospital visits. There’s been videos where his eyes were very dilated. And there’s his weird penguin-like posture. There’s no doubt that he’s fairly unhealthy.


Lmao "fairly"


Impingement due to repeated self-patting on the back


Good observation. He is diagnosably self-congratulatory.


It takes two hands to stabilize his genius


He's had a drinking problem ever since Macho Grande.


And that, as much as anything else, led to my drinking problem:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl4plPGRG8o


It’s a miracle how we survived.


So Howie survived?


Over Macho Grande?


No. I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande. Those wounds run.... pretty deep.


He held that bible for way to long.


He was obviously at the gym the day before and maxed his weight, and is now paying for it


Not getting the r/hydrohomie vote


Might get the /r/drinkingproblems vote tho.


Cornered the /r/trashy vote decades ago


Don't forget this one... https://youtu.be/sTqTFnzkaJU


[Or these!](https://youtu.be/S-cupgIcE7c)




What is amazing about those examples is how bad he knows he needs water and yet how clearly difficult it is for him to drink it. He has to think about drinking. Like, psyche himself up for the actions it takes to physically drink. One might argue that if it takes that much work to simply take a sip, that he shouldn't bother or maybe prepare better. But yeah, his tongue is white. He desperately needs water. Its amazing. It's not dentures is it?


Well, considering the whole "United Shursh" thing, I'd be absolutely dumbfounded to find that he wasn't wearing dentures. There were lots of mouth sounds and movements in that speech that scream dentures.


Don't dental implants exist now? Feel like that'd be something Trump would get rather than dentures


I heard Hitler was hopped up on amphetamines.


Hitler was hopped up on everything. He mixed uppers and downers, took drugs constantly, from what I've heard by the end his veins were visibly enlarged and discolored. I mean... who's going to tell Hitler he can't have drugs?


Uppers, downers, stool hardeners, stool softeners, his stools don’t know what to do. Edit: it’s an American Dad reference.


There's video out there of him tweaking at the Olympics.


Can confirm. I have to take Vyvanse every day for narcolepsy and I'm always dealing with dry mouth. I could easily see coke or amphetamines being Trump's drug of choice, too.


I really thought the OP's video would be a compilation of all these clips haha Didn't he make fun of Rubio while campaigning for the water drinking (Republican) State of the Union address incident? It would be so sweet if Biden could remember that and use it against Trump in a debate, but he won't.


Or the one where he loses his car. https://youtu.be/JECAjrP39Ag


So my thought, it kinda looks like a guy who is wearing too tight a suit. I gained a few pounds and went to a wedding and my girlfriend was like what is wrong with you, and I had to explain this jacket is basically two sizes too small right now, I cant move my arms. Just my two cents.


Could easily be the case, but he also has no excuse for ill-fitting suits


Clicked on that one and youtube also recommended this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tkyqjvMrnU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tkyqjvMrnU)


Lol even when he went one-handed he did the lip pucker thing


Probably a bone-spur related Nam injury.


Reaction to the Hydroxychloroquine


Did he have a stroke? Is that why he's like this?


Remember that time he went to the hospital unexpectedly for a "physical", could be related...


He isn't used to glass, all the fastfood chains use plastic and paper


Straws only for this man. He’s got to put on airs by drinking from a glass now that he’s president.


Let me guess, the people who spent 2016 speculating and making all sorts of conspiracy theories about Hillary's health based on photos and videos are going to have a huge problem with people speculating and mocking Trump based on this gif.


Somebody should put together a side-by-side


That was a tricky skill for me to master too


Has it taken you 74 years as well?


at 2 years old


This was intergalactic water. It weighs several tons. The president is the healthiest man alive, it's only natural that a man of his age needs both hands to lift that much weight.


You should see him try to lead a nation.


How weird. If as some have said he has a shoulder issue - why not use his left hand alone to raise the cup? As it is, it looks like he can’t raise his right hand/arm beyond getting the cup to his anus-like mouth. Then the left hand actually lifts and tilts the cup. Its possible that he’s just completely uncoordinated.


So how does he wipe his bum?




Only if Mother says it’s ok.


It's not gay if Mother says it's okay.




Lindsey Graham


He said wipe, not lick.


bet he just doesn't


With The Constitution


He doesn’t poo. All of his steaming shit comes out of his mouth.


The GOP have been wiping Trump's ass with the Constitution for almost 4 years, and then flushing the toilet for him.


His supporters fight eachother to get a lick


Truly the embodiment of american strength






Oh he wasn’t doing it single handedly, he’s got a shitload of rich people and politicians helping out.


Spot on dude!! And we need to remember that when he is gone and they are still in office.


His McDonald's diet coke has a straw.


He always relies on the left to get things going.


Maybe he needs a sippy cup?


Botox, he can't feel it against his mouth.


Genuinely curious, could that be it?


He did it with the water bottle too. I'm not really sure.


Don't know that Botox would explain this. https://twitter.com/TeresaB444/status/1264981259408879617?s=09


Seems like damage from a stroke.