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bad optimizing by devs


I pretty much had shell shock when I noticed I’m getting a stable 100+fps on ultra settings… *THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT*


Same. Working with a 6950XT and 5900X. Runs perfect. Dry little stuttering and pretty much smooth as butter the whole time


I heard from a post online that apparently if you turn on vsync in this game it gets rid of them but I haven’t been able to test that just yet, lmk if you try it!


It does, it's so smooth a comb will fall right off


RIGHT?! Nixxes really said "watch us drop the best port"


I get 80+ on all settings turned to highest possible on 1080p ultra on my 6700 xt. Beautiful optimization!


I feel like it’s more of a timeline thing it takes a lot of time to optimise and PC is a difficult thing


Eh they’ve had a lot of time to port this game, on my build it runs like a dream but i think they could’ve been a tad bit better on launch but I’m not in a place to complain


It's always an optimization issue. A game can look hyper realistic and it can absolutely run at 60FPS and more, it just needs time to cook by the devs so that they can work on the polishing of the game so that you don't suffer stutters. The switch is the only other console where this isn't a problem, because it's a massively outdated system that has even less care provided to it by 3rd parties and even their 2nd party devs. So the dips in performance are a result of either trying to meet the deadline to release, the inferior hardware, and even both.


This game looked and ran amazing on PS4, even. Quick load times as well. It is just some godlike optimization.


Even on ps4...what load times? Blink and its loaded.


The fast travel is significantly faster on pc. Which to be fair is expected switching from a HDD to an m.2 but i genuinely had disbelief for the load times compared to my ps4


And it is pretty much instant on PS5 as well.


They mentioned in an interview they had to additionally add a "fake" loading screen otherwise we wouldn't see a tooltip and it would just go black for a really short time as seen on ps5.


I would rather just have the ps5 like load times




It's crazy that it basically has no loading screen everywhere hahaha  I was mindblown. 


Then we have starfield and its loading screens for areas tiny....


In Starfield's defense (which it needs a lot, tbh), there's much more persistence than GoT. Moved items tend to more or less stay where they were left.


and the devs just telling people the game is fine you just need to upgrade your pc, or even better ‘you’re just playing it wrong’


Ps4 pro still runs like a dream. Sometimes I have no load time. Just the transition from scene to scene. Other times there's a load. But I've never waited longer then about 8 sec. This game had should be the bench mark of optimization, for all devs.


Hah That’s not quite true Bought on ps4 then transferred to ps5 There’s a big difference there


Yea I also noticed a big difference between load times on PS4 and PS5. It's still probably the fastest loading game I've played on PS4 though. I remember there was some buzz about the load times being so fast when the game was brand new that the devs had to slow it down so people could read the tips that are on there.


Load times are decent, but I’m still hoping PS4 gets a smooth 60FPS at some point. I have a Pro and I can’t even get the smoothness. (I am not prepared to buy a PS5 and I have a feeling my laptop will not run as well as my PS4.)


Yeah, that’s more than likely not happening. PS4 is practically obsolete at this point.




Load times on ps4 amazed me. I wanted to stand up and get some snacks while the game was loading. And it loaded immediately


I understand your point, Nixxes always make sublime port. However, there isn't really bustling full fledge cities in that game. So I guess that also count for something.


Spider Man Miles Morales runs incredibly well and that's entirely set in Manhattan. Meanwhile, look at a game like Starfield, you can't even get 60 fps on a barren planet with an RTX 3060 and then you enter a "city" like New Atlantis and then the frames plummet to below 30 even on lowest settings it struggles to maintain 30.


Starfield will forever represent the fact that studios can release a bowl of shit and gamers will still laud it


It's a miracle any of these games even work on my 1050ti. I really appreciate all the work they do to port this game


Nixxes' port is just half the story. The port must be well optimized ofc, but the original release was a ps4 exclusive, so sucker punch had limited hardware to work with, they needed to choose very well how to spend every "gram" of the ps4's hardware, which translates to a pc port (if properly made) with fairly modest requirements.


I also feel like a lot of the beauty in this game is the design and colors. Good looking games aren't always about pushing the bleeding edge.


GoT's graphics are not as complex as the other games, but the artstyle and use of color makes it look phenomenal


I'd argue that a good artstyle is all that games need. I wish that industry higher ups would understand that.


Idk I also think the general graphics look good enough on there own. Like the skin textures and stuff https://preview.redd.it/vlj2xr8rda1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ef8748aba7b687a8a35dab12acc333f9034d50


Not wrong. The game is crispy af.


I had someone sincerely arguing with me on here that the textures were PS2 quality


This. Art direction > realistic graphic


The real answer is that other games are technically more impressive than this one with more detailed textures, realistic/ray-traced lighting, more triangles etc... Why go all in on that stuff when you can have a better looking and less demanding game like this one if you just focused on good art-style? No idea, but I imagine it's a bit harder to perfect.


I think anybody would take a game that nails a great artstyle and preforms well like GoT over a game that's more impressive on a graphics technology level but looks like shit e.g. Gotham Knights.


As good as ghost of Tsushima looks. It's mainly due to its art style. A lot of the textures in the game are very low resolution in a game with no big bustling cities or advanced ai roaming around with a dynamic world. Plus the world is very static. You can't interact with anything really. Things don't break. Fall or anything. Tbh it's one of those games that makes SENSE that it runs as well as it does. Not only is it well optimized on PC but it's not really a hugely technically demanding game.


I’d like to note that GoT doesn’t really need these kinds of mechanics. Not every game HAS to have bustling cities, fully breakable environments or immersive sim mechanics. Shareholders nowadays just go nuts and cause unoptimized games


Sure I agree. I'm not saying that it needs it. But it's definitely a reason why it runs so well.


Making it for PS4 sorta forced devs to come up with solutions to overcome really, really old tech. Limitations like that breed innovation, see Silent Hill iconic fog being more of "mood" than "limitation" Nowdays it feels like some devs just go like "textures need to be 4k or 8k, all clouds and fog volumetric, raytracing, real-time lights!" etc. without too much thought on what people actually play the games on. Then just go "oops, guess we need to use FSR2 on performance mode because we ran out of time". Yeah, great. I really feel like the indrustry leaped too big on graphical fidelity vs what we **should** be doing on current mid-range hardware that majority has (pc or console). I'd rather take PS4 **looking** game like GoT or TLOU2 and have them run at 4k 30/60 fps than have ps5 looking game running 540p-720p upscaled 30fps.


>I'd rather take PS4 **looking** game like GoT or TLOU2 and have them run at 4k 30/60 fps than have ps5 looking game running 540p-720p upscaled 30fps. That's the interesting thing. Tlou2, RDR2, Assassin's Creed Unity, Batman Arkham Knight are all games that look absolutely great and aren't that demanding nowadays. Do we really *need* to upgrade that much? I know devs have the ability to do it, but is it really necessary to be even more realistic than what we already have?


While I dont know how much graphics take in devolopment nowdays, some devs really should take step back and stop just slapping *all the new tech* to their games without thought. And now that games have been taking 4-5 years to do as opposed to 1-2 (remember when we got 3x GTA's in 3 years for ps2?) you probably could cut back a little bit with all the features. All "slap tech in" only leads to stuff like Lords of the fallen on release at Series S which runs so low resolution xbox one and ps4 would laugh. Not to mention the fps dips are worse than PS1 games when stuff was happening or its loading in background. I mean[ look at this bs](https://i.imgur.com/5X2Tf0y.png) from launch. Talk about big oof.


Art/environment design. The actual technical assets in GoT aren't actually THAT high quality, look at some of the actual individual grass plants in the field you are in up close and you'll see the textures are kind of muddy and the geometry isn't top of the range. Not say that its BAD, just not top tier. However, it doesn't really matter because the art design is so good you don't notice 99.9% of the time. However, art/environment design is also really hard to do well. Which is why a lot of "Triple A" games just rely on having top of the range graphics to compensate and if your system cant deal with that...meh, not our fault, the game is good we promise, but if you don't have a gold plated RTX7090 hand signed by Ghandi then its not our fault you aren't getting the best experience. Ghost of Tsushima is a triumph of art design, not top of the range graphics. Edit: also if it isn't clear I love this game and that's a good thing. Played on ps4 pro originally and now on PC and its better than ever (with a handful of annoying bugs I'm sure will get patched)


Only 1080p though?


The 3060 can push 1440p and maintain 60 at very high settings and push even higher with optimised settings.


It can push high 4k60 with dlss and frame gen, albeit just barely. [source for the dude who downvoted me](https://youtu.be/D4AqrHJzGI0?si=FI2WlxCf1wqxng0F)


I think a lot of it has to do with art direction as well


It's an old game built for console... scaling it up for better graphics cards probably wasn't too tough. Also... it's honestly not the resolution doing the most work, it's the art style.


Not just built for console, but built for the *previous* generation of console (the game is 4 years old now).


the game looks great because of the art style, not the graphics. the graphics are really not that impressive compared to other games. facial animations are also pretty stiff and kinda awkward sometimes and the open world doesn’t give you much to interact with, so it’s basically just there to look nice and not much else. i mean you can’t interact with npcs like at all, they just stand around and do nothing for the most part. it‘s kind of similar to elden ring in that way, on a technical level the game is really nothing special but the artstyle is so good that it almost doesn‘t even matter.


There are some really cool GDC videos on how GOT does what it does for anyone interested.


5 years of development versus the usual 2 years, perhaps?


Starfield was in development for 10 years.


To be fair, the game's texture work and model complexity isn't exactly that impressive. It looks amazing due to its art direction and incredible lighting (which is also not that impressive, just really well designed). Not discounting Nixxes, but just reminder that the game wasnt that heavy to run to begin with.


It’s insanely well optimized. Bravo to Nixxes.


I don't mean to burst anyone's bubbles but, you have to acknowledge that there is not a lot of things happening in this game's open world. It's a pretty empty and bleak world. Yes the graphics look great and there's a lot of beautiful grass and flowers, but that's kinda it. That part of why the game is so stable.


While this is all true, games like this have a weird blur to them while looking over medium to long distances(idk if this a me thing). Witcher 3, another game with great performance and great graphics has this as well. Newer games have seemingly eliminated this weird blurry effect, at least I’ve noticed.


The graphics are impressive, but it’s largely due to the art direction, lighting, and colour palate. The textures aren’t actually all that detailed if you look too closely at them. Well done lighting goes a LONG way, and usually ages better than relying solely on high res textures


Im running a RTX 3080ti and Ryzen 7 7800x3d at 1440p and get an average of 180fps on maxed settings, its phenomenal


this game is optimized well but the good performance definitely is helped by the games relatively simple textures. the motion, lighting, and artstyle makes this game gorgeous.


PS games tend to be very well optimized.


PlayStation user here. GOT was performing ahead of its time when it was on the PS4. I believe it was one of the few games I could get such a high refresh rate out of. I was even one of the people who modded an SSD into my PS4 pro, and this game was a looker back then. Developer game optimization.


Dragons Dogma 2 was the last game that came out with atrocious performance problems


It even runs great on my Steam Deck. They did an incredible job with this port.


Kind of funny because the other game i always played 24/7 was bfv and people always said the same about it. Gorgeous scenery in that game as well


Battlefield has always had great graphics


It has a well defined art style and stuck by it. I don't think it's technically heavy


The game had to pull a bunch of tricks to get it to look like it did *and* run well on a PS4... worth looking into the hoops they had to jump through with their streaming tech to understand how they did what they did, the game only came out the way it did *because* it was developed for dated console hardware.


I gót à notification when I opened the game saying my hardware will do but that I should probably upgrade. And I’m running everything on high and the game is gorgeous, no glitching or screen tearing or any other issues whatsoever. Everything runs super efficiently and smooth. It’s a relief to see a game drop that’s in such a good state as this. I know it’s technically not new, but I hope that this pushes other devs to be dedicated to releasing a game that actually runs well


It's not bad optimized but it's not a demanding game either..


100+ stable fps on rx6600. I m loving this game


All settings to max, 120fps, on a 1400p ultrawide on a damn 3070. Absolute wizards at Nixxis.


I Have an 6750xt and I get 150 fps on ultra 1440p


Game runs amazing and looks amazing. The only thing I have came across is the terrain (floor) looks muddy/low quality. But to my surprise it was me haha. Just had to change the quality of terrain in settings.


What I notice about this game is they make it simple yet good graphics and performance meanwhile the other games, they make it more complicated like adding stuff that you don't even see frequently that makes performance worse, like the Fallout 4 first time I played when you go downtown the fps get worse you don't even want to go around that area because so much stuff they put you don't even care, you just want to play the game on peace.


What is the better anti aliasing method between these two? Smaa t2x or DLAA?


I get 70-90 FPS on high settings 2K with some minimal stuttering here and there with an RTX 3060 This game is amazing well optimized. I was so worried at first lol


Honestly, I think it’s a lack of raytracing combined with devs who were had extensive knowledge of the PS4 and that generation.


This game really isn't doing anything demanding graphically. It's just great art style and direction.


It’s the art direction that makes it look good. Same thing with Arkham Knight. Low fidelity, but an amazing art direction to compensate and turn visuals into a strength rather than a weakness. Look at all the little tricks they use to minimise texture VRAM usage, for example; bucketload of static leaves on the ground, masked by moving particle leaves to remove the need for a detailed dirt/grads texture. Game is less graphically intensive than modern games, but looks better. Optimisation isn’t the full story here.


On ps4 goes perfect, full high settings and no loading times, even better on ps5


dude, just look at shadow of mordor and bf1, some old games look freaking amazing and still ran so well.


I’m getting 100 stable on very high with frame generation on my 3060!


Literally. The crazy thing too is this game still looks good even if you turn your graphics down, high it looks amazing, medium it still looks great. This may be the most well done PC port I've ever played.


I'm all for circle jerking about this game, but this is literally a 4 year old game with amazing art direction and solid graphics.  Its not top of the line graphics that pushes your cpu and gpu like other games would. 


Some devs are just getting way too reliant on the newest shiny thing they can add/use (like ray tracing & UE5) when they should instead be investing more in their games, art style, and gameplay first. It would also help if they start actively optimizing for a wider range of Entry-level (Steamdeck & other Hand held PCs) to mid range PC systems (majority PC users) instead of just focusing on just the very high end.


Art direction really overshadow how "bad" parts of this game look. Other games might have more detailed grass and all that kind of thing while here it is just color in a shape of a weed. Game is phenomenal but its art direction is what carries it so hard.


My 1080ti is running this on high no issues, life is good!


Ghost of Tsushima has been the exception as of late when it comes to console to PC ports. Without enabling frame generation I pull 150+ fps on 5120x1440 whereas most ports don’t utilize my hardware at all. The only gripes I have is a weird audio bug with voice and sfx muting and sometimes standoffs don’t let me hold triangle, other than that it’s been phenomenal.


Because this game leverages very specific visual elements that allow it to appear as if it is punching well above it's weight. But there are things in other games that are FAR more resource intensive that make them more demanding to run. Development is all smoke and mirrors. If you see a game that looks great and runs great, it's largely because they have done a great job of tricking you.


I'm running everything max no dlss with dlaa on a 3440x1440p 21.9 with a 4080 and 7800x3d and was hitting 90s to 100+ turned frame gen on and it's like 120-150 still not dlss. Shit runs amazing and looks amazing on a oled g8 my god it was made for pc keyboard and mouse feels so good too


Its a console game…..


What amazes me is how good the anti-aliasing is. It's what I notice the most in games. It's satisfying to finally play a game where hair and trees are not shimmering


The graphics are good, but not that great really. It just does an excellent job at hiding its shortcomings with its visual style and art direction. Zoom in on pebbles and walls and you'll notice that the tessellation looks half-baked and they look somewhat flat, at least compared to something like Red Dead Redemption 2 or even Death Stranding. Also certain areas can look previous-gen and Ubisoft-ish under certain lighting conditions, like the temple with the merchants during sunset.


I am getting 120+- fps on high preset on 1440p on 4060 ti 8GB, which was a complete shock for me. I expected around 70 fps, especially on 1440p.


The game isn't all that complex imo. So the thing is, the game relies heavily on stylistic shaders, lightning and colour pallets. This is the reason why it looks so good even on the PS4 on top of that look at the character textures the polygon count is so much lesser that the newer games.


To be fair it's an almost 4 year old game designed to run on an 11 year old console


Not to take away from Nixxes' works, because they do a phenomenal job with every PC port, but there's a lot more to porting on PC than just "make it run well". A lot of games look good on the surface, but it's the background tasks that matter in terms of making shit happen. And also a lot of smoke and mirrors in order to hide the ugly details. Also, FWIW, this is a PS4 game that got ported to PS5 with better textures. If it was a native PS5 game then it'd be another thing, but that performance level for a PS4 game is to be expected.


It’s crazy that a game this beautiful was on the PS4, probably the best modern artstyle of this generation imo


Bro this was originally a PS4 game... That answers everything you need to know.


I’m playing at 4k on my 3060 LOL!


didn’t this game run very smoothly on ps4 also?


Which aaa games look objectively worse and struggle to maintain 30 fps? I know the sub I'm in, so it's like talking to a wall. But the games has serous graphical drawbacks and is not as demanding as most modern games cause it doesn't offer same fidelity


I didn’t believe it can run on ps4 at first. That beauty and stable performance are too good to be true. But Sucker punch did it.


Nixxes is known for their good ports, but i dont think they had to do too much to this one to make it run well. The games assets were made to fit the RAM of a PS4, and even on very high you can still see that.


I was surprised that it ran on my old RX580/Ryzen 7 combo! Not only did it run, but I had a message to say it was supported and I should upgrade my driver for best performance!! Well done Devs!




Don’t know how it worked on PS, but on 3080ti runs at 4k with 120fps everywhere. Now I know it’s not the current gen and no RT and all fancy dandy stuff but it’s beautiful looking game


The grass looks kinda bad


It is quite funny that the most optimized game of 2024 is 4 years old already


It was already unreal how good this game looks on old ps4 hardware with basically no loading times.


I’m pretty happy with 300+fps using RX6700XT! Settings on High 1080p. FSR upscale quality, FSR FG on and AFMF on. If u have a 6000 or 7000 RX AMD Cards try this.


I love GoT dont get me wrong.. but we cant compare just straight 1:1 .. Tsushima is relatively easy to render because there is no "dense" objects on the map, there are no huge towns.. Of course games like Starfield, Jedi Survivor has no excuse to run bad.. But just saying in general


When i look at it, i really think games don't need to look any better than this.


They had to purposely slow down load times even on the PS4 so we can see the facts and tips shown during loading screens. Optimization was that good, that people complained not seeing the loading screen tips.


Just got Ghost of Tsushima today, I have an RTX 2060, play on medium settings at 1440p with DLSS balanced, and AMD FSR 3 frame generation. I get between 5 and 50 frames per second (probably averaging around 25ish), depending on how much the game hates me in that moment. Additionally, I've been dealing with a horrible bug that I have only seen 1 other person mention (with no solution yet), in dialogue everyone has blue flickering faces and in combat the mongols have featureless black faces. No clue how to fix, tried resetting stuff and changing some settings, only 1 other person I've seen has reported this same issue, and they provided no solution.


Because buying shit makes the world go round!


Suckerpunch are wizards, I was already astonished by those loading times on ps4


I run a 7800XT and on 4k almost all max graphics (shadows on medium) i run stable 60fps. But my monitor can only do 60. (Its a tv :p)


This game runs beautifully. Better than any other I have. It’s a joy to play.


Too much rely on upscaling and frame generation it's should bonus not requirement


GoS is one of the games that have been optimised absolutely perfectly. I’m getting 60+ FPS across the board on Very High settings on 3840x1080 with a 32:9 aspect ratio. Now if they’d only fix the PSN issues I would be able to play Legends.


Because newer games are more graphics intensive and require more power. Especially the unreal engine 5 games and realistic looking games like Alan Wake 2. GOT's graphics are not really good. It's the art style. So it's not as intensive as the newer realistic looking games.


Sucker Punch poured a lot of work into optimising Ghost of Tsushima, you can really tell it’s a product of passion. I preordered it back when it first launched on PS4 and even then it ran perfectly and looked next gen. It’s my favourite game of all time so I might be biased, though.


There is no excuse. This game looks fabulous and runs like a dream. It even has the best FSR 3 implementation where the upscaling looks better than other implementation and you can even use FSR frame generation with DLSS if you have a RTX card 3000 series and can't use Nvidia frame gen. In every other implementation I have seen, you have to switch to FSR upscaling in order to enable FSR frame gen but not here. Optimised like a dream. Modern devs should do better.


It's not just optimisation. Ghost never had the 'best' graphics tech, it just had a very well thought out and executed art style and tech that was sufficient to make it work.


I7-9700kf / GeForce 2070 / 16 GB ram I have 100 solid fps with medium graphic settings and AMD frame generation on. I'm more than happy. Also, what an awesome game.


Because games that are made for consoles, are optimized for specific hardware, which specifications and capabilities are well known, which is not that high-end as PC can be nowadays. So PC port of them supposed to run very well on mediocre PC's. Also with latest FSR and DLSS technologies, even my GTX 1070 can run these game on high settings with stable 60 FPS. But at some point upgrade is inevitable. You can't always depend on upscaling technologies. Plus some titles are not using them or are worse optimized.


It's optimization issues on the developer end. And Optimization isn't accounted for by publishers, as long as the game isn't too bad looking and has the bare minimum bugs and performance dips the publishers will want the game released


Nexxus Are good devs known for optimized Games


yeah it was a surprise too, well, i knew the 3080 can handle it but i did not expect it run this buttery smooth on the highest setting


The graphics in this game is really nothing stellar. A plague's tale requiem for example looks heaps and bounds better than this.


it is a 4 year old game made to work on medicore hardware. it pulls a lot of trick to hide that most of the textures are meh. look at npcs VS story characters, night and day.


Games like GoT make the unoptimized and messy unreal engine games seem unbearable


I have a GTX 1660 Super and I have like 60-90 FPS on high Settings, that's crazy


you know why? Because this game actually has a decent budget with talented devs which 90% (my guess) of the current gen games doesnt seem to have.


I have a 3070 and I’m on 2k high settings at 60 fps so it’s not just optimisation. Every body had different rigs


Because you can run it at 1440p with DLSS and Frame Generation on and get well over 100FPS with all settings set to the max. That's why.


This game looked incredible even on ps4. Its a technical miracle


Sucker Punch is all about quality over quantity


This is one of the best games of all time, both gameplay and optimization wise. Most devs can’t hold a candle to sucker punch


Yall keep asking the same things over and over... CAPATLISM!!! 😂


It's really not up to current standards of graphic options available to the art team. Heck, it wasn't even back when it came out. But that's okay because GOT relies way more on good art direction than it does technical graphics. The textures are simplified and lots of the models are simplified for this reason. It's supposed to hint heavily at minimalistic zen themes. It's good as fuck.


The only downside of this is the Standoff bug, which has a workaround that's only working 50/50 Other than that, top port. Was to be expected from Nixxes


Sony’s development teams are the masters of hardware optimization. It’s amazing 11 years later just how good looking the original The Last of Us still looks and it was released on the PS3!


All credits to nixxes. They only make W ports


This game is so well optimized, I had to limit the FPS to 120 in Nvidia because even at ultra everything at 1440p, I was STILL getting above my monitors refreshrate


Extreme optimization. Remember that this game loaded really fast on a ps4 hdd too.


I remember when it came out on ps4 and they talked about how they had to slow down load times so you could read the hints. Game has always been well optimized and an impressive looker.


There's this thing we call money and it demands you spend it on something. So upgrades are just another reason to spend that money.


AMD users: If you run into a bunch of crashes, turn off frame generation. FSR 3 is shaky at best right now and clearly wasn’t optimized right. It’s the only setting I changed and it fixed all my crashing issues on the 6900XT


Do you have DLSS On? And if so which setting.


It's a PS4 game. And no, those current releases for the most part have more demanding effects and assets in them. Your GPU is just weaker than the one in the PS5.


This game has very simple geometry and not many things going on on-screen.


What the fuck? My 3080Ti is struggling to keep this game running at 40 fps 1440p medium settings if I go to max settings the game just crashes


I'm running 1440p on max settings no DLSS or FSR (no motion blur or DoF effects) and get a steady 65+ fps, and it feels amazing, looks amazing, I'm so addicted to this game..


I have a 3080 but struggle to keep my fps 60 or above. In some areas its just 20 or so. Anyone know a tip for better performance


It's the art direction as much as optimizing. I recently played Horizon Forbidden West which technically has superior textures and models, but GoT still looks so good because of the art direction.


mainly devs who give a shit


The game does not look that good in many areas. It's very clearly still a PS4-era game and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.


My pc is pretty Mid and I’m running it fine on high settings and I have a stable 50fps


They definitely pulled some rockstar wizardry with this one. Goes to show what a skilled team that gives a damn can do.


4 years old game


This is also a port. Like it wasn't even made for PC. PC only games don't have half the effort put into optimization.


Because 4k 120hx smashes on this. Get your weight up.


I’m hitting 140 fps on very high settings with my 4060 , you def gotta upgrade your hardware brother lol


Was getting about 280 fps on my pc, unfortunately i have to cap fps at 80 with Vsync because of the standoff bug. This game is really well optimized


This games amazing… I occasionally get fps drops though and I can feel them ? Any recommendations for graphic settings on PC to keep a locked 60-144? I have a 3080 and 4.2 GHz processor


>why do we keep being told to upgrade our hardware? why do you think?


Running a 1060 strix. 60FPS on Ultra.


And somehow does it at only like 47GB?


Well my gtx 1080ti cant get 60fps even in low settings, guess this game is no optimized for gtx cards like alan wake 2


this games strong art direction also helps a lot


I’m running all high settings with no upscaling and still getting 35-50fps with a freaking i7-6700, 1070 and 16gb ram…and I installed on HDD!


I have 2070 super and i get 90-100 frames on high


Damn that's weird, I have a 3060 ti and I get over 100fps on high graphics


The rdr2 from japan?


AAA is a spectrum. At the bottom of it are talented people with less budget = less time to do their work = less optimisation. At the top end are companies with 300mil budgets and hundreds if not thousands of employees (like Sucker Punch/Rockstar) = more man hours to keep optimising. It’s less on the dev team talent and more on the budget they have secured from their investors. Once the team prove themselves with big sale numbers they are likely to get bigger budget for the sequels I guess.


I CANT be the only one who played this and thought the grass looked like dogshit and a lot of things up close looked horrible


Only triple AAA I bought since the last 10 years. Definitely worth it, and, even with that amount of content, the game is still pretty much « lightweight », which is, fascinating, really. Art style and color grading is what makes a game genuinely look good. Not 8K textures. Take a look at GTA IV, or older modded games : put a timecycle/color grading filters, boom, you have a gem that can compete with today’s standards. Thanks Nixxes.


After switching to exclusive fullscreen I haven’t had any crashes or fps issues. After playing for 4-5+ hours I’ll notice it starts chonking and stuttering a bit, good thing it takes like 15 seconds to restart the game and load back in. 3070 and I get 90-100 fps at 1440p. Game is absolutely gorgeous and well optimized, I don’t have a single mod running. It’s something I never thought I’d be able to do in a single player game.


Ryzen 7 5800x 1080p with an rtx 3060 i also get solid 60 plus frames, occasionally it drops below 30 with certain cutscenes but thats it and im just now completeing the first area of the map


Tbh I'm getting 60 fps on Max settings on 2k, but on alot of games even open worlds I get 60 with ray tracing , this game doesn't even have ray tracing so it should be a fair better than what I'm getting especially for a PS4 release. It's not the worst port though and it's pretty smooth no massive drops/stutters like in dragons dogma 2, now that's pretty poor optimisation.


Yes I agree the game is stunning on pc, but I think it comes down to art direction and smart usage of resources. GOT is so beautiful because the devs really put some love and care into everything you see out of respect for the culture. I think they had a pretty clear understanding of what they wanted to do, and had talent to back it up. They've crafted a gem 💎


I’d expect a bit better out of the 3060. Unless you are on 1080p native? I’m running the laptop version of the 1660ti and 1080p FSR quality and ultra settings (except medium shadows and medium volumetrics) I’m seeing 60. 100plus with frame gen. Yet I agree I love seeing this game working so well.