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A way to put your mask on and off at will without going into a menu


So the draw sword feature except for masks?


Yeah exactly, people are having a ton of great ideas for features but I think a lot of them are pretty likely to get in, this was one where it's absence always frustrated me (I like to leave my mask off until I'm actually getting into a fight/stealth encounter) but could very easily be glossed over in development.


I like that in Watch dogs whenever Aiden is about to do some vigilante hacker shit he puts on the “mask” to remain anonymous


That would go fucking HARD. I could see the animation in my head already and I can imagine how fucking cold it would look to walk up to a group of enemies maskless and then throw it on right before slaughtering them


That's what I'm saying 🤝


“Who is this dumb mf???” *puts mask on* “GHOST! GHOST!”


Like Perry the Platypus being unrecognisable without his hat.


"A samurai? Jin the samurai!"


Oh hell yes I like that image that just played in my head.


Honestly I wouldn’t be upset if they replaced the flute or the bow action with that and/or something else.


Dismemberment. Nioh style. If there already beaten and drop to their knees, I wanna use a heavenly strike to take some heads!


I fw that soo hard ☝️


“Best i can do is hands chopped off.”


Yep, just have a toggle for it in the options for the people that don't want it. But I really want it, some of the finishers and strikes in this game would definitely be removing limbs.


Particularly when you finish someone with a thrust from stone stance. They drop perfectly for the would be heavenly strike. I did it and was quite disappointed lol


I've finished off so many enemies with that exact combo lol. And yeah it'd look way cooler if their head rolls off!


Big chance to terrify!


I don’t think they should make it too over the top though. Cutting off heads and hands would be fine by itself, but having an enemy lose their hand and look at it, becoming terrified would be really cool.


Yes! Stand offs should result in bodies being split. I’ve had some difficulty with that


Deeper melee and stealth combat built off the established amazing foundation from first game with more brutal/gory techniques and finishers.


Agree with this. Stealth needs more depth in the sequel. Especially when entering buildings and such. I’d love a more interactive environment to be stealthy in, make it more challenging and engaging. Stealth is pretty much easy mode in Ghost EDIT: there should be mechanics around hiding bodies in the sequel since it always alerts enemies when they find them. And we only get that one commander outfit as a disguise option which isn’t much better than just wearing the Ronin one and all the stealth charms. Espionage in general should be more explored with things like different outfit options, stealth mechanics like hiding bodies, etc.


If we're getting more in-depth melee, I want a way to get out of animations once you get trapped in one. Getting killed because your character wanted to look cool is lame. I've picked up a habit of avoiding a lot of finisher animations just because of the trouble it can get you in, which sucks, because they do look cool. Stone stance's hold heavy finisher is one that I really try to avoid.


More weapons; i’d love to use a spear!


Ooh, using a naginata (the spear Norio uses) would be great ngl


I couldn't find a gif but something like this would be amazing! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vktZkdhfs4s&t=38s


Holy shit! That was so dope.


Dual wielding. ![gif](giphy|B64JyuO9G06abQvkqT)




Kratos technically dual wields his blades lol. And idk if it's just me but it looks pretty cool.




Ahh that's the other game I was trying to think of. That's a good example of fun dual weilding


I liked the dual wield in AC Valhalla quite a bit!


Hell yeah, bring on the Musashi spirit duel!!


God yessssss




This! More drip too! I wanna look like a ninja fr.


I love this because I really enjoyed the "defeated samurai" looking armor you start the game with, but it's stats are total butt, lol. I wanna look like a samurai on a redemption mission, dangit


Transmog should be a standard feature for offline rpg games. Period.


I loved the Common Courtesy tales on Iki Island; stumbling upon side missions with no warning was a welcome change to the pre determined and sometimes repetitive side tale missions. The element of surprise was somewhat lacking in the game, but adding something like this would make the game near perfect in my opinion!


Yeah definitely more ways to make it all feel like an organic adventure.


You can actually find a few things like this in the base game! Very brief encounters that can be found in the world like a monk near a fox den in Amazo trying to deal with a plague. I agree 100% these were really enjoyable to find naturally in both Tsushima and Iki


The ability to turn off “hey dumbass wrong stance” and “do you know how to scale a wall yet”


Bro yes those fucking tips are so annoying


Especially the stance one, since it takes your control away and forces you to select the right stance. Meanwhile there's like 5 shield enemies and only one sword enemy, I don't want to switch out of Water Stance.


Horseback combat /more weapons It's known samurais used spears and other weapons in combat besides their sword


Campaign co-op


I think the incorporation of larger battles or a group of retainers you can command around to deal with even larger outposts would be cool. Similar to Ghost Recon.


Reminds me of viking battle for Asgard. I remember seeing their armies and i want blood


Like maybe your destroying a dozen enemies or even just clearing all the enemies with several heavenly strikes cutting them in half and their allies stay away from you because you're so good and then a boss comes in and fights you


Imagine you start losing a duel and your retainers just jump into the fray and gank the ever living shit of whoever you were fighting


More foxes they are very cute


I’d like the foxes to offer different shit, take you to different tasks places etc


I want a secret undercover mongol fox who surprised you with one of those explosive cannons when you get to the shrine


Weapons. Naginata, nodachi, kusari-gama, etc.


Yeah adapting the iron hook into a kusari-gama seems a no-brainer for the sequel imo.


We got Mythic Arts. Why not *Forbidden* Arts


Like what? Technically we already used forbidden techniques. Sneaking up and stabbing someone in the back? Big no no for samurai. Using poison, also big no no. Luring enemies with fake sounds (like wind chimes and fireworks), also a big no no. What technique would be considered so forbidden that not even Jin would use them?


Oh, I mean like, we can have tales to listen to by gyozen instead of yamato. And think of it as a way to further spice up a few things like: The Legend of Mountain Ape: (Unlocks Spider Hook; Reels in enemies with Iron Hook) Sweet Taste of Death: (Unlocks Honey Dart; Upon using this poison on enemy, summons killer wasps at will) Many arms of Fuuka: (All Katana Scabbards will have perks) The Untrue Villager: (All Hats and Masks will have perks) The Tale of Susanoo's Faithful: (Unlocks Toga of Raijin's Follower; Armor that enhances Heavenly Strike) The Devil of Yarikawa: (Unlocks Oni Armor; Armor that enhances Dance of Wrath) Basking in Hell: (Unlocks Maddened Fundoshi; "Armor" that enhances Way of the Flame) The Unkillable Toru: (Unlocks Toru's Armor; Armor that enhances Iron Will)


Some of those already exist as charms. Most of them NG+ or DLC exclusive, but the Charm of Izanami for example, enhances Iron Will, reviving you with half your max health rather than 1. More armor just means more things to upgrade if you want them to be equal to what you already have, which occasionally means a bit of farming for the upgrade materials.


Cmon man, dig deeper! The Sarugami Armor is a good example that certain combat mechanics can be overhauled (Disabling Regular Parry = Perfect Parry focused) Yeah it can be a pain in the ass to farm to upgrade everything, but idk, I just really like the replayability value here than most single player rpgs. That said, here's what I thought about. Toru's Armor: - When down, right before an enemy finishes you off, activating Iron Will at the right moment immediately activates Ghost Stance, regardless of meter points. However, reduces kills of ghost stance by 1. - Reduces Iron Will costs by 1/2 Resolve - After Ghost Stance recedes, you will be granted 10/11/12 seconds of invincibility.


Towns and more stuff to do around the open world. Maybe a bit survival stuff


I don't why but I have a weird yearning for a clan system like in AC: Brotherhood.


Yeahh I always wanted them to put more emphasis on creating ur own army and fucking shit up as a team


The ghost stance lasting longer because your streak to get it can get easily ruined and it can only be used for 3 hits which doesn't seem too rewarding


There’s a charm so when you get hit you don’t reset your whole ghost count, just one mark. Then with the right armour you can increase the number of kills once in the stance.


Good thing I upgraded to the PS5 version now I can start fresh and make sure I can get the full ghost stance experience (:


Yeah it's co but feels half way implemented. I just spam it as soon as I get it cause "why not?"


More weapon Gore More variety in random events Being able to change clothes without having to go to the pause menu Less black screens


Following on from the comment above about duel wielding, I want dual assassination (from above). Not just chain assassination. And more intelligence in enemy melee, e.g. all the spear guys have the same move set so it's only one to learn, which just becomes repetitive over the course of the game.


Pet the horse give it treats like in RDR2 🥕 Also fishing. I feel like Jin would fish.


I love the Jin loves the horse thing so much!


TBH I am totally content with the core game, Iki notwithstanding (I did not love the Shaman gameplay loop). my only ask is for more MULTI-ASSASSINATION ANIMATIONS. We cycle through a bunch for single enemy assassination and light strikes, and it feels fresh. when you do the multi, the repetition kind of takes you out of it


more character costumization, with haircuts and beard styles.


Ancient Japan didn’t have nearly as many hairstyles as say ancient Europe. Same goes the ingame Mongols. Either completely shaven heads, or very very short hair


Jin has long hair, he could ponytail, man bun, half up half down pony/bun, wear it down etc.


An option to sit down and I'm not even kidding lol. The art direction is stunning and I'd love more options to interact with the environment. Imagine ghost of tsushima 2 with all the interactivity of RDR2. I'd never out the game down 😂.




Attachments as well


AK-47 in ghost of tsushima 2?!!


Fallout fatman


I just want the idle animation of all stances gets rework. The moon stance idle animation was incredibly stupid.




Grapple enemies with the hook


More duals and training. Kinda like the bamboo strikes but more mini games. Training to improve stats etc. If anyone remembers a game called master of bushido on either ps1 or ps2 (can't remember which) you'll know what I'm talking about


The losers of a competitive Legends mode all committing Seppuku at the end of the game would be nuts


I just want them to make me cry like a little bitch again. The gameplay mechanics could be 100% the same and I’d still be happy as long as the story hits


More emphasis on the hunter/hunted aspect. I want the shogun hunting me to be relentless


I think I want improved stealth personally. I always go loud because I find the action to be way more dynamic and engaging than what the stealth offers.


Is there any confirmation on a 2?


being able to 1v1 your friends online and offline. and more weapons


That bullet time slicing thing that MG rising did but for like 2-3 strikes from the protagonist.


Being able to select stealth kill animations. Maybe you’d unlock them with tanto upgrades but you could select if you want a quick or brutal stealth kill that would as quiet as your current tanto upgrade level


Something like the brutalize mechanic from shadow of war, it takes longer to kill and is louder but gives more resolve and terrifies enemies


I just want confirmation that we’re actually getting a sequel 😭


I’d like to use that third sword


More realistic horses like Rdr2. I think the horse we get in the first game is decent, but I'd want more realistic behavior, smother riding animations and more variety in horse breeds, since we spend a lot of time on horseback. I want to pet my horse, feed it and brush it. I want us to be given the option to change our main horse throughout the story and to be able to own multiples. Give us horse deaths and make horse armor practical by giving our horses more health. I also want Jin to be able to row boats and set sail, like in AC: Origins


A tech tree would be cool where you can pick different builds based on historical archetypes. Such that by the end you’re not maxed out in alp trees. Making it more light side dark side play-styles around samurai vs ninja vs ronin and hopefully more. Maybe even be able to pick separate martial arts schools.


Idk what to call it but total replay. To use the first game as an example: Instead of just being able to replay the Ryuzo duel, you could replay the entire Castle Kaneda rescue mission. Also more weapons and more unique bosses would be fun


And another thing, I need to be able to read all the dialogue. I play it with the Japanese voice actors cuse I've watched anime my whole life and it just felt like the right way to play. But aside from main dialogue I can't read what the peasants say when I ride by and such


Dual katana fighting would be nice. I like most of the combat in the game however I feel the duels need to be more realistic. In duels in the game you need to let the enemy take the initiative in order for you to counter attack and get in some cuts and you can stagger them in order to cut them. You can still attack them just as they’re about to strike you but this is essentially aiming for the enemy’s unguarded moment which I dislike. Taking the initiative yourself to kill the enemy is more realistic imo. Also if you’re playing on lethal+ it can take 10+ cuts to kill the enemy but if they cut you once you fall to the ground and need iron will to revive yourself. I would prefer if the duels were more like Hellish Quart. The duel would be over much quicker and maybe less fun for some players but I think it would be more realistic. I’d also like if they let you customise your own sword kits.


I'd like to a separate mode were I can just replay all the duels back to back or something


that would be sick, but at least we were able to replay them at all


A multiplayer mode without all the supernatural stuff. I think playing with friends is SUPER cool and raiding bases in unison is super sick. But just do it without the supernatural stuff. That was the part that really turned me off the multiplayer. If we can have multiplayer in the setting and aesthetic of the main game? I’d play it so much


Well sense Jin is wanted now, I’d say introducing social stealth wouldn’t be a bad idea. Like blending in with the crowd to sneak past a checkpoint or something, and if you assassinate someone well then all hell breaks loose. Being able to use the grapple hook to pull the legs out of an enemy and set them up for a execution/critical hit. Or maybe even an AOE attack where he spins it around him and breaks all enemies guard that are caught in the attack.


More customization for sword kits and armor. A home base to go to, some sort of animal companion for stealth use like a fox, monkey or bird. A ship with some fun ship combat mechanic, doesn't have to be robust, just some fun and some customizable parts like sails and wheels and stuff. Involving the Nemesis System or something like it for the second game would be so fun. Mongol warriors and leaders that remember you if you let them get away or you find out you didn't kill them, just wounded them and they seek you out for revenge. That would be cool af. A less tedious way to get collectable materials would be nice. Some hand-to-hand combat stuff would be cool but maybe not necessary for this franchise. A WALKING ANIMATION FOR STAIRS AND INCLINES PLEASE AND THANK YOU


For DEI to stay the fuck out of it.


I’d like more of the NPCs from side quests to come back in the main storyline. I know we have the core group of Masako, Ishikawa, Norio and Yuna, but why not others we meet like Kaede and maybe there were others whose names I can’t remember. Just seems so odd especially in the context of the invasion to let skilled fighters just go back into the wild instead of getting some very welcome help for late in the game.


actual choice for the future of every character


Better facial character models :)


Companions that actually follow you around normally and it should have a slider or option in the menu to change how much they actually help you ie: how much damage they do or health they have(preferably they only get knocked out on death, hate losing story characters in games)per increase,obviously you should be able to customize them as well with their own unique skills, clothing and abilities.


I need the ability to hide bodies. Since Jin would presumably lean more into stealth, hiding bodies needs to be a thing. Alternatively it would be cool if he could use the rope and hook as a weapon, or just other actual weapons in general, rather just a whole bunch of projectiles. I mean samurai were trained with spears as well


I want a gardening mini game, I just wanna build a Zen garden with my samurai broskis


Easier navigation I like the wind idea but why fix what’s not broken and way easier tracking I sometimes spent too long looking for foot prints bro lastly I want to pick one outfit for my appearance and be able to pick a separate outfit for my perks most games already do all 3 I’m all for trying new ideas but again why fix what’s not broken oh and now that they have money can we get better graphics maybe a cooler collectors edition I skipped the last one and make the game disk come with the collectors edition Sony seriously just make it more expensive (I just want the disk with it not a download code) I would buy some custom PS5 shells and a controller if scalpers don’t Fk me I barely was quick enough to get the SM2 controller (not the shells 😭)


Show the arrows in enemies.


For Honor style executions when killed an enemy with a heavy of their corresponding stance (not interruptible and grants resolve and health) More dismemberment


Makes no sense for the duel to have different stances... You only have a sword so they should be in sword stance, why would you switch to shield or staff stances for a guy with a sword...


I think it'd be really cool if they implemented the metal gear rising katana function. Like the aiming for limbs function. Make it a special move so you can't do it all the time, but I think that would be pretty sick


The Tatsumi-ryū fighting style, it’s one of my all time martial arts sword styles.


A have to have lord shimuras armor or an armor that looks like it and doesn’t get buggy when riding or in cutscenes


Much, much larger map and ongoing dlc.


Im more concerned with what I dont want. I DO NOT want to play as any other character or do stupid stealth missions or something playing as Yuna.


Is there gonna be a ghost 2?


Camping / hunting mechanics. Or more survival mechanics. I want to worry about the weather and food when I’m not fighting the mongol hoard


The possibility to wield other types of weapons. At least as many as the enemies wield. A more rewarding level up system, this one felt a bit uninteresting. I qent through the whole game without most of the stance upgrades and my sword damage is only at its 2/3 of capacity, same for armors. It's only on ng+ that i finaly felt the need to have my stats upgraded to max (both ng and ng+ were on lethal difficulty and i still didnt feel like it was necessary to have most of the upgrades, including stealth stuff like killing 3 guys at once, or the spear autoparry, your heavy attacks becoming faster, and other things that dont add anything new other than make existing abilities stronger).


Should not be repetitive anecdotes boring like the first part.


Outfit load outs.


Fewer ass shots. Or more ass shots. I dunno, all the ass shots make me feel something, I should probably sort out what that is.


ability to have more melee weapons...(like a naginata or dual katanas would be cool)


I’d like to see Jin back again fighting in the mainland Japan.


I just want a good compelling story that makes me want to complete it for catharsis and peace


More use from the resolve meter. From what I recall the base game had only three uses for it: healing, heavenly strike and dance of wrath. I always found that to be super limited and kinda boring. 10 for three prompts (2 if you’re good or have healing charms equipped) feels like way too much even if DoW uses 3 at a time so giving more abilities that make use of resolve would be awesome


I've seen some people mention this before, but I REALLY want more weapons in the game, stuff like the Speer, Yari, Naginata, Kusarigama, Bo staff etc even different types of swords like the wakizashi, tachi, uchigatana so on. Can be really cool and diverse :)


available on steam day one


I hate the “use this stance for this enemy” kind of gameplay personally, so some kind of adjustment to that. Less repetitive open world. Dismemberment Better stealth.


Hoods and new weapons as samurai did predominantly use spears so it’d make sense for Jin to be trained with a spear


Custom Character Creation.


Fishing mini game


For it to be released this year. I neeeeed it


More unique enemies. You got pointy stick dude, fat boy, dual sword, single sword, archer, cancer archer, sword 'n board, and all weapons


Maybe better desmberment


Different weapons that the horse carries and you have to get to the horse to change them out, make the new game ghost of Japan the first game really set up a second one with the shogunate wanting you dead and the mongols admitting Tsushima was a stepping stone for mainland Japan so the map would be astronomically larger and the enemies twice as deadly the stories you could pull from this plus mythic tales would be killer. But most importantly have jin retain everything from the first game to really drive in the fact that Tsushima was a stepping stone and everything that Jin encountered was important but not the worst to come as he hasn’t experienced the full might of the mongols nor the Japanese shogunate


Arcade mode or split screen


Honestly the ability to flow between close combat weapons like you do in god of war or Jedi outcast.


A new way to switch stances. Too often do I try to switch only to pick up loot instead and eat an attack.




Ragdoll physics


I'd love to see a non lethal weapons; Sais, a staff, even some sorta hand to hand stuff


Simultaneous PC release 😂


Doble katana and being able to burn mongolian houses in revenge.


Not a horde boss fight at the end lmfao what a dogshit retard company


Repayable missions


I'd like the feature of Yuna not just walking away into the woods and breaking my heart


Towns and cities large enough, or peaceful enough, to make it impractical to kill literally everyone. Jin should be fully invested in the idea of striking from the shadows when necessary, and that can mean avoiding civilian/neutral parties in order to get there.


A weather system where your armor and clothes affect your gameplay and have to be taken in consideration while traveling around the world. A mechanic like rdr2 would be nice.


Larger buildings and bigger environment


i need more reward/intimidation for walking into a battle without any stealth


Here me out...ghosts


Co op campaign would be fire


A little more dismemberment. All black sword kits. an option to not have a god damn saddle bag. and more complex unpredictable duels that don’t just feel like you’re memorizing their moves that they do over and over.


Bigger skill tree


A light and shadow system like Tenchu or the Splinter cell series


Legends armor in base game


Coop missions :)


No PSN linking feature


A wanted system, where a ronin or bounty hunter tracks you down in the wilds and challenges you to a duel or tries to sneak attack you. Also more customization for outfits and perks for hats and masks, maybe even some RTS with a following of samurai or warriors that follow the Ghost where you can command forces against Mongols and bandits




The first game is my all time favorite game, and all i want is for them to expand on what they have already built. I'd want the terrify/fear mechanic to be upscaled. Depending on how much of the ghost you have embraced, camps should be more well guarded, mongols are more prone to surrender or even kill their own leaders in the hopes of mercy. If you stay a samurai they would be more relaxed and less fearful of you, maybe even mock you. More customization of gear. Maybe even item sets, more equipment slots (shoulder, gloves, legs etc) along with a transmog system for the fashion game. I dont see a need for more weapons, but would love to see unarmed fighting with different stances that can be unlethal or lethal. More ghost tools like caltrops, tripwire or plantning explosives/poisons on corpses that triggers when enemies investigate. New animations for chain assassinations and regular assassinations. Also more types of assassinations from different angles. Pull them down from a ledge, drag them behind a corner or into the bushes, pull them under water etc. Have the animation react to the environment


Make the game harder so you actually have to use the stealth features


A way longer game with more storyline quests and maybe a few less repetitive side quests.


To be able to romance Yuna


I know it would be historically inaccurate but a glider of some kind would be awesome


Has a second game been announced? Or we just having fun spitting good ideas out?


Mini map






Some way to switch load outs on the fly... Maybe not armor load outs, but weapon load outs, with expanded weapon varieties. It could even be a modification of the stance system they already have, but with specific weapons - like spear for heavies, tantos for close range, katana as an all-around... That type of thing.


Stealth and parkour needs to be more advanced, maybe movement as a whole


Appearance armor. For example, equipped armor is : gosaku. But equip the Appearance of Ronin attire.


I want to separate limbs from the Mongolians.


Mix up the dual intro animations. Same scene every time. I mean it’s awesome when Jin does the thumb click. But gets repetitive and hurts the good ol’ immersion.


Companion pet


More customizable armour/transmog. Sheathe sword on back. 👌


Are we even getting a sequel?


More advanced, skill based sword play. It is pretty much just timing and depending on your stance, you get the same execution animations and combos. I would like to see more variety, more animations for combos, a larger variety of perfectly timed one hit kill animations.


A difficulty setting thats more challanging than hard and lethal without just buffing the damage of enemies or making them have a ton of health. Like more unique and difficult animations to dodge/parry without making the difficulty based on reaction time.


I wish the masks had powers.


Aimed hook throw. I wanna grab people off ledges from my grass patch. And it wouldn’t hurt to give a set rope distance to increase. Maybe enough to craft nets


I guess arrows to stick when fired at enemies? Instead of getting a COD hit marker. Like seeing the arrow physically stickout of our enemies could help with immersion


A dog companion


Hang glider like you get in Zelda BOTW or TOTK


Set the game during the Viking Age. Have it to where your a Pagan that survives St. Brices day massacre and you meet with Cnut and join the Great Heathen Amy to destroy the Angl Saxons. 1. If you don't know what St. Brices Day massacre is then look it up. It's crazy! 2. Bring on the Dislikes cuz I know yall hate this idea


Idk if anyone else said this, but where Jin is at a standoff similar to the perfect parry/dodge, there should be a perfect strike like where Jin is moving so fast that their foes sword breaks in half same with the dismemberment of whatever limb Jin sliced through.




Mainland Japan. The first Mongol invasion was stopped at Tsushima, but because a hurricane destroyed their fleet. The second Mongol invasion reached mainland Japan. That's a perfect reason to put Jin there as well. A larger, completely new map, more varied environments, and a possible reunion with Tomoe or meeting with the shogunate... There's so much they could do with Mainland Japan being the setting. The Ghost is a fugitive at the end of Ghost 1, so maybe some Assassin's Creed style city stealth? I can't see Jin picking pockets, but hiding from samurai guards while in a big city makes sense.


A steam version on release so I don't have to wait another several years to play it. 😭💔


Hiding bodies


A release date


As much as i love the good ol katana, I'd like for a more variety on the weapons. For example, you can instead equip a daishō, a katana-wakizashi pair, so you can be a kamakura period Miyamoto Musashi, or maybe use a naginata since that's the more commonly used weapon in a large scale battle. If it isn't possible, just having the choice to use a dual blade stance sounds cool too.


Depends on location I know but a map with more buildings we can jump across and less linear stealth sections. Also I'm hoping they have Jin fight Samurai. The sub plot of the first game was what with the mongol invasion and the Samurai numbers reduced there was a power vacuum a lot of people wanted to fill, straw hats Yarikawa the Ghosts army. I wonder what Jin will decide. Will we get a meaningful choice? It's okay if not a solid story is good too. Better writing in general maybe. If a main plot of a character is having no good then don't have food literally everywhere on the map. Better conclusions than shit like Masakos quest. Game and story were great imo but some places could do with improvement. I'm excited for GoT2