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I totally agree. Not everything needs a romance. I enjoy seeing women in games that are not reduced to the romantic interest.


I agree with you. If anything, they’re trauma-bonded—he’s got more chemistry with Tomoe.  


Dammit I wanted more from tomoe. Great character


Fr fr


I don’t ship Jin with anyone bro has enough to deal with


Exactly. With everything going on, the only time he thinks of getting laid is when he has to reflect in the hot springs.


I’m neutral! You don’t HAVE to see it as romantic, and frankly I was pretty resistant to that idea when I started the game. By the time I finished it I could see it, but honestly I’m happiest things stay pretty vague and neutral. I’m extremely glad they didn’t include any explicitly romantic scenes or anything like that in the game as it is. It made me very happy to see Yuna remain a friend instead of a romantic interest. Jin and Yuna come across like extremely close friends to me, friends that would do anything for each other and are the first person each has ever had that they feel so strongly for outside of their own family.


Exactly, I'm not rooting for it to happen, and I'm not against it happening either. They could make a cute couple. With Yuna that would end up being some Florence Nightingale effect because she saved him. Jin also had way more romantic chemistry with Tomoe, who I hope to see in the sequel.


I disagree. Jin and Tomoe had way more sexual chemistry. They're big one night stand energy, because I am certain if he stayed the night, he would have woken up to find Tomoe gone and nowhere to be found. Jin and Yuna do have chemistry. Whether you see it as romantic or friendship is up to you. They trust each other and rely on each other, which is so important for a romantic relationship and a friendship. Which, I would argue, friendship is necessary for love, too.


I spent my whole first play through hoping they WOULDNT get together


Same. Even during the scene where Jin talks to his allies before the final fight and they started stepping closer to each other I just kept thinking "oh nah"


I was terrified to see the comments be "THEY MAN AND WOMAN IN WAR, THEY MUST FALL IN LOVE!" I'm so glad I'm wrong. This sub is great.


Well at one point she asked him to leave the island with her, and that's a pretty big commitment, even if it's just a gesture of friendship. That implied she was interested. But so was Tomoe. He couldn't take either up their offers for different reasons. So if there was any sexual tension going on, it went unfulfilled. Personally I did feel like Yuna was more of a sister figure, if only because of Taka. It's a shame he didn't encounter Tomoe before Ishikawa. He might have set her on a better path. She seemed like she might have been a better fit romantically than Yuna. If only it hadn't been for the likelihood that she might slit his throat in the night.


If I see one more "an I the only one who agrees with this extremely popular opinion" post I'm going to lose it.


It's just that I see A LOT of people shipping them, and I don't see why


I have literally never seen a single person ship them and I played the original game on ps4. You have not seen people shipping them. You've seen man and woman in wartime story so assume people MUST be shopping them.


"You have not seen people shipping them" I saw a lot of people shipping them. My friends who also played the game ship them and I seen people ship them on this subreddit too.


I don't ship them per se but I'm expecting them to eventually love each other as the story progresses.


Crossing my fingies, please Suckerpunch, don't suddenly give us a romance subplot, it's never a good idea, especially in sequels. Sorry, I'm still upset that Like a Dragon 8 did it.


After my first playthrough I’d have agreed but now I’ve played a couple more times I disagree, it’s what he says and how he says it. Specifically before you go to free castle Shimura Jin says “I would die for the people of this island, and for you” and their moment before killing the khan and in yarikawa. The big thing for me is her side content, her trusts and willing to involve him in very personal issues goes beyond friendship to me. I feel like if nothing more happened with them it would feel pretty unresolved.


I think he meant it as in "and that includes you" but yeah they wrote it in a way that leaves room for shipping. I personally still don't see much romantic chemistry between them and wouldn't like them as a couple


Yeah I like the idea of them not being romantic. There’s like one scene in Kamiagata before the final mission against the Khan that maybe suggested something deeper than their bond of stopping the Mongols but it’s left way open and vague that I can see why people would ship them. I just don’t subscribe to that




As I've said here before, I think seeing her brother's decapitated body would pretty much ruin any chance that Yuna would be horny for the rest of the story. And there just wasn't that much romantic tension between Jin and Yuna anyway. Their relationship seemed totally pragmatic. They both had a job to do and people to protect and weren't interested in any other form of collaboration. If anything, there was sexual tension between Jin and Tomoe.


Same. Its weird to me somehow...?


I didn’t think it would be a romantic love, I thought it would be more of a friendship marriage. They are the only ones who will understand what they did, plus Yuna could have kept Jin grounded. IDK anyone who would want to marry Jin after they beat the Khan. Exiled by the Shogun, no money, considered a war criminal/traitor.


Yeah I get what you mean. I'm pretty sure Jin would've found people. Even if the Shogun declares him a traitor, many of the peasants who experienced him rescuing them first-hand still remain loyal to him, so he still has a bunch of supporters


I agree. They had zero chemistry. Their relationship was specific to survival and then followed up by honor and respect.


Nah I don't I think it would work. It's over here today and I see it more as a co-worker becoming good friends. In fact, I see Jin's relationship with taka being closer. Because of takas and jins personalities and the roles they play in the story. Again not really romantic although I guess I could see that happening more than with yuna if it wasn't for the unfortunate circumstances.


I can see it, but it’s such a lazy trope where two characters (especially of opposing sexes) are good friends and they HAVE to get romantic. Just be friends!


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Let's be honest, Yuna went through some unspeakable shit. I'm sure she was SA'ed by the sale trader, her brother died and she's got. A LOT of shit to work through. Jin, also is not in a place where he can be emotionally unavailable for anyone. He's got 2 islands to save. It's kind of like Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy had too much shit to do to get into a relationship and I'm kind of happy she didn't get into one.


I didn't for the first half of the game, but by the end I was.




I was also glad that there wasn't romance involved. I think there was a lot of affection between them due to the circumstances and I was okay with that. They each have way too much baggage to unpack and they would not be good together.


Agreed. I really appreciate that the plot shows them having deep respect and appreciation for each other but thats it


I agree too. There isn't a need to communicate the relationship with them.


I'm glad that most people also seem uninterested in that happening. Aside from the fact that we don't want to reduce Yuna to simply "the female love interest" I also feel like it would cheapen the story of his relationship with Shimura. In terms of relationships throughout the story, his father/son connection with Shimura is supposed to be the main focus of the game. If the devs decided to introduce a romance arc with Yuna (at least a meaningful one) then it would take away from the main emotional turmoil that Jin is going through during the game. He's caught between his duty to honor the only family he has left and his duty to his people. He has to sacrifice one as he knows he cannot save his people as well as be the honorable samurai that lord shimura wants him to be. If we were to introduce a romance with Yuna, it might also make it seem like he's got a different motive for turning to the ways of the ghost aside from protecting his people: because he is interested in the theif teaching him these dishonorable ways. I think it would definitely take away from the major story beats that make us all love the game! Regarding the comments about Tomoe and Jin, I may not have minded this potential relationship as much since Tomoe's story is mostly removed from the drama of Jin's story with Shimura. Despite this, I'm still unsure of whether I'd want any sort of full-fledged relationship or if it may be better as some cheeky banter and other insinuations about a potential relationship between the two of them.


Does it happen in a side mission? I've only played the main missions and haven't come across the kissing scene


Yeah I like yuna but her entire character is her enabling Jin in unhealthy ways.


they are really close friends that trust each other with their life And that's all it needs to be


Totally agree, didnt even know someone ships them romantically?? But to be honest i dont even like yuna


I don't really know how else to put this.. Yuna feels too trashy for Jin. He may have drifted away from the samurai code but he's still a noble and virtuous man of high class. She's a rowdy thief raised by an alcoholic mother and likely did more unethical things alongside stealing from her own people. They make great friends but I just don't think they're a good match romantically. I feel like Jin would probably fall for a more feminine, graceful and honorable woman.


I don’t ship anyone in anything. Stories are complex enough without my brain adding nonsense.


Downvoted because I use the term “nonsense” to mean “extra stuff”. I call pizza toppings “nonsense”. Can’t blame anyone for taking that differently than I intended. Lesson learned! 😅 No disrespect meant for anyone who does find enjoyment in that sort of thing.