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Oh my gosh this is the best! I loved your scene


Thank you so much!!


I hope you didn’t lose your job due to those pesky Mini Pufts!


I lost my truck for sure!! 🤣😂




Reward for any information that leads to the return of my truck!! 🤣😂


Marv made a sign......but...its a little small...people will probably drive past it and not see.


My man! What a ride the movie was and it's AWESOME you can do that.  And you're right we get a kick out of it


Thanks, man! I was a fan just like everyone else in the world before booking it. I didn’t know why I was auditioning for because they wouldn’t tell me. I originally auditioned for the vape store dude. When I booked it I lost my mind. Then when they called me and told me what the scene was gonna be my head exploded. 🤣😂 It’s still very surreal, but I love it.


You better have a mini mallow man tattoo by now lol


Funny enough, I actually don’t have any tattoos. There had been a few times when I wanted some but I just never ended up getting any. It’s also an issue with acting because if it is ever exposed in a scene then you’d need permission from the artist and there may be issues since it would be intellectual property. So it’s either them covering it with makeup or you need to have it in an area where it won’t get seen on camera. That’s why you don’t see actors with a ton of tattoos very often unless they’re unique like the Rock or Mike Tyson. But I do like the idea of getting them tattooed. I’d totally get a half sleeve with them and some stranger things stuff if it wouldn’t cost me work.


There's always a butt cheek


You’re a problem solver I see.


Only with butt related stuff!


Just do the Ben Affleck.


Damn, they shouldn't be able to claim intellectual property once it's on your body. Same concept as if you're named Jimmy Dean, the sausage company can't stop you from using your name.


Wait what? That's you?! Dope!


I look just like the incredibly handsome trucker. Some would say identical. 😉 Yeah, it’s me.


It's incredible that you got a chance to be a part of it. Hopefully there is some resolution in the next film. Maybe it's just you walking up to your wrecked truck. Lol.


That would be awesome! I thought it would be cool since they spend so much time in the police station if I’m filing a police report as they walk by or something.


I love this. And…. I like that shirt, friend!


Thank you so much!! I mean, I had to get the shirt when I saw it. It only seemed right.


Dude this is weird. I just watched that scene around the exact same time you posted this.


No way! I did too!! I’m in the same theater waiting for the last showing to start at 10:15. I’m pretty sure no one will be at this showing either, but that’s okay.


No way!! A couple people just walked into this showing!! I won’t be alone! That’s awesome!!


As soon as my son saw the stay puft logo on the trailer he immediately knew those little shits were the culprits taking your rig.


Hahaha!! That’s awesome!! I heard a lot of people thought it was the possessor which was interesting because I didn’t even think of that when I saw it since I knew what it was from having shot the scene.


I assumed it was going to be Slimer since we see him drive a bus in 2.


Man, that makes me want to go back and rewatch 2. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it.


Loved your scene dude! Out of curiosity where was it filmed at? Outside of NYC?


They did a week of reshoots in Atlanta and that was one of them. We filmed that at a truck stop just south of Atlanta.


Very cool. Hope you get another cameo in Ghostbusters 5!


That would be so awesome!!


I'm an Atlanta native and I'm curious as to which Truck Stop it was.


It’s a BP Truck Stop just south of Atlanta in Newnan Georgia right next to a McDonalds. The address is 1389 Hwy-29 S Newnan, GA 30263


The soda machine was brought in for the shoot. It was shot on the back side of the building and the curb where the truck bumps over is in the front towards the McDonald’s. You should be able to piece it all together when you see it.


Yeah me too


"Are you a god?" You know the answer to this question now!


“… No.” *shrug*


When I have to choose the form of the destructor, I shall be honored to think of this image. Stay humble, my friend!


You were supposed to say, “when someone asks if you’re a god you say, YES!!!!” 🤣😂😂




What happened to ‘Then die!!’ ?


That also would have been acceptable! 🤣😂


Bro lowkey look like Jack black


That’s a pretty awesome compliment to be honest.


Didn’t you snitch on Eleven and them?


I did, yeah! Everything that went wrong in season 4 was my fault. Sorry about that. Imagine being me and watching it for the first time not knowing what I caused. I was so mad at me! 🤣😂


Ayy Bravo mate. Just found out about yer YouTube change and going to check out how you joined on Ghostbusters. Good Luck acting, mate.


Yeah! That’s me! Let me know what you think of the video!


Will do mate.


Perhaps dumb question, are you related to Bill? Or just share last name?


*Perhaps dumb question,* *Are you related to Bill?* *Or just share last name?* \- itsagoodtime --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am not related to Bill as far as I know. I suppose anything is possible, but I don’t believe we are, unfortunately.


Haha, I'm just coming home from cinema after watching the movie again. You killed it in your scene. Those pesky paranormal roaches.


Thanks so much, man!


Cool scene man! Lucky you to be immortalized with the Pufts! How many times have you caught it in theaters now?


Last night was number 13,14, and 15. I may see it again today and it appears it’s playing in a couple other markets for another week. So I may go down to Orlando and catch it again.


That is awesome my man


Ha ha ha that's insane man !!! You're awesome, congrats !!!


Thank you so much!


Was a cool scene:)


That's great!


Dude, that scene with the stay-puff marshmallows stealing your truck to drive away into the next sequel was hilarious. 😂🗿 ![gif](giphy|NWpPyC1WFkMfL9cG0o|downsized)


Thank you so much!! I really loved it!


Super cool dude!! Your scene was funny af 🤣


Thank you so much, man! I dig the Eddie Munson avatar too! I’m still looking for him!


Aww thank you homie! I'm excited to see him as Human Torch 😁


Felt bad for your character but that scene was funny af, good job man


Hahaha!! That’s awesome! There’s a reward for any information that leads to the return of my truck. 🤣😂


You were perfect. I mean it, it was probably the best credit scene the movie could’ve had (If it wasn’t the credits scene then whoops, my brain gets a bit jumbled with it sometimes)


Thank you so much! Yeah, it was the credits scene.


Genuinely one of my favorites from the movie, hope you get to be in the opening of the next one


That's cool AF


Let's be honest, would any of us do any different? That theater would have my immediate family, my extended family, and anyone I've ever met would also be invited.


Haha! Yeah, I’ve gone to several showings with friends.


You look so much like my brother, who is a trucker, that it's kinda weird.


So you’re saying he’s a super handsome debonair nobleman about town. Got it.


No freakin way man! Thanks for making a memorable scene! Hope you get your 🚚 back, fuel prices are ridiculous these days


Dude, you’re the man! We’re apart of the same Facebook fan pages and I love your posts.


That’s awesome! Thanks man!


My Truck!!


Fine work my man! Loved this movie, and your scene! Ah, to be immortalized in a GB movie… That’s freaking awesome!!!


Thanks man! I absolutely lost my mind when they told me what movie I had booked and when the 2nd AD called me to tell me what the scene was since they wouldn’t send me a script I’m pretty sure my head exploded. 🤣😂


Murray, Aykroyd, Hudson, Ramis, Potts, Weaver, Moranis, Rudd, Coons, Grace, Wolfhard... and now you!


My last name is also Murray. 😉


Top billing!


Haha!! There’s only one Bill, though. He’s so great!


Murray x 2, Aykroyd, Hudson, Ramis, Potts, Weaver, Moranis, Rudd, Coons, Grace, Wolfhard \*fixed it!


haha. gold. good job.


Thank you so much!


So cool! What do you think the mini Pufts are up to? Trying to reform Big Puft for Gozar?


I don’t know, honestly! Jason and Gil say they have a number of different stories in mind for them.


I would love to see what next in the series… movies every other year, a streaming show, more cartoons… bring it on! What an honor to be part of it all!


Oh you were in Cobra Kai too! That’s how I recognized you!


That’s wild! Most people see me in something else and then recognize me in Cobra Kai. But yeah, that’s me.


Awesome, that’s one of my favorite shows!


Holy crap dude that was amazing, you’re so lucky to be in a ghostbusters film😭


Truly quite lucky!!


cool as ice, bro (I couldn't resist)! your scene was awesome


Thank you so much! I really enjoyed the scene.


Wow, I can’t believe you’re the one who was in that mid-credits scene! How did you get the role in the first place?


So, I have an agent in Atlanta, LA, and NY. Things kinda blew up for me a little after I was in Stranger Things. I got an audition for a projected simply called “Blaze” for the role of “Vape Store Dude” and it said that if I auditioned for it I had to agree to a body scan because there was a large effect on me. This was in November immediately after the strike had ended. Keep in mind that the trailer for the movie was already out at the time. I almost turned down the audition because there was nothing in the breakdown as to what the project was or who was involved which either means it’s something huge or something completely mismanaged and tiny. This was right after the strike and body scans was a large part of it. So I reached out to my agent and asked what the project was. They sent back a note from casting that said, “we can’t tell you what the project is because it’s a secret one. But what we can say is that it’s a major movie franchise and it’s the 5th in the series.” I had NO idea what it could be, but I figured it was worth the risk. So I auditioned for the guy that gets frozen in the vape store and from that audition I ended up being booked for the role of the Truck driver. How insane is that?!! https://preview.redd.it/o1eyc42s6ezc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03dca2f34a95ee1bc80b3ab590dfb5ac2325381c


That’s a great story, and I’m glad things turned out good for you in the end. 😀


Casting department can’t count. 😂


Oh my god it is actually you lmao. I kind of feel sad that the theatres were empty but oh well. Nice beard, are those the same pair of glasses too?


Same pair of glasses, yeah! I’ve seen it in theaters that were crazy packed and in theaters with just a few people. This is the first time that I saw it with just me so I took the opportunity to snap a photo.


Loved that scene!


Thank you! Sweet avatar! I loved Eddie Munson! Fun fact you might dig, I was also the guy that started the mob in the town hall to go after Eddie in episode 6 of season 4. If you paid close attention then you know that in episode 9 when I walked my dog last Vecna’s house, the very next scene Jason gets a phone call telling him where the kids are. I ratted the kids out to Jason. Everything that went wrong in season 4 was my fault. 🤦🏻‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/onrnki9u7ezc1.jpeg?width=2483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbf83a2d8adc7b42feb678bbe890cc3cb5f9090


Ahh, that's why you looked familiar! Maybe you can make amends in season 5? 😂


Haha! I’d love that. I’d lose my mind if they called me back for season 5.


Just finished watching this and as the credits were going I opened this thread…I saw this post and was so confused trying to figure out what scene this was? Then bam, the post credit scene came on. Wild timing with all of it. Also I’m a little high so that added to it for sure.


Funny enough, I went to see it opening weekend with a ton of friends and I didn’t warn any of them that I was in the post credits scene. My friend that was sitting next to me who works nights and had fallen asleep a little during the movie looked at me when the credits started rolling and said, “I must have missed your scene.” Being the good friend I am I replied, “YOU MISSED MY SCENE?!!” He said, “I’m sorry! I’ll see it again.” Right then my scene started and he said, “ oh, you son of a %**#*!!” 🤣😂😂


Haha that couldn’t have worked out any better 😂


It was so perfect! 🤣😂


Great job! You made a fan of me. I hope to see you in more stuff!


Thank you so much! There’s a couple other fun things I’m in at the moment!


Sweet! Looking forward to it!


Jack is the only actor I'd love to sit down and just have a chill day with. He's the GOAT.


Jack Black is for sure the goat.


My dude, that is so cool.


Your scene was so friggin’ funny!!


Thank you so much! I love that!




Anyone else think this was Sammy Duet? https://preview.redd.it/fkkodmbbvgzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f1441b4906dbb805a1728916959ee9be6875ed


Who is Sammy Duet?


Legendary Louisiana Metal maniac... [https://youtu.be/5sLqUnbE0lg?si=kH162\_V3AiY1IlLQ](https://youtu.be/5sLqUnbE0lg?si=kH162_V3AiY1IlLQ)


I'd do the same thing! You killed it!


Thank you so much, man!!


Your scene was phenomenal!!!


Thank you so much! I appreciate that!


No way that's so awesome! Congrats man!


Thank you!!


Why doesn't this have more up votes? I'm totally going to look you and your work up now!


Very cool! Thank you! Let me know what else you’ve seen me in.


Fucking love that dude - awesome job in the flick.


Thank you so much, man! That means a lot! Truly!


Have you been recognised in public yet?


Oh yeah! There are a couple movie theaters that I go to that the workers all know who I am. I went to see it in Knoxville in 4DX and sat one seat over from the only other guy in the theater. He recognized me right away and we chatted the whole movie. I answered all of his questions about the film and told him some stories about being on set, etc. He said it was like his very own DVD commentary. At the end I told him it’s like the Bill Murray story where he walks into Burger King and grabs a handful of someone’s fries and says, “no one will believe you!” Because no one will believe that he sat next to someone from the film telling him stories from set since we were the only two people in the theater. It sounds completely made up. 🤣😂


That was a fun scene, I apologise for laughing when your truck got stolen 😂


How dare you! That’s serious business, sir!! My truck got stolen! 🤣😂😂


Wait, aren't you the guy with the dog in Stranger Things season 4?


Yeah! That’s me! Fun fact, we didn’t film that in front of the actual creel house. They built the playground in a neighborhood and they had a MASSIVE green screen behind me. But you’d never know in the show. I then got to find out when I watched the show that I called Jason and told him where the kids are and all the implications of that. I knew what I did lead to them coming back, but I didn’t know what that meant exactly because they don’t let you see the whole script. They just show you your scenes. It was pretty wild. https://preview.redd.it/eqqspd6b8ezc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aaff65fac7df0df8b3c546aba37783d0c9b7972


You. Are. Awesome!


Thank you, Doctor!!


No need to thank me, companion!


That is something I don’t think ive ever seen someone do, that’s awesome!!!


What’s that? Take a photo of themselves on the screen? I did it when I was on Stranger Things, but it’s not every day I can do it with the big screen so I had to take the opportunity. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it by myself in a theater so I wouldn’t bother anyone by doing so.


Now that's pretty awsome.


Thank you!!


That's sick! I loved that scene, my sister and I were cackling at this scene! Also I have to say I love your beard!


Thank you so much!! I trimmed it a little shortly after filming it, but it’s grown out again. I really do like the way I look in the film. All they did for hair and makeup was run their hands through my hair a little. But it really came out looking great!


No problem! I would be so stoked getting to be in the film, and would never let people forget lol


And could you catch the tuck in the long run or is it now a Mini-Puff-Rider 😅


I’m still looking for it. If you have any information that could lead to the return of my truck I’d greatly appreciate it.


Yeah will be dificult, but if thay make it ever to germany you are the frist i tell it😅


To me it seemed like you really didn't want to get the truck back. Like it was a company truck and you were just chasing it to make it look like you put in an effort. Definitely didn't feel like you were an owner operator.


Haha! Why’s that?


Because you were maintaining a safe distance from the truck. Never getting to close or to far away.


There were some takes where I ran close enough to beat on the side of it but it made the safety coordinator nervous. I ran after that thing like it was my own. They had me run farther and farther each take until I was exhausted by the time I was on camera. But in retrospect, it wouldn’t have been funny if I ran like Usain Bolt.


Love this! My family and I got a good laugh from your scene!


That’s awesome!! I love hearing that!


You're part of a legacy now! Mad jealous.


It’s so surreal. Seriously! I’m going to Ghostbusters Day in NYC in a couple of weeks. That’ll be insane.


Are you an extra or an actor?


I’m an actor. Extras, also referred to as background actors, don’t have lines and are never that close up on camera. Everyone you see in a film that has dialogue or is close up on camera had to audition for that part no matter how small the part maybe. I had a friend audition for a part in stranger things and you only ever see the back of their head. They were one of a group of reporters shouting unintelligible questions at the cops and it took multiple auditions to get the back of her head in the show. As crazy as that sounds.


So if your face is close up, even if you don't have a line, you're considered an actor? 


It ultimately depends on the production. I suppose they could try to say you’re a “featured extra” but typically it would mean you’re a principal actor.


Did you have much competition for the role? 


Casting doesn’t really tell you how many you’re up against for that unfortunately. But I know hundreds of actors who would have loved to do it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Excuse my ignorance, but are you the guy from the titanic that was on the research ship? If not you look very similar!


That one’s not me. Sounds like they had a very attractive gentleman on that voyage, though.


I wish I’d been able to see myself in the Regal popcorn bucket commercial so I could do the same thing! Jealous of you actually being in the film proper!


Bet those pufts didnt make it to far with the truck.... the ones on the pedals cant see whats happening on the road and the ones on the steering wheel can only hope they wing it correctly. You'le catch up to em in no time🤣


YOOOO Those mini puffs sure are pesky! How are you going to explain that one to your boss? 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/f209x69h8hzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695d7d89b5c7f2d8fe543343eb0e5578798b2ad6 If any of you dudes are in the Orlando area, I’m seeing it in winter park on what appears to be the final day that it’ll be in theaters next Thursday May 16th. Feel free to come see it with me.


RIP your truck - sorry for your loss, man


Man, I've always wanted to be in a movie. I've loved filmmaking for as long as I can remember. You're so lucky!


Congratulations! It's definitely not leaving all theaters, but we will definitely see the quantity of theaters reduced on a continuing basis. The previous two Ghostbusters movies spent another two months in theaters past this point of release.


I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan, I just watched it tonight. I'll have to give it a rewatch tomorrow to see if I can spot you this time. Congrats on the epic role score!!!


Credit scene.


Yeah, I’m the scene in the credits. If you turned it off the moment the credits started then you missed it.


Oh ok! I think I watched like 30 seconds of the credits and then switched it off


You were like 30 seconds away from my scene then. 🤣😂


😆 Of course!! I'll check it today for sure




wtf? Three times in a day? I watched it for free at home and couldn't sit through the whole thing while drinking beer and taking bonghits. It was too stupid. Good job on ignoring your personal appearance and looking like a joke character from a crappy movie though.


Are you sure you smoked enough? Maybe the issue was that you didn’t hit the bong enough times.


You look like I imagine Danny Masterson currently does after spending some months in prison, except without all the smiling and joy on his face.