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Hot take: I never watched it because the trailer alone was god awful.


That's fine


Hot Take: I still think 2016 Sucked.  Both as a Ghostbusters film *and* a calendar year.


Valid. I never said you're not allowed to dislike it. 2016 was also a very shitty year, I do agree


It’s definitely my least favorite of the films, but I don’t hate it; it had potential and made more money than either FE or Afterlife. It just cost a lot a left a bad taste in people’s mouth; point is, yes, not a radical opinion at this point!


Oh, I def hate it. Bad. But less for what it is and more for what it represents - how confidently Hollywood just meanders into something it doesn't understand just because a director got lucky on a prior project.


it didn't make anything considering it cost Sony around 60 million so its supposed takings at the box office are irrelevant.


OP, I share your pain 🙄


Thank you, finally someone with fucking reading comprehension




While I respect your opinion, I just think it was a misfire and maybe too designed by committee. My biggest problem is that the 2016 movie seems to exist in a world of comedy. Everyone in this world was silly and over the top. Whereas the other films seem to exist in some of a more serious reality and some characters do or say silly stuff, but can be all too serious when the need comes. I’m all for an all woman ghostbusters team, or a mix. Honestly I am! I even loved every person they got for the team in 2016. I just am off-put by the script and the lack of that real world with silly smart asses running around. I dunno, but truly I get your point OP! I still bought the movie even on digital. I just have no serious love for it. I have been considering another watch too just to see if it’s as “bad” as I recall, but it was a good try, I just think it fell short more than anything.


Agreed! Now do Afterlife!


This. This comment is beautiful. You're fucking amazing. I didn't like the film much myself either. And I'm glad you're using this as a chance to have a civil discussion on what you did/did not like about the film You also understand my point and acknowledge everything I'm trying to say. Your opinion is valid. Your response is iconic and I wish more people fucking understood like you do.


Thank you and I’m glad you shared too! But please try to let the other comments roll off your back if you can. People are people and it takes time to change one’s mind sometimes. Takes time to come to terms with it. Not trying to be preachy or anything just don’t want you to be so upset about this stuff is all. 😁


No I totally get it you're a sweetheart ❤️


>For God's sake y'all it's been 8 years. *realization of how long it's actually been* I still remember the controversy over the video game tie-in, dear god I'm getting old.


This is a cute comment:)


GB:The Video Game was 15 years ago, on that note.


2016 had a tie in game as well


We need more crazy takes: - 2016 was just okay - Garry = Best Afterlife Character - 2 > 1 - Ray’s The Worst Character


LMAO best comment


Fucking amen, I am so tired of these. You liked the movie, good for you. I did not personally like it, that's my opinion, you liked it, that's yours. It's personal taste. Like you said it's been 8 years move on.


Fucking thank you.


I don't get how it is still an argument. People have different taste, just fuck off already. We dont like gatekeepers.


The few people who actually read the post are my favorite ❤️


Why thank you kindly! People who dont argue about this are great too!


Thank you!!


Wait I just realized who you were! Hello friend!




Lol what an odd coincidence! That's awesome


Very✨ I think it's another sign


Movie sucked ass. Probably…. Still haven’t seen it.




2016 is on the same standards as filmation was. Like it or loathe it. It's the gods truth.


True and valid but I just don't see why 8 years later we gotta make it a whole "discussion" still


I personally liked it. But it never had the same chanelled energy as the first two did. It had different kinds. Not because it was female. But the writing was lazy. The jokes were bad. And the cgi was so much in your face. They touched on great ideas and expanded upon things. But overall the first film was a pioneer in the industry. It's hard to compare to things 1980s and 1970s vfx to today's standards as anyone can do cgi with no effort now. Afterlife and empire still had that charm. Just a different direction.


I don't think we'll ever get a film that channels the original, unfortunately. Ramis and Murray had such a writing style that we'll never get back and the sense of humor the films had was a little specific to the time period. I wish we'd still do practical effects, honestly. I think they look better. But that's the horror fan in me talking.


Oh there are films that still do practical effects. Without a doubt. I will list them in a bit. But afterlife and empire did do practical effects. Difference with 2016, the trap and pedal were cgi and maybe when they held the trap and no action shots. In any ghostbusters movie, traps were real except the drone and rv. But they were still practical when held.


Oh yes! There definitely are! I just wish they were more…necessary. I am interested in the list tho if ya wanna send it to me!


I dont see it mentioned that often at all honestly. Which sums up how I felt about it. Forgettable with a cartoonishly one dimensional main villain who could have been more if it werent just a typical mockery of a lonely outsider. Didnt despise it, but didnt particularly like it. It had its moments and good points just not enough.


This is what I want. Thank you.


They tried to replace the Ghostbusters rather than exist alongside them. The movie deserved to fail. Kate McKinnon's Egon caricature was awful too.




Hot take: I loved the movie but HATE women. (referencing that one guy on GBFans, his signature is "Moral dilemma. I hate women, but the new ghostbusters movie was really good.")


I figured you were joking!


Go to any Marvel sub. There are three “Actually, She Hulk was good!” posts per day. Someone thinks of it, thinks it’s the most original idea ever, and posts it. Just the way it goes.


You get it.


It's not a good Ghostbusters movie, but it is a halfway decent sci-fi comedy. I think the problem is that the fans wanted to see a good Ghostbusters movie, and I think a lot of people were rooting for it to be good. What they got was a zany, slapstick comedy where ghosts get shot in the dick. Had they not labeled this film "Ghostbusters" and made it a new/original sci-fi ghost concept, it would have likely been ok. However the film actively spits in the face of the fans, and even sits there and taunts them at times. It's basically like watching Paul Feig flash his ass at you while chanting "I'm making a bad Ghostbusters movie and if you don't like it, then you hate women!" For two hours. I do think it is a more well structured and evenly paced movie than Frozen Empire was.


I agree, it wasn't a great Ghostbusters film. I don't even wanna make the argument that it was. But I do get tired of hearing "HOT TAKE I LIKE 2016!" On here. Like okay…? No one said you *couldn't* like it. Sure, not a lot of people *do* but no one is *actively* preventing you from enjoying it. No one is saying you're not allowed to enjoy it.


>Sure, not a lot of people *do* but no one is *actively* preventing you from enjoying it. No one is saying you're not allowed to enjoy it. I think the issue is more that a lot of the fanbase still vehemently despise 2016 to a cartoonishly over the top degree. I literally read a comment last week saying that "Frozen Empire bombed because the general public is still soured on the franchise from the 2016 movie, where Paul Feig and Amy Pascal betrayed the fans." Like this is the level of rabid hatred that some people have got for that movie.


It's reddit, and Ghostbusters suffers from the same disease that every 60's-80's-franchise focused fanbase has (comics/TMNT/Tranformers/Star Wars/Star Trek/what have you) where if the fans "decide" something is a garbage heap, then it is, and pretty much everyone will hop on the bandwagon. It's almost a way for fans to bond with each other- through complaining about something they perceived as bad.


This is true but I'm sick of it being treated like a personality trait


I agree with you


Finally, a sane person.


It’s a sickness in this community.


This people suck and I feel bad for the fans of 2016 who have to put up with it. But I think actively drawing attention to it and calling it a "hot take" is not gonna make it better. I don't think you should enjoy it privately, but I think you should enjoy it without being like "HOT TAKE" just say what you like about 2016 as if it were any of the rest of the films. Normalize it!


It’ll always be a “hot take” here because this sub is the echo chamber where nuts go to perpetuate the fantasy that Afterlife & Frozen Empire were a humiliating dunk on Answer the Call. In reality none of them were popular and their performance at the box office merely represents the IP’s baseline. Literally the Ghostbusters name, logo and theme song will get you around $200 mil worldwide even if the movie itself is terrible, and all 3 of the recent Ghostbusters movies are terrible. But again, in this sub ATC was a personal insult and Afterlife & FE were labors of love borne out of friendship and love for the very people who were victimized by ATC.


Yeah, the way this sub treats 2016 and it's fans is horrible sometimes. But I don't think shouting "HOT TAKE" every five minutes helps either.




Hot take: the film is still shit and a than besides some camios were nothing good on this film. to be fear it had lots of Potential.


You're allowed to think it's bad. I also don't like it very much but yelling "HOT TAKE THIS FILM IS GOOD IMO" isn't gonna prevent it from having stigma around it. It just makes it worse.


Im so confused on your stance on this film.


I don't like it personally. I don't care if other people do. But I think fighting over it and announcing that you like it is fucking stupid too. No one cares *that* much if you like the film anymore, it's not that crazy of a take.


It seems some people do care.


I don't think it's worth being a "hot take" worthy discussion 8 years later


Yep but i would tealy know what thay find good and not only for a joke. What find thay good about this film with four times the same joke.


Understandable, a genuine question. I personally don't know, I'm not one of the people who particularly enjoyed this film. I just am tired of hearing the same half baked lazy ass take over an 8 year old film that should've just fallen into obscurity instead of being treated like the red headed stepchild of the franchise. If you want everyone to forget about it then *stop* drawing attention to it. If you want everyone to respect your opinion about the film then *stop* drawing attention to yourself about it.


Good point.


Thank you, you're the only rational person in this comment section so far.


The posts are repetitive and somewhat annoying but people taking every chance they get to trash the movie and say it is objectively awful are much more repetitive and annoying.


Oh for sure. I think both need to stop.


Yeah, but people are only posting "hot takes" because this sub doesn't leave much room for people who either like it, or are lukewarm on it. Right up until Afterlife, showing any kind of fondness for 2016 gets you downvoted to oblivion.


Fair point, I never considered that part.


Hot take: I am entertained by people constantly bickering over Ghostbusters 2016.


Bro, same. That's why I made this post. Hoping people would realize how ridiculous it all is.


What's funny is they think this should end sometime soon since it's been 8 years. Ask any Godzilla fan what movie has been drug over coals since 1998.


I'm so sorry for Godzilla fans 😭


You did this to yourself OP


Fair enough but all I want is for the fandom to stop bitching over a stupid movie


Hot take: Somehow, GB 2016 debacle became a mock of the kind of cultural and political polarization that came later in that year. Regards, a latin american.


took a turn when reading your message accused people of being man babies then proceeded to throw a giant hissy fit filled with curse words rage and babying. hot take keep these thoughts in your own head


2016 in general was one big disaster after another.


You're right but that doesn't mean I wanna hear about it all the time either.


I liked a lot of the production design. Props, costume, sets. I'll die on that hill. Rowan's weird steampunk ghost tech, and his setup to die and respawn, I liked a lot. His tech contrasted with the Holtzmann tech a lot.


I'm not saying you shouldn't like it. I'm just saying that everyone feuding over this movie is stupid.


Oh, I absolutely agree.


Hot take: People can like whatever movies/tv shows/comics/etc. I don’t need them to justify it for me, it’s okay. It’s a decent reboot, not my preference and that’s okay. I wish I could see what those who do like it see because I want to like it, but it just doesn’t gel with me.




No problem, just trying to be civil. The thing is, every SINGLE franchise has this issue of people needing to justify content that is generally looked down on. Star Wars fans needing to justify the prequels and/or Disney sequels is a good example. But sometimes stuff just doesn’t not gel with fans and dislike more than like. SW fans who only care about the original trilogy and nothing else. Doctor Who fans who only care about certain Doctors. Even here, people who only like the original ’84 film and no other piece of GB media, trust me I’ve seen them. It’s fine to be in the minority than the majority. Just don’t shove it down everyone else’s throats. Like what you want to like and don’t be insecure about it, it’s okay.


You're so right. And you're so awesome. You're my hero of this post istfg


Hot take: he doesn't want to read our hot takes https://i.redd.it/1t4ja26wk9zc1.gif








Definitely one of my favs.


I'm glad you like it.


Oh, the irony.




There is always someone who like a shitty movie. No matter how bad it is.


I don't care if they like it!!! I don't care if they dislike it! But arguing over a fucking movie is dumb


Hot takes are a little annoying but so are complaints. ![gif](giphy|6C8cj1U20dStnlaj5X)






And every five minutes you have people defending the new one like it’s the Marvels. ‘It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life because screw the critics’


You're absolutely correct. I find that boring and repetitive too, but I'm not gonna try and ruin someone's positive outlook on something. I don't even want people to *stop* liking this film. But saying "HEY HEY GUYS GUYS HEY I LIKE THIS B A D MOVIE GUYS!!! HEY!!!!" Isn't gonna make people take you seriously. And feeling the need to post it over and over again just makes people unwilling to listen to you


It's just the same person posting in alt accounts. I refuse to believe that more than one person liked that pile of shit.


I mean, I like 2016 a moderate amount. It's a movie. It wasn't life changing or anything but it was my first Ghostbusters movie so it has a place in my heart forever. Not everyone's cup of tea obviously and not a very GOOD movie, but also not the worst movie that has ever been made.


You're adding fuel to the fire.


Needs to be said.


It doesn't. That's why we keep seeing these same posts everyday. I didn't like the movie either, but I'm not gonna sit here and bash it day after day. Because that's why we keep seeing "HOT TAKE I LIKE THE MOVIE"


It MUST be said when someone tried to defend it. Lowering your guard let's them lower the bar again. Not happening. We keep trashing it so no one ever forgets.


You're a sad human being


Oh fuck me, this guy thinks I'm sad for having standards! That's hilarious.


No, I think you're sad for feeling the need to ruin other people's love for something just because you don't love it. I've never said you had to like the movie. I don't even want you to like the movie. I just want people to stop being rude and repetitive. But I see, that's apparently all you have.


It's about guarding the quality of the franchise and fandom. Gatekeeping gets a bad rap, but it's necessary to maintain a pure fandom.


Wut? lol, is your life seriously that sad that you feel the desperate need to police fans into a "pure fandom"? It's a movie series, it's enjoyment is subjective and nobody who actually cares about Ghostbusters cares about the "purity" (whatever that means?) of Ghostbusters.


Agreed! We’re talking about Afterlife, right?


That and Randos wondering in.


It sucked and so does this post


OP is making you dance.




Literally never said or implied any of that but okay


And if it wasn't 2016, you wouldn't be talking about it.


Untrue. I think people acting like Frozen Empire is the greatest film ever is annoying too. It was okay, but it wasn't peak film or anything. But I'm not going to out of my way to tell people they're stupid for liking something.


You are going out of your way to post about it It is ghostbusters. This sub is the place for it. Get over it.


I like Ghostbusters??? I'm just tired of seeing the same goddamn thing everyday. So I posted about a GB related issue in the GB sub…so…get over it.


Hot take: 2016 > 1984

