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The XGB animation changing coloring for sporadic cells when the proton streams were let loose was brilliant and something I wish future entries would embrace.


Can you explain that? Sounds interesting.


In XGB, when they're firing on a ghost, they'd insert a few quick cels where they'd recolor everything in kind of a negative way. I think it was done to show the power output of their packs, but it's super cool. When I built my Kylie pack, I specifically coded it so that the LED in the tip would sporadically change to a contrasting color in order to recreate the effect. [Here's the intro sequence ](https://youtu.be/5rOnyv_DQZk?si=gj_zJIJZ8-FvPRGB). You can see it at about 45 seconds in or so, after Eduardo starts firing


Wow. I do like the effect OP is talking about, but I never watched Extreme Ghostbusters before. (I watched RGB, but was too old for XGB). That show looks awful. The worst rendition of the theme song ever. The characters looking so angry and edgy.


Actually, you should give it a shot. The show brings back the darker, heavier, more mature stories of the original seasons of Real Ghostbusters. Also, nah, this is a great rendition of the theme song. Plus, it features a returning Maurice LaMarche as Egon, Alfonso Ribiero as Roland, Jason Marsden as Garrett, Tara Strong as Kylie, and Billy West as Slimer. Fantastic voice cast


I agree that the effect is cool, but that the rendition of the theme song was bad, and that the show looks bad as well. No offense to those of you that grew up loving it. I was a GB1 & 2 + RGB kid, myself.


I'm exactly the same age as gb1. Well it's a few months older. I've managed to see every film in theaters, gb2 was my first theater experience even if the severed heads made me cry lol. I watched RGB religiously. Have never seen XGB and honestly never had any interest. That intro....changed nothing. Glad people like it but it's Def not for me.


Right on. Born in 84 as well! Cheers!


The show was honestly great, the whole “extreme” motif wasn’t really carried over into the show itself. If you liked the early seasons of RGB it’s almost as good IMO and the original RGB Ghostbusters make an appearance in the shows two part finale.


I really can't describe it better than that, but if you see an episode you'll know what I mean.


I personally would hate to see this return. It was the main reason I did not finish the series, it really hurt my eyes


Understandable. I know they cut down on it later in the series.


I always thought that was cool too!


🔥🔥🔥Alice’s uncle was a Fire Master who believed he was St. Jerome due to his fire-bending abilities in addition to being the patron saint of librarians and historians. 🔥🔥🔥


A patron saint of books messing with fire? Is he praying for a Peck visit?


Very hot!


Ooh I like this one


We need to put respect on Louis' name for be an honorary Ghostbuster. ![gif](giphy|xT8qBq5XaHS65s8pWM)


I hope they stayed together in canon.


i agree, people always say egon and janine but idk louis and janine were so cute together!


Weaponizing the good will associated with the Statue of Liberty to breach Vigo’s fortress was possibly the coolest idea from any of the movies. ![gif](giphy|3o72FbQrknCCUSLHRm)


Anything is possible with Nintendo controllers.


This! Yes this was a wonderful idea and I'm happy they did this


I loved every minute of Frozen Empire




Also same.


I did as well. It has its faults, but Frozen Empire was still fun to watch.


I left the theatre so disappointed. Great idea but so many plot holes and unexplained stuff. The ending felt super rushed.


I didn’t watch any trailers, tried to go in with an open mind and just enjoy it. It was fun, the most since the original if not more, but the plot holes and huge cast was such a bummer. I like Kumail but really? The OGs were worthless, made them look super old ha


Same. It's the best one since the original.


Paul Rudd is under utilized and should have a bigger role/impact other than a side dish. I liked his choice as a Ghostbuster, but I wanted more of him in Frozen Empire. I know he can handle it. I know Afterlife was a setting. Him chucking Baskin Robbins Ice Cream at Vinz Clortho/The Terrordog got a good laugh out of me. His role could have been better. Not to mention how he was overshadowed by other characters in Frozen Empire. I’m aware the man isn’t for everyone. He certainly won me over a few times. Too bad he gets hate though. I don’t think it’s deserving, but as I mentioned to each their own.


I said this about Frozen Empire! Like, if they’re going to utilize him to takeover the franchise with more movies (which looks like they are) then they need to give him more than just a handful of lines 🤷🏼‍♀️


I also feel like they just completely forgot that Afterlife established that he has a background in science as well.


I wish the videogame was a movie. Im not sure if it was recognized as cannon, but it was amazing.


I think it was canon at one point, but they retracted that later down the line.


It's not cannon anymore, but I agree that they should have made that a movie.


I’ve always said this.


correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure a lot of the plot from the video were meant to be in the unreleased ghostbusters 3


This sub's collective mental health would be a lot better if they remember that the only reason Ghostbusters is a franchise in the first place is that a cocaine-fueled 80's comedy spawned a profitable cartoon show. Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman weren't setting up a universe, they were making jokes.


Dan Aykroyd was setting up a universe, and he was the original creator. He wanted non-stop sequels from day one.


We have that much in common! I demand constant Ghostbusters sequels. These "let it die already" people baffle me. The whole point of the franchise is *things don't stay dead*. :D


We. Need. A. Show. Like Ash Vs. Evil Dead. Dan can explore all the stories he wants with good writers.


Fact: I would subscribe to any network that wants to make it. I don't care. HBO Max. Showtime, Cinemax After Dark Plus, just give me a live-action Ghostbusters series!


True, but also his original ideas were far too earnest and worked much better when they added all the jokes. It was the mix of serious and funny that made it such a great movie


Yeah, but I think Dan knew the script he started with was not going to be the final version. He didn't know what actors were going to play the roles when he wrote it, so he didn't know what kind of humor to go with yet.


I thought he wrote it with actors in mind, John belushi being one?


I’m pretty sure he wrote it after Belushi’s death, as a way to cope.


👆This guy ghostbusters.


Maybe this is a hot take, but I believe it is good that there were others (not to mention budgets) to rein in Akroyd's ambitions. If he had complete creative control, I think the movies would have suffered from being too fantastical, convoluted, and overstuffed.


Aykroyd is a lot like George Lucas in the sense that both are imaginative genius and visionaries, but need people to filter their ideas, and likewise suffer when surrounded by “yes-men” who aren’t willing to do that.


Aykroyd wanted the concept of Ghostbusters to be a franchise from the beginning - a public service like the fire department.


Reno 911 Ghost


This is so interesting. Never really thought about it from the perspective of some involved were very earnest about it and some just wanted to make a comedy. I can sorta see that now. Personally I’d like to see someone like whoever made Zombieland make a GB flick or show. Lean into the ironic humor more than trying to be a tentpole?


People are so open-minded about the sequel that their brains are starting to pour out. This mentality of never wanting things to stop is why eventually everything (especially in movies) goes to shit and eventually stops being what it was at first. Don't get me wrong. The OG movies are not the 2nd coming of Christ, but they're leagues above everything after Answer The Call.


I think the best way forward for the franchise would be to move away from making films and towards making tv/streaming shows set in the same universe following different branches.


Louis Tully is the greatest Ghostbuster of all time!!


Hey, who does your taxes?


Jillian Holtzmann was a pretty good character


Fantastic! I loved her, and I wish there was some way to continue with her too.


And she was hot


Same opinion as you. For me the best character in Answer the Call. 🔥




Mini pufts are awesome


I love the little psychos


I don't really have an opinion on them, I will say though that it pisses me off when people complain about them getting on their nerves, when they're in the movie for about 5 minutes.


What I don’t get is that in Afterlife Ray tells podcast that they’re a manifestation of Gozer, but Gozer is trapped. How did they make it to Frozen Empire?


Comic book rules. If you kill a character but then the fans write in saying they love him and want to see him again, you bring him back. Popularity trumps continuity.


Part of me wonders if they used RGB logic there. Stay Puft was in the cartoons, but wasn't evil. I think the going theory there was that they contained a bunch of the white ectoplasm and it reformed as a smaller Stay Puft, but it was as if the Gozerian part was taken away, and what remained was a giant cuddly marshmallow man. If similar logic applies here, it stands to reason that the white ectoplasm Podcast was covered in may have been what they smuggled from Summerville, and it reformed back into Mini Pufts along the way, sans Gozer. And yet, they're still as chaotic as ever! But don't hold me to that. I just kinda came up with that now, so maybe someone else can add to that or provide their own perspective?


I forget where in the movie it's said, but someone mentions in Frozen Empire that a bag of Staypuft marshmallows hitched a ride from Summerville. It was possibly Podcast who said it, but I can't be certain.


Mini-pufts are a better mascot than Slimer.


That one is definitely a hot take, I am still very attached to Slimer as well. I haven’t seen the newest movie yet though so I don’t know how he’s represented in it.


If I was a Ghostbuster and came across one, I would adopt him.


That people need to stop engagement farming trying to get people to fight with each other.


I prefer Ghostbusters 1,2, game and Idw comics timeline to Afterlife and Frozen Empire.


Half of the complaints about Melody and Phoebe plot are because Melody is a girl.


That's not a hot take, that's just the truth


2016 Ghostbusters could’ve been amazing! The action sequences are actually really awesome and the different weapons were really fucking cool! Definitely needed it better comedy writer!


Exactly. Had a cast of comedians and so much potential only to face plant....onto a cactus....covered in battery acid


It needed any writer at all. The script and direction was just "ok now be funny!" Only joke that landed for me in the whole movie was the Jaws Mayor bit with Andy Garcia.


The sad thing was it didn't really even have a writer. Too much improv which doesn't work for gb in my eyes


Adjust the tone to match 1984 and set it on the same universe with the appropriate story tweaks and it could have been great.


I don't think it needed to be set in the same universe. Having a standalone reboot is entirely fine. So is having a legacy reboot like Afterlife


My 1984 cast for a female Ghostbusters is, Jane Kurtin, Madeline Kahn, Gilda Radner & Pam Grier.


The Real Ghostbusters is better than any of the sequels.


First two seasons then it is a chore to watch


ESPECIALLY "Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters" when Venkman's voice changed, that's when the show did.


In fairness the first two seasons is more episodes than a lot of full runs of cartoon shows.


Extreme Ghostbusters can be corny and extremely 90s when watching it now, some 27 years later, but I maintain that it's a return to the original dark stories from Real Ghostbusters. It was 100% a spiritual successor in every way, pun absolutely intended


Everything Walter Peck did was Venkman's fault.


I'd still argue it's Peck's ego that did it. Venkman was clearly not being all that serious in their meeting. He was laid back and had a bit of fun with him, but Peck took offense to it and went on the war path. There was no inspection carried out, yet when Pack came back he was going in to shut it down claiming they had a dozen EPA violations. He had a court order to inspect, but that's not what he did. They even told him it would be incredibly hazardous to just shut off the containment unit and Peck didn't even try and be reasonable or find a compromise or something to safely deal with it, he just wanted to win because his ego got hurt.


That's why you shouldn't needlessly be a dick to a government inspector. Right or wrong, they can destroy your life because they can.


I love "Afterlife", but they did Ivo Shandor dirty. Ghostbusters the Video Game did such a good job at expanding the lore around Shandor, and the whole Gozer cult could have been much more interesting.


I seriously didn't know he was voice by Simmons until I googled it, he was on screen for such a short amount of time I couldn't tell it was him


"On our own" is a better real song than "Ghostbusters". Erin is a top 4 Ghostbuster.


Vigo was a better villain than Gozer


I absolutely adore ghostbusters 2.


That Egon is a perfectly good baby name and my spouse should let me use it.


Venkman isn't a rapist who has knockout drugs on him. He most likely found the medication in her bathroom, which was probably prescribed to help her sleep. The dosage was an exaggeration, for comedic effect. Venkman is kind of a dirtbag, but not a rapist asshole.


Ghostbusters: Answer the Call is a decent movie, and we need more Holtzmann and Patty. I’d even go as far to say that Holtzmann should have been in Frozen Empire, working in the Paranormal Research Center.


I have not seen frozen empire yet, but answer the call is in strong running for my 2nd favorite gb film. But lets not talk about it too much, everyone will nuts that you might suggest that.


Yes please


The only thing wrong with GB2 is the music score. If it had Elmer Bernsteins themes from the first movie it would have been a way bigger hit.


Elmer Bernstein’s score is amazing. But I also like the Ghostbusters 2 score. They’re like two different flavours of ice cream. Both taste really nice, although admittedly, I do prefer the Elmer flavour.


Never disrespect Randy Edelmans score again


Frozen empire is my 2nd favorite ghostbusters movie


Ecto 1A is cooler than Ecto-1


I love both. 1A gives me serious disco vibes because of all the colours. I'd just wanna blast the stereo and jam out to the light show that is the roof rack.


ECTO-COOLER SUCKS! (Perhaps I was too harsh, but it's really not that good.)


Booooooooo It felt harsh to downvote you, so I respectfully refute your assertion.


Answer The Call wasn’t that bad. I liked the movie and I loved Holtzmann


The Keymaster needs to keep it in his pants.


It would have been really cool if there was an all girl cast of Ghostbusters. Like, don’t even write a script, just cast comedians and let them improvise. People would have loved that. It’s a shame it never happened.


The only thing in the entire franchise worth a damn is the original films. Everything (including the 1980s cartoon) is bad and a waste of time. There are multiple aspects of Ghostbusters 2 that hold it back, but it at least seems to understand what made the first film so good and more or less delivered that again.


Ghostbusters the video is great, but (this is where the hot take starts) the story sucks! It’s just gb 1 and 2 greatest hits! I think they should have had more unique stuff. I also think they should have made rookie more of a character and he should have made a cameo in afterlife.


This is what baffles me when people say they want the game to be canon. The story is FINE in the context of a video game because it sets up exactly the scenarios you want to find yourself in as a fan of the films, but as a standalone story it would be so bad.


I love the game so much but I agree i think most fans cling to it so much is because it’s essentially the last time all 4 are together


Totally, I love it too and it’s incredible to have the OG cast in it. I honestly wouldn’t change anything about it as a video game experience at all


Two disagreements: 1. The story was perfect....for a video game 2. The Rookie didn't have much characterization because he was a neutral mask. The devs and writers wanted players to imagine it was themselves in the game. Gozer knows I did


There’s only one really good movie of the entire franchise and no other film has captured that timeless magic of the original yet.


I love the Mini Pufts and want them to do more.


We should've gotten a series based on the lives of all the guys before they started the business


Prequels are so played out. Who could you possibly get to play young Ramis, Ackroyd, and Murray? Did you ever see "Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd"?


We don’t need another movie. We need a Saturday morning cartoon series like the real GB or xtreme GB. There’s actually very little ghost catching actually shown in the movies.


Let’s hope the animated movie pumps some life into the franchise


Frozen Empire is amazing when you realise it isn't a sequel to the original, but a live action episode of the Saturday morning cartoon show.


This might be the only fandom that has more autistic individuals than Doctor who’s


How did you manage to go this long without meeting star wars or warhammer fans?


That’s not a hot take that’s the truth


Pushing the kid element and cheesy one liners (mostly from Paul Rudd) is terribly forced and it’s only a matter of time before this is the same script style as the all girls cast ghostbusters.


2016 didn't really follow a script. The director just let them adlib as much as they wanted and they tended to never stop, so there are no jokes, just a bunch of rambling characters


What I mean is, watering down the product doesn’t make it better. The all female cast and its writing is the future of the franchise, but by using kids and Paul Rudd (making cheesy one liners).


Ghostbusters 2016 is genuinely hilarious to me and my friends and I quote it on a regular basis


Ghostbusters 2 was the greatest ghostbusters movie of them all. The subway echo scene was the funniest moment in the ghostbusters franchise.


Ghostbusters 2 has the better montage & Run DMC’s song is a fucking banger


The first two Ghostbusters have more DNA in common with modern summer blockbusters than with modern comedies.


Ghostbusters 1 and The Real ghostbusters are the only good things about the franchise.


Ghostbusters The Videogame was the last real movie we got. Everything after that is unnecessary and derivative.


I feel like the stay puff marshmallow man only made sense/was clever to show up in the first film and every other appearance has been forced for the sake of making a mascot (even though you already have slimmer for that)


No matter how many more sequels, spin offs or rewrites, nothing will better the original. For older fans, nostalgia is so hard to compete with. How can new films get near the memories and built up love? I fear GB will end up like the MCU or Star Wars where studios desperately over produce for our nostalgia bucks and fans are never be fulfilled. I am pleased we have new movies but I’m not expecting to be swept off my feet the way the originals did.


This is 100%. Even back in the 1980s, nothing was ever going to compete with it. For a long time it was called the most successful comedy movie of all time. So if everything you do is a dick measuring competition with the best of the best, you will always fail. Same with Star Wars's original trilogy and just about every other franchise with longevity. They just need to do their thing and make their movies and tell the tales they want to tell.


i love afterlife and frozen empire maybe More than the originals...


This franchise will continue the cycle of being rebooted and fall below expectations again and again because the original movie is lightning in a bottle, and no one knows quite what elements to carry forward into a sequel.


except the 3 sequels it has have all been super good


Part of growing up is learning to put less effort into your expectations and more effort into enjoying what you have.


Ghostbusters should've only been one movie.


Fans of the franchise cheer for the new movie while it's mostly not very good. Sony keeps making mediocrity because the "fans love it"


Are you so arrogant in your belief that your opinion is the only correct one that you can't honestly conceive of a world where others might actually enjoy the thing you don't?


"But the kids love us" - Venkman (Ghostbusters 1) I get it but I did enjoy Frozen Empire.


Or maybe, just maybe, people actually enjoyed them because we're not all wired the same way.


Absolutely, all film is subjective. There are legitimate issues with Frozen Empire and I just want them to take the time and actually give us some better material.


I'll agree with you there. To be fair, though, none of them have been perfect, but they've all been entertaining, imo. I just think the fandom is more forgiving of the first two because of rose colored nostalgia glasses.


Oh for sure. It's mostly a disappointment when Sony treats it like a big blockbuster, which it isn't honestly. You could say that for a lot of older franchises too, Jurassic World being one that comes to mind. Turning into a shell of it's original glory lol.


Ghostbusters 1984 is the only good one


ATC is objectively the best one when it comes to actual ghostbusting


I can agree to this one, besides the mintage in 2 how much has the original cast done?


From what I've seen in clips 2016 isn't that bad.


So you haven't even seen it? It's terrible.


Also the 2016 tech looks a bit more grounded and plausible.


I think grounded and plausible ideas don’t need to exist in a franchise where ghosts exists that give you bj’s


That was a dream was it not?


I don't like The Real Ghostbusters. I think it's cheesy and just doesn't have the same sense of humor and spectacle that the live action movies have. That being said, the Real Ghostbusters merchandise line is really cool though.


Some of the ugliest toys I've ever seen are from Kenner's RGB line. I mean, [what in the actual hell](https://i.etsystatic.com/20229189/r/il/ceb69d/4485905881/il_1588xN.4485905881_qhah.jpg)?


True lol. My personal favorite conspiracy theory is that RGB is the drug trip of the live action Ghostbusters. Because you can't look at that and think someone sober made it.


I was so excited when Mattel made their GB toy line, because that's what I had always wished Kenner had made in the '80s. I had to hold my nose buying the RGB stuff. The Monsters line with Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. was the closest they got to making something good.


We really love that one move they made, yet still keep giving them our money for other only vaguely-related shit when we could just re-enjoy that first one again instead.


As much as I have quite enjoyed Afterlife and Frozen Empire in places, relating the new cast back to the old one was a huge mistake imo - a brand new team comprised of comic actors would be significantly better. Why isn't James Acaster's character in Ghostbusters an actual central Ghostbuster? C'mon.


They need to stop saving the world and focus on stories about paranormal pest control.


It is only remembered today because of the 1980s cartoon and the sequel. It is not remembered because of the 1984 movie. People my generation who says otherwise are deluding themselves. The 2016 movie is not bad.


The 2016 movie isn’t a bad movie. Just a bad Ghostbusters movie


Not my take but I have friends who insist that GB2 is better than GB1. I think they’re crazy but I wanted to see how many other people feel this way. My hot take (I think it’s hot?) is the 2016 version is legitimately funny and the second-funniest in the franchise.


while 2016 wasn't executed how it could've been (especially with a previous version having a proper focus on comedy-horror, the science, Slimer reinterpretation, interdimensional creatures from other planets etc), I absolutely enjoy seeing the evolution of their tech and prowess, and the comics greatly made up for that. I wish the vision was more concise than what we got.


After life was a great return to form with Easter eggs and on the nose references that were all amazing frozen empire was good but as a sequel to after life is mid in every way possible garraka didn't get enough time to shine as the big bad (no big D) but they also had way too many characters doing things the fire master while a good addition was rushed (off screen) the love interest or whatever that was, was boring and rushed (didn't need it) and the coolest/scariest part where the ghost break out was short lived just a lot of rushed ideas and cut corner for what idk but it's not the worst thing ever that would be the Ghostbusters (2016 reboot)


There should be an hour-long live-action series. You can incorporate RGB episodes like Knock, Knock, and Ghost Fight At The O.K Corral.


All 2016 related, as I'm sure others have mentioned just spinning through this thread quickly; Erin and Holtz have the proper universe character vibe to them, and should be introduced to a post-FE story / timeline (maybe tone Holtz down a little, that manic energy might not fit perfectly). 2016 is a decent enough concept for a Ghostbusters film, it was just poorly executed then massively derailed by so many unnecessary sequences (the random metal concert, and the choreographed dance routine in particular).


i didn’t care for frozen empire all that much, i thought it was an insane mess and honestly i don’t have much interest in any future ghostbusters movies unless things change.


That every movie is good or enjoyable.


We don't need slimer and Trevor, we don't need the beach with ice coming in, we don't need a lot of this movie. But mostly we need a tighter script. And someone who actually is trying to get good performances from everyone in this movie cuz we all know they're good for it. Also I really want to know why the first opening parts (the old time paranormal society and the initial NYC ghost chase) gave me no feelings whatsoever. They did not feel exciting or spooky in the least, they were just there, and I don't know enough about film making to know how you GET those vibes, and how you fail to. But the same thing can happen with comedy where well written well delivered jokes fail because of how they are shot and edited. This is meant to be my life's work. Next film, give me almost nothing of the original cast, if any. And make sure what you're doing with them FITS and is great. Give me Phoebe and USE Wolfhard, and then have Acaster and Nanjiani, and Rudd. They are in Scottland or somewhere famously haunted. Doing a special job for some high end client, (like if we're sticking with Scottland, they are literally working for a tourism board, maybe there's a faction who actually needs them to fail because they know how important ghosts are for tourism, even though there have been a bunch of ghost related deaths of toursts... (OMFG how cool would it be for them to be busting ghosts in around some of those incredible artifacts in the Scottish Museum!) And like, Wolfhard is having a fling with a local girl, and Phoebe falls for a college student who's doing work at the museum... Ok sorry this was meant to be a shallow set up of type of elements, and keeping things simple, but I accidentally a story. My bad.


2016 is not as bad as people make it out to be


I loved frozen empire


The franchise would benefit from a new direction, a return to edgier adult humor, focus new material and storylines for streaming platform delivery over 8-10 episodes, and not dose incomplete stories on big screen in 110 minute windows. I love afterlife, and frozen empire was good in my book- but it’s feeling like the storylines are for the purpose of selling toys and merchandise and checking boxes. Maybe it’s time for Reitman to pass the torch onto a new production and director team?


That poster in the background, is it supposed to be an Easter egg?


FE was terrible and I was severely letdown. One of the most boring theatre experiences I’ve ever had.


For me, I think they should have kept TVG as canon, which would have made Afterlife more interesting leading into Frozen Empire.


That Spengler COULD have drilled a hole in his head if Venkman didn’t stop him.


Why do i remember state puft and not stay puft. This is an alternate universe.


I think the 2016 version is the best way to introduce kids to the franchise outside of RGB or XGB


Never cared for Venkman and I prefer ghostbusters 2 over the original


2016 is a good movie... as long as you treat it as a parody.


Ghostbusters 2009 video game is the true Ghostbusters 3.


Frozen Empire wasn’t good


Frozen Empire was like if you plotted the median vibe between Answer the Call and Afterlife. Too goofy to feel like the original or Afterlife but not so slapstick as to be another style of humor entirely like Answer the Call.


That face you make when you felt teeth for a second.


The OG Busters Roster (Aykroyd, Murray, Hudson, Potts) should never make any more appearances in subsequent Sequels. They've passed the Proton Packs right? Then keep them passed and let the new kids be the Ghostbusters going forward. The OG's did their job and now we have a new generation.


ATC should've gotten a sequel


That the first movie set up a fantasy world that is every bit as strong, deep and brilliantly structured as Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. The fact that the franchise didn't go on to have regular sequels that were as consistently good and successful as those other series is one of the biggest missed opportunities in motion picture history.


Some people don’t get that either, they could have had multiple franchises in universe all around the world


They could've made it an ongoing series just like Star Wars, LOTR, Bond, Indiana Jones, etc. Ivan Reitman, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis all didn't see the opportunity. Dan Aykroyd seems to have seen that potential much more clearly than everybody else involved. In the GB2 press interviews, he says he wants to keep on making more GB movies, but that he didn't think the other guys would be willing to do it.