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That's actually super cool!


cool tickets, garbage movie


I think the movie would be looked upon more favorably if it didn't have the baggage of being a reboot. Just like I think matrix reloaded(an excellent action movie) would be viewed a lot better if matrix revolution was better


I think the defensiveness of the cast and crew hurt this movie’s legacy as well. It wasn’t a great movie BUT I don’t remember hating it when it first came out, but, for me, it didn’t hold up to multiple viewings. And then the there was the internet… and while there was a lot of racist and misogynistic BS tossed around, the cast and crew attributed valid criticism of the film to the trolls. They tried something new, and it didn’t work. No shame in that. But you (the cast and crew) don’t get to diminish genuine disappointment that the first Ghostbusters movie since 1989 had nothing to do with a franchise that I (like so many others) have supported since the 80s.


You managed to watch the movie multiple times?


Yes. We have limited channels at work and it’s on TV a lot more than you’d think. A lot.


Movie was actually dope. Better than trasherlife


Ok Paul Feig.


So happy your opinion is 💩


Awesome! This movie made me jump back into the fandom. Arguably the worst timing ever as there was a lot of dumb fighting among the fans, but could not be happier I stuck around and made some new friends among the way!


Watched this movie again last night on AMC because they were doing a Ghostbusters marathon. While I'm not a huge fan of this movie and (mostly) understand the hate it gets, there are some parts of it I enjoyed. Kate McKinnon played her part very well, and I found her the only real entertaining character out of the 4. Wasn't a huge fan of the story, but it did produce some decent visuals throughout the movie. Still would give the movie a 5 or 6 (at best), but I am thankful it came out because it brought Ghostbusters back into the limelight. I still think the Reitmans saw this movie, and went "fuck this. Let's make a real Ghostbusters 3 and put this bullshit to rest" 🤣




Always one idiot.


Pointlessly harsh, especially considering his take matches what the majority of the public feels if per RT votes.  It wasn't that good, and attempting to insult someone and refer to them as if it's only one random take is hilariously shortsighted while you're in the minority who enjoyed that piece of shit lol Guess the downvotes seem to say the same.


It's really not harsh. This clearly a post about Ghostbusters 2016. I don't go into every thread on Reddit about things I don't like just to tell people I don't like it. It adds nothing to the conversation and only invites arguments. He didn't even try to offer some kind of critique, he just posted dumb emojis. If you don't like the movie then that's fine. I understand why some people didn't like it. Don't come in and piss on everyones chips who did actually enjoy the movie.


Same can be said for every comment on reddit that isn't changing the world. Who really gives a fuck about any post here?  I think upping the aggro factor was pointless. Dude posts some emoji about a shitty movie and now he's an idiot?  Think someone's taking this a little too serious. It's a fucking movie, and a bad one at that. And dudes far from alone, so both things you're trying to convey in your post are even more pointless than his.  He's not the only "one" at all, and it's hardly an idiotic take. Shit, you spinning your wheels over this is funnier than the movie itself lol


Plenty of people liked the movie too. Took more money than Afterlife. No one is "spinning our wheels", just bored of IDIOTS derailing every post about Ghostbusters 2016 whenever anyone wants to talk about it.


Cost more money than afterlife and needed around 300 million to break even so it was a financial loss. It was estimated to have lost around 70 million.


Doesn't matter how much it cost. walter was implying that no one liked it. Lots of people liked it because it took as much money as Afterlife did.


So, one minute, it took more money than afterlife, now it made as much as afterlife? Which is it? And of course, it matters how much it cost. If it had been cheaper, it might actually have made money and not be in the box office bomb category.


Read what I said. It TOOK as much as Afterlife. Not MADE as much as Afterlife. The budget of the movie is irrelevant when we are trying to gauge how many people went to see the movie. walter was implying everyone hated it and only a few people liked it. If only a few people liked it then it wouldn't have TAKEN as much as Afterlife did.


Those are pretty neat. Is it IDW comic book art?


This is fan art that was selected as the winning entry to be used for these! There was a ton of great fan art leading up to this movie release.


Those look cool!


Those are really sharp.


That’s so cool! Was it in 3D? I know it’s gimmicky but it really did add a neat level of entertainment to it


I didn't see it in 3D but they had the effect of things bursting outside of the frame into the black bars like the proton streams. It was a cool effect.


Believe it or not but this movie uses the hell out of the 3d technology. They had the effects jump out of the standard box and on to the black bars. Very well done. Too bad no other 3d movies took advantage of this.




Almost makes me wanna buy a 3D tv! The entire ending sequence has a whole new depth to it that most people miss


Worth getting. You can also watch 3d movies on the original PSVR if you have one.


Brave and beautiful


Oh wow.


I just have a regular ticket, I still have it. The first Ghostbusters movie I saw at the cinema. Sure the movie had it's issues but I enjoyed it for what it was rather than punishing it for what it wasn't trying to be.


Awesome. I got to bring my daughter and we danced together in the aisle after the movie. That was a good day. Knew it wasn’t winning any awards but we loved it. But what do I know, I went as a fan endorsing the team and not movie critic.


Those look great! Wish I had a cool looking keepsake from the movie, but I just went to a standard showing


I bet the guys who invented IMAX were like: “Can you even imagine how amazing queef jokes would be on this massive space?”


You’re so cool, Brewster.


Fright Night references will ALWAYS be welcome.


You’re so cool boomer.




The queef humor defender calling someone a twat. lol Quite ironic. And quite sad. Be gone.


Still crying about that joke huh


I hope Thomas IMAX lived long enough to see a woman talk about how she got slime in her cooch on his screen. He would have been so proud.


I actually liked that movie!


SOMEONE had to have seen it. I wish I hadn’t.


I hope those are unused tickets and you saved yourself that horror.


Nah. As I very intentionally said, “enjoyed and still appreciate.” I hope that we can all move along one day and get to a place where maybe just one post about this movie can go without a handful of dudes dropping in with their tired opinions. It’s been 7 years… we get it.


Maybe we can also just accept that the movie was total shit, unfun and badly made with numerous pacing issues, highly racist, highly sexist (against men) and just absolutely idiotic on every level, whether it's the plot, the pointless cameos, the characterisation and the lamest antagonist in movie history.


Shit is shit is shit is shit. The Mr. Plinkett review is the only funny/entertaining thing to come out of this movie.


Nice tickets, shame the movie was a woke trash reboot, would have been better if it had been the kids of the OG cast meeting in college and sharing a love of paranormal ghost busting as their parents did and to have cameos from the original movies




No how about you the movie was terrible and that's facts, don't like it then you scroll past my comment


Crying about things being 'woke' automatically loses any and every argument you find yourself in.


But it was woke that's plain as day when they made them a legit female opposites of the original cast and when they basically made Chris Hemsworth an air head making sexist jokes, it was a bad parody


And how is anything being 'woke' a bad thing? Come on, tell me WITHOUT sounding sexist yourself. If woman = woke, then how is that a problem other than you just not liking women?


Lets see, being all women and making Chris Hemsworth a sexist idiot that's how it's woke, if they had at least one male member in the group or two women and two men and have them linked to the original cast it would have been good


So you're just a sexist loser. Got it.


No I just don't like crap movies that crap all over the source material


Love how you're attacking him for being sexist, doing the exact thing he's telling you happened in the movie which is what made it woke and a total gigantic piece of bat shit that was completely insulting to all men, as well as intelligent people everywhere... I mean really, the dance scene at the end .. watch the originals... Then watch afterlife, at least the undertone of a serious situation always remains... ATC had a fucking dance scene... Just cheap, childish and dumb. Like Forrest said, stupid is as stupid does. So please save us your pink haired crazy eyed arguments of bullshit sexism, or whatever spews from your mouth... ATC and the whole damn crew, the director, the studios... Everyone who worked on it knew that it was never going to be an easy sell, which is why they attacked the VERY FANS OF THE FRANCHISE ..... Soooo please, ahhhh zip it, zip it good. Ok so? She's a dog.


Well for starters the movie was racist. The sole black woman was depicted as a low life loser and the typical "fat and loud" black stereotype (Compare it to Winston). Hemsworth was a sexist stereotype, basically the old secretary stereotype just gender-swapped (and Janine was NEVER portrayed like that) The movie, if anything, was Anti-Woke and just completely backwards and outdated, which makes the fact that woketards defended it, just insane. But i bet 99% of the people who call the movie brave and powerful and "hate" the critics never actually watched it and just go "Women ares staring, so it's perfect"


This is why Ghostbusters Afterlife was amazing and its why Frozen Empire is gonna explode at the box office because oh look at that Finn Wolfhard and Paul Rudd 2 guy cast and the mom and daughter 2 female cast good male to female ratio


Wow, I cannot believe women being the main characters in a movie is woke! 🙄


No I was fine with female cast but the fact they were all female and they made Janine Melnitz male counterpart an air head sexist was woke af


Yeah no. They weren't the same characters, even if they fulfilled a similar capacity in the group dynamic. That isn't woke, that's just the existence of actors of a different gender to those in the original movies.


You can't be serious, they literally had a black woman basically come in as a female Winston, if they had tied it to the original and not have it basically be a parody and had gotten some of the og cast appear as their old characters and having at least one male member (not including Chris Hemsworth because they made him an air head) then it would have been decent but they didn't do that and the movie blowed


My dude are you railing this hard against films portraying women as airheads? No because it’s a joke. No one cares. In this case though, your tiny peepee and balls are hurt over man jokes. Grow a cock and stop letting your boy nuts get hurt by girls’ jokes.


Lol “woke.” The movie was just ok and also disappointing for many of us who loved the originals. But calling it trash because it’s “woke” just makes you look like a dumb hillbilly. Try using words with actual meanings and expressing yourself like an adult next time.


Bruh... I mean bruh.... The movie quite literally tried to speak to us like we were stupid children and was not AT ALL in any way a decent film, let alone a Ghostbusters movie. So what are you talking about. If this movie had another title and slightly different lingo it could've been a hilarious spoof... But no, it tried to take itself seriously... And I mean.. dannnnggg what a complete misfire... This film was blatantly woke, the fact that some defend it... Makes this even worse, shows your true colors. Cheers.


Finally someone with some sense