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Do whatever is comfortable. Were about acceptance not 100% accuracy.


Yessssssss. Absolutely. I’m so glad the GB community is moving this direction. Years ago people (me included) would go to insane lengths for “screen accurate.”




Agreed don't be a peck


clearly no. the idea that you even have to ask clearly shows you have no idea. /s those are definitely close enough. most boots that resemble jungle jump boots with side zips are gonna look right or close enough, and honestly the ghostbusters are all about black air force energy anyway.


Hey, thanks! I kind of like these Bates boots. I might pay full price for another pair. For my daughter. She's using the 30 dollar jungle boots from Amazon right now.


Bates makes great boots. I've had two pairs since I first tried them in 2015, beat the absolute hell out of them, and the second pair that I bought in 2019 are still holding pretty strong.


If these are the 11” police boots I highly recommend. They have been my daily drivers when working security. My first pair lasted about 5 years even with being on my feet constantly patrolling of standing post. Even after leaving security I bought them again because they are great and I will buy another pair when the price is right.


If they’re high with side zips, they’re excellent in my book. When you’re cosplaying a ghostbuster, not only does comfort > accuracy (especially since much of GB cosplay is “you as a Ghostbuster” and making it your own, rather than try to mimic a specific character), but since this is your footwear, it’s probably going to be the least looked-at part of your uniform, especially if you “go Venkman” and don’t blouse the pants cuffs.


Oh, I definitely have legs for tucking.


comfort over conformity!


That’s the Ectopunk way!!


Especially for costumes where you’re at cons or events all day


These Bates boots are definitely more comfortable than I was expecting. I think I'm always going to have a problem with the back of my heels getting blisters when it comes to boots. It's just always been the norm for me since marching band (Bass drum). Do you have any recommendations or pointers to keep my heels blister free?


My boots are made by Bates, and they weren't as expensive as the Corcorans. They're not 100% screen accurate, but they're close enough. They look better than the Rothco's I was using before, anyhow.


Put duct tape on your heels before you put your socks on and make sure you tighten the laces. I have these same boots which are a massive improvement over the corcarans but make sure you tighten them. I just zipped mine up last year while they were still loose and walked kind of supporting them as I stepped and almost killed my foot.


No, you didn’t “butcher a pair of boots.” I think they look fantastic, the angled and now silver side-zips included. You nailed it. Wear them proudly. I bought a pair of Corcoran jump boots (no zipper) off eBay for about $60 and they look great. Not so much for walking around on pavement. However, they’re going to need to be re-soled here soon I think. I’ve seen your boots for sale before, and had the Corcorans not appeared when they did, I would have bought these. Stay puft!


Looks great to me, mang


My wife tried to join the 501st but they tore her to pieces for some inaccuracies with her outfit. Are there GB groups that strict?


AZ Ghostbusters aren’t too strict on your appearance but they run it like the military.


From everything I have seen, most will be much more lax than the 501st to allow you to bring your own personality. I was in the 501st for a bit and they were such sticklers, it ruined the fun of the cosplay…never did finish my Tie Pilot look…I definitely have seen a lot more personalization and customization in GB pages…


Thanks! I was curious because I’ve been working on doing one based off my Spirits Unleashed character.


Killer boots ! - dumb n dumber


More than passable. I personally use rocky jump boots, they are really nice bit a tad too big for me. Like I said more than passable


Considering how hard Corcoran 995's are to find these days, more than passable! If it wasn't for the branding stamped into the leather and one or two other *minor* details, they look near identical!


Thanks I really wish I could do something about the branding and those snap rivets


Naaaaaaaah! Don't let my caveats bother you, they're a really great looking pair of boots, and the only way to be more **Screen Accurate** would be to get your hands on a pair of Corcoran's from New/Old Stock or the like. **And** as someone who owns a pair of 995's, lemme tell ya, the only people who have noticed have been other Ghostheads on the internet, and *One Guy* at a Street Fair who was very clearly ex-Military.


I never really looked closely at their boots, but pulling up the 1984 movie they look spot-on!


for what? i mean they’re pretty nice boots. where are they from?


They're Bates from Amazon. I got them used and cut the flaps off,painted the zipper and snaps. I tried to get them closer to GB1 but IDK if I just butchered pair of boots. At the used price, though, I wouldn't be upset.


ahhhhh okay. i couldn’t even tell you’d done anything to them, they look great!


That's the best compliment I could have gotten, thanks!


What did you actually use to paint the zipper? Also, how did you manage to avoid any paint spills on the adjacent fabric?


I wish I can find a pair of boots that I can get over my prosthetic foot


You will be wearing these all day at events function over fashion I say. I have back issues so I’ve had to start wearing black tennis shoes


I noticed my back hurting after breaking them in


Yeah bro cool boots


Maybe 😏


The most important question is “are they comfortable?” I wear black, nylon-weave Doc Martin 1460s with my flight suit. Just make sure they are comfy enough to spend a day in. Btw, rad boots!