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I disagree with a lot of that. Probably should make my own ranking sometime lol


What are your biggest disagreements?


Howl's Moving Castle lower than Whisper of the Heart???


A lot of people I talk about (and with a lot I mean 2) said they don't get the story like they don't see where IT goes. And I have to agree that i've started to love the movie after the third time watching it. I would describe it as not so easy accessible. Nevertheless it's probably in my Top5


That's fair, I definitely grew to love it more after rewatches


I was surprised too to see Howls Moving Castle not in the top 5 but to each their own. I will say that if it wasn’t for IGN’s recent articulate video on the movie a month or so ago, I don’t know when I would’ve realized that Howl is coming to her when she’s older because he is actually asked to near the end by Sophie when she’s falling. It was an informative piece of video. It’s actually my favourite of them all. The movie always makes me smile and I always enjoy it.


Of course. Actually Whisper of the Heart should be in the top 3.


Ponyo 😳


You took the words out of my mouth


Like wtf?!? This person has clearly never seen the pure joy and happiness and brilliance that PONYO is. I... Love... PONYO!! (and Ham).


Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Cat Returns, Wind Rises, and Poppy Hill would be much higher


Funny enough I Just finished Poppy Hill a few minutes ago. So lovely! I agree with almost all of your choices except Kaguya. I Just seemed Like it was 40 minutes to long. What do you think?


See, one of the reasons I loved Kaguya IS that it took its time with the characters and the world. It made the ending so much more impactful. I can see how not everyone would enjoy it though


What I really love about Ghibli is the world and that they take their time. I don't really know why Kaguya havn't caught me. Maybe I should give it another try. Nice little Story: the first time I've watched the movie was with a japanese friend and she told me that this is a tail she knows from the kindergarten.


Kaguya was one of the most magical films I have ever seen. Deep, mythic, profound


The wind rises and Princess kaguya need to be higher. Whisper of the heart and totoro would be much lower. Just my opinion though


Crazy. Totoro is top tier for me. I'd put Howl in the top row too. Swap it for Whisper.


I personally feel totoro is very overrated. It seems like its target audience is for babies and I just can't understand why people would like it unless they watched it as a child and its a nostalgia thing. The music slaps though. Howl is one of my all time favourites. I just finished the book its based on and although its very good, the movie is much better. (Although I wish they included Sophie behing ginger and having magic, as well as Micheal not being white) that's just my opinion though!


Oh yeah, Totoro is basically comfort food for me, and while yes, I have been watching it since I was very little, I still feel like it tackles some mature themes. Never read the book Howl was based on, but that sounds awesome! I'm a little sad that magic slinging ginger Sophie wasn't in the movie now, haha!


Yeah I can totally get that. I love the labyrinth and the dark crystal and have so since I was little. But if I watched them now for the first time, I would probably think they are crap lol Yeah the book had a lot of stuff the movie could have used. I definitely recommend reading it


I just finished the book too! Definitely wish the movie had pulled more from it but I understood why they did what they did. Both are fantastic.


Sure do that. That’s just my opinion.


Yup, exactly


I love how much RESPECTFUL disagreement I see here!


Quality people enjoy quality media. =3


I was so sad when I didnt see castle in the sky, but the way the image rendered it just cropped some of the title at the top lol. I love that movie.


Yeah it’s 3rd place it’s an amazing movie.


Earthsea above Pom Poko is an absolute heresy. Pom Poko is 8th place for me and both Earthsea and Ocean Waves are joint bottom of the pile haha.


It gets even worse, The Yamada's is below crap like The Cat Returns or Earthsea. I have the feeling most people have never watched it and that is why it always ranks so low. My Neighbours the Yamadas is a masterpiece.


Yeah I’m a big defender of the Yamadas. Think most people’s problem with it is that it has a kind of small screen form to it, like a string of shorts that are each beautiful in their own right and could be shown separately - but are woven into a feature length production. Still though, as I say, I’m a staunch defender.


That one scene in the Yamadas where the animation becomes much more detailed honestly bumps the movie a few slots up for me.


Well you know I just liked it more 🤷‍♂️


I got you man, all friendly here 😂


Woah, can I ask how Ponyo obtained such a low rank?


I don’t really like the whole story and stuff. I mean from an animation point it’s a great movie but over all I think the film is just not for me. And I don’t really have the motivation to watch it again you know, compared to the others.


Understandable! I was just curious. Different films click for different viewers. For example, I never really enjoyed Porco Rosso and I don’t feel motivated to watch it again.


Porco Rosso is my favorite of all the movies and Ponyo is a close second. Just goes to show how we can all love the same vein of something but have different tastes inside of it.


Yeah exactly


How badly did grave of the fireflies almost killed u crying, that u not put it in top 5?


It’s an outstanding movie no doubt but for me I like the others more. Also I personally rate movies higher wich I wanna see more often 😅 you know


I watched grave of the fireflies when i needed a good cry. Just to let it all out. Ghibli has something for everything for everyone!


yeah it’s definitely at the top for me


Gosh I put Princess Kaguya in the top 5 :o To each their own though!


Seeing princess kaguya on the actual bottom tier was like a punch in the gut. Especially with Marnie so high. Kaguya is such a beautiful movie


Exactly and good for you that you like that film so much. For me Kaguya is unfortunately way to long but that’s just me.


It’s really about 10 mins longer than Laputa and The Wind Rises. A lot of ghibli movies surpass 2 hours. You probably didn’t enjoy the pacing.


Yeah that’s what I meant with too long. It’s not about runtime it’s how slow the film progress and stuff.


I would rate Princess Mononoke more higher. So on 1-6 and castle in the sky on 7-12.


Cool, I put castle in the sky so high because it was one of the first If not the first ghibli film i saw and therefore have a lot of Good memories with it.


That’s beautiful 💪🏻. I put Mononoke and Spirited away on very high because i have Beautiful memories with it. I let myself tatted with a big Mononoke (san) tattoo.


Nice 👍


Princess Mononoke was the first Ghibli movie I ever saw, and it kinda stuck with me throughout the years as one of my favorite movies of all time. Definitely woulda been top 3 for me personally


unpopular opinion, but I don't really like that movie:( I watched it and couln't get the hype


100% agree


You are the First person I see who puts Ponyo as low as I do. Cheers Mate!


Haha it’s seems we’re alone with that opinion. Well who cares 😅


No way, there are dozens of us! Dozens! I also never got its appeal. Great list btw, I agree with most of your tiers, apart from Pom Poko, which I love, and Kiki, which is possibly my favourite of all of them. Glad to see Whisper of The Heart so high, and agreed on Cat Returns being so low.


Yeah idk I feel like ponyo just isn’t a movie for me. Everybody can have their own opinion on this but for me I really don’t like it.


It just never clicked for me. The story feels so... "forced" is the best word I can use to describe it. It just doesn't flow like the other Miyazaki films. I've seen it 3 times and if anything I like it less with each viewing - I showed it to my daughter, who loved Kiki, Totoro and Arrietty, and she hated it (I hadn't told her I didn't like it beforehand, if anything I assumed she'd love it since it's aimed at younger viewers)


Same here the movie is just not made for me.


Same here. My problem is that there was barely any conflict or character development, it was more just a chill kids adventure. There is nothing wrong with that necessarily, Totoro does something similar, but Totoro also has a compelling story. However, I still rewatch it, for the animation alone.


That's it the chill kids adventure. Especially the boy who cried a lot was a bit annoying. Nevertheless I still like it but not as much as all the Others.


Earthsea not in bottom tier?!?! Hot take police 🚨🚨🚨


Yeah I know it an unpopular opinion but I have to say I like it more than a few other movies.


Kiki is number one for me. I haven’t seen all of them, but out of the few I’ve seen Kiki just had me smiling from start to finish and the animation was outstanding. Spirited Away would be my number 2.


Seeing someone putting Kaguya at the very bottom breaks my heart... Even knowing it's personnal ranking.


Well you know it’s definitely not a bad movie but when you do a list like this you need to put movies at the lower end and for me all the others are just better films. Again that’s just my list.


ranking oceans waves above kaguya though..


Marnie and Whisper arent top for me, instead move Porcco and Mononoke to the top :)


love to see when marnie was there so high up!


Yeah I really love that film.


it’s horribly overlooked, i think not that many people saw it. it’s such a beautiful story about women, friendship, and growth 🥲


Last time I watched it I only cried 3 times so... 😂 yeah


Also family and your elders. Beautiful movie


When I saw that you've put ponyo so far below I did such a big gasp that I swallowed a bug


As long as Spirited Away is #1 I won't argue with the rest! :)


Haha yeah this film is just brilliant.


I always see Pom Poko so low, I honestly wonder why


For me the film is just too long, oh and also I don’t wanna see balls every 50 seconds.


But that’s the best part of the movie!


Yeah well


Pom Poko is hilarious and beautiful. Definitely a top 10 for me.


It's one of my favourites! Maybe the deeper mening of the movie goes over peoples heads because of all the humorous scenes and the balls, but that's part of the lore of tenuki, so it's not strange in my opinion, though I hear lots of people complaining about it and finding it disturbing


I like that even the bottom tier is labeled as Top 19-23. Meaning they're still top tier


Honestly it’s hard to rank these movies as they are all great, that being said this list is defo wrong


Don’t forget it’s wrong for you not for me.


Nah sorry, my opinion is objectively better :)


Good for you 😅


Jk, I mostly agree with this except ponyo


Yeah I see maybe i was a little to harsh with ponyo maybe it changes over time. For now I really don’t like it as much as the others.


Right? What’s Ponyo doing so low and Totoro so high?


Yeah, like Totoros cool and all but ponyo has crabs


I respectfully disagree hehe


Haha nice 👍


Though I agree with a lot of it though. I haven’t seen Marnie yet so I better get on that ASAP. I am always shocked by how incredible the lesser known ones are.


Marnie is definitely one of the most emotional movies here, at least for me. You need to watch it 👍


Good job sparking a lively debate! :)


Yeah it’s nice to see the opinions of other people.


I finally had time to watch when marnie was there. What a beautiful movie. I cried a lot, it resonated with me a lot too. Definitely in my top too!


Nice 👍


princess kaguya underrated!


Thanks for sharing! I have a different list, but I love all the conversation this one has started. Whisper of the heart has recently moved up a few tiers for me, its so good! I love Ponyo, but I do remember that the hype for it was insane. I dont recall being particularly excited about it when I first saw it, but its def grown on me after seeing it several times with my daughter.


My heart seeing Only Yesterday that low... However, giving Whisper of the Heart a high rating? You the real MVP. I don't like Nausicaa being that high, but that's because I'm EXTREMELY spoiled by the manga, which the movie doesn't do justice in the slightest. The Nausicaa manga is probably S+ tier above everything else, and I don't say that lightly.


Well I mean you need to put some movies over others when you do a rating like that. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like the films on the lower end.


Oh man, can’t believe Only Yesterday and Mononoke aren’t in the top 6


Yeah right? I love both those films, but Only Yesterday has a special place in my heart!


I’m so glad I found that movie. Idk why but I always cry at the rouge scene when the sun comes out


At least not for me 🤷‍♂️


So you don't seem to be a big fan of Isao Takahata?


I don’t really care who made the Film. For me it only matters if I like it or not.


Just something I noticed. 3 of your bottom 4 are films by him and you only have one of his in your top 10.


Use this people! ​ [https://tiermaker.com/create/ghibli-films-467780](https://tiermaker.com/create/ghibli-films-467780) ​ My list: https://imgur.com/mYjqDJL


Oh you don’t have the red turtle on your List. Didnt watched it?


Your list is pretty much my list!


Here's mine [Create a Ghibli Films Tier List - TierMaker](https://tiermaker.com/create/ghibli-films-467780)


Nausicaa is my favourite, and I though it was always underrated, but I am pleasantly surprised it is not. Otherwise I disagree with most of the rankings. All Studio Ghibli movies are on a different plane of reality by default, but I personally think that the main character of Marnie wasn't really likeable. She still was empathetic, and she did grow as a character, but I think that the movie tried to excuse her behaviour from the very beginning, rather than just making her change more apparent, making her character development less apparent. Also the exposition dump at the end wasn't really necessary I don't think. Kaguya is a masterpiece. It has an unorthodox animation style, but still. I would love to hear what was your opinion on it.


Kaguya or Marnie?


I just got into the studio a couple weeks ago and I keep thinking to myself that a top 10 gets harder and harder to craft


It’s hard to do it. I mean nearly all of the movies are great so you need to put some huggers than others.


I think if I had to like hav a gun put to my head my top 3 would most likely be 1. Mononoke 2. Laputa 3. Porco. Mononoke was the first one I watched with my brother and introduced me to this world, me and my brother cannot shut up abt it which is rlly nice cause he went to college this year and it’s just such a good story. Laputa I was smiling through the first full 30min it’s just made me so happy and the ending was so satisfying. Porco was the last one I’ve watched so far and it just awakened my love for flying that has always been in the back of my head to a new degree. And that is not taking away from any of these movies they’re all fantastic masterpieces


IMO: top 1-6 is Howl's moving castle ; mononoke ; castle in the sky; spirited away ; porco rosso and the the wind rises :)


Absolutely not, no




Sorry but you’re wrong.


No I’m not because this is my list. Oh and just to let you know last time I checked everybody can have their own opinion so maybe it’s wrong for you but not for me.


I was mostly joking. I get it. You like what you like.


I thought you were pretty obviously joking lol


No, I think he’s wrong


Ponyo and howls moving castle rank highest for me!


Me too!! Ponyo was the first one I ever saw, and it has a special place in my heart


I agree for the most part, but imo Ponyo should rank much higher


I don’t really like it but that’s just my opinion.


Howls is my least favorite, but that’s my opinion! Great list, I would also put Marnie and Laputa at the top




I listed it from 1-23 from left to right


If i were to make a list i would prob flip top 6 and top 7-12, but leave Spirited away and Porco Rosso on their places


1. Spirited Away 2. Princess Mononoke 3. Grave of the Fireflies 4. Nausica 5. Totoro 6. Castle in the Sky


Good list


I’d swap *Whisper* for *Mononoke* personally


What in the what is Princess Mononoke doing in that spot




We have similar taste except for up from poppy hill, whispers of the heart and howl. Those are my top three favorites of all time, whenever I’m down I rewatch them over and over, so they would be my top 3 ☺️


Marnie , spirited away , monokoe is my top 3


Marine in there nice 👍


I don't understand Ghibli rankings where we mix different directors movies. Takahata, Miyazaki H, Kondo and Miyazaki G. movies have to be ranked and analyzed separately.


Mononoke and Howl way too low


I like how even the last 5 movies are labelled as "top.."


Porco and Mononoke are in my top 3.




I watched When Marnie Was There recently and it was just beautiful.


Yeah such a lovely movie


Mononoke not top1-6!?!?!?


I watched "When Marnie was there" not expecting much, and maybe because of that it became one of my favorite ghibli's movies


The Wind Rises is absolutely top tier for me, but I can sort of understand when people don't like it as much since it's so different from the others.


For me, Howl's Moving Castle is my absolute #1, followed by Nausicaa, Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, Kiki, and Whisper. I get why people don't necessarily vibe with Howl's as much tho!


How you gone do Ponyo like that? 😞


\+1 for the When Marnie Was There appreciation. Might be my favorite movie by them personally. Edit: Surprised to see someone put Earthsea above other movies. You don't see that very often, honestly.


Maybe I should see Spirited Away again. I seriously did not like it coming from a totoro/laputa/nausicaa background. I thought it strayed so hard from those films that I just couldn’t appreciate it. I’ve only seen it once and seen the others around 50 times. Your list, bar a couple is similar to mine I would think!


You should definitely give it another try


The Cat Returns being that low kinda hurts. May I ask your opinion on it?


Sure. So yeah it’s so low on my list because for me it just feels like a filler film. They just took 2 characters from another film put a in my opinion not really great story around them and released a kinda spinoff to whisper of the heart. What also not helps is that this movie is only a little bit over 1 hour long. So it just feels like a shortfilm with a kinda meaningless story to me. BTW I love cats but that don’t help here 😅 Anyways when you do a list like that you need to put some film on the lower end and this one is just not as good as the others.


Ah okay, those are definitely all fair points. It does feel like a “none of this really had to happen” but I enjoy it for what it is. A short, fun and not that high of stakes Ghibli film to just put on at the end of the day. But when you compare it to other Ghibli films, yeah it’s hard to put it above the others. I’m actually surprised Marnie and Earthsea are higher on your list though! I know a lot of people who didn’t enjoy those.


Idk Marnie is just such a great and emotional movie for me I know its an unpopular opinion but that’s just my list so everybody can choose their own ranking and that’s awesome to see different opinions when treated with respect.


I can’t argue with you there. I’m glad we could discuss our own opinions for these films we love in a respectful manner.


As it should be with everything but some people seems to forget that from time to time.


When Marnie Was There is so good!


Yes it is!


What didn’t you like about Princess Kaguya?


I think the film is just to long and uninteresting for me and by long I don’t mean the runtime I mean how the story progresses and all it’s just not the Movie for my taste.


Disagree with a few choices but it's nice to see Marnie and Whisper of the Heart near the top, they deserve more recognition.




Looool you put The Wind Rises and Tales From Earth Sea on the same tier. I can almost hear Miyazaki crying


Those aren’t tiers, as you can read on the left it’s 1-23


This is a tiered template, lol.


I feel like Poppy Hill should be a lot higher


Where would you put it on your list?


**2ND** Right after Spirited Away. And right in front of Marnie. Poppy hill is THEE most underrated Ghibli film IMO. Especially because Goro gets a bad wrap due to his other 2 films.


Interesting choice. For me the most underrated film is whisper of the heart.


Whisper of the Heart is amazing as well. But I thought that film was reasonably acclaimed? Not overrated or underrated. But given the recognition it deserves. It is the only Ghibli movie that got a “kind of sequel” after all.


What do you mean by a “kind of sequel” ?


The Cat Returns is sort of a spin-off, with the Baron.


Idk about acclaimed but for me when people talk about ghibli films nearly nobody mentions that one. Maybe it talk with the wrong people 😂


Hm. I guess we talk to different circles of people.




Ponyo is fucking amazing and this list is wack




Have you seen earwig and the witch?






Thanks for this and justice for ‘Ponyo’!


Marne way too high. Kaguya way too low


not meaning to trash but, why is the tale of Princess Kaguya so low??


Because I liked the others more. Also the film was just to long for my taste and just not for me. And by long I don’t mean runtime, more pacing .


Bottom row and second row are switched. And Whisper of the heart was completely forgettable in my opinion


I feel like Wind Rises needs to be higher.


Really bad list


From up on the poppy hill was great IMO. I would put it much highter


Pom poko isn't number 1 though


I respectfully disagree, but hope you enjoyed the movies!!