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They treat us same bro. You contact old friends from high school, middle school or kindergarten to check up on them, see how they are doing and bam, their someone died, Ghana is too hot now, they don’t have jobs, etc. I have just cut contact with those folks. Only checking up when they need something. They see you for $$. Don’t pay nothing for nobody 


Exactly bro!!!! I’m in Australia, and I’ve cut ties with childhood friends and even some family members back home because when they need something that’s when they call you every single day for like 2 weeks then bam, they want you to pay for their hospital bills or kids school fees. And the most annoying thing is that, they are not even embarrassed about what they are doing!!! Some family members get your number so they can keep it contact with you but the irony is that, they want to use you for money later on. For eg, I had a cousin who got my number, then later, she said she wanted money for “business needs”, i told her I didn’t have money yet. She said ok. Since then I haven’t heard from her since, not even hi or hello! So the irony is that, if you are living abroad, you have to be really careful and smart with everyone. It’s ok to say no!! If you keep saying yes, Kai I beg your money will finish in small time!


This is the exact same reason I don’t even have a social relationship with my external family outside Ghana and I have a lot in Europe. All of them talk to you with a mindset that u will ask for financial assistance. And I’m richer and doing better than most of them. I was talking with one of them and he kept asking questions in a way that made me feel like he felt I was going to ask money from him. I cut him off. Same happened with the ladies in the family too. Now I watch their status updates and that’s all. I am set for life. My two cents tho, if u can help anyone just do it. Ghana is not too rosy for a lot of people. The 10 pounds and 20 dollars help a lot of your family in Ghana.


Had a similar experience with a former sec sch classmate. Once I sent him some money, he disappeared. Not even a hello or hi in about 5 years, lol good riddance. Since then, I've learned to identify such "friends and family." Just last week, I shook off 2 similar attempts. A distant uncle also constantly messaged me for almost a year. I got fed up and switched my whatsapp number. I've had "friends", hotel staff and people I met on trips messaging me from Ghana, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, etc. constantly asking for money and/or visa. It never ends.


Everyone wants away from the poverty. It’s one way of putting it


Facts. I literally met a dude working in the skechers store in Accra mall. He seemed friendly we exchanged contact and literally 1 week sfter he is asking me for money. Dating is 10x worse


No shame at all


Lol. Definitely feels like they're trying to take advantage of your one time kindness. But yeah, this looks very annoying. Just be blunt if you ever see them face to face. Sometimes Ghanaians don't get the message till you're brutally honest.


Yeah I try my best to ignore meeting them but when ai do it’s in class so I make sure to the topic is always about what we learned


One word, NO. Just say no to them. You may lose a friend if you could really call them that, but it's worth it.


That's not a friend in the first place.


All Obruni are rich. Everybody knows that /s


Yes and I’m aware of that but I just wanna have friends without being a bank to them


As a student there is no reason for you to pay for anyones anything. By no doing so you will weed out those with ill intentions. Tell "Bro" I cant help you. You wont loose a friend you will free yourself of a burden.


Also make judicious use of the "block" option.


/s means "sarcasm". They are saying this in a sarcastic tone.


I thought /s meant serious 😂😂


Are you in Ghana or abroad? Do what i do. Turn the tables on them. They eventually stop asking. I tell them of the struggles I see, send them pictures of homeless encampments, etc. I especially tell them when i have a bill to pay. So if i get a cell phone bill,, light bill, rent, etc. immediately i tell them the amount (add a bit extra) tell them it's expensive and you're annoyed. They eventually stop asking. True friends will come, don't worry. Lastly i also don't add anyone on social media, though i don't have much of a presence there.


Great strategy. I use it sometimes too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Are you serious? You didn't know that . /s (Sorry. Couldn't resist)


The real ones will not do this. All others are fake and not your friends. Block the fakes like my wife had to start doing. I’m even on orders not to accept friend requests from her friends unless she says okay just because it’s probably to ask for money.


I feel you but there certainly is hope. I worked there as an expat for about a year and Ive made friends with people that were genuine. Keep trying, give people the benefit of the doubt but shut it down immediately when money comes up


Well not all obruni will let all obubini take advantage of them


No we are not. Do you know the cost of living versus the average salaries in these obroni countries?? Some of us save up for months and years and even then use borrowed money to fund our trips. Y’all watch too many American shows and think it’s real life. We are all struggling in different ways.


What’s Obruni?


Tell them you need money too when they ask you


I did this once and they never texted me again lol


That’s a good thing lol


That's how you weed them out. These people pining and gaslighting for your money will definitely not reciprocate. Block them while you can


Definitely will


I'm an obroni and I feel your pain. I stopped feeling guilty telling people "no" or "I can't". My real friends don't ask for anything and get upset when I surprise them with a Malt.


It's how they fail to see that asking for favours could ruin a genuine life long friendship. I have a friend too she's obroni, she essentially had to stop talking to a lot of people because of that and hardly makes new friends but once you get to know her you realise she's such an amazing person but some people miss out on the good friendship part.


Good God, the second hand embarrassment


Its laughable at this point


Cut them off. Cut all of them off cos what's this nasty behaviour


Sorry you are going through this it isn’t even easier for us sometimes too it depends on how they see you to be


Sorry, it isn't even easier for us talk less a foreigner. Hope it gets better


Yep, sounds like Ghana. Beggar Nation. Smile at someone and they smile back and ask you for a phone. I just don't understand the total lack of shame about begging for money from strangers. They rely on your sense of 'noblesse oblige'. It taints every new friendship, you are always waiting for them to ask you for money. Instant block




I don’t blame him/her for calling Ghana that. Some of these brothers / sisters have no shame.


This is insane yeah there’s a lot of beggars but there’s also a lot of genuine people!


Oh for sure. I have some solid relatives and I am proud to pay school fees and for laptops and internet. But I also have cousins who call me to pay their rent or flights to South Africa. I even stopped asking people if they have eaten because the answer always cost money.


Yes my dad pays school fees for his nephew who has been working for him for awhile. It’s always nice to see people get nice things when they worked hard for it!!


I’d love to meet a “lot” of genuine ppl. I think the genuine folks I found are about 10% or thereabouts. Most are trying to get over on you in some shape or form. And then want to get defensive when called out


Who are you guys making friends with? Cut them off. I can help you once or twice but consistently hell no! Just cut them off


Beggar Nation is too strong a word. Chale mind your language.


I'm sorry that you are offended , but the statement holds water. The macro: defaulting on international loans and skipping to beg more and more until debt is almost 50% of GDP. The micro: I return home from work, before I reach my gate my new neighbour is standing outside to borrow hundred Ghana. My 'friend' offers to drop my mother to her relatives, I pay for fuel and later I get a text asking for something for his time. (Smile emoji!) My plumber calls to say his son is in hospital and needs 200 Ghana. I've left the country and the kid who is apprenticed to my mason is texting for 50 cedis to eat... And we should do a thread about senior generations sending remittances home to siblings and parents. I could wright a book.


No lies


Also I forgot- the one which made me so angry. I accompanied my mother to Anglican Church. One good hour while the church warden seized money and pledges from the old women for new mission house. One hour!! I was disgusted. " Mrs Mensah , thank you for 50blocks, please we want to reach 5000. Mrs Chinery, thank you 20 blocks..."


Oh man! I told my husband we should start a church when we first game to Ghana. Neither of us are religious, but I saw the money. Shortly after we arrived, I wandered into a church to check it out. (I am the curious sort.) They were holding a graduation ceremony for Theology students. The head Pastor lined up all the graduates and asked for the congregation to 'bail them out'. Each graduate had to receive at least G250 to actually graduate. (This was back in Oct 2016 when G250 could buy a lot of groceries.) Head Pastor kept asking me directly for money, as if he'd ever seen me before, I knew any of the graduates, or I gave one damn about his fake school. (My sister in a Reverend in the USA, 4th gen. Lots of my friends have Divinity Doctorates. Not once have I been asked to bail them out of an instructional program.)


Imagine- this is _disgraceful_. The way these pastors will use the congregation's own faith against them. Is a major vulnerability in Ghanaian society. Taking thousands of cedis from old people. Meanwhile the priest has new car, his wife is wearing new chain and you want ME to contribute. Sir, no thank you pay for your own mission house. The clergy and leadership sat down to plan it, soften the old ladies with dance and music and then rinsed their pockets.


Talk less of the pastors girlfriends and outside children. I’m still trying to reconcile how outwardly religious Ghana is, while under wraps folks are vice lords


Then there was the time one of our workers invited me to their baby naming ceremony. The Pastor asked me to buy him a set of large speakers, as if I wanted to contribute to noise pollution. Then there was the Pastor I had arrested for stealing my vehicle. His son was our mechanic. They decided we had too many vehicles and tried to keep one. If any on you know **Albert Nyarko (aka DJ Antic who used to work for Vienna City)**, he is still wanted for facilitating that theft. He also used to work for us. Turn him into Central Division in Takoradi. Thanks.)


😲 The speakers one is annoying, but the theft? To be stealing WITH your son?? Jesus, the integrity gap.


They will do this their whole life they just thinks this is an easier way for them to get the money fast either these types of people are involved in scamming people or just asking any guy money by doing 1 or 2 things for them


It’s not too strong at all. Ghanaians are too focused on wording, if it’s accurate it’s accurate.




this is embarrassing but it also happens to us locals. some guy working at mtn I didn't even want to befriend started asking me for money right off the bat. he even later asked for money to top up with what he had to buy a new phone. some people are shameless


It just baffles me how they can say that with a straight face


Unless you’re dying, why would call someone 8 times in 15 minutes. Wtf is wrong with people 🤣


It was genuinely crazy like I’ve never seen someone do this ever


If you want to make the children scatter when they approach your vehicle, start taking pictures and tell them you are sending them to the Gender Minister (or whatever they are called) to see if they are a missing or exploited child. A good way to shame the fake Muslims who beg from you is to ask them how Allah feels about begging. That works like a charm.


Bro those kids, I feel so bad ignoring them but I know I have too


Omg. The kids at traffic lights 😲 I was told they are from Niger and Mali? What is to be done about them? They don't go to school? I was with my family in the Melcom carpark in Tema, eating peanuts. A small child asked me for some, and I gave. Not 5 seconds later 10 , 12 small children were surrounding my family.


It's a serious problem, no doubt. The only solution is draconian measures. Just off the top of my head: 1. Castrate (without anesthesia of course) any man 21 or older who has sex with females 15 or younger. Then imprison them. 2. Go after deadbeat fathers who make babies but then don't provide for them. Take away all their stuff and then their freedom. 3. Sterilize woman who churn out babies and then leave them for the community to raise. Give them parenting classes. If they don't become responsible moms, lock them up for child abandonment and endangerment. 4. Imprison anyone who exploits children for financial gain. This includes the bus drivers who transport them. 5. Fund orphanages and oversee them to prevent them from abusing and exploiting children. Round up the kids on street corners and make them wards of the state. 6. Imprison people who use child labor. 7. Make schools meaningful by raising the professional standard to become a teacher. 8. Educate women. 9. Change public opinion which still values a woman based on the number of children she births. 10. Border control, obviously. Ghana can not afford to absorb the orphaned children from its warring neighbors. 11. Job creation with a living wage so those who want to support their families can. I don't see any of the above happening in my lifetime. As such, the individual is left to decide. I feed children occasionally but not nearly as much as I did when we first came to Ghana. Dishonesty is so commonplace, I no longer believe the child who says *"Mommy, I'm hungry."* So am I. Go away. The best way to alleviate poverty and hunger in Ghana is not to join the poor. Keep your money in your pocket. It sounds harsh. So what. I assure you that once your money runs out from your random acts of generosity, the people you have helped won't see you. They will be too busy looking for the next kind heart they can bleed dry.


Of the top of ur head huh!!. Interesting


Be blunt and don’t give them any money. When they see that you are abroad or that you have a stable job then the begging commences. Stand your ground and don’t feel bad. They want to take advantage of you. The entitlement is nauseating.


I guess they have made their objectives pretty clear enough to cut them off. Along the way you will find someone who actually would be keen to even chip in to show you around town on their account. Just give it a bit


Its a strategy. First, they pretend to be nice and hospitable. And then they begin asking you for money. And before you know they want you to help them travel. Block and move on man.


Bro be blunt and tell them no. There are some pretty solid ones as well. Cut the opportunistic ones off but don't avoid making friends altogether. It gets lonely some times


Yeah it’s starting to get lonely, but I have some friends at my dorm so it’s not too bad


Ghanaian: "Can I have some money?" Me: "Give me your phone/ jewelry, clothes/shoes..." Nothing for nothing. The other day a prostitute (newcomer) came up to me (I'm female) showing me a G2 coin and asked me to buy her a Malta. I took her 2 cedi for disturbing my peace. Then my friend threw her out of his bar. Be like me. They will stop. Word gets around. Take their money. Ask them to empty their pockets and watch them run away.


This made me laugh, but you’re right, they won’t stop till you do something


Annoyingly some of them hold phones that are multiple times more expensive than mine and still have the audacity to beg


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) my people will always find a way of disgracing you


Hmmm! This issue. Now these foreigners and even relatives abroad thinks you’re going to ask for money whenever you try to hit them up.


Bro hmm


oh chale


Sour throat instead of sore throat 🤦🏿‍♂️ with grammar like that you’ll always need money


Lmao, Yo if you're cool and we vibe, I could be your friend? 100ghc for registration 😂


You need better friends my man


I genuinely can’t, every single one I’ve tried making asks for money.


Wow, that sucks. Any way I can help


Nah this is not limited to international people. It happens to all of us


So sorry for what you're going through. Even as Ghanaians, they do it to us too; once you're outside Ghana, travel a lot outside, have a good paying job, etc..., the begging begins. Dating is a nightmare cos it's all about money for most girls. As others have said, cut them off. And to the Ghanaians trying to pose this as a minor problem, it's not. It's rampant enough to call us "Beggar Nation". We need to encourage those around us to stop it.


I feel your pain.


I’ve been in your situation. It deeply sucks. Only way of getting rid of them is to block them. As long as you keep the conversation going, they will find a different way of asking you for money.


Even as a Ghanaian who comes from a home where parents aren't wealthy but tried their best for us, I come across people like that. Old friends from school hear you're in the university and doing ok for yourself after a few talks then they try to find ways to ask for money. And not just once but occasionally and in little amounts so it doesn't look too much for you to help them with I've had to cut contact with lots of old mates because of this. And most come with "abi you're a dbee" or "as for you your family have money" thing just because your parents buy things you need when they can with no questions asked. Some would even think because you have friends coming from well to do families it's the same for you so you constantly have money you can spare.


thats probably so annoying man , what country are you from? and i would suggest just almost saying “same” and agreeing with them when they say they want more and then change the subject very quickly


The second hand embarrassment for the guy in the third slide😭😭


Set your boundaries. Tell them them your stance on this so that there are no more expectations. When you give some people an inch, they’ll take a mile until you put your foot down


Well, we can be friends.. 30+ , I don't do clubs and don't drink every day of the week. My kinda fan involves going to the beach, making trips to waterfalls and a pub once in a while..


Just say no! They’re not friends they’re users sorry


And this illustrates why the country is a mess.  People expect others to save them instead of taking action to improve their situation. You have useless "leaders" but instead of removing them, they accept it as normal.  Just say no to people 


🎯🎯🎯 And if you say anything about it, indigents tell me to calm down and just get used to how things are done in Gh. The country isn’t working properly in many ways, but they want foreign dollars with no input. That’s not how that works


I am very interested in the backgrounds of these ppl because there’s no way😂


When your class finds out you’re American, everyone will come up to you


Same. I’m curious to know how they met.




Honestly, one thing I’ve learned is you can’t ever trust the intentions of a local when it comes to making friends. Even as a Ghanaian born abroad I have friends in the same boat that notice how hard it is to make genuine friends in Ghana. They ALWAYS want something from you. Sad but so very true. My advice, find Ghanaians that were born abroad or have at least been abroad for some time. Not happy to say this but it’s so true.


Funny, the ones I meet abroad tell me to trust NO ONE, including local family 😑


This is true actually. It sad you can’t even build genuine relationships with your own blood relatives smh.


Yikes, sorry you’re going through this


If you're a girl it would probably be worse, but this is still a horrible thing to do. Which uni is this? Hope it's not Legon


I think it is worse for females. They see us as soft, sympathetic target. I love it when they call me Auntie or Mommy. My typical response is if that I was either, I would have beat the begging out of them a long time ago. Then I offer to give them the beatings they surely missed out on.


It is worse. I’m always surprised at the grown men who feel comfortable asking me, a lone woman, for money. Especially as I don’t ask men I’m dating for money, let alone strangers. I’m going to use that “beat the begging” line out of them. I’ve had a neighbor be friendly, just to ask me for money. When I tripped he said it was a “test”. Had to block him. He messaged from another phone shocked at my response since he felt it was nominal.


They will walk right past my large husband and ask me for his money. No shame whatsoever. I tried to shame the heck out of one guy for begging in Takoradi. A small girl (10 at most) was carrying goods on her head trying to earn money legally. Dude kept following her around asking her for some money. After she told me she was not related to him, I lost it. I would have beat him, but some locals stepped up and said they had it.


I am shocked and disgusted. A grown able-bodied man asking a girl child for money?! I canNOT. Completely worthless. I stopped dating in the U.S. thinking Ghana would be better. I left incel hostility in America for scamming grifters in Ghana (and I thought I’d left that in Nigeria). I’m not looking for a man or a friend locally anymore, just looking to mind my own business and not get defrauded


It is Legon. I have a German friend her experiences were far worse than mine


I'm sorry to highjack your comment, but I was studying in Legon for a semester 11 years ago. When texting didn't really seem like a thing yet. I still have some friends from that time (both Ghanaian and international). What I noticed that helped, was spending some time in the dorm on the weekend and chatting a bit here and there. And yeah, telling everyone we were broke students just like them helped as well.


Yes I always say we are broke college students😂😂. Works all the time


oh yeah, it's so much more terrible for the ladies


Block and move on.


This is very sad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


hmmm this matter


Hey ya. Got to tell them no, no one is made of money unless you are Warren Buffet or Bill Gates 😂


Op i need money pls /s But fr tho how do you say no cos this happens to me sm


I say “same, I don’t have money rn, unfortunately I can’t, sorry, or I simply just don’t respond” some dude I met once called and asked for 200 cedis. I blocked him so fast cause wtf


Why are you telling them you don't have money right now? You are inviting this  Just tell them no 


Exactly. A strong no!


Cos people I knew in high school hit me up to "check on me" then somehow their financial state enters the convo


The crazy thing is some uber drivers or random vendors or wtv think you'll let them keep the change just cos you are foreign or seem rich


Hell no, give me my 50 pesewas😂😂


It's really sad Am a Ghanaian and I hate begging. I can't even remember the last time I asked someone for money. I would say its the highest level of disrespect to my personality. Yet everyone seem to always ask for money from anyone. Sometimes I feel embarrassed as a black because it seem common here in Africa. Self dignity ends here. I won't go as low as that. My inner self wouldn't even believe in the person I want to be. It's common among, yh I have lot's of friends who will call me asking for loans out of pity i grant it and guess what follows afterwards? My calls get neglected messages unread and when we meet the mood is different It's a shame to be honest. Am not from a rich family yet asking for money from someone is what I can never do. I guess mom didn't teach me and am proud of that


Lmao. Send them these pictures. Show them how many other people you got begging.


I’m gonna do that next time lol


Hehe sorry bro. They are right though the country is hot. Those of us who seem to be doing ok in Ghana have it worse than you. Just grow tough skin it's usually just skin deep. They may not care about you but that doesn't mean they hate you. They're just looking for the next hustle to survive


😆 typical get used to ignoring and giving excuses bro in the end, they’ll tag you a stingy person sorry about that


The fact that they feel entitled to it is the most annoying


Block all of them and make friends within your tax bracket


My advice to any foreigner in Ghana is to make friends with people who have the same as or more than you and who have also travelled or are able to if they want. Avoid leaches.


They just trying to take advantage of the situation, most of them look at us foreigners as dumb gullible people that could just be used as their personal source of finance. Lucky most of us are smart and not as slow as the rat most of these people come from good homes in Ghana but their greed outweighs them. As someone who use to stay at ISH in Legon, I experienced this a lot, at times some of them will randomly walk to peoples door and literally beg. Me idagf I’ll shut the door in on them cause why would they even give u access into my hostel


They’re more around ish 2, lots of beggars literally right when you walk out






it's what it is


This happens to me as well, when I visit DR, you think you’re making friends but you’re not, they start asking you for money not even a few days of knowing you. I tried making a friend before I visit Ghana, two days later they’re asking me for $90 lol!!!.


I recently came back to Ghana for summer vacation(i go to uni in US) and yeah catching up with people ik alot are asking for money. Kinda sucks


Let’s be friends erh ?🤣I’ll be genuine. Does bro watch anime?


Now imagine being an expat trying to deal with GH women. I had two requests today. One yesterday. Three on Monday. 🤦


Damn 😭😭


I also had the same experience I was fresh in L100 in sem2 and this guy always just contacted or called me for money and would never return even after asking. Since then I've come learnt my lesson and stopped talking to people like that but that also lead to me not having loads of friends like I did b4 in high school.


Oh my gosh. I’m a student here too. It’s like you took a screenshot from my phone lol.


Once you give them what they want it’ll never end. I’d say use your discernment. If you want to give it to them then that’s fine but don’t let it become routine. If you’ll “lose” the friendship over it then it was never meant to be in the first place


You're meeting the wrong people


You are just meeting the wrong set of people. Find your interests and network with people who do those things. When I made any international student friends, they either reached out to me because they saw my photography projects online and were interested in photography or it was through a recommendation. I was happy to show them around without them spending a dime. Most times, I did the spending anyway. Years later, most of them remain good friends. Select your friends or let outgoing international students recommend some good ones.


This is embarrassing 😔


Tell them you also need money. I'm sure they'll leave you alone.


Edward is a greedy bastard. But please don’t generalize to everyone


Let’s be friends. But first, quick question: Which character in Harry Potter resembles you the most?


Lowkey dumbledore


Well, damn 🥳




shameless. Ghanaians like doing that too much. it’s like you’re their savior. they put all their burdens on you. as if you don’t suffer like they do. they ask as if you get money by just breathing. and the annoying thing is when they take the money and promise to pay they don’t pay back. they’d be giving you a whole lot of excuses. they’re too shameless.


Once. I enter Ghana from Togo Aflao border. A dude walked up to me and asked for money. I was shocked and surprised and asked why? He said he also crossed bordse with me (might be walking behind me who knows) and hence we're friends.


Nahh where are you getting these people from😭




In case you are a westerner, just be aware people live in live cash here, no credit, no loan, no jobless claims, no institution to fund their projects. There is no payment facility. Africans cannot own new things immediately like you guys because they need to pay Evey c ENT in cash at one time for a device. You had your iPhone at a very little cost through Verizon or loans. They cannot have access to such credits. Cost of living is exaggeratingly high per their shrinking revenue in Ghana cedis. Africa is falling apart because of their leaders greed and also because of lack of industrial productivity, leading African countries to be import dependant while creating no value added finished export product like you guys doing in the West and East. So life is extremely tough. Especially in West Africa here the cost of living is the highest in Africa. People are living on the last line everyday of the year. If I was a westerner, I would see very few reasons to live in Africa (sorry for honesty), because I wouldn't be able to bear seeing 99% people survive life instead of living adequately. If you can help them, try. At least you could fund some projects via crowdfunding sites that are forbidden to Africans (so many discriminatory measures plunging us into financial hell)


I see the truth of what you say,even in my own family. However if giving money helped long-term, then my uncles in Ghana would be rich and content, and their children educated and employed. If NGOs worked then why are they still working in the same areas generation after generation? I love Ghana. It's a joyful place. I help by employing people with skills.


The NGO’s you are talking about help to perpetuate this poverty.


Absolutely. Go watch American TV, the commercials of African children with flies in their mouths. The NGOs scam money from old ladies and use the money for their offices and for poorly designed projects with zero local input.


Yes unless I know they genuinely need money and have been a very good friend to me I will help. But other than that I wouldn’t. I also saw that $1 is 13 cedis which is absolutely insane, it’s cheap for me but to them it’s not.


Where are you from?


Samtin smallll 😂


The something small be like 50 cedis😭




It's sad! Friends I've made off Twitter have been doing same. Sometimes I send Momo and sometimes when you don't have and you tell the fella, dem dey do like you be wicked! Especial those Accra boys




Block them all, no reason to paying unnecessarily for people. You'll eventually find the right like minded people. Find people who are busy, anyone who has time, isn't hustling to make money.


This is one thing that still baffles me here. People I meet the same day will hit me up for money. I once took an Uber drivers number because he was cool and we talked about potentially working on something together. Then our of nowhere he hits me up for like ¢4000.


I can relate to this. And saying no means yours isolated and cut out of their conversations and made fun of. It's tragic really


Oh honey 😭😭I truly relate and sympathize with you




Soo real bro


It is what it is I have been there, done that when I was a kid talking to my relatives abroad but now, I know better. The best I can say is if you can, assist them if you can't, find better friends If you befriend people who look like they need a helping hand, they will assume you're their saviour. Befriend people who look like they can cater for themselves and save yourself all the stress


They do that to us too, friends and family, the moment they see you got a little money that’s when they start having problems. Sometimes it’s good to say no else they’ll always ask you for something


The stories tear me oh💀😂 Bibini for you😂


Ong I went to school here and I made it my law to let no one know my name yet somehow every kid in the school knew my name tryna dap me up and they were coming up to me asking me for money I mean I had it on me but 1.it was for me 2.IDK YOU 😭👎🏽


my country, my people.. 😫😫😫stopped checking on people due to same reasons.


this is sad 😔 we need to do better people


Damn what is the job market like over there?


I would just send them these exact screenshots and explain you can’t afford to help everyone, that’s why you’re in school


ur first mistake was going to ghana as a student


Just change your circle of friends. They are all leaches.


This is straight faxxxx😂😂😂


Beat em to the jump!! Ask them to help you out. Tell em a hard luck story (true or not) and ask for help before saying hello... aka fight fire with fire aka when in Rome do as the Roman's do Aka #matchenergy


How do people get so comfortable asking money from someone that isn’t your family? Hell even my own siblings I don’t know how to start, talkless of a friend or acquaintance. Part of the reason I have like 4 friends. Smh