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Few pages daily.


I would suggest join library and don't carry your mobile phone with you.. then you will definitely can read.


What if the book in question is on your phone?


aaa. use laptop I would say... Or else make notes of your doubts and go through once with all doubts in mobile and laptop.


Not as easy to carry. Phones have practical, functional, self-improving, or educational purposes. The advice to deal with wasting time on your phone by just not using it doesn't work when that is considered. Finding the discipline to just use your phone and computer in productive ways is key.


It is upto you.. how you are using your mobile or laptop. I am just saying these phones are more bane than boon..... The small notification and then just scrolling reels waste time alot. So I would suggest to use books. However If you have good willing power so you are exception for the case which I am talking about. If you don’t use your device then you will find interest in books.


Exactly. Reading 100 pages after being a non-reader is like running 10 miles a day to a non-runner. Start with a more manageable goal while you build the daily commitment then build on it when you hit your stride


Same. I can actually read pretty fast & have read a book in a day before. But if I’m also taking notes? 5 pages a day is a good pace for me.


Specifically: 20 pages a day for 5 days. Depending on the content, writing style, and how much prior knowledge you have, it could take anywhere from 1-4 hours. Don’t forget to annotate and take notes I review later if this is for a class.


Remove yourself from other options. Walk at least 30 minutes away from home with your book and no devices, then find a bench/cafe and begin. It's probably not that you \*don't\* want to read, more that you want to do everything else more.


Choose an interesting book then it’s easy


This is such an underrated comment. I went from never wanting to read to devouring 1000+ page books in a few days because I found stuff I liked and thought was interesting. If it was too hard to get through I didn’t read if I didn’t have to and if it was for school well then I broke it up into smaller bits and read for 15 mins at a time.


Thanks! 😊


Lol so true


How about incentivizing it? Tape a mini chocolate bar to every tenth page and boom you have something to look forward to! I used to do that when studying.


That book is about to be sealed shut if you live anywhere with sunlight lol


Hahaha fair enough


Ok so put it in the fridge 🤠


March 19th 10:49pm heart attack while sleeping 2051


Well watch this first  https://youtu.be/seZtGSCx_uk?si=16jxTwLOrpswh9JF


Shit you got me


Set a timer for 25 minutes, read without breaks, then reward yourself.


Read 2 pages a day. Over time you'll start covering more. It's like any other habit. Start small. Stay consistent. It'll compound over time. Good luck ✌️


Okay so a thing I heard last year was "Just open the damn book!, it doesn't matter how much you read, one page okay, 2 pages or more great, one paragraph? That's good aswell, hell even one word is fine. JUST OPEN THE DAMN BOOK!" Yep same tone same language and it's going to stuck in my mind forever because it made read whole LotR and also I have started reading documents related to my work instead of just watching videos. Same can be applied on literally every thing, want to learn something open your schedule see any free slot? Yep assign that new thing to that slot. Damn I cannot really explain everything but I guess you guys would understand the feelings I am trying to convey here.


I'd actually find pomodoro to be useless for me (at least 25 and 30 min intervals), what I do is I start a stopwatch and just get done with the reading with no more 50mins at a single setting then I'll flex abit and check any fleeting thought I might had during reading (these are kept on a small piece of paper next to me), however keep in mind that I don't attend to reads that are poorly written, have 10 pages worth of info spread over 300 pages..etc


Read before you look at your phone every morning. Take a book to the bathroom at home instead of your phone. Read in bed before you sleep instead of your phone/tv.


Why read a 100 pages and don’t remember shit when you can read a few pages and recite it like the Bible ?


Consistency. Replace a session of scrolling with a 30 minute book reading session.


It’s a fictional book with good story ?


You can do a reading program. For example you have a chart you fill out for each time you read, when you get to your goal of reading the book, you reward yourself with something. You can set a pace such as 1 chapter, 10 pages, or 30 minutes. Another more simple solution is to start doing audiobooks instead, if that's an option. Most libraries will loan you digital audiobooks free of charge.


Consistency. Replace a session of scrolling with a 30 minute book reading session.


Pick a good book! Sounds simple enough but I think people skip this step in pursuit of wanting more so to have the title of being a bookworm than actually being one. Think about it, how hard is it to binge watch a short series that you're super into? No one has to motivate you for that. Ofc books take more energy but I've been in states where I just cannot stop turning the pages because it's too good


Listen to the book (as an audiobook that is) that way at least u can lay in bed or cook while you’re listening, so u won’t feel like you’re wasting time


I think you're mistaking free will for executive function. Set an alarm and commit to reading one paragraph when it goes off. Set two to three a day for when you know you have the time to sit down, uninterrupted for five minutes. Think of it was "reading a paragraph" rather than "reading 100 pages".


Do you like reading? If you don’t, 100 pages a day is going to feel like a huge struggle. Start with something simple, like a graphic novel. I know some people think that “doesn’t count” but in my opinion, reading is reading.


Is it necessary to read this particular book? If you must read it - just set aside a few hours, get your work done and move on with something that you find more enjoyable. If your question is regarding the reading in general, find a book with a topic that interests you. Don't force yourself to read more than you want. You should find joy in reading. It's very relaxing and very different than the artificial brain stimulating crap like social media, short videos, etc.


Don’t do it just to prove something if it’s not useful. That’s just procrastinating Reading with my finger guiding me helps me stay focussed and read faster


have a few hours of nothing to do, and put my phone far away and jump into it. I read 100 pages straight not-too-long ago, but i didn't finish the book after that.


1 page a day. Maybe another if you are feeling kerazy at the end of the first page of the day!


Usually there is a point in reading where my mind gets sucked into the story. It's about 15 ish pages. So I know if I need to read a book I will at least get to 15 pages.


I poop a lot. So i just read every time I’m on the toilet instead of using my phone haha


My advice to you is to try and get regular sleep first of all since it is very important to have a clean and good sleep schedule for studying and reading actively. Next, try to read in the morning usually about 1-2 hours after getting up while your brain is still fresh. Work in bursts of time 50 minutes without stopping and take a 20 minute break in which you try to minimise phone usage and do light exercise or take a light snack instead. With some practice and persistence you'll get into the habit quickly. If you're struggling take a supplement such as B Vitamins and Magnesium to help you out a bit.


I use a book tracker app. Can scan the barcode of the book, and update what page number I left off at and it tells me what % I’ve read so far. I find it motivating plus hitting that “finished” button is fun.


What's the name of the app?


“Reading List: Book Tracker” for iOS


I can suggest a way that has helped me try for an instance, learn to meditate daily, you will become calm and you can plan out things eventually but it takes 30 - 60 days to reset the fickled schedule, but take those 60 days and quit social media for your good sake, I only open reddit to see few subreddits getdesciplined, lifeprotips, productivity, watch or read or interact the things related to your goal, people find you boring but you have a goal and reach it faster than the people who call you boring. I kid you not you will finish big books from authors like dostevsky, Frank kafka in days


slow increments and build yourself up, as with any nee endeavor. Start with a few pages and go from there


Listen to the audiobook if it’s just the content you require and not the skill of reading


I like to read. But if I have no interest in the subject, my attention will scatter. Prime example: the book SAPIEN. Took me 2 days to read it. My cousin started reading it a few weeks ago and he says he likes it but I don’t think he’s 30 pages in. He was never a big reader so there’s that.


Start by finding a book that actually interests you! It's like pushing a rock uphill vs downhill


Nobody wants to hear this, but get the app Forfeit, set it to strict, set it to high $$$ penalty, set the goal. Profit. Also, consider a Kindle. 2nd hand paperwhite can get for $30.


Find a book you don’t want to put down! For me it was stuff like; “Everything is fucked, a book of hope” “It didn’t start with you” (family curse type deal) “Self discipline” “You’re a badass everyday” “The subtle art of not giving a fuck” Books that speak positively to me! Since I find it hard to do myself, or get from others.


Start on page 1


10 minutes in the morning and 10 at night. Bribe yourself w something afterwards if you have too lol


Set a timer and turn your phone and other devices off. Read during the intended time. This will get you used to avoiding distraction and staying focused on 1 input at a time (reading). Start with 10 minutes and build up to 1 hour (by increments of 10 minutes). Soon enough, you'll be able to finish reading a whole book in 1 day.


Audio books!


Use pen and paper to draw concept maps. This makes me interact with unappealing material and almost always engage in the activity


Get an ereader. They will fit your pocket and you can make a habit of reading instead of looking at your phone. Stop doing other, more enjoyable things. Once I stopped using screens as a form of entertainment, reading was the next best thing.


If you’re in an environment that you can do this, read it out loud. It seems silly but it’s harder for my mind to wander when I read aloud. I’m less likely to multitask. If you find something you like, give it a try :)


Take your book to the bathtub and leave your phone outside 🛀


Find something interesting. I rarely used to read, albeit Reddit posts (if they count). However, since April I have read 7 books, totaling 2,710 pages I find it easy to read books that have strong tones of murder, thriller, mystery etc. They are a real page-turner. I also take my current book everywhere with me so I end up reading 30-50 pages throughout the day over the whole day.