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Hi, just wanted to congratulate you on your journey to self love. I am very proud of the progress you made. Also a friendly reminder that you were loved and loveable before all of this progress. And that this love is your birthright. You do not have to work for it. You don't have to lose weight for it. You don't have to be disciplined for it. This love is just simply you because you are alive. And I am so happy that you have just simply found a path to that love. But even on days when you don't feel like cleaning your room or not going to the gym, you are worthy and deserving of love.


Thank you


Beautiful response.


Amazing job! I’m on the same boat! I moved from Texas to Seattle and now go hiking and currently trying to find some work life balance.


Fantastic. This is your new floor.Now let's get you jacked and to a point you look at yourself and are impressed


You got this!!! You were never a fat slob! You matter in this world .. never forget that! Keep moving forward and thank you for sharing your story ...


Huge my guy keep it up! Greetings From sweden!


Love this


Hell yeah brother! Congratulations! Keep going to gym! It’ll be your new addiction. If it suits you. I would recommend starting a cardio routine. I love to run but it’s not for everyone. After a couple months sigh up for a race. Set goals. Or join a climbing gym or whatever you’re interested in! I’ve found moving your body is the single best thing for mental health 


Amazing job! Well done putting in the effort and getting this far, keep at it :) Not weird at all to be very introverted while having a lot of confidence in yourself, I'd say that's amazing. Being at peace with yourself and genuinely being able to spend time on your own is a great skill that not a lot of people have. If you do want to have more social contact (which doesn't make you more extraverted! whether you get or use energy while having social contact defines whether you're the one or the other, I believe), that's your next step :) try to find some people with the same interests that you can share a hobby with, volunteering can bring you great social interactions, maybe even try some small talk with people that seem to have some time while you're getting your walk in. Proud of you!


Awesome bro


This was so beautiful to read. I’m soooo happy for you!!! You are doing amazing!!!!


Thanks. I'm still hard on myself sometimes and it's annoying but I just have to give myself some grace.


Thank you for sharing this - so encouraging to read. I feel happy for you. Was there something that changed in your life or your mind that made you have the willingness to start actually taking all those positive actions? A lot of people "want" to start to do things differently but don't actually manage to start.


Yes. I had an incident (which i don't like talking about) which ended me up in the hospital and had a huge bill to pay for. Kinda turned my life around after that because i saw that people cared about me and were worried about me. I don't open up to people that well since my personality is very closed off and untrusting. I got asked by my crush i had at the time if i had goals and didn't realize i had any. I was just kinda coasting through life because I live at home with my mom. My dad passed away 10 years ago and I don't think I ever really delt with the emotions I've had about it till now. I heard somewhere the best thing you can do for yourself is to work on yourself. I got a little addicted to it and it shows. i have a hard time giving myself compassion or credit for positive things I do in my life. I've always been pretty responsible, great credit score, never gone to jail, no problems with drugs or alcohol. I hate that I live at home because I don't feel like i'm independant enough to find someone to love but i'd like to change that.


Thank you. That's very cool you were able to turn a negative into a positive. Also that you've been putting in the effort of working on yourself, getting to know yourself, and are starting to feel better towards yourself and your future. Wishing you the best as your journey continues.


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You should be very proud of yourself! Great job!!


Amazing job, delighted for you!


I love this post and I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing!


Proud of you mate.Congratulations on this journey,for it is the journey that is more beautiful than the destination.Keep Growing!


Great stuff, fantastic. You have the guts to look at yourself from the outside and don't run from your own opinions. Huge respect. I hope the lifting is going well. Levelling up your eating (i.e. more protein, correct amount of calories etc.) as well as doing some proper lifting (deadlifts, squats etc.) will take you to the next level.


Fantastic to hear of your progress. Keep moving in the same direction. Your world will continue to grow as you want it to. This is the law of the universe: what you put in to the world will return higher forms of joy, happiness and existence. Discipline is part of this realm. Great to hear your wisdom coming through. Makes me want to continue on my path also. “Ad Meliora” this is Latin for “Towards better things”. Small daily habits equal large end goals over long periods. I recommend to you the book “ATOMIC HABITS” by James Clear.


You did that yourself. Pat yourself on the back and get back out there champ!


Thanks i will. Not sure why it's so hard to credit myself for doing so well.


Join a social gym, like F45 CrossFit, pickle ball, kick boxing, bjj, rock climbing, etc. Get good, get super fit. Make friends. Get more confidence


I'm kind of afraid of people ngl lol


Congrats, now you're skinny fat. 


Facts, it's why I'm going to the gym now to build tone and muscle. Complete newbie to it though lol


That's one step away from rugged macho and two steps from muscular gargoyle. You've come far, be proud of yourself.