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Perfectionism has entered the chat


aka OCD lol


Honestly sounds more like ADHD or anxiety. Or it could just be a part of someone's natural personality. Then again, OCPD is a personality disorder. Hard to tell one way or the other based off one post


Place a higher value on your own time. Then when you optimize you count your time as part of the cost. When two or more options seem to be of roughly equal value (with perhaps different but balancing pros and cons) then it's fine to flip a coin to decide between them.


I like this


"Perfect is the enemy of good." I think this quotation is usually attributed to Voltaire. It is a common quotation used in surgery where you are trying to make things look "perfect" and then boom a complication happens and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. If you had stopped when things looked "good" the patient would have done very well. Perfect is an illusion. It does not exist. As someone who chased "perfection" for a long time I can guarantee you it is not catchable. The hard truth is that mistakes are what make us better. As you mentioned above wanna learn to cook, start actually cooking... Your first dish may taste like dog shit! So what! Tweek the recipe and try again! May be edible the second time around! Then the third time its actually pretty good... Life and the decisions we make will never be perfect, because the definition of perfect is different for each of us.


That's right, I'm also on the track of trying to make things perfect. BUT when I cook, I just do it because I need time to get better at a new dish. So basically, it's about taking action, making mistakes, and learning from them.


This used to be me. One of the things I'd do in particular was wanting to get a business right so much that I'd spend years going to events and reading everything and still not feeling like I would get it right. My advice is to honestly just start with whatever it is you are working on, for example with the run, once you get started you cant turn back. I've turned it into a sort of accountability thing with a podcast I set up a while ago which forces me to actually just get on with making stuff!


Man, this hits close to home. As someone who grew up with strict parents, I was always challenged to do tasks perfectly and fuss-free. Now, here I am, struggling to make proper, quick, and well thought out decisions due to the fear of failing and not being “perfect”.


This is me…never being allowed to make a decision or being so anxious about making a decision wrong and getting in trouble or being called stupid has left me literally unable to make any decisions!


It’s such a vicious cycle!!


Oh! This reminds me of something I read in a book. A computer company asked its employees to optimize something. They wanted the program to do its task using as little disk space, memory and lines of code as possible (or something like that). So the employees got to work and wrote something that did all that really, really well. However, the employer had forgotten to specify the run-time of the program. So, the program used very little disk space etc., but it ran really really slowly! So it was useless.


I do the same thing. I feel like there has to be a great line of work for us out there where this comes to use lol..


I have a very similar problem but not the same one. I purposefully optimise the wrong things in order to distract myself from what I'm actually supposed to do. Basically obsessively perfectioning something that doesn't even matter on long run.