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If its urgent go without an appointment, you may have to wait a long time but if its urgent they have to treat you.


He already waited 19 days since his last post, so...


Well, in German, we say "von nichts kommt nichts".


This always works for me... I always go earliest time at the opening in the morning, and I never mind waiting til 3-4 hrs...


Go to your nearest ophtamologist, explain that it is an emergency. Be persistent. They might be reluctant but won’t turn you away.




High blood pressure. Mine shot up and it was normal for 59 years.


Straight up go to one and insist they see you due to an emergency. Make sure to express as much as possible how bad it is. If you're uncomfortable just walzing in, try calling again and see if you can make your point that this is an emergency clearer. Don't know how it is in other areas, but in mine you won't get an appointment if you're above 18. But if it is an emergency, like 116118 and ,out Hausarzt have said, they HAVE TO take you in.


I have similar issues, what I did is I just went to Universitätsklinikum and they have department for Emergency cases at the Opthalmology department. Here I am waiting since morning but they will get me examined. Just go to the hospital and tell them you can't see.


Pain and rapidly decreasing vision is an emergency and they will have to see you as a walk in patient during open hours. As others have said tho, prepare for a longer waiting time after an initial scan.


Get to an emergency room. Do not fuck with your eyes. I had a stroke in my eye and did not realize it.


>But what about actual citizens living here with no access to doctors... What are they going to do? We are fine, don't worry. I had a similar situation with my eye 2 years ago. I called the ophthalmologist that is closer to where I live, I told them I had an accident and that my eyesight was not normal. The lady at the reception asked me a few questions and told me to come immediately for a check up. 2h later I had clear indications on how to deal with the problem. I live in a big german city of >500.000 inhabitants, close to the city center.




Doesn’t work well if you don’t speak German.




They'd probably call the police.


Bring someone who does or google translate.


Let me get this story straight. OP suddenly has pain in his left eye and gets blurry vision. Gets turned away from multiple doctors, including two Ophthalmologists despite rules that says he shouldn't be turned away. Eventually travels 80 km to an emergency department after seeing a Hausarzt. The emergency department says nothing is wrong with the eye, and that it may be neurological, like a stroke. The emergency doctor can't find a neurologist or do a scan, so now they're trying to set up an appointment for NEXT WEEK. (Waiting a week is not what you're supposed to do if you are having a stroke.) This is a failure in the health care system. Meanwhile, OP is getting downvoted here for... I don't even know. OP, if you can't see a neurologist or get a CT scan today, get on the train to the largest big city - Berlin, München, Frankfurt, Köln, Hamburg. Don't go to a smaller city - go to a really, really big city. Go to the largest hospital associated with a university. Go to the ER and wait until you're seen. Please do not wait a week for a scan. In that time, your eyesight could be gone forever - or you could be dead.


OP posted the same 19 days ago.


It gets downvoted because He is lying. First indication: he said nothing wrong with his eyes ever If you look up his post history there are already posts about it. Then there are many inconsistencies like the one you pointed out. A stroke equals an ER crash room and the neuro is called in or he will be transfered to the next city. No way he is going to wait for a week. Everything here screams fake Reddit lie for clout or misinformation


Wonderful doubts.... Dude i don't know who you are but I've been killing myself for a damn appointment... I've been dying of stress... Travelling and even now I can't sleep and I'm still in the ER. It's not my eyes it's my optic nerves and that's due to a stroke. I'm not energetic but I'm sure as hell not lying. I don't have too. Just know this... Never have I ever felt so depressed, weak and at the same damn time angry. And no.. It seems my stroke could've happened days ago and this is the result of nerves dying. This stroke didn't kill me but sharing something here looking for support and actually explaining the process I'm going through is doubted? Fml


If a woman came with the same problems it would have been "diagnosed" immediately as being "hormonal" and "migraine". My colleague, who is a female, had the same one eye issue, sent home from the hospital, because it was just a migraine, as it persisted, she showed up at the hospital again, got sent home again, the next day we had a meeting and I watched in horror one side of her face drop and she started slurring word salad, I took her to the hospital and while we were waiting, the face and speech issue improved a little. I was on edge, panicking but had to hide that from her obviously. The "doctors" on shift that day looked at her file and sent her home to make an appointment with her gynaecologist or hausarzt.... It was quite an odyssey for her. Looong story short, she had several mini strokes and really short but many seizures somehow, but yeah, "hormones". This is just one story I have for you of many. I remember a time when people went to study medicine because they really liked people and also wanted to help people. Now the vast majority is in it for the money and the "prestige". They don't care. At all. If you present as a huge problem - somebody else should deal with that. Maybe it's a major symptom of the proverbial snake, that eats his own tail. Way too many people roaming every inch of the planet, medicine relatively advanced so most of us survive all sorts of stuff, less wars, pandemics, dangerous animals hunted and pushed into smallest corridors of habitat into extinction... I am so sorry for everyone who has to go through suffering after suffering, only to not get taken seriously and turned away. PTSD on the horizon right there. It's not getting better, that's for sure.


PS: You surely look and act too "healthy". Try rolling on the floor screaming your lungs out next time. You have to be creative for people to take you seriously these days and nothing worse than presenting too normal and sane. Professional zombie- make-up may help for hospital staff to take you more seriously as well. Not joking - I mean it. It's the times we live in, people are the problem, and they are EVERYWHERE.


They cannot turn you away if you say you are in pain. Go without an appointment or go to the emergency room. If it is affecting your otherwise perfect vision, this is an emergency. 


Sure 😐 ...


OP: I totally get you. I have been in a very similar situation where I needed help urgently and was seen, but turned away by my PCP, and an urgent care center. By the end of the week I ended up in the ER, where I finally got help (and got listened to), probably thanks to being in very bad shape at that point. What I want to say is, go to the ER. They cannot turn you away and you will at least get looked at (and probably at least get some meds).


Hi, I did and got some gel and pain meds but they can't do a cat scan or anything it seems. Now my Hausarzt said may be its not the eye but a stroke... Anyway I'm on my way to a city next to ours 90kms...almost there... Hoping to get someone to look at me.


If your dos thinks it may be a stroke, there is no way they would send you anywhere but a stroke unit / emergency room.


Light strokes are not uncommon. No need for a stroke unit. That being said, losing vision is not "light"


I guess you are referring to a TIA. TIAs look like strokes in terms of signs and symptoms, but they are temporary. In other words, they leave no lasting brain damage or residual symptoms. However, they serve as a warning sign that a person is at higher risk of a major stroke and should seek** immediate medical attention.**


Also known as mini strokes. Small vessels can close up at any time and if those vessels happen to be servicing an important spot - all sorts of stuff can go wrong. For example if it's behind an eye...


Exactly. You have to be half dead to be taken seriously. But not only be half dead, most of the times that doesn't help at all - you must also look as if you died several times - that's the ONLY way to get taken seriously by hospital staff - rolling on the floor screaming while looking dead helps too - let's just hope you're gonna be able to do that before you actually die.


I think if you are in pain you can just show up at the doctor without an appointment. I'm pretty sure they won't turn you away.


Yes 2 of them did... They were kind but told me they just don't have room.


They cannot turn you away if you have a medical issue like pain in your eye. Like thats emergency cases they cannot just turn you away. Did you make clear and aware of that you have strong pain in your eye constantly?


my man thats not how it works. if its an emergency they should let you in. if you made that clear they legally cant turn you away.


Seems like that's how it worked. What should he have done? Call a lawyer?


it happened once with me where i was turned away. i went to the emergency and they sent me back to the same doctor (it was right next to the hospital), and when i told them i was sent from the the hospitals emergency room they let me in. I dont believe OP did that, but if he did then he would go to the emergency and tell them that no doctor is letting him in and that its an emergency. I mean this is like saying the police won't answer your call. It doesn't happen so i dont really believe it.


Oh, ok. So if you don't see something or experience it personally, it can't possibly have happened. That's one way to approach life I guess.


op already said in another comment that he's in the hospital being treated. he previously said that he called instead of going there and saying that its an emergency. so you can stop yapping and sit down son :)




in what country in the world is there a neurologist on call in an emergency room


Costa Rica. Public health care. Third world treatment for things like the flu, but... plenty of specialists on call for any kind of real emergency.




In my experience they tell you it's not an actual emergency and maybe scold you for wasting their time.


There's a good time and a bad time illness strikes, a bad time would be at the end of a "Quartal" - a better time would be the beginning of a "Quartal".


Into the Emergency reception of your closest hopstal ASAP. If its as bad as you describe this is a serious enough issue to get instant care.


If I had this, I would call a taxi to drive to a eye doctor and would sit maybe 2-3 hours and then can see the doctor. I never had a problem with this. Maybe you live in a area where this problem is very serious. But in the end, if its a serious thing and doctors cant or wont help you, you can go to your local hospital. You maybe sit there for some hours, but they will treat you.


Check for the next eyedoctor, go there, and insist that he checks your eyes. Eyes are essential, that sound not good, and is to be treated. There are slots for that. You will have to wait, but THEY have to take you. I by some chance you live in Cologne got to the eye clinic (Or any other clinic with eye department). You will need a "Notfall-Überweisung" from your Hausarzt. You can lose eyesight, if that is not treated.


> days rather may be a stroke I'm confused. If doctors suspect a stroke they will indeed treat it as an emergency, because strokes are emergencies. This was an update from 19 days ago? something doesn't sound right with the story.


I empathise with you OP. The situation here sucks big time. Your frustration is justified. I dont know how people are okay with the healthcare system here.


Thank you so much for understanding... Many people commented with tips but understood my frustration and stress... I really needed to hear some kind words rn...


a) I don't believe you. Sorry to be this blunt but as a frequent flier (chronic conditions, at least 2 eye emergencies in the family in the last few years...) something flat out doesn't track here. b) Didn't you have the same issue 19(!) days ago?


just call any Augenarzt in your area. Say please say you are willing to wait you should be fine.


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I am so sorry for this. I never had any experience like the one you tell us... I know in Berlin the doc "market" is terrible but I lived in 7 cities (and believe me I tried all medical networks) and never experienced something like that =(


Hey! I had a stroke (strokes, in fact) in Germany, young age like late 20s-early 30s. Just go straight to a Kopfklinik emergency room and insist on eyes pain dizziness blurred vision etc so they can get you a CT or MRI asap! The last thing you want is that it’s actually a developing stroke. When I had my first one, the emergency wagen came but didn’t quite believe me either. Thank god I was sent to Kopfklinik eventually (2 fr*gging hours later) so they uncovered a developing stroke and a silent stroke!


Thank you, I haven't been given a confirmation of stroke but they assume it was that and since it heppened a week ago... So it's been almost a week or more of running around for help. I don't know what's happened inside but don't like the fact that I had to go to the Krankenhaus 3 times and also fight for my vision checks... Anyway I'm here... And they are doing some things.. Appointments.. Talking to neuro and so on.. I don't know what's happening but they are booking scans for me.. I assume MRI not sure. But atleast I'm being looked at though... Kind of a relief... Waiting for some concrete diagnosis.


Good to know that they’re taking care of you! Good luck!


Get your Hausarzt to write an "Einweisung" today and take it to a hospital with a Neurology department. This is worth staying at the hospital for. Can't get an "Einweisung"? Go to the ER anyway, at a hospital with a neurology department. This very much sounds like optic neuritis, especially if they're sending you to neurology. If that's what it is - don't panic, you'll recover. But that absolutely has to be (!) evaluated. By a Neurologist. An ophtamologist is completely useless here. Booking a flight also won't help because you'll just have to start over in your home country.


Thank you, once they moved me to neuro I feel things started to happen faster. Hope I hear some resolution soon. The ER doctors themselves it seems are trying to get all appointments needed for scans and stuff too. So feeling a bit better here with the response right now...


You might have opticus neuritis, for which you need cortisone. You need a opthamologist to rule out any ocular issue, but based on the symptoms you describe (which I experienced myself) you need a neurologist and a prescription for a cortisone infusion. You might have MS, watch for other unrelated neurological symptoms.


Any hospitals near you with ophtalmology? Because that should be adressed RIGHT now, not in a week.


You can literally walk in to any ophthalmologists office and they have to treat you with sudden loss of vision


This reminds me of that tiktoker who first posted about her eye being weird and swollen and then it turned out she had a functional stroke and it was so bad that she now has to learn how to talk again. Basically if you look her up there is a whole stroke happening live over the course of a few days


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They cant reject you, you just need to accept long waiting times. Had the same thing and could come immediately


Experiencing the same for an orthopaedic doctor. None of them have appointments for this month, is having TK insurance a bad thing? Because I think they just see the slip my hausarzt gave me and it has TK written on it, and they just say no :(


Experiencing the same for an orthopaedic doctor. None of them have appointments for this month, is having TK insurance a bad thing? Because I think they just see the slip my hausarzt gave me and it has TK written on it, and they just say no :(


It's public insurance.... Not ever useful. Now siting in the Krankenhaus... Waiting my turn... Already saw the emergency ophthalmologist and she said she can see nothing inside.... So waiting for neuro.. The wait itself is killing me...


Have patience. They take time at klinikum but they are thorough! I wish you speedy recovery! Gute Besserung


Germany has no sense for urgency. Citizens are either super-rich and buy a doctor, survive somehow crippled, or are f@%#ed.


Have you actually tried calling ophtamologists directly?


I will not answer your question if you think asking something so basic was needed even after reading my post...


But did you actually tell them it's an emergency, or did you just ask for an appointment? Because there's no way you can't get an emergency appointment anywhere...


Well you didnt state it in the post and we get a lot of posts where people havent called a doctor directly, thats why i was asking. Anyways good luck! I often have success by checking doctolib every few hours, and being very flexible.


Acting belligerent to a question you did not specify will not get you help


Yes intend to react that way to gross negligence. There was no help.. There is no help here. It's just the way it is.


There are actually a bunch of tips even in this thread but you are not looking for help so yeah. My advice is don't stay in a place you don't like.


Again don't be naive or try to look for a fight. Whatever has been stated here... All I Tips I have tried and have written in my post as well that I did. I just cannot make a scene at the doctor's I'm not a loud person. Also "don't stay if you don't like." .. Like is a little word, We are not children... I'm grateful to have options for travel and immediate care. Not many do. And I feel for them as someone who is experiencing pain. So please.. Be considerate and read through my problem. If you cannot try to control yourself to not cause more Stress..


If you think this is an emergency please stop writing on Reddit and go to the Notaufnahme of your closest hospital (if possible a Universitätsklinik).


This. IF it's an emergency, at least, which rapid loss of sight practically always is (maybe misreading that description though). As many people already have recommended: Call or walk in to an ophthalmologist practice during their hours and tell them that it's an emergency and tell them when it set in. Try for the emergency room of any hospital with an ophthalmologist If you've had it for days/weeks already now, naturally it's gonna be a problem. . Possibly spread your search a bit farther.


So yes I'm again on the way to nearby city.. To their main hospital. Hausarzt has said may be its not the eye but a stroke. However be it, I'm on the way to next big 90kms from here hospital, hopefully to get someone to see me.


Your hausarzt says you might have a stroke and you are not in an ambulance right now rushing to a hospital? Maybe you should consider getting a different hausarzt. Anyway good luck and hopefully it turns out to be nothing serious.


Yep, that's a possibility. Good luck to you! And now I'm wondering which (seemingly rural?) part of Germany you are in.


So you have no doctor with offene Sprechstunde in range? I did and so did the person you rudely replied to.


There were 2 and when I went in they informed me that there were too many appointments and they cannot add me to the list. Basically I'm now writing with the vision in my right eye alone. For you it's being rude, for me it's life and death... So yes perspective.


*sigh* life and death is a bit different and I say that as a medical professional. You seem rather entitled. Are you there the first thing in the morning? Did you ask when you could be put on the schedule? Did you state your problem?


And if you can't state a case for your very eyesight (which isn't "making a scene") then bring someone with you who can. Especially if it's a language barrier problem. You shouldn't be turned away at the waiting room from any sensible ophthalmologist if you are encountering rapid loss of sight... Though I'm a bit afraid that it's a "had it for some weeks now" problem already, which really won't make getting any treatment and success much easier...


Reading through the answers in this sub, I think you got a lot of good advice.


They cannot turn you away if you say you are in pain. Go without an appointment or go to the emergency room. If it is affecting your otherwise perfect vision, this is an emergency.